200 research outputs found

    Central Sensitization in the Bladder Pain Syndrome

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    Introduction: Nociceptive hyper-excitability and Central Sensitization (CS), have been identified as responsible for maintaining pain in several chronic neuropathic pain conditions, among which Bladder pain syndrome (BPS). Aim of the present study was to evaluate in patients with BPS the correlation between CS and the following items pain duration, the number of other CS related diseases, the number of tried treatments for pain and of diagnostic investigations before the proper diagnosis and to identify the cut-off value of the pain delays for predicting the worsening of sensitization. Method: Fifty-eight consecutively BPS outpatients were recruited from 2014 to 2016. They were submitted to Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI), Overactive Bladder Questionnaire (OAB-8v) and visual analogic scale (VAS) for pain. We used a descriptive analysis (mean, standard deviation, range) and Spearman and Kendall test coefficient as correlation index. One-way ANOVA test was used for the comparison between groups. P-value less than 0.05 were required for statistical significance. We used receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis to retrospectively analyze the association between the years of the disease and pathological values o of CSI. Results: The patients were observed after 13.1 + 11.0 years by the onset of The CSI score was 69.7+15.8. Resulting significantly lower in patients with BPS onset in the last year the correlation between CSI and the disease duration was significant. The number of previous investigations was 3.7 + 2.8while the number of previous treatments for chronic pain was 5.9 + 3.1, resulting significantly related to CSI score. The OAB-8v was 21 + 7.5 (range 2-34). The worsening of the symptoms related to the overactive bladder at OAB-8v was related to a greater CS. After 1,5 years of the onset of the pain the CS show a progressive worsening. The mean number of other diseases (fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety or depression, migraine, neck injury, Panic Disorder Attack, chronic fatigue syndrome, temporomandibular joint syndrome, restless leg syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities) associated to CS was 2.8+1.9. The correlation between the number of diseases associated to CS and the years of disease resulted significant. Conclusion: Patients with long lasting pelvic pain show high levels of CS, and other central sensitivity syndromes (CSS) together to worsening of overactive bladder symptoms, and increasing number of used drugs. The delay of diagnosis is related to a greater sensitization process

    Safety of vaginal erbium laser: A review of 113,000 patients treated in the past 8 years.

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    Background: Energy-based devices are becoming a popular option for minimally invasive vaginal procedures. The aim of this study was to obtain information on the frequency of occurrence of adverse effects (AEs) related to vaginal erbium laser (VEL™) treatment.Materials and methods: The global survey was conducted among practitioners using the non-ablative VEL™ (Fotona, Ljubljana, Slovenia). Users were invited to provide the number of patients treated with VEL™ and the number of observed laser-related AEs.Results: The survey was conducted from August 2018 to April 2019. Responses from 535 practitioners were collected, with a total of 113,174 patients treated in the period from 2012 to 2019. Out of 535 respondents, 160 (30%) shared detailed information about the indications they treated in a population of 62,727 patients, whereas 188 (35%) respondents provided information on the frequency of AEs observed in their treated population of 43,095 patients. All observed AEs were mild to moderate, transient and appeared with low frequencies.Conclusions: Minimally invasive thermal-only laser treatment using the non-ablative VEL™ procedures appears to be safe and the incidence of AEs is low

