3 research outputs found

    Hydrogen jet-fire: Accident investigation and implementation of safety measures for the design of a downstream oil plant

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    As amply known, hydrogen plays a very significant role in the process industry exerting a vital functionality in oil refineries, namely for secondary level refining units such hydro-treating and hydrocracking sections. This paper starts from a statistical analysis on hydrogen accidents and a thorough investigation on the sequence and causes of an accident involving a hydrogen leakage in a downstream oil industry. We present some key features of the accident and comment some practical implications for setting up risk reduction options at the plant level. The applicative phase of the paper states the main prevention strategies and suggest possible mitigation measures for hydrogen leaks events, discussing some practical solutions applied in the design of a large refinery. The experience and lessons learned gained from the event investigation and the comparison of the accident with the predictions of the safety report leads to the formulation of proposals and design modifications aiming at preventing or at least minimizing the consequences

    A propane fire connected to dumping procedure in a process plant

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    A propane gas cloud was released into the atmosphere during the loop rector dumping procedure in a process plant. After reactor inertization, the bottom valve of the dump tank was opened to collect spent powder and remove it. Unexpectedly, the powder on the floor started evaporating hydrocarbons. A propane cloud drifted very fast through the plant and ignited at the pump station area: even if the flash fire was extinguished immediately, there were several people injured and one fatality. The fire of the powdered material was extinguished later, by sprinkler system and fire brigade intervention. A detailed investigation was carried out and a multi-step methodology was applied to define the sequences and identify the most likely causes of the accident. It was adopted a complete fault tree, trying to find out without a structured scheme any critical causal factor in each relevant branch. Then, starting from the immediate cause, different sub-steps were identified as possible underlying cause, allowing to evidence in a sort of causal chain possible deficiencies in the safety management system, or in the safety culture of the company. Conclusions are drawn about practical recommendations to improve safety in dumping activities within a polymerization plant, adopting as well possible leading indicators for potential major incidents. The presented case study clearly shows how an effective HSE management system and a corresponding organization could have prevented or minimized the occurrence of such an unwanted event