42 research outputs found

    Montmorillonite-norfloxacin nanocomposite intended for healing of infected wounds

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    The aim of this study was the design of a clay mineral-drug nanocomposite based on montmorillonite and norfloxacin (NF, antimicrobial drug) as a powder for cutaneous application, to enhance wound healing in infected skin lesions. The clay drug adsorption isotherm demonstrates that the mechanism of NF intercalation into montmorillonite galleries is the adsorption as one single process, due to the charge–charge interaction between protonated NF and negatively charged montmorillonite edges in the interlayer space. Nanocomposite is biocompatible and it is characterized by antimicrobial activity greater than the free drug: this is due to its nanostructure and controlled drug release properties. Considering the results obtained, NF–montmorillonite nanocomposite seems a promising tool to treat infected skin lesions or skin wounds prone to infection, as chronic ulcers (diabetic foot, venous leg ulcers) and burns

    Wound Healing Activity of Nanoclay/Spring Water Hydrogels

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    This project was supported by an FPU grant (MECD), the Spanish research group CTS-946 and the program for international mobility of PhD students (University of Granada). Special thanks to the Department of Drug Sciences of the University of Pavia (Italy).Background: hydrogels prepared with natural inorganic excipients and spring waters are commonly used in medical hydrology. Design of these clay-based formulations continues to be a field scarcely addressed. Safety and wound healing properties of different fibrous nanoclay/spring water hydrogels were addressed. Methods: in vitro biocompatibility, by means of MTT assay, and wound healing properties were studied. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy was used to study the morphology of fibroblasts during the wound healing process. Results: all the ingredients demonstrated to be biocompatible towards fibroblasts. Particularly, the formulation of nanoclays as hydrogels improved biocompatibility with respect to powder samples at the same concentration. Spring waters and hydrogels were even able to promote in vitro fibroblasts motility and, therefore, accelerate wound healing with respect to the control. Conclusion: fibrous nanoclay/spring water hydrogels proved to be skin-biocompatible and to possess a high potential as wound healing formulations. Moreover, these results open new prospects for these ingredients to be used in new therapeutic or cosmetic formulations.German Research Foundation (DFG)Spanish research group CTS-946Program for international mobility of PhD students (University of Granada

    Antioxidant Efficacy and “In Vivo” Safety of a Bentonite/Vitamin C Hybrid

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    The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https: //www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/pharmaceutics15041171/s1, S1: LAA/smectites systems: critical revision; S2: Ophthalmic irritability; S3: Acute dermal toxicity.L-ascorbic acid (LAA), commonly known as vitamin C, is an excellent and recognized antioxidant molecule used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations. Several strategies have been developed in order to preserve its chemical stability, connected with its antioxidant power, but there is little research regarding the employment of natural clays as LAA host. A safe bentonite (Bent)—which was verified by in vivo ophthalmic irritability and acute dermal toxicity assays—was used as carrier of LAA. The supramolecular complex between LAA and clay may constitute an excellent alternative, since the molecule integrity does not seem to be affected, at least from the point of view of its antioxidant capacity. The Bent/LAA hybrid was prepared and characterized through ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG) and zeta potential measurements. Photostability and antioxidant capacity tests were also performed. The LAA incorporation into Bent clay was demonstrated, as well as the drug stability due to the Bent photoprotective effect onto the LAA molecule. Moreover, the antioxidant capacity of the drug in the Bent/LAA composite was confirmed.France Embassy in CubaErasmus+ scholarshipTWAS 00-360 RG/CHE/LA, 07-016 RG/CHE/LAPN211LH008-027, PN223LH010-01

    Hybrid Lipid/Clay Carrier Systems Containing Annatto Oil for Topical Formulations

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    Financial support for this research was provided by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher-Level Personnel-Brazil (CAPES)-02817/09. RMB and FNR acknowledge fellowships from National Council for Scientific and Technological Development CNPq (Brazil). This research also was financially supported by Junta de Andalucia, under the project reference PT18 RT 3786.Nanocomposites formed by clay and lipid carriers (NLCs) show a high potential for providing controlled release and specific delivery of bioactive molecules and have recently gained attention in the pharmaceutical sector due to their ability to transport hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs. Recent studies have recognized the biological activity of the oil of Bixa orellana L. (AO) with regards to its healing, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-leishmanial properties. Therefore, the purpose of this study is the preparation and characterization of hybrid systems based on lipid nanocarriers and laponite for the delivery of AO. NLCs were prepared by the fusion-emulsification method, using cetyl palmitate (CP) or myristyl myristate (MM), AO, and Poloxamer 188. The morphology, hydrodynamic diameters, zeta potential (ZP), polydispersity index (PDI), thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), viscosity behavior, and cytotoxicity testing of the hybrid systems were performed. The thermal study and X-ray diffraction analyses (XRD) revealed polymorphic structural changes compatible with the amorphization of the material. Rheological assays highlighted a typical pseudoplastic behavior in all systems (MM and CP with LAP). The hybrid systems’ morphology, size diameters, and PDIs were similar, preset spherical and monodisperse structures ( 200 nm; <0.3), without significant change up to sixty days. The ZP values differed from each other, becoming higher with increasing AO concentration. XEDS spectra and elemental X-ray maps show peaks of lipids (organic components, C and O) and inorganic components O, Mg, and Si. All samples showed cell viability above 60%. The results indicated a stable, biocompatible hybrid system that can be an alternative for topical application.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) 02817/09Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPQ)Junta de Andalucia PT18 RT 378