    A common QTL for resistance to races 3 and 9 of soybean cyst nematode

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la asociación entre el gen rhg1 y la resistencia a las razas 3 y 9 de Heterodera glycines (Nematode del Quiste de la Soja - NQS). El cultivar resistente Hartwig fue cruzado con la línea susceptible Y23 y la respuesta a las razas 3 y 9 fue evaluada en 135 y 128 Líneas Endogámicas Recombinantes (LER), respectivamente. Los ensayos de respuesta al NQS fueron realizados en invernáculo bajo un diseño completamente aleatorizado. Ocho marcadores SSR fueron ordenados en una región genómica de 57 cM. La heredabilidad de la resistencia a las razas 3 y 9 fue 80,97 y 80,39%, respectivamente, indicando que pocos genes mayores estaban segregando en la población. Aplicando Mapeo por Intervalo Compuesto (MIC), el gen de resistencia rhg1 fue mapeado entre los marcadores SSR Satt275 y Satt038, a 2,0 y 3,0 cM del marcador Satt038, explicando el 29,11 y 20,01% de la varianza fenotípica de la resistencia a la raza 3 y 9, respectivamente. Estos marcadores serían herramientas útiles para auxiliar en la selección de genotipos resistentes al NQS y acelerar la introgresión de loci de resistencia al NQS a cultivares élite de soja.The aim of this work was to study the association between the rhg1 gene and the soybean response to races 3 and 9 of Heterodera glycines (Soybean Cyst Nematode - SCN). The resistant cv. Hartwig was crossed with the susceptible line Y23 and the response to races 3 and 9 was evaluated in 135 and 128 Recombinant Inbred Lines (RIL), respectively. Nematode assays were performed in the greenhouse using a completely randomized design. Eight SSR markers covered a genomic region of 57 cM. Estimated heritabilities of resistance to race 3 and 9 were 80.97 and 80.39%, respectively, showing that a few major genes are segregating in the population. Applying the Composite Interval Mapping (CIM) method, the rhg1 resistance gene was mapped between the SSR markers Satt275 and Satt038 at 2.0 and 3.0 cM from marker Satt038, explaining 29.11 and 20.01% of phenotypic variance in resistance to races 3 and 9, respectively. These SSR markers would be useful tools for assisting in the selection of SCN-resistant genotypes and for expediting the introgression of SCN resistance loci from cv. Hartwig to soybean elite cultivars.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Sexual function after vaginal erbium laser: the results of a large, multicentric, prospective study.

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    The aim of this multicentric, prospective study was to evaluate the effects of vaginal erbium laser (VEL-SMOOTH®) on sexual function in postmenopausal women suffering from the genitourinary syndrom..

    QTLs for resistance to soybean cyst nematode, races 3, 9, and 14 in cultivar Hartwig.

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    The objective of this work was to identify major and minor?effect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to races 3, 9, and 14 of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) in Hartwig cultivar; to map new resistance QTLs for these races; and to check for the existence of epistatic interactions between QTLs. Cultivar Hartwig is an important resistance source to SCN. Recombinant inbred lines (RIL) obtained from a cross between 'Hartwig' (resistant) and Y23 (susceptible) were evaluated regarding resistance to the three races. New genomic regions for resistance to SCN were identified by microsatellites. Four QTLs, which explained between 12 and 34% of phenotypic variance, were detected for resistance to race 3 in linkage groups (LG) A2, G, J, and M. The QTL in LG G is also important for resistance to race 9. Epistatic interactions were detected between loci, which indicate resistance to races 9 and 14. There are high and low? effect resistance QTLs to SCN. QTLs de resistência ao nematoide do cisto da soja, raças 3, 9 e 14 na cultivar Hartwig: O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar locos associados a características quantitativas (QTL) de efeito maior e menor para a resistência às raças 3, 9 e 14 do nematoide do cisto da soja (NCS) na cultivar Hartwig, mapear novos QTLs de resistência para estas raças e verificar a existência de interações epistáticas entre QTLs. A cultivar Hartwig é uma importante fonte de resistência ao NCS. Linhagens endogâmicas recombinantes (LER) obtidas do cruzamento entre 'Hartwig' (resistente) e Y23 (suscetível) foram avaliadas quanto à resistência às três raças. Novas regiões genômicas de resistência ao NCS foram identificadas por microssatélites. Quatro QTLs, que explicaram entre 12 e 34% da variância fenotípica, foram detectados para a resistência à raça 3 nos grupos de ligação (GL) A2, G, J e M. O QTL no GL G também é importante para a resistência à raça 9. Interações epistáticas foram detectadas entre loci, o que indica resistência às raças 9 e 14. Há QTLs de maior e menor efeito para a resistência ao NCS

    QTLs for resistance to soybean cyst nematode, races 3, 9, and 14 in cultivar Hartwig.

