198 research outputs found

    Therapeutic Alliance as Active Inference: The Role of Therapeutic Touch and Biobehavioural Synchrony in Musculoskeletal Care

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    Touch is recognised as crucial for survival, fostering cooperative communication, accelerating recovery, reducing hospital stays, and promoting overall wellness and the therapeutic alliance. In this hypothesis and theory paper, we present an entwined model that combines touch for alignment and active inference to explain how the brain develops “priors” necessary for the health care provider to engage with the patient effectively. We appeal to active inference to explain the empirically integrative neurophysiological and behavioural mechanisms that underwrite synchronous relationships through touch. Specifically, we offer a formal framework for understanding – and explaining – the role of therapeutic touch and hands-on care in developing a therapeutic alliance and synchrony between health care providers and their patients in musculoskeletal care. We first review the crucial importance of therapeutic touch and its clinical role in facilitating the formation of a solid therapeutic alliance and in regulating allostasis. We then consider how touch is used clinically – to promote cooperative communication, demonstrate empathy, overcome uncertainty, and infer the mental states of others – through the lens of active inference. We conclude that touch plays a crucial role in achieving successful clinical outcomes and adapting previous priors to create intertwined beliefs. The ensuing framework may help healthcare providers in the field of musculoskeletal care to use hands-on care to strengthen the therapeutic alliance, minimise prediction errors (a.k.a., free energy), and thereby promote recovery from physical and psychological impairments

    Do manual therapies have a specific autonomic effect? An overview of systematic reviews

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    Background The impact of manual therapy interventions on the autonomic nervous system have been largely assessed, but with heterogeneous findings regarding the direction of these effects. We conducted an overview of systematic reviews to describe if there is a specific autonomic effect elicited by manual therapy interventions, its relation with the type of technique used and the body region where the intervention was applied. Methods We conducted an overview according to a publicly registered protocol. We searched the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, MEDLINE, EPISTEMONIKOS and SCOPUS, from their inception to march 2021. We included systematic reviews for which the primary aim of the intervention was to assess the autonomic effect elicited by a manual therapy intervention in either healthy or symptomatic individuals. Two authors independently applied the selection criteria, assessed risk of bias from the included reviews and extracted data. An established model of generalisation guided the data analysis and interpretation. Results We included 12 reviews (5 rated as low risk of bias according the ROBIS tool). The findings showed that manual therapies may have an effect on both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. However, the results from included reviews were inconsistent due to differences in their methodological rigour and how the effects were measured. The reviews with a lower risk of bias could not discriminate the effects depending on the body region to which the technique was applied. Conclusion The magnitude of the specific autonomic effect elicited by manual therapies and its clinical relevance is uncertain. We point out some specific recommendations in order to improve the quality and relevance of future research in this field

    The Role of Osteopathic Care in Gynaecology and Obstetrics: An Updated Systematic Review

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    Background: Many efforts are made to find safer and more feasible therapeutic strategies to improve gynaecological care. Non-pharmacological treatments, such as osteopathic interventions, could be used as complementary strategies to better manage different gynaecological conditions. This review aims to report the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment in the gynaecology and obstetrics field, updating the previous review published in 2016. The secondary aim was to elucidate the role of somatic dysfunction (SD) in osteopathic assessment and treatment procedures, as well as their health and economic implications. Methods: An electronic search was conducted in the following databases: Embase, MEDLINE (PubMed), and Science direct. All types of clinical studies published between May 2014 and December 2021 have been included: randomised controlled trial (RCT), controlled before/after, interrupted time series quasi RCT, case controls, case reports, case series, observational, clinical studies involving any type of osteopathic treatment, (standardised, semi-standardised or patients’ need-based treatment) performed alone or in combination with other treatments, were included). Results: A total of 76,750 were identified through database searching and other sources. After the removal of duplicates, 47,655 papers were screened based on title and abstract. A total of 131 full-text articles were consequently assessed for eligibility. Twenty-one new articles were included in the synthesis. A total of 2632 participants with a mean age of 28.9 ± 10.5 years were included in the review. Conclusions: Results showed an effectiveness of osteopathic care in gynaecology and obstetrics, but the studies were too heterogeneous to perform quantitative analysis and make clinical recommendations. Nevertheless, osteopathic care could be considered a safe complementary approach to traditional gynaecological care

    The role of the vagus nerve during fetal development and its relationship with the environment

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    The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulatory capacity begins before birth as the sympathetic and parasympathetic activity contributes significantly to the fetus' development. Several studies have shown how vagus nerve is involved in many vital processes during fetal, perinatal and postnatal life: from the regulation of inflammation through the anti-inflammatory cholinergic pathway, which may affect the functioning of each organ, to the production of hormones involved in bioenergetic metabolism. In addition, the vagus nerve has been recognized as the primary afferent pathway capable of transmitting information to the brain from every organ of the body. Therefore, this hypothesis paper aims to review the development of ANS during fetal and perinatal life, focusing particularly on the vagus nerve, to identify possible "critical windows" that could impact its maturation. These "critical windows" could help clinicians know when to monitor fetuses to effectively assess the developmental status of both ANS and specifically the vagus nerve. In addition, this paper will focus on which factors (i.e. fetal characteristics and behaviors, maternal lifestyle and pathologies, placental health and dysfunction, labor, incubator conditions, and drug exposure) may have an impact on the development of the vagus during the above-mentioned "critical window" and how. This analysis could help clinicians and stakeholders define precise guidelines for improving the management of fetuses and newborns, particularly to reduce the potential adverse environmental impacts on ANS development that may lead to persistent long-term consequences. Since the development of ANS and the vagus influence have been shown to be reflected in cardiac variability, this paper will rely in particular on studies using fetal heart rate variability (fHRV) to monitor the continued growth and health of both animal and human fetuses.Comment: Word count: 16,009 Tables: 1 Figures:

