9 research outputs found

    Clinical pharmacology facing the real-world setting: Pharmacovigilance, pharmacoepidemiology and the economic evaluation of drugs

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    Adverse drug reaction; Effectiveness; PharmacoeconomicsReacci贸 adversa als f脿rmacs; Efic脿cia; FarmacoeconomiaReacci贸n adversa a medicamentos; Eficacia; Farmacoeconom铆aTraditionally, clinical pharmacology has focused its activities on drug-organism interaction, from an individual or collective perspective. Drug efficacy assessment by performing randomized clinical trials and analysis of drug use in clinical practice by carrying out drug utilization studies have also been other areas of interest. From now on, Clinical pharmacology should move from the analysis of the drug-individual interaction to the analysis of the drug-individual-society interaction. It should also analyze the clinical and economic consequences of the use of drugs in the conditions of normal clinical practice, beyond clinical trials. The current exponential technological development that facilitates the analysis of real-life data offers us a golden opportunity to move to all these other areas of interest. This review describes the role that clinical pharmacology has played at the beginning and during the evolution of pharmacovigilance, pharmacoepidemiology and economic drug evaluations in Spain. In addition, the challenges that clinical pharmacology is going to face in the following years in these three areas are going to be outlined too

    Notificaci贸n espont谩nea de reacciones adversas en medicamentos en el hospital: identificaci贸n de obst谩culos y an谩lisis de una intervenci贸n de mejora

