208 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of fluvial response to block rotation; Almacık Block case

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    Doğrultu-atımlı fay sistemlerinde diri faylarla sınırlandırılmış kabuksal bloklar düşey eksenli rotasyona maruz kalırlar. Bu çalışmada fluviyal sistemlerin düşey eksenli rotasyona olan tepkileri ve bu tepkileri kullanarak rotasyonun yönü ve miktarı tanımlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma Marmara Bölgesi doğusunda yer alan Almacık Bloku üzerinde yapılmıştır. Almacık Bloku Kuzey Anadolu Fay Sistemi içinde sistemin kuzey ve güney kolları arasında yer alan tamamen doğrultu-atımlı faylarla sınırlanmış mercek şekilli tektonik bir bloktur. Çalışmada ilk olarak Almacık Bloku’nu sınırlayan diri faylar haritalanmış, bunların kinematik özellikleri, segmentasyonları ile aktivite sınıflamaları yapılarak blokun neotektonik özellikleri ortaya konmuştur. Bunu takiben blok üzerinde yer alan akarsu şebekesi ve havzaları üzerinde sayısal yükseklik modelleri ve coğrafi bilgi sistemleri kullanılarak Asimetri Faktörü ve Vadi Yönelimi analizleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca blokları sınırlayan fayların uzun dönem kayma miktarlarına bağlı olarak blokların rotasyon miktarının belirlenmesine yönelik yeni bir yaklaşım (tanjant yaklaşımı) geliştirilerek Almacık ve Armutlu Blokları üzerinde uygulanmıştır. Asimetri Faktörü analizleri akarsu havzalarının asimetrilerini nicel bir şekilde ifade etmeye imkan verir. Vadi Yönelimi analizi ise havzaların kaynak ve ağız kısımları arasındaki genel yönlenmeyi gösterir. Ana akış yönlerini karakterize eden vadi yönelim çizgileri Almacık Bloku üzerinde yer alan tüm havzalar için çizilmiş ve bunların gül diyagramları yapılarak yönlenme yoğunlukları gösterilmiştir. Yapılan Asimetri Faktörü analizleri sonucunda blokun saat yönündeki rotasyonuna akarsuların tepki gösterdikleri ve bunun akarsuların havzalarında sağ yönlü asimetriye neden olduğu görülmüştür. Vadi yönelimi analizleri ise akarsu havzalarının da blokla beraber saat yönünde rotasyona maruz kaldığını ve Almacık Bloku’nun Kuzey Anadolu Fayı’na bağlı olarak En Geç Pliyosen-Günümüz  zaman  aralığında 20°-25º saat yönünde döndüğünü göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kuzey Anadolu Fayı, blok rotasyonu, fluviyal tepki.Block rotations are common in the strike-slip fault systems. Blocks delimited by right lateral strike-slip faults display clockwise rotations and blocks delimited by left lateral strike-slip faults display anti-clockwise rotations. This deformation has been determined by using structural and paleo-magnetic properties of the rocks. In this study, for the first time response of fluvial systems was considered to identify direction and amount of rotation. Since the fluvial systems are very sensitive against internal and external neo-tectonic deformations, they might be utilized in order to identify block rotations along with structural and paleo-magnetic data. This fluvial response approach is applied to the Almacık Block located east of the Marmara region. Almacık Block is delimited by active faults of the northern and southern strands of the North Anatolian Fault System and consists of rocks from Paleozoic to Eocene metamorphic, volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The block is displaced, uplifted and rotated in the neo-tectonic period. It is a east to west trending spindle shaped tectonic block with 80 km length and 18 km width. The main drainage divide of the block is close to southern flank and roughly parallel to the long axis. Top surface of the block is remnants of a paleo-surface. It preserves initial direction of the parent  rivers of current drainage network. We proposed that if a drainage basin in an homogenous and isotrope media, its response to block rotation would give rise to asymmetry on the cross-section of the main valley of drainage basin. Of course this response depends on erosional capability of the basins and rate of rotation. Three models were proposed as 1-Erosion<Rotation; 2-Erosion=Rotation; 3-Erosion>Rotation. In order to test the models, two geomorphic indices were applied on the basins. They are Asymmetry Factor and Basin Azimuth Analysis. Asymmetry Factor is the first index that we applied in order to test existence of fluvial response to block rotation. It is usually used to identify tilting of footwall of normal dip-slip faults. In this study, it was used to quantify asymmetry of the basins instead of tilting. Surface measurements of the main basins and right half were used to calculate asymmetry factor. We applied this index to 55 different basins of northern catchment and found %77 right asymmetry and %23 left asymmetry whereas on 24 different basins of southern catchment display %83 right asymmetry and %17 left asymmetry. Those values are consistently proved that drainage basins response to block rotation as they response to other tectonic deformations. Basin Azimuth analysis were applied to identify amount of rotations. It is based on angular relationships between former and present fluvial systems to North Anatolian Fault System. It is generally known that former drainage system that is observed on the paleo-surfaces from south to north, roughly orthogonal to the North Anatolian Fault System. Following the initiation of the North Anatolian Fault in the area those former drainage systems were perturbated and younger drainage systems, like Mudurnu Valley, started to develope. In this analyze whole of the drainage system was primarily evaluated. The rose diagram of it indicates orientation between 10-20º. Since some margins of the block has different surface orientation this orientation values has to be checked out on margins especially orthogonal to North Anatolian Fault. The Mudurnu valley is the best place to test it and we evaluated to southern and northern slope of the valley. The northern slope of the valley coincides the Almacık Block southern slope of the valley coincides Kapıorman Mountain. Hence, we can compare behaviour of the drainage basins on two block of the fault. Rose diagram of the northern slope (Almacık Block) clearly indicates 20º-25°clockwise rotation of the block with respect to southern slope (Kapıorman Mountain) of the valley. Both results reveal that fluvial systems are sensitive to block rotation and Almacık Block is rotated clockwise about 20-25º since the North Anatolian Fault initiated between the latest Pliocene to Present. Keywords: North Anatolian Fault, block rotation, fluvial response