    Satellite tracking identifies important foraging areas for loggerhead turtles frequenting the Adriatic Sea, Central Mediterranean

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    The Adriatic Sea is one of the main foraging areas for marine turtles of the Mediterranean Sea, but the specific high-use sites are poorly known, due to the scarceness of satellite tracking data available for juvenile turtles frequenting the area. In the present study, we tracked 8 juvenile and adult loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) that were released along the north-western Adriatic coast after a rehabilitation period having been equipped with Argos-linked satellite transmitters. Tracked turtles displayed quite variable movement patterns, but mostly remained in the north-western Adriatic, especially during the summer months. A marked preference for specific coastal sites was revealed in many turtles, that actively moved towards these specific locations when released south of it or having spent the winter away. Pooling these data with those obtained in previous studies on a further 10 turtles, we highlighted the presence of two main high-use areas, north and south of the Po River delta, where future conservation actions may then be focused

    Travel routes to remote ocean targets reveal the map sense resolution for a marine migrant

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    How animals navigate across the ocean to isolated targets remains perplexing greater than 150 years since this question was considered by Charles Darwin. To help solve this long-standing enigma, we considered the likely resolution of any map sense used in migration, based on the navigational performance across different scales (tens to thousands of kilometres). We assessed navigational performance using a unique high-resolution Fastloc-GPS tracking dataset for post-breeding hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) migrating relatively short distances to remote, isolated targets on submerged banks in the Indian Ocean. Individuals often followed circuitous paths (mean straightness index = 0.54, range 0.14-0.93, s.d. = 0.23, n = 22), when migrating short distances (mean beeline distance to target = 106 km, range 68.7-178.2 km). For example, one turtle travelled 1306.2 km when the beeline distance to the target was only 176.4 km. When off the beeline to their target, turtles sometimes corrected their course both in the open ocean and when encountering shallow water. Our results provide compelling evidence that hawksbill turtles only have a relatively crude map sense in the open ocean. The existence of widespread foraging and breeding areas on isolated oceanic sites points to target searching in the final stages of migration being common in sea turtles

    Prevention of venous thrombosis and thrombophlebitis in long-haul flights with pycnogenol.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and superficial vein thrombosis (SVT) and its prophylaxis with an oral anti-edema and antithrombotic agent (PycnogenolÂź, Horphag, Research Management SA, Geneva, Switzerland) in long-haul flights, in subjects at moderate to high-risk of DVT and SVT. The study pre-included 244 pre-selected subjects; 211 were included (33 were excluded for several reasons due to logistic problems) and 198 completed the study; 13 subjects were lost for follow-up at the end of the flight, all for non-medical problems (i.e., for difficult connections). All subjects were scanned within 90 minutes before the flight and within 2 hours after disembarking. Subjects were supplemented with 100 mg PycnogenolÂź per capsule. Treatment subjects received two capsules between 2 and 3 hours before flights with 250 mL of water; two capsules were taken 6 hours later with 250 mL of water and one capsule the next day. The control group received comparable placebo at the same intervals. The flight duration was on average 8 hours and 15 minutes (SD 55 min) (range, 7.45-12.33). In the control group there were five thrombotic events (one DVT and four superficial thromboses) while only nonthrombotic, localized phlebitis was observed in the PycnogenolÂźgroup (5.15% vs. no events; p<0.025). The ITT (intention to treat) analysis detects 13 failures in the control group (eight lost to follow up + five thrombotic events) of 105 subjects (12.4%) vs. five failures (4.7%; all lost, no thrombotic events) in the treatment group (p<0.025). No unwanted effects were observed. In conclusion, this study indicates that PycnogenolÂź treatment was effective in decreasing the number of thrombotic events (DVT and SVT) in moderate-to-high risk subjects, during long-haul flights

    Acquired nasopharyngeal stenosis correction using a modified palatal flaps technique in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients

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    Background: Acquired nasopharyngeal stenosis is a rare and heterogeneous pathological condition that has different causes, generally resulting as a complication of a pharyngeal surgery, especially in patients affected by obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Different approaches have been proposed for the treatment of nasopharyngeal stenosis but a unique and standardized management has not yet been presented. The aim of our paper is to evaluate the efficacy of our surgical technique, describing its steps and results with the aim to consider it as a possible solution for the treatment of this condition. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study. Eight patients (mean age 27.25 years old (yo), range 8–67 yo; Male/Female ratio 4/4; mean body mass index (BMI) 26.1) affected by OSA (mean apnea hypopnea index (AHI) before OSA surgery was 22.1) and acquired nasopharyngeal stenosis as a consequence of different pharyngeal surgeries were treated with our modified approach in the Department of Otolaryngology, Morgagni Pierantoni Hospital, Forlì, Italy. Resolution of stenosis and complication rate were the main outcome measures. Results: Complete resolution of the stenosis was achieved in all cases and no complications were recorded at three weeks, six months, and 2 years follow-up. Conclusions: Our technique appears to be a promising method for the management of nasopharyngeal stenosis in OSA patients. However, further studies comparing different techniques and reporting on larger series and longer follow up time are needed to prove the efficacy of the proposed technique