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    Las reacciones adversas a medicamentos son una causa importante de morbimortalidad en la poblaci贸n, suponen un importante consumo de recursos sanitarios, y tienen un claro impacto en los indicadores de calidad de la prestaci贸n asistencial. La farmacovigilancia es la actividad de salud p煤blica cuyos objetivos son la identificaci贸n, cuantificaci贸n, evaluaci贸n y prevenci贸n de los riesgos asociados al uso de los medicamentos tras su comercializaci贸n. La notificaci贸n espont谩nea de sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos es un m茅todo de farmacovigilancia que se ha demostrado 煤til en la identificaci贸n de nuevas reacciones adversas, y es ampliamente utilizado en la generaci贸n de se帽ales. La principal limitaci贸n de este m茅todo es la infranotificaci贸n. En el 谩mbito hospitalario, la notificaci贸n de reacciones adversas es de especial inter茅s por su gravedad y por la posibilidad de identificar problemas de seguridad con medicamentos de uso restringido e innovadores. Por tanto, es necesario identificar los motivos que determinan la baja participaci贸n de los m茅dicos de hospital en esta actividad, con el fin de implementar estrategias de mejora que permitan aumentar la eficiencia de la notificaci贸n espont谩nea. Por otra parte, hay que evaluar el efecto de las intervenciones sobre la actividad notificadora de los m茅dicos y sobre la identificaci贸n de se帽ales. Con el objetivo de mejorar la participaci贸n de los m茅dicos del Hospital Vall d'Hebron de Barcelona en la notificaci贸n espont谩nea de sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos, se planificaron una serie de actuaciones dirigidas a identificar las causas de la baja notificaci贸n, cu谩les podr铆an ser las posibles soluciones, y conseguir una mayor implicaci贸n de los m茅dicos en esta actividad. Se realiz贸 un estudio cualitativo de grupos focales que nos permiti贸 describir la opini贸n de los m茅dicos sobre los obst谩culos que se encuentran para notificar y las posibles soluciones. Para mejorar participaci贸n de los m茅dicos en la notificaci贸n espont谩nea de reacciones adversas, se realiz贸 una intervenci贸n basada en actividades informativas y formativas de farmacovigilancia, y en acuerdos de gesti贸n con los servicios cl铆nicos del hospital. El efecto de esta intervenci贸n se evalu贸 mediante un an谩lisis de series temporales y un an谩lisis descriptivo de las principales caracter铆sticas de las notificaciones espont谩neas y los cambios entre dos periodos de estudio antes (1998-2002) y despu茅s de la intervenci贸n (2003-2005). Las variables analizadas fueron el n煤mero de notificaciones espont谩neas, la fecha de notificaci贸n, las caracter铆sticas demogr谩ficas de los pacientes, las reacciones adversas notificadas, su gravedad y desenlace, los f谩rmacos implicados en las reacciones adversas y la fecha de comercializaci贸n de los mismos, las asociaciones f谩rmaco-reacci贸n m谩s frecuentes, el grado de conocimiento previo de la asociaci贸n f谩rmaco-reacci贸n y las se帽ales identificadas. Entre los potenciales obst谩culos a la notificaci贸n de reacciones adversas en el hospital identificados por los propios m茅dicos, los hubo relacionados con el diagn贸stico de la reacci贸n adversa, as铆 como con la organizaci贸n de la farmacovigilancia, con la actividad cl铆nica y con potenciales conflictos. Como posibles soluciones para mejorar su participaci贸n, sugirieron definir el tipo de reacciones adversas a notificar, facilitar el contacto con el programa de farmacovigilancia hospitalaria, facilitar informaci贸n y apoyo a la notificaci贸n e informaci贸n de retorno sobre las actividades de farmacovigilancia. La intervenci贸n dirigida a estimular la notificaci贸n espont谩nea de reacciones adversas permiti贸 una mejora cuantitativa (aumento del n煤mero de notificaciones) y cualitativa (aumento del n煤mero de notificaciones graves, desconocidas o asociadas a medicamentos de reciente comercializaci贸n) de la actividad notificadora de los m茅dicos del hospital. Tambi茅n permiti贸 la identificaci贸n de tres se帽ales y/o nuevos problemas de seguridad con medicamentos que contribuyeron a la toma de decisiones por parte de las autoridades reguladoras, la retirada del mercado de un medicamento y cambios en la ficha t茅cnica de otros dos.Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the population, it represents a significant consumption of healthcare resources, and have a clear impact on the quality indicators of healthcare delivery. The pharmacovigilance is the activity of public health whose objectives are the identification, quantification, assessment and prevention of risks associated with the use of medicinal products. Spontaneous reporting of suspected ADRs is a method that has proven useful in identifying new ADRs and is widely used in signal generation. The main limitation of this method is underreporting. In the hospital setting, the reporting of ADRs is of particular interest because that serious ADRs are most likely to be seen and the ability to identify safety problems with innovative new drugs. Therefore it is necessary to identify the reasons that determine the low participation of hospital doctors in this activity in order to implement improvement strategies that increase the efficiency of spontaneous reporting. Moreover, we should evaluate the effect of interventions on the spontaneous reporting of ADRs in hospital and the identified signals. With the aim of improving the involvement of Vall d'Hebron Hospital doctors in Barcelona on spontaneous reporting of ADRs were planned a series of actions aimed at identifying the causes of the low reporting activity, the possible solutions, and achieve greater involvement of physicians in this activity. A qualitative study of focus groups that allowed us to describe the physician's opinion on the obstacles are to notify and possible solutions was performed. To improve participation of doctors in spontaneous reporting of ADRs, we performed an intervention based on pharmacovigilance information and training activities, and healthcare management agreements with the clinical services of the hospital. The effect of this intervention was assessed using a time series analysis and a descriptive analysis of the main characteristics of spontaneous reports and changes between two study periods, before (1998-2002) and after the intervention (2003-2005). The variables analyzed were the number of spontaneous reports, the date of report, the demographic characteristics of the patients, the reported ADRs, their severity and outcome, the suspected drugs and the date of marketing them, the drug-reaction associations, the previous knowledge of the drug-reaction association and identified signals. Potential obstacles to reporting of ADRs identified by hospital doctors was related to the diagnosis of adverse reaction, as well as the organization of pharmacovigilance, with clinical activity and potential conflicts. The possible solutions to enhance their participation suggested by physicians was defining the type of reporting ADRs, facilitate contact with the hospital pharmacovigilance program, provide information and support to the reporting and feedback on pharmacovigilance activities. The intervention aimed to encourage spontaneous reporting of ADRs allowed a quantitative improvement (increase in the total number of spontaneous reports) and qualitative (increase in the number of serious reports, previously unknown drug-reaction associations and suspected pharmacological exposures to new drugs) in the reporting activity of the hospital doctors. It also allowed the identification of three signals or drug safety concerns and they contributed to the adoption of decisions by regulatory authorities on either the withdrawal of one drug from de market or changes in the summary of product characteristics in the other two drugs

