556 research outputs found

    A mobile application to report and detect 3D body emotional poses

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    Most research into automatic emotion recognition is focused on facial expressions or physiological signals, while the exploitation of body postures has scarcely been explored, although they can be useful for emotion detection. This paper first explores a mechanism for self-reporting body postures with a novel easy-to-use mobile application called EmoPose. The app detects emotional states from self-reported poses, classifying them into the six basic emotions proposed by Ekman and a neutral state. The poses identified by Schindler et al. have been used as a reference and the nearest neighbor algorithm used for the classification of poses. Finally, the accuracy in detecting emotions has been assessed by means of poses reported by a sample of users

    Web 2.0

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    131 p. gráf. 23 cm.Libro ElectrónicoAnálisis de oportunidades que brindan los espacios virtuales de la Web 2.0, conceptos de los blog, análisis del concepto social que brinda la web 2.01. INTRODUCCIÓN 1.1. Una definición 1.2. Un poco de tecnología 1.3. Enredando con lo social 2. EL CONTEXTO 2.1. Un espacio virtual de oportunidades 2.2. La elasticidad sociotécnica de la WebNG 2.3. Nuevo Entorno Tecnosocial 2.4. La Web 2.0 a través del ‘NEToscopio’ 2.5. El universo blog Un fenómeno sustantivo Entendiendo la blogosfera 3. LA WEB SOCIAL 3.1. Software social 3.2. Los nativos digitales 4. CREACIÓN COLECTIVA 4.1. Los wikis y la tradición enciclopédica 4.2. La innovación y la legalidad vigente 4.3. Una virtualidad muy rea

    The Life Course of a Standard-Bearer: A Nonroyal Elite Burial at the Maya Archaeological Site of El Palmar, Mexico

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    Inspired by life course and osteobiography approaches, this article explores the life and death of an individual associated with the lakam title (“banner” in Colonial Yukatek Maya; thus, a “standard-bearer”), a nonroyal elite of Late Classic period Maya society (AD 600–850). Although these elites are depicted on polychrome vessels and carved monuments, little is known about their life experiences and mortuary practices. The present analysis centers on an individual found at Structure GZ1, a temple with a hieroglyphic stairway, at the Maya archaeological site of El Palmar, Mexico. Using osteological, archaeological, and epigraphic data as different lines of evidence, we examine the relationship of the individual to his affiliated group. At the time of interment, there were a wide array of social, cultural, and political events both shaping and reshaping the body and identities of the individual during a period of political turbulence. Inspirado por los enfoques del curso de la vida y osteobiografía, este artículo explora la vida y muerte de un individuo asociado con el título lakam (“bandera” en Yukateka maya colonial, por lo tanto, “abanderado”), o una élite no-real de la sociedad maya del período Clásico tardío (600–850 dC). Aunque estas élites se representan en las vasijas policromadas y monumentos tallados, casi no se saben sobre sus experiencias de vida y práctica mortuoria. El presente análisis se centra en un individuo encontrado en la Estructura GZ1, un templo con una escalinata jeroglífica, en el sitio arqueológico maya de El Palmar, México. A través de los datos osteológicos, arqueológicos y epigráficos como diferentes líneas de evidencia, examinamos la relación del individuo con su grupo afiliado. En el momento del entierro, hubo una amplia gama de eventos sociales, culturales y políticos que dieron forma y remodelaron el cuerpo y las identidades del individuo durante un período de turbulencia política.Ye

    Future directions for the archaeology of cremation

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    This book chapter is made available with kind permission of University of Arizona Press

    Recaptura de Strophosoma (Neliocarus) burdigalense (Escalera, 1928) en la Península Ibérica (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Notas sobre su biología y distribución

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    To date, only the three syntipic specimens of the Iberian endemism Strophosoma (Neliocarus) burdigalense (Escalera, 1928), were known, from Burgos (without more data). The species has been found again in the neighbouring province of Soria (Castilla and Leon), permitting the finding that its biological cycle is completed in Helianthemum hirtum (Cistaceae). The differential characters of the species are commented and biometrical data, images of the adult, aedeagus, its habitat and food plant are provided.Hasta la fecha se conocían solo los tres ejemplares sintípicos del endemismo ibérico Strophosoma (Neliocarus) burdigalense (Escalera, 1928), procedentes de Burgos (sin más datos). La especie ha sido reencontrada en la vecina provincia de Soria (Castilla y León), permitiendo concretar que completa su ciclo biológico en Helianthemum hirtum (Cistaceae). Se comentan sus caracteres diferenciales y se aportan datos biométricos, imágenes del adulto y su edeago, del hábitat y de su planta nutricia

