89 research outputs found

    Pedagogical Translanguaging

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    This Element looks at the way pedagogical translanguaging can be applied in language and content classes and how it can be valuable for the protection and promotion of minority languages. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core

    El plurilingüismo en el contexto escolar : diversidad lingüística, competencia plurilingüe y tipología

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    ゲンゴ キョウイク クラス ト CLIL イマージョン プログラム ニ オイテ タゲンゴ ヲ イカス キョウジュテキ トランスランゲージング

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    招待論文Invited Papers昨今のマルチリンガリズムの広まりにより、学習者たちは第二言語や追加言語を学ぶ必要を求められている。これらは言語の授業で教えられ、CLIL・イマージョン授業では指導言語として使用される。そこで本稿では第二言語や追加言語で学術的な内容を指導する際の課題について論じる。マルチリンガルの学習者はモノリンガルの学習者よりも幅広い言語レパートリーを持っており、追加言語を学習する際、その予備的知識を活用することができる。多言語話者は、言語を学習する際、あるいは第二言語や追加言語を媒介として学習する際、言語レパートリーからメタ言語的ストラテジーを適用できる可能性がある。しかしながら、多言語話者として具わっているそのような能力全てを発揮しているわけではなく、さらにメタ言語的認識を発達させるために予備的知識を活性化させる必要もある。教授的トランスランゲージングは、指導を通じて学習者自身の言語レパートリーを総動員するため、メタ言語認識を高める際に重要な役割を果たすことができる。このように、学習者は自分自身の多言語性を最大限に活用することができるのである。Nowadays, multilingualism is spreading and students often need to learn second and additional languages. These languages are taught in language classes and are also used as languages of instruction in CLIL/immersion classes. This article discusses the challenges of teaching academic content in second and additional languages. Multilingual learners have a broader repertoire than monolingual learners and can use their prior knowledge when learning an additional language. Multilingual speakers can potentially apply metalinguistic strategies from their multilingual repertoire when learning languages or through the medium of second and additional languages but students do not use all the opportunities they have as multilingual speakers and prior knowledge often needs to be activated so as to develop metalinguistic awareness. Pedagogical translanguaging can play an important role to enhance metalinguistic awareness because it mobilises the students’ own multilingual repertoire through instruction. In this way students can make the most of their own multilingualism

    L’acquisition de la troisième langue : bilinguisme et plurilinguisme au pays basque

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    Cet article aborde des problèmes de bilinguisme et de plurilinguisme en se basant sur les expériences et les recherches réalisées dans la Communauté Autonome Basque (CAB). En partant de différences éventuelles entre l’acquisition de la L2 et de la L3, on analyse l’évolution de l’éducation bilingue dans la CAB, pour présenter ensuite certains aspects de l’acquisition de la L3, basés sur des programmes d’apprentissage mis en place récemment, et sur les résultats de recherches portant sur leur évaluation. On y analyse l’impact du bilinguisme (basque-espagnol) sur l’acquisition de la troisième langue (l’anglais), les effets cognitifs et linguistiques de l’introduction précoce de la troisième langue et les attitudes envers le bilinguisme. Finalement, on suggère quelques explications au caractère facilitateur du plurilinguisme, en les articulant à des facteurs de type cognitif et psychosocial, comme par exemple l’interdépendance entre les langues, la conscience métalinguistique, les attitudes ou la sensibilité aux autres dans la communication.This article deals with bi-and multi-lingualism in the context of the Autonomous Basque Community (ABC). From a consideration of possible differences between L2 and L3 acquisition and an account of the development of bilingual education in the ABC, we turn to the recently inroduced language-learning programmes and the results of research destined to evaluate them. This research analyses the effect of bilingual (Basque-Spanish) competence on the acquisition of the L3, English, the cognitive and linguistic consequences of the early introduction of the L3, as well as attitudes towards multilingualism. We conclude by offering some explanations for the facilitating effect of bilingualism, in terms of cognitive and psycho-social factors, such as interdependance between languages, metalinguistic awareness and attitdudes towards others during linguistic interaction

    The acquisition of additional languages

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    Teaching English through pedagogical translanguaging