    Safety of Drugs Used during the First Wave of COVID-19: A Hospital-Registry-Based Study

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    COVID-19; Adverse drug reactions; HydroxychloroquineCOVID-19; Reaccions adverses als medicaments; HidroxicloroquinaCOVID-19; Reacciones adversas a los medicamentos; HidroxicloroquinaThe emergency of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic led to the off-label use of drugs without data on their toxicity profiles in patients with COVID-19, or on their concomitant use. Patients included in the COVID-19 Patient Registry of a tertiary hospital during the first wave were analyzed to evaluate the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) with the selected treatments. Twenty-one percent of patients (197 out of 933) had at least one ADR, with a total of 240 ADRs. Patients with ADRs were more commonly treated with multiple drugs for COVID-19 infection than patients without ADRs (p < 0.001). They were younger (median 62 years vs. 70.1 years; p < 0.001) and took less medication regularly (69.5% vs. 75.7%; p = 0.031). The most frequent ADRs were gastrointestinal (67.1%), hepatobiliary (10.8%), and cardiac disorders (3.3%). Drugs more frequently involved included lopinavir/ritonavir (82.2%), hydroxychloroquine (72.1%), and azithromycin (66.5%). Although most ADRs recovered without sequelae, fatal cases were described, even though the role of the disease could not be completely ruled out. In similar situations, efforts should be made to use the drugs in the context of clinical trials, and to limit off-label use to those drugs with a better benefit/risk profile in specific situations and for patients at high risk of poor disease prognosis

    Programa d鈥檌mmunitzaci贸 contra el virus respiratori sincicial (VRS) en infants a Catalunya

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    Virus respiratori sincicial; Infants; Infecci贸 respirat貌riaVirus respiratorio sincicial; Ni帽os; Infecci贸n respiratoriaRespiratory syncytial virus; Children; Respiratory infectionLa infecci贸 pel virus respiratori sincicial (VRS) 茅s una de les infeccions m茅s freq眉ents i una de les principals causes d鈥檋ospitalitzaci贸 en infants m茅s petits de 5 anys. Per aquest motiu, el Comit猫 Assessor de Desenvolupament de Productes per a Vacunes (PDVAC) de l鈥橭rganitzaci贸 Mundial de la Salut (OMS) indica que la immunoprofilaxi del VRS amb vacunes i anticossos monoclonals (mAb) 茅s una intervenci贸 priorit脿ria. Aquest document cont茅 el programa i desplegament d'immunitzaci贸 contra aquest virus

    Notificaci贸n espont谩nea de reacciones adversas en medicamentos en el hospital: identificaci贸n de obst谩culos y an谩lisis de una intervenci贸n de mejora