    Encrucijadas sociales de la innovación

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    Recent and growing literature on innovation has produced a good number of definitions and categorizations that reflect their disciplines and approaches of origin, as well as their theoretical and practical commitments. The distinction between product innovation and process innovation, or the classification according to the degree of novelty produced (or innovation “intensity”), are among the taxonomical strategies. Although classical approaches on innovation have systematically ignored its social aspects, the new and successful category of “social innovation” constitutes a label that includes very diverse types of practices. In this contribution we will analyze the different understandings of “social innovation” and we will argue that an appropriate innovation should always be a kind of social innovation.La creciente literatura aparecida en los últimos años sobre innovación ha producido multitud de definiciones y clasificaciones de la misma en las que se reflejan disciplinas y tradiciones de origen, así como compromisos teóricos y prácticos. Distinguir entre innovación de productos o innovación de procesos, o diferenciar de acuerdo con el grado de novedad de los resultados de la innovación (o la “intensidad” innovadora) son algunas de estas estrategias taxonómicas. Aunque los enfoques más clásicos sobre innovación han obviado sistemáticamente los aspectos sociales de la misma, recientemente ha aparecido una nueva categoría, la “innovación social”, etiqueta que engloba clases muy distintas de prácticas. En esta contribución analizaremos los distintos sentidos en los que se entiende la “innovación social” y defenderemos que una innovación apropiada ha de ser siempre una forma de innovación social

    Energy efficiency in olive oil mills

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    The paper presents some statistical data from olive oil mills in Portugal and Spain, presents the TESLA project and gives some information about energy consumption in olive oil mills

    Structural Characterization of the Enzymes Composing the Arginine Deiminase Pathway in Mycoplasma penetrans

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    The metabolism of arginine towards ATP synthesis has been considered a major source of energy for microorganisms such as Mycoplasma penetrans in anaerobic conditions. Additionally, this pathway has also been implicated in pathogenic and virulence mechanism of certain microorganisms, i.e. protection from acidic stress during infection. In this work we present the crystal structures of the three enzymes composing the gene cluster of the arginine deiminase pathway from M. penetrans: arginine deiminase (ADI), ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTC) and carbamate kinase (CK). The arginine deiminase (ADI) structure has been refined to 2.3 Å resolution in its apo-form, displaying an "open" conformation of the active site of the enzyme in comparison to previous complex structures with substrate intermediates. The active site pocket of ADI is empty, with some of the catalytic and binding residues far from their active positions, suggesting major conformational changes upon substrate binding. Ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTC) has been refined in two crystal forms at 2.5 Å and 2.6 Å resolution, respectively, both displaying an identical dodecameric structure with a 23-point symmetry. The dodecameric structure of OTC represents the highest level of organization in this protein family and in M.penetrans it is constituted by a novel interface between the four catalytic homotrimers. Carbamate kinase (CK) has been refined to 2.5 Å resolution and its structure is characterized by the presence of two ion sulfates in the active site, one in the carbamoyl phosphate binding site and the other in the β-phosphate ADP binding pocket of the enzyme. The CK structure also shows variations in some of the elements that regulate the catalytic activity of the enzyme. The relatively low number of metabolic pathways and the relevance in human pathogenesis of Mycoplasma penetrans places the arginine deiminase pathway enzymes as potential targets to design specific inhibitors against this human parasite

    Ground calcium carbonate as a low cost and biosafety excipient for solubility and dissolution improvement of praziquantel

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    Calcium carbonate is an abundant mineral with several advantages to be a successful carrier to improve oral bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs, such as praziquantel. Praziquantel is an antiparasitic drug classified in group II of the Biopharmaceutical Classification System hence characterized by high-permeability and low-solubility. Therefore, the dissolution rate is the limiting factor for the gastrointestinal absorption that contributes to the low bioavailability. Consequently, the therapeutic dose of the praziquantel must be high and big tablets and capsules are required, which are difficult to swallow, especially for pediatric and elderly patients. Mixtures of praziquantel and calcium carbonate using solid-solid physical mixtures and solid dispersions were prepared and characterized using several techniques (X-ray diffraction differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, laser diffraction, Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopies). Solubility of these formulations evidenced that the solubility of praziquantel-calcium carbonate interaction product increased in physiological media. In vitro dissolution tests showed that the interaction product increased the dissolution rate of the drug in acidic medium. Theoretical models were studied to understand this experimental behavior. Cytotoxicity and cell cycle studies were performed, showing that praziquantel-calcium carbonate physical mixture and interaction product were biocompatible with the HTC116 cells, because it did not produce a decrease in cell viability or alterations in the cell cycle

    Clinical nutrition as part of the treatment pathway of pancreatic cancer patients: an expert consensus

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    Consensus; Nutritional screening; Pancreatic cancerConsenso; Cribado nutricional; Cáncer de páncreasConsens; Cribratge nutricional; Càncer de pàncreesPurpose Malnutrition is a common problem among pancreatic cancer (PC) patients that negatively impacts on their quality of life (QoL) and clinical outcomes. The main objective of this consensus is to address the role of Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) into the comprehensive therapeutic management of PC patients. Methods A Spanish multidisciplinary group of specialists from the areas of Medical Oncology; Radiation Oncology; Endocrinology and Nutrition; and General Surgery agreed to assess the role of MNT as part of the best therapeutic management of PC patients. Results The panel established different recommendations focused on nutritional screening and nutritional screening tools, MNT strategies according to PC status, and MNT in palliative treatment. Conclusions There is an unmet need to integrate nutritional therapy as a crucial part of the multimodal care process in PC patients. Health authorities, health care professionals, cancer patients, and their families should be aware of the relevance of nutritional status and MNT on clinical outcomes and QoL of PC patients.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.