    Evaluating Value-at-Risk in BIST Using Copula Approach

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    Modelling dependence structure between variables is commonly investigated in literature. A large variety of methods have been improved in recent times. One of the methods is the copula which models accurately dependency regardless of marginal distributions. In this paper Value-at-Risk (VaR) is computed using the copulas. It is assumed that the dependency does not vary through time since small time interval is used. The study composes of two steps. In the first step the best fitted copula is determined by ML (Maximum likelihood). In the second step equal-weighted portfolio analysis is performed by joint distribution function obtained from the copula and maximum possible losses of the portfolio are evaluated. The main challenge in portfolio analysis is that joint distribution function for stocks cannot be correctly constructed by considering dependence structure among them. We obtain joint distribution function for stocks using the copula approach that has been commonly used in recent times. After the best fitted copula is determined using the criterions such as AIC (Akaike information criterion) and SBC (Schwar

    COVID-19 Pandemi Sırasındaki Acil Cerrahi Bakım ve Ameliyathane Uygulamalarında Perioperatif Uygulama ve Rehberlik; Deneyimlerimiz

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    Aim: The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) can infect healthcare workers. We developed an institutional algorithm to protect operating room team members during the COVID-19 pandemic and rationally conserve personal protective equipment (PPE). We aimed to review the latest data on the COVID-19 pandemic and essential information for practice in emergency surgery and the operating room.Materials and Methods: An interventional platform (operating room, interventional suite, and endoscopy) with our committee formed with our doctors consisting of different branches, we developed our guidelines based on potential patterns of spread, risk of exposure, and conservation of PPE. We aimed to share our experiences with 128 patients who were taken into operation in a 2-month period.Anesthetic management and infection control guidelines for emergency procedures for patients with suspected 2019-nCoV were drafted and applied in Medical Faculty of Namık Kemal University.Results: A decision tree algorithm describing our institutional guidelines for precautions for operating room team members was created. This algorithm is based on the urgency of operation, anticipated viral burden at the surgical site, the opportunity for a procedure to aerosolize virus, and the likelihood a patient could be infected based on symptoms and testing.Conclusion: Despite COVID-19 being a new threat, we have shown that by developing an easy-to-follow decision algorithm for the interventional platform teams, we can ensure optimal healthcare worker safety.Amaç: Yeni koronavirüs SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) sağlık çalışanlarını enfekte edebilir. COVID-19 salgını sırasında ameliyathane ekip üyelerini korumak ve rasyonel olarak kişisel koruyucu ekipman (KKE) için kurumsal bir algoritma geliştirdik. Acil cerrahi ve ameliyathanede COVID-19 salgını ile ilgili en güncel bilgileri gözden geçirmeyi amaçladık. Materyal ve Metot: Farklı branşlardan oluşan doktorlarımızla oluşturduğumuz komitemiz ile girişimsel bir platform (ameliyathane, girişimsel ve endoskopi), potansiyel yayılma örüntüleri, maruz kalma riski ve KKE'nin korunmasına dayanan kılavuzlarımızı geliştirdik. Deneyimlerimizi 2 aylık bir sürede ameliyat edilen 128 hasta ile paylaşmayı amaçladık. 2019-nCoV şüphesi olan hastalar için acil durum prosedürleri için anestezi yönetimi ve enfeksiyon kontrol kılavuzları Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'nde hazırlanmış ve uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Ameliyathane ekibi üyelerine yönelik önlemler için kurumsal yönergelerimizi açıklayan bir karar algoritması oluşturuldu. Bu algoritma ameliyatın aciliyetine, cerrahi bölgede beklenen viral yüke, virüsü aerosol haline getirme prosedürü fırsatına ve hastanın semptomlara ve testlere dayanarak enfekte olma olasılığına dayanır. Sonuç: COVID-19'un yeni bir tehdit olmasına rağmen, girişimsel platform ekipleri için izlemesi kolay bir karar algoritması geliştirerek, optimum sağlık çalışanı güvenliğini sağlayabildiğimizi gösterdik