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    Las reacciones adversas a medicamentos son una causa importante de morbimortalidad en la poblaci贸n, suponen un importante consumo de recursos sanitarios, y tienen un claro impacto en los indicadores de calidad de la prestaci贸n asistencial. La farmacovigilancia es la actividad de salud p煤blica cuyos objetivos son la identificaci贸n, cuantificaci贸n, evaluaci贸n y prevenci贸n de los riesgos asociados al uso de los medicamentos tras su comercializaci贸n. La notificaci贸n espont谩nea de sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos es un m茅todo de farmacovigilancia que se ha demostrado 煤til en la identificaci贸n de nuevas reacciones adversas, y es ampliamente utilizado en la generaci贸n de se帽ales. La principal limitaci贸n de este m茅todo es la infranotificaci贸n. En el 谩mbito hospitalario, la notificaci贸n de reacciones adversas es de especial inter茅s por su gravedad y por la posibilidad de identificar problemas de seguridad con medicamentos de uso restringido e innovadores. Por tanto, es necesario identificar los motivos que determinan la baja participaci贸n de los m茅dicos de hospital en esta actividad, con el fin de implementar estrategias de mejora que permitan aumentar la eficiencia de la notificaci贸n espont谩nea. Por otra parte, hay que evaluar el efecto de las intervenciones sobre la actividad notificadora de los m茅dicos y sobre la identificaci贸n de se帽ales. Con el objetivo de mejorar la participaci贸n de los m茅dicos del Hospital Vall d'Hebron de Barcelona en la notificaci贸n espont谩nea de sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos, se planificaron una serie de actuaciones dirigidas a identificar las causas de la baja notificaci贸n, cu谩les podr铆an ser las posibles soluciones, y conseguir una mayor implicaci贸n de los m茅dicos en esta actividad. Se realiz贸 un estudio cualitativo de grupos focales que nos permiti贸 describir la opini贸n de los m茅dicos sobre los obst谩culos que se encuentran para notificar y las posibles soluciones. Para mejorar participaci贸n de los m茅dicos en la notificaci贸n espont谩nea de reacciones adversas, se realiz贸 una intervenci贸n basada en actividades informativas y formativas de farmacovigilancia, y en acuerdos de gesti贸n con los servicios cl铆nicos del hospital. El efecto de esta intervenci贸n se evalu贸 mediante un an谩lisis de series temporales y un an谩lisis descriptivo de las principales caracter铆sticas de las notificaciones espont谩neas y los cambios entre dos periodos de estudio antes (1998-2002) y despu茅s de la intervenci贸n (2003-2005). Las variables analizadas fueron el n煤mero de notificaciones espont谩neas, la fecha de notificaci贸n, las caracter铆sticas demogr谩ficas de los pacientes, las reacciones adversas notificadas, su gravedad y desenlace, los f谩rmacos implicados en las reacciones adversas y la fecha de comercializaci贸n de los mismos, las asociaciones f谩rmaco-reacci贸n m谩s frecuentes, el grado de conocimiento previo de la asociaci贸n f谩rmaco-reacci贸n y las se帽ales identificadas. Entre los potenciales obst谩culos a la notificaci贸n de reacciones adversas en el hospital identificados por los propios m茅dicos, los hubo relacionados con el diagn贸stico de la reacci贸n adversa, as铆 como con la organizaci贸n de la farmacovigilancia, con la actividad cl铆nica y con potenciales conflictos. Como posibles soluciones para mejorar su participaci贸n, sugirieron definir el tipo de reacciones adversas a notificar, facilitar el contacto con el programa de farmacovigilancia hospitalaria, facilitar informaci贸n y apoyo a la notificaci贸n e informaci贸n de retorno sobre las actividades de farmacovigilancia. La intervenci贸n dirigida a estimular la notificaci贸n espont谩nea de reacciones adversas permiti贸 una mejora cuantitativa (aumento del n煤mero de notificaciones) y cualitativa (aumento del n煤mero de notificaciones graves, desconocidas o asociadas a medicamentos de reciente comercializaci贸n) de la actividad notificadora de los m茅dicos del hospital. Tambi茅n permiti贸 la identificaci贸n de tres se帽ales y/o nuevos problemas de seguridad con medicamentos que contribuyeron a la toma de decisiones por parte de las autoridades reguladoras, la retirada del mercado de un medicamento y cambios en la ficha t茅cnica de otros dos.Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the population, it represents a significant consumption of healthcare resources, and have a clear impact on the quality indicators of healthcare delivery. The pharmacovigilance is the activity of public health whose objectives are the identification, quantification, assessment and prevention of risks associated with the use of medicinal products. Spontaneous reporting of suspected ADRs is a method that has proven useful in identifying new ADRs and is widely used in signal generation. The main limitation of this method is underreporting. In the hospital setting, the reporting of ADRs is of particular interest because that serious ADRs are most likely to be seen and the ability to identify safety problems with innovative new drugs. Therefore it is necessary to identify the reasons that determine the low participation of hospital doctors in this activity in order to implement improvement strategies that increase the efficiency of spontaneous reporting. Moreover, we should evaluate the effect of interventions on the spontaneous reporting of ADRs in hospital and the identified signals. With the aim of improving the involvement of Vall d'Hebron Hospital doctors in Barcelona on spontaneous reporting of ADRs were planned a series of actions aimed at identifying the causes of the low reporting activity, the possible solutions, and achieve greater involvement of physicians in this activity. A qualitative study of focus groups that allowed us to describe the physician鈥檚 opinion on the obstacles are to notify and possible solutions was performed. To improve participation of doctors in spontaneous reporting of ADRs, we performed an intervention based on pharmacovigilance information and training activities, and healthcare management agreements with the clinical services of the hospital. The effect of this intervention was assessed using a time series analysis and a descriptive analysis of the main characteristics of spontaneous reports and changes between two study periods, before (1998-2002) and after the intervention (2003-2005). The variables analyzed were the number of spontaneous reports, the date of report, the demographic characteristics of the patients, the reported ADRs, their severity and outcome, the suspected drugs and the date of marketing them, the drug-reaction associations, the previous knowledge of the drug-reaction association and identified signals. Potential obstacles to reporting of ADRs identified by hospital doctors was related to the diagnosis of adverse reaction, as well as the organization of pharmacovigilance, with clinical activity and potential conflicts. The possible solutions to enhance their participation suggested by physicians was defining the type of reporting ADRs, facilitate contact with the hospital pharmacovigilance program, provide information and support to the reporting and feedback on pharmacovigilance activities. The intervention aimed to encourage spontaneous reporting of ADRs allowed a quantitative improvement (increase in the total number of spontaneous reports) and qualitative (increase in the number of serious reports, previously unknown drug-reaction associations and suspected pharmacological exposures to new drugs) in the reporting activity of the hospital doctors. It also allowed the identification of three signals or drug safety concerns and they contributed to the adoption of decisions by regulatory authorities on either the withdrawal of one drug from de market or changes in the summary of product characteristics in the other two drugs

