498 research outputs found

    Nonlinear data reconciliation in material flow analysis with software STAN

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    AbstractSTAN is a freely available software that supports Material/Substance Flow Analysis (MFA/SFA) under the consideration of data uncertainties. It is capable of performing nonlinear data reconciliation based on the conventional weighted least-squares minimization approach, and error propagation. This paper summarizes the mathematical foundation of the calculation algorithm implemented in STAN and demonstrates its use on a hypothetical example from MFA

    Translation inhibition by rocaglates is independent of eIF4E phosphorylation status

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    Rocaglates are natural products that inhibit protein synthesis in eukaryotes and exhibit antineoplastic activity. In vitro biochemical assays, affinity chromatography experiments coupled with mass spectrometry analysis, and in vivo genetic screens have identified eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4A as a direct molecular target of rocaglates. eIF4A is the RNA helicase subunit of eIF4F, a complex that mediates cap-dependent ribosome recruitment to mRNA templates. The eIF4F complex has been implicated in tumor initiation and maintenance through elevated levels or increased phosphorylation status of its cap-binding subunit, eIF4E, thus furthering the interest toward developing rocaglates as antineoplastic agents. Recent experiments have indicated that rocaglates also interact with prohibitins 1 and 2, proteins implicated in c-Raf-MEK-ERK signaling. Because increased ERK signaling stimulates eIF4E phosphorylation status, rocaglates are also expected to inhibit eIF4E phosphorylation status, a point that has not been thoroughly investigated. It is currently unknown whether the effects on translation observed with rocaglates are solely through eIF4A inhibition or also a feature of blocking eIF4E phosphorylation. Here, we show that rocaglates inhibit translation through an eIF4E phosphorylation-independent mechanism.P50 GM067041 - NIGMS NIH HHS; R01 GM073855 - NIGMS NIH HHS; GM-067041 - NIGMS NIH HHS; MOP-106530 - Canadian Institutes of Health Researc

    Synthesis of aza-rocaglates via ESIPT-mediated (3+2) photocycloaddition

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    Synthesis of aza-rocaglates, nitrogen-containing analogues of the rocaglate natural products, is reported. The route features ESIPT-mediated (3+2) photocycloaddition of 1-alkyl-2-aryl-3-hydroxyquinolinones with the dipolarophile methyl cinnamate. A continuous photoflow reactor was utilized for photocycloadditions. An array of compounds bearing the hexahydrocyclopenta[b]indole core structure was synthesized and evaluated in translation inhibition assays.R01 CA175744 - NCI NIH HHS; R01 GM073855 - NIGMS NIH HHS; R24 GM111625 - NIGMS NIH HHS; R35 GM118173 - NIGMS NIH HH

    La potenzialità produttiva delle fonti rinnovabili di energia in Friuli Venezia Giulia e in Slovenia. Caratteristiche delle differenti filiere e prospettive di sviluppo

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    2007/2008Negli ultimi decenni, lo stile di vita e l’aumento della ricchezza complessiva della società hanno inciso profondamente sul settore energetico, modificando sensibilmente le prospettive energetiche. La tematica dell'impiego delle fonti rinnovabili di energia è ritornata di attualità, soprattutto negli ultimi anni, alla luce dei ben noti avvenimenti quali l'aumento dei prezzi dei combustibili fossili e le difficoltà del loro approvvigionamento. Questi problemi hanno messo in evidenza che non si può più considerare la disponibilità energetica come qualcosa di scontato. Il ricorso alle fonti rinnovabili e all'uso efficiente dell'energia si impone quale scelta strategica, irreversibile. I problemi riguardanti l'energia sono comuni a tutto il territorio transfrontaliero ma le soluzioni attualmente in uso sono differenti. Tuttavia poiché il settore energetico ha una valenza strategica per lo sviluppo locale è indispensabile che su questi temi gli approcci siano comuni e le modalità operative risultino condivise. Lo sviluppo di un approccio comune alla pianificazione dell'uso delle risorse energetiche è indispensabile anche per garantire il migliore sfruttamento possibile delle energie rinnovabili, sulla base della diversa vocazione per le possibili fonti alternative posseduta dai territori transfrontalieri. La presente ricerca contribuisce alla conoscenza della legislazione europea, slovena e italiana nel campo delle fonti rinnovabili di energia; analizza le disponibilità di rinnovabili nel territorio della Repubblica Slovena e dell'Italia, con un preciso approfondimento nella Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, delle prospettive del loro sviluppo e del loro impiego. Nei capitoli successivi sono state individuate diverse filiere delle energie rinnovabili con l'obiettivo di dare un contributo alla migliore conoscenza dell'argomento trattato nella tesi. E' stata effettuata un'indagine per rilevare i costi d'investimento delle principali tecnologie attualmente disponibili relative ad impianti che producono energia da fonti rinnovabili. Lo studio è stato effettuato per comparare eventuali differenze esistenti nel mercato del FVG e Slovenia. Sono stati presi in considerazione i dati di fornitori di impianti o/e di costruttori relativi ai seguenti settori: solare fotovoltaico, solare termico, biogas, eolico, geotermico, combustione e gassificazione delle biomasse, ecc. Una grande attenzione è riservata agli obiettivi Europei fissati per il 2020. Nella ricerca a tale scopo sono stati messi a confronto tre scenari delle prospettive di evoluzione del sistema energetico attraverso i quali si è delineato un quadro di sviluppo delle filiere. All'interno di queste filiere sono state identificate le differenti soluzioni tecnologiche ed impiantistiche per raggiungere gli obiettivi precedentemente considerati, tenendo conto delle potenzialità fisiche delle rinnovabili presenti. Nelle conclusioni sono presentate le principali problematiche del territorio e descritte alcune linee di orientamento per la pianificazione degli interventi nell'area transfrontaliera per uno sviluppo territoriale sostenibile e comune.XXI Cicl