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    ABSTRACT In the present study, the level of polymorphism and the genetic relationships among 26 potato genotypes were studied by means of molecular markers using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique. DNA was extracted from fresh leaves of the seedlings. Selective amplification products revealed a total of 191 polymorphic bands ranging from 8 to 45 for each combination. Scoring results were used to generate a tree in JMP software. The 26 samples formed six clades with varying number of members between one and eleven. Genetic distances among genotypes were calculated according to Jaccard's formula, in Phylip 3.0 software. According to the results of genetic distance, dendrogram showed that genotypes 6/7-4 and 6/7-2 were the closest genotypes with a genetic distance of 0.13. On the other hand, genotypes Posof-10 and Marabel were the most distinct from each other with a genetic distance value of 0.55. The AFLP marker results showed a great consistency along with their pedigrees indicating the AFLP technique as a useful tool in the calculation of genetic distance of the potato genotypes

    The relationship between isokinetic knee flexion and extension muscle strength, jump performance, dynamic balance and injury risk in female volleyball players

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    The relationship between balance, knee muscle strength, jump height and risk of injury has not been clearly stated in female volleyball athletes. The study was to determine whether a correlation exists between knee joint isokinetic muscle strength, risk of injury, balance and jump height in female volleyball athletes. Twenty-two female volleyball athletes were involved into the study. Knee muscle strength were evaluated with the Biodex 3® isokinetic dynamometer. Jump performances were evaluated with the countermovement (CMJ) jump test using the Vert Jump® Motion Sensitive Sensor. The injury risk for all players were evaluated by the Functional Movement Screen (FMS®). Balance measurements were performed with a dynamometer Biodex Systems 3® device. There was a significant relationship between CMJ height, knee flexion and extension peak torque and H:Q ratio values at two angular velocities, dynamic balance and total FMS® scores (p.05). We suggest that all clinicians and coaches involved in the protective and preventive rehabilitation phase evaluate these parameters and plan their training programs in line with the results obtained in increasing both individual and team performance of athletes

    Influence des facteurs environnementaux sur la distribution et la composition des communautés végétales dans la vallée de la Kizilirmak, région de la mer Noire, Turquie

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    La présente étude examine le rôle des facteurs environnementaux dans la distribution des associations végétales dans la vallée de la Kizilirmak dans le nord de la Turquie. Elle fournit une analyse quantitative des relations végétation – environnement sur un site de cette vallée. Cent trente parcelles de végétation ont été échantillonnées et analysées à l’aide de TWINSPAN et d’une analyse des correspondances détendancées (DCA) afin d’identifier les principales communautés végétales et de déterminer les gradients environnementaux auxquels elles sont associées. Onze associations et six sous-associations ont été déterminées à l’aide de TWINSPAN dont le dendrogramme individualise trois grands groupes végétaux dans la vallée de la Kizilirmak : les sclérophylles, les xérophylles et les mésophylles. Les principaux axes de la DCA représentent les gradients d’altitude, d’humidité relative et de pH du sol. Des indices de diversité de Shannon et de richesse spécifique ont été calculés pour les associations étudiéesThe aim of this study is to explore the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of plant associations in Kizilirmak Valley, in northern Turkey. This paper provides a quantitative analysis of the vegetation–environment relationships for a study site in this valley. 130 vegetation plots were sampled and analysed using two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) in order to identify the principal vegetation communities and determine the environmental gradients associated with these. Eleven associations and six sub- associations were found by using TWINSPAN. There were three main vegetation groups, namely sclerophyllous, xerophyllous and mesophyllous according to TWINSPAN dendrogram, in Kizilirmak valley. The principal DCA axes represent gradients of elevation, relative humidity and soil pH. Shannon diversity index and species richness were also calculated for studied plant association


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    Although the COVID-19 pandemic has created various health problems in many people, it has also caused disruptions in the clinical management of patients with existing cancerous disease. This retrospective cohort study aims to observe the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in PET-CT utilization, which has an important role in the diagnosis, staging, and follow-up of cancer patients