    Adverse Reactions to Drugs of Special Interest in a Pediatric Oncohematology Service

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    Introduction: Drugs used in oncological diseases are frequently related to adverse drug reactions (ADR). Few studies have analyzed the toxicity of cancer treatments in children in real practice. Methods: An observational, longitudinal and prospective study has been carried out in an Oncohematology Service of a tertiary hospital. During 2017, patients exposed to one or more drugs of a previously agreed list were identified and followed-up for at least 6 months each. Characteristics of ADR, incidence, causality and possible preventability, have been evaluated. Results: 72 patients have been treated with at least one study drug, and 159 ADR episodes involving at least one of these drugs have been identified, with a total of 293 ADR. Most episodes required hospital admission (35.2%) or happened during the hospital stay (33%), and 91.2% were severe. Blood disorders were the most frequent ADR (96; 32.8%), related to thioguanine (42) and pegaspargase (39) mainly, followed by infections (86; 29.4%) related to thioguanine (32), pegaspargase (27), Erwinia asparaginase (14) and rituximab (13). Two ADR were unknown. Most ADR were dose-dependent or expectable (>90%). The global incidence of ADR was 3.1/100 days at risk (95% CI 2.7-3.5), with 3.5 ADR/100 days at risk with pegaspargase (95% CI 2.9-4.2), 1.2/100 days at risk with rituximab (95% CI 0.8-1.8) and 11.6/100 days at risk with thioguanine (95% CI 9.4-14.2). Controversial additional measures of prevention, other than those already used, were identified. Conclusion: ADR are frequent in pediatric oncohematological patients, mainly blood disorders and infectious diseases. Findings regarding incidence and preventability may be useful to compare data between different centers and to evaluate new possibilities for action or preventio