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    Teaching English has traditionally been associated with a monolingual bias and the exclusive use of English in the classroom is highly recommended in different countries. Nowadays English is widely used to teach academic content and this strict separation of languages can be problematic because it prevents students from using resources they have previously acquired in other languages (Cenoz & Gorter, 2015; Kubota, 2018). In this article we discuss 'pedagogical translanguaging' understood as intentional instructional strategies that integrate two or more languages and aim at the development of the multilingual repertoire as well as metalinguistic and language awareness. Pedagogical translanguaging considers learners as emergent multilinguals who can use English and other languages depending on the social context. Their linguistic resources are valued and learners are not seen as deficient users of English but as multilingual speakers.MINECO/FEDER,Grant/AwardNumber:EDU2015-63967-R;EuskoJaurlaritza,Grant/AwardNumber:DREAMIT1225-1

    The integration of content and language in CLIL: a challenge for content-driven and language-driven teachers

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    Although the core element in CLIL and immersion programmes is the integration of content and language, it is challenging to achieve a balance between the two to meet the dual-objective of CLIL. Research on the beliefs teachers have about CLIL and the way they understand the role of content and language in their classes is crucial to achieve that balance. In the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC), a multilingual region in Spain, schools are implementing CLIL programmes in order to improve students' English proficiency and foster multilingualism. This case study aims at exploring how teachers in this particular setting conceptualise the integration of content and language in CLIL and their understanding is reflected through pedagogical practices. For that purpose, the thoughts and practices of two CLIL teachers with different teaching backgrounds are examined here. The findings show that teachers understand and implement CLIL in different ways and that there are substantial differences between the content-oriented teacher and the language-oriented teacher. This study shows that it is difficult to achieve a balance of content and language in CLIL classrooms because some classes tend to be content-oriented without enough attention given to language, while others are language-oriented without enough attention paid to content.This work was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Spain [Grant Number PID2019-105818GB-100] and the Basque Government [Grant Number DREAM IT-1225-19]

    Immigrant students’ minority language learning: an analysis of language ideologies

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    This paper focuses on language ideologies in relation to identity in Basque secondary education, in a context where the teaching of a minority language is part of the curriculum. More precisely, it addresses the views held by teachers and immigrant students in relation to Basque, which is a minority language in the Basque Country. The aim is to analyse these views in their discourses both separately and in interaction. Methods include documentary analysis, participant observation, individual interviews and focus groups. Results indicate that there are engrained ideologies indexing identity in tension: those of teachers as Basque supporters and those adopted by students as Basque detractors, which come into conflict during classroom interaction when it involves learning Basque. The article concludes that these two ideologies constitute opposing identities and provides educational guidelines to improve classroom dynamics when acrimonious interactions such as these occur.This work was supported by Eusko Jaurlaritza: [Grant Number IT-1225-19]; Ministerio de EconomAa y Competitividad: [Grant Number FFI2014-52173-P]; University of the Basque Country: [Grant Number PIF 2013]

    Komunikazio-antsietatea euskara bigarren hizkuntza dutenengan

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    Artikulu honetan, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan H1 gaztelania duten hiztunen euskararekiko komunikazio-antsietateari buruzko ikerketa bat aurkezten da. Artikuluaren xedea da euskara bigarren hizkuntza duten hiztun helduen hizkuntza horrekiko antsietatearen inguruan sakontzea. Ikerketa honetan 346 subjektuk parte hartu zuten, eta eskolatuak izan zireneko hizkuntza-ereduaren arabera bereizi ziren. Tresna kuantitatiboak eta kualitatiboak erabili ziren datuak biltzeko. Emaitzek adierazten dute hiru taldeen artean diferentzia esanguratsuak daudela euskararekiko antsietateari dagokionez. Datu kualitatiboen argitan, euskararekiko antsietatean eragiten duten sei faktore identifikatu dira. This article reports a study on communicative anxiety in Basque of Spanish L1 speakers in the context of the Basque Autonomous Community. The paper aims at exploring the anxiety of adult learners of Basque as a second language. This study includes 346 participants who were assigned to three groups according to the linguistic model they were enrolled when they were at school. Quantitative and qualitative instruments were used to collect the data. The results indicate that there are significant differences in anxiety towards Basque between the three groups. Six factors that can be the source of anxiety in Basque were also identified from the qualitative data