    A novel polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based assay for authentication of cell lines or tissues from human, pig and chicken origin

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    A polymerase chain reaction based assay was developed for authentication of cell lines or tissues from human, pig and chicken origin. Specificity was achieved by species specific primer design targeting the mitochondrial D-loop sequence. Amplicon sizes were 114 bp, 169 bp and 645-648 bp for chicken, human and pig derived cell lines, respectively. Primers were tested for species specificity and non-specificity between haplogroups of the same organisms using BLAST tool and subsequently for cross amplification DNA extracted from human, chicken and pig venous blood as a positive control. Primers were also amplifying specific products in DNA extracted from individual cell line in both functional cell models and intentionally mixed cell lines consisting functional cell models. The PCR assay developed in this study represents a low-cost species specific end-point PCR based assay of the mitochondrial D-loop for the authentication of the cell line origin

    Oxo-aglaiastatin-mediated inhibition of translation initiation

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    We thank Dr. Elias George (McGill University) for the kind gift of Pgp-1-expressing HeLa cells. RIM was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the Cole Foundation. This research was supported by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (FDN-148366) to JP. J.A.P., Jr. is supported by NIH Grant R35 GM118173. Work at the Boston University Center for Molecular Discovery is supported by Grant R24 GM111625. (Cole Foundation; FDN-148366 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research; R35 GM118173 - NIH; R24 GM111625)Published versionSupporting documentatio

    Foot-and-mouth disease virus leader proteinase: Structural insights into the mechanism of intermolecular cleavage

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    Translation of foot-and-mouth disease virus RNA initiates at one of two start codons leading to the synthesis of two forms of leader proteinase L(pr)o (Lab(pro) and Lb(pro)). These forms free themselves from the viral polyprotein by intra- and intermolecular self-processing and subsequently cleave the cellular eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4G. During infection, Lb(pro) removes six residues from its own C-terminus, generating sLb(pro). We present the structure of sLb(pro) bound to the inhibitor E64-R-P-NH2, illustrating how sLb(pro) can cleave between Lys/Gly and Gly/Arg pairs. in intermolecular cleavage on polyprotein substrates, Lb(pro) was unaffected by P1 or P1' substitutions and processed a substrate containing nine eIF4GI cleavage site residues whereas sLb(pro) failed to cleave the eIF4GI containing substrate and cleaved appreciably more slowly on mutated substrates. Introduction of 70 eIF4GI residues bearing the Lb(pro) binding site restored cleavage. These data imply that Lb(pro) and sLb(pro) may have different functions in infected cells. (C) 2014 the Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).Austrian Science FoundationFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Med Univ Vienna, Max F Perutz Labs, A-1030 Vienna, AustriaUniv Vienna, Dept Struct & Computat Biol, Max F Perutz Labs, A-1030 Vienna, AustriaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Biophys, BR-0404420 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Biophys, BR-0404420 São Paulo, BrazilAustrian Science Foundation: P20889Austrian Science Foundation: P24038FAPESP: 12/50191-4RCNPq: 471340/2011-1CNPq: 470388/2010-2Web of Scienc

    The Academy of Legal Sciences and the seizure of St.Franci’s Convent in the City of Sao Paulo

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    In 1827, São Paulo had its first Law School, the Academia de Sciencias Juridicas de São Paulo, currently Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo. However, despite all efforts, there was no building to house the Academy. In order to fix this problem, the Imperial Government and the São Paulo Provincial Governor negotiated the cession of Saint Francis’ Convent to host the first Brazilian Law School. Nevertheless, based on extensive original documentation, we will argue, in this paper, that the negotiations were not totally friendly and the Franciscans resisted delivering their building. In this sense, the manuscripts analysed here reveal a hostile takeover rather than a friendly grant.Neste texto, apresentamos um grupo de manuscritos que revela detalhes da negociação que levou à cessão do edifício do Convento dos Franciscanos, no ano de 1828, à Academia de Sciencias Juridicas de São Paulo, atual Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo. Os manuscritos, datados de 1827 e 1828, documentam o processo de escolha do edifício, a comunicação entre o então diretor da Academia (José Arouche de Toledo Rendon), a Secretaria dos Negócios do Império e os representantes franciscanos, bem como os conflitos dessa relação. Pretendemos mostrar, através da análise dos manuscritos, que a entrega do Convento dos Franciscanos ao Curso Jurídico em 1828 constituiu-se mais em uma tomada do edifício do que uma simples cessão voluntária
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