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    The objective of this work was to identify major and minor-effect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to races 3, 9, and 14 of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) in Hartwig cultivar; to map new resistance QTLs for these races; and to check for the existence of epistatic interactions between QTLs. Cultivar Hartwig is an important resistance source to SCN. Recombinant inbred lines (RIL) obtained from a cross between 'Hartwig' (resistant) and Y23 (susceptible) were evaluated regarding resistance to the three races. New genomic regions for resistance to SCN were identified by microsatellites. Four QTLs, which explained between 12 and 34% of phenotypic variance, were detected for resistance to race 3 in linkage groups (LG) A2, G, J, and M. The QTL in LG G is also important for resistance to race 9. Epistatic interactions were detected between loci, which indicate resistance to races 9 and 14. There are high and low-effect resistance QTLs to SCN.Título em português: QTLs de resistência ao nematoide do cisto da soja, raças 3, 9 e 14 na cultivar Hartwig

    Inheritance of resistance to soybean cyst nematode races 3 and 14 in soybean RIL and F2 populations.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the soybean inheritance of resistance to cyst nematode races 3 and 14. The following populations where evaluated: one population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) [Hartwig (resistant) x Y23 (susceptible line)] for races 3, 14 and 9; one population of families F2:3 [M-SOY 8001 (resistant) x MB/BR 46 -Conquista (susceptible)] for race 3; and one population of families F2:3 [(S5995 (resistant) x BRSMG Renascença (susceptible)] for race 14. In RIL populations, four epistatic genes were identified which conditioned resistance to race 14, and three epistatic ones for resistance to races 3 and 9. The lack of one gene provided moderate resistance under all situations. The highest number of genes for resistance to race 14 points out that genes responsible for lower effects might be involved. In population F2:3 from M-SOY 8001 x MB/BR 46 - Conquista, one recessive gene for moderate resistance and two recessive genes complete resistance to race 3 were identified. Two recessive genes conditioning moderate resistance to race 14 were identified in population F2:3 from the crossing S5995 x BRSMG Renascença. These results will be useful in designing crossings, involving these parentals, with higher possibility to accumulating genes that provide resistance to several SCN races

    Sexual function after pelic organ prolapse surgery. Trocarless Transvaginal Mesh (TTMS) vs. laparoscopic transperitoneal pelvic organ prolapse suspension

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    Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and low urinary tract symptoms related to pelvic organs prolapse represent a common condition that negatively impacts on female sexuality (FS). The repair of this anatomical/functional condition could affect female sexual function. Laparoscopic approach known as “pelvic organ prolapse surgery” (POPs) or the anterior repair with a trocar-less trans-vaginal mesh (TTMs) represent two different surgical techniques to reach functional and sexual improvements. This study aimed to compare the results of minimally invasive approach (POPs) with open trans-vaginal mesh tape repair for the correction of SUI and to evaluate the different outcomes on sexual activity and urinary symptoms


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has gravely impacted Latin America. A model was tested that evaluated the contribution of socio-demographic factors and fear of COVID-19 on anxiety and depression in samples of residents in seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, and El Salvador). A total of 4,881 individuals, selected by convenience sampling, participated in the study. Moderate and severe levels of depressive symptoms and anxiety were identified, as well as a moderate average level of fear of COVID-19. In addition, it was observed that about a quarter of the participants presented symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and a major depressive episode. Fear of COVID-19 significantly and positively predicted anxiety and depressive symptoms, whereas the effects of socio-demographic variables are generally low [χ2(287) = 5936.96, p < 0.001; RMSEA = 0.064 [0.062, 0.065]; CFI = 0.947; and SRMR = 0.050]. This suggests the need for the implementation of preventive actions in the general population of these countries, with the aim of reducing the prevalence of depressive, anxious and fearful symptoms related to COVID-19