    Gluten Assessment in Beers: Comparison by Different Commercial ELISA Kits and Evaluation of NIR Analysis as a Complementary Technique

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    Traditionally, beers are made with gluten-containing cereals. It is crucial to have rapid analytical methodologies that allow gluten content control of the beers for celiac consumers. We assess the content of gluten in 65 conventional and 41 gluten-free labeled beers commercialized in Europe and compare the results in a subgroup of 71 beers with three ELISA kits. This research allows gathering information on the potential complementary utility of NIR analysis applied to gluten analysis of gluten-free beers in terms of time saving. Results obtained with the ELISA technique identified competitive R5 to be the most sensitive in detecting the prolamins, by eliciting a higher number of beers containing gluten above 20 mg/kg. The gluten content in conventional beers tested increased with the presence of wheat as raw material and with the use of ale-type yeasts. By using competitive R5, 3 out of the 41 gluten-free labeled beers appeared to contain gluten above 20 mg/kg, and conversely, 15 out of 65 of the conventional beers showed a gluten content below this threshold. According to our approaches, NIR did not achieve a suitable correlation with ELISA results, neither for gluten quantification nor for discrimination, and therefore, it cannot be proposed as a complementary technique.This research was funded by the Associació SMAP—Celíacs Catalunya. The GLUTEN3S research group is supported by a grant (GIU 18/78) from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU

    Segundos resultados de la evaluación de la ansiedad ante el Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG).

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    Este proyecto pretende identificar el grado de ansiedad que genera para el estudiante el sistema actual de evaluación del TFG. Con ello, se pretende sensibilizar a la comunidad universitaria sobre la importancia del desarrollo de las competencias transversales en el marco del EEES, impulsando espacios de colaboración docente en el sistema universitario, promoviendo e impulsando la reflexión personal sobre los procesos de evaluación de la actividad docente, especialmente durante la tutela del TFG, promoviendo buenas prácticas. Se evaluará el grado de ansiedad de los estudiantes de 4º curso de los Grados matriculados en la asignatura de TFG de manera longitudinal (evaluación 1: durante la realización del TFG, evaluación 2: antes de la defensa del TFG) con el instrumento que, conforme a la literatura previa, se muestre más válido y fiable. Como resultado último, se ofrecerá a los futuros estudiantes que defenderán su TFG unas instrucciones fundamentadas sobre lo que puede ayudarles en la preparación de su defensa, para disminuir su ansiedad. Estas conclusiones serán asimismo útiles para los docentes (tutores y tribunales de TFG) para su labor de tutela y de evaluación

    Primeros resultados de la evaluación de la ansiedad ante el Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG)

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    Este proyecto pretende identificar el grado de ansiedad que genera para el estudiante el sistema actual de evaluación del TFG. Con ello, se pretende sensibilizar a la comunidad universitaria sobre la importancia del desarrollo de las competencias transversales en el marco del EEES, impulsando espacios de colaboración docente en el sistema universitario, promoviendo e impulsando la reflexión personal sobre los procesos de evaluación de la actividad docente, especialmente durante la tutela del TFG, promoviendo buenas prácticas. Se evaluará el grado de ansiedad de los estudiantes de 4º curso de los Grados matriculados en la asignatura de TFG de manera longitudinal (evaluación 1: durante la realización del TFG, evaluación 2: antes de la defensa del TFG) con el instrumento que, conforme a la literatura previa, se muestre más válido y fiable. Como resultado último, se ofrecerá a los futuros estudiantes que defenderán su TFG unas instrucciones fundamentadas sobre lo que puede ayudarles en la preparación de su defensa, para disminuir su ansiedad. Estas conclusiones serán asimismo útiles para los docentes (tutores y tribunales de TFG) para su labor de tutela y de evaluación

    Coordinación y colaboración interdisciplinar entre profesorado y asignaturas para mejorar la calidad de la docencia universitaria

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    Innovación EducativaLa Universidad necesita nuevas formas de organización docente y establecer lazos con instituciones externas dedicadas a la práctica laboral para proporcionar a nuestro alumnado aprendizajes interdisciplinares y competenciales que les permitan una formación de calidad para el desempeño de su futura vida laboral. En este Proyecto de Innovación Docente (PID) hemos realizado una primera aproximación al conocimiento de las diferentes formas de coordinación y colaboración docente a través de la revisión bibliográfica y posteriormente hemos analizado el nivel de coordinación y colaboración de una muestra de docentes (n=18) de nuestra Universidad mediante la realización de una encuesta. En el marco de este PID se han establecido nuevos vínculos de coordinación y colaboración tanto entre profesores y asignaturas como con instituciones externas a la Universidad. Finalmente se ha llevado a cabo un análisis del impacto de la implementación de nuevas formas de coordinación y colaboración interdisciplinar, tanto desde el punto de vista del profesorado como del alumnado.Departamento de Psicologí

    Coordination of subjects in the program as a formative activity of the multidisciplinary educational team for the degree in Pharmacy

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    La Universidad de Granada, dentro del Plan Estratégico y el Contrato Programa 2007-2011 de las Universidades Públicas de Andalucía puso en marcha la convocatoria de apoyo a la formación del profesorado principiante y mejora de la docencia por el Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad (http://calidad.ugr.es/pages/secretariados/form_apoyo_calidad/apoyo_formacion_principiante/convoca toria). En el proyecto participan 15 profesores, 5 profesores experimentados y 10 profesores noveles de seis departamentos diferentes.. Entre los objetivos se incluye la optimización de la actividad docente de profesorado principiante. En este sentido se estudió la situación en el nuevo plan de estudio de Grado en Farmacia de las asignaturas que dichos profesores impartimos, así como la relación entre ellas y la posible existencia de solapamientos de contenidos docentes. Las fichas docentes muestran ciertos solapamientos de competencias y carencias en algunos casos. Esto supuso una revisión exhaustiva para llevar a cabo una correcta coordinación entre los profesores que le permita al alumnado un aprendizaje organizado y coherente.The University of Granada, inside the Strategic Plan and the Contract Program 2007-2011 of the Public Universities of Andalusia started a public call to improve the formation of young lecturers and the teaching activity (http://calidad.ugr.es/pages/secretariados/form_apoyo_calidad/apoyo_formacion_principiante/convoca toria). In the project there take part 15 lecturers, 5 experienced and 10 young lecturers from six different departments. Within the objectives it is included the optimisation of the teaching activity of young lecturers. In this sense, it was studied the situation of the subjects that the above mentioned lecturers give within the new degree in Pharmacy, as well as the relation between they and the possible existence of any overlapping in the contents. The teaching contents showed the existence of certain overlapping within competences and deficiencies in some cases. This supposed an exhaustive review to carry out the correct coordination between the different lecturers so that it will allow the organized and coherent learning of the students

    Accesibilidad a acciones de promoción de la salud y prevención de población Hipertensa de Pereira, Colombia, 2008. La mirada del paciente

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    Introducción: la accesibilidad a los servicios de promoción y revención de la población hipertensa, es una de las estrategias de salud pública para reducir los riesgos de enfermar y morir en esta población. Evaluar las barreras al acceso a estos servicios, permite reorientar políticas saludables para garantizar calidad de vida y disminuir la inequidad. Métodos: este es un estudio descriptivo donde participaron 422 personas hipertensas, y se evaluó la percepción que tienen sobre acciones de promoción y prevención. Resultados: la distribución de los pacientes según el régimen de salud fue 39.9% del contributivo, 54.5% subsidiado y el 5.2% eran pobres no asegurados; el 70.5% con ingresos mensuales iguales o inferiores al mínimo, baja escolaridad; sólo el 8% accede a programas de actividad física. Conclusiones: la accesibilidad está determinada por 5 componentes de promoción y prevención garantizados en la población de bajos ingresos que pertenecen al régimen subsidiado: participan en clubes de la salud y realizan actividad física. Estos hallazgos no se encontraron en la población de régimen contributivo.AbstractIntroduction: the accessibility to promotional and preventive services for the hypertensive population, is one of the strategies of public health, in order to reduce the risks of getting sick and dying in this population. Evaluating the obstacles to access these services, allows the reorientation of healthy policies, in order to be able to guarantee a good quality of life and decrease the inequality. Methods: descriptive study of 422 hypertensive people, which evaluated their perceptions of promotional and preventive actions. Results: patients from different health institutions participated. 70.5% with equal or lesser monthly incomes to the minimum salary wage, low schooling; only 8% has access to programs of physical activity. Conclusions: the accessibility is determined by 5 components and the promotional and preventive services are guaranteed among the lower income population that belongs to the subsidiary regime: participating in health clubs and executing physical activity. These findings were not found in the population with a regime by contribution.Keywords: accessibility to health services, promotional health, health attention providers, attention to health controlled programs, hypertension, motor activity, validity of the tests, analysis of main components