4,721 research outputs found

    Exchange your knowledge on plant gene families

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    Genomic analysis of NAC transcription factors in banana (Musa acuminata) and definition of NAC orthologous groups for monocots and dicots

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    Identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying tolerance to abiotic stresses is important in crop breeding. A comprehensive understanding of the gene families associated with drought tolerance is therefore highly relevant. NAC transcription factors form a large plant-specific gene family involved in the regulation of tissue development and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. The main goal of this study was to set up a framework of orthologous groups determined by an expert sequence comparison of NAC genes from both monocots and dicots. In order to clarify the orthologous relationships among NAC genes of different species, we performed an in-depth comparative study of four divergent taxa, in dicots and monocots, whose genomes have already been completely sequenced: Arabidopsis thaliana, Vitis vinifera, Musa acuminata and Oryza sativa. Due to independent evolution, NAC copy number is highly variable in these plant genomes. Based on an expert NAC sequence comparison, we propose forty orthologous groups of NAC sequences that were probably derived from an ancestor gene present in the most recent common ancestor of dicots and monocots. These orthologous groups provide a curated resource for large-scale protein sequence annotation of NAC transcription factors. The established orthology relationships also provide a useful reference for NAC function studies in newly sequenced genomes such as M. acuminata and other plant species

    Ultrasound-induced emulsification of subcritical carbon dioxide/water with and without surfactant as a strategy for enhanced mass transport

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    Pulsed ultrasound was used to disperse a biphasic mixture of CO2/H2O in a 1 dm3 high-pressure reactor at 30 °C/80 bar. A view cell positioned in-line with the sonic vessel allowed observation of a turbid emulsion which lasted approximately 30 min after ceasing sonication. Within the ultrasound reactor, simultaneous CO2-continuous and H2O-continuous environments were identified. The hydrolysis of benzoyl chloride was employed to show that at similar power intensities, comparable initial rates (1.6 ± 0.3 × 10–3 s–1 at 95 W cm–2) were obtained with those reported for a 87 cm3 reactor (1.8 ± 0.2 × 10–3 s–1 at 105 W cm–2), demonstrating the conservation of the physical effects of ultrasound in high-pressure systems (emulsification induced by the action of acoustic forces near an interface). A comparison of benzoyl chloride hydrolysis rates and benzaldehyde mass transport relative to the non-sonicated, ‘silent’ cases confirmed that the application of ultrasound achieved reaction rates which were over 200 times faster, by reducing the mass transport resistance between CO2 and H2O. The versatility of the system was further demonstrated by ultrasound-induced hydrolysis in the presence of the polysorbate surfactant, Tween, which formed a more uniform CO2/H2O emulsion that significantly increased benzoyl chloride hydrolysis rates. Finally, pulse rate was employed as a means of slowing down the rate of hydrolysis, further illustrating how ultrasound can be used as a valuable tool for controlling reactions in CO2/H2O solvent mixtures

    Local Unitary Classification of Arbitrary Dimensional Multipartite Pure States

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    We propose a practical entanglement classification scheme for general multipartite pure states in arbitrary dimensions under local unitary equivalence by exploiting the high order singular value decomposition technique and local symmetries of the states. By virtue of this scheme, the method of determining the local unitary equivalence of nn-qubit states proposed by Kraus is extended to the case for arbitrary dimensional multipartite states.Comment: 10 pages; published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Manual de perdas pós-colheita em frutos e hortaliças.

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    Produção e perdas de frutos e hortaliças no Brasil. Perdas: definição, tipos e causas. Alguns aspectos envolvidos no controle das perdas: pré-colheita; colheita; pós-colheita; embalagem; transporte; armazenamento. Aspectos de mercado.bitstream/item/33932/1/1997-DOC-0027.pd

    Considerações sobre o ponto de colheita de manga para exportação.

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    Study of storage sunrise "Solo" papaya fruit under controlled atmosphere.

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    The effécts of controlled atmophere (CA) on keeping quality of stored 'Solo' papaya (Carica Papaya L. ) fiuit was studied

    A cloud-based healthcare infrastructure for neonatal intensive-care units

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    Intensive medical attention of preterm babies is crucial to avoid short-term and long- term complications. Within neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), cribs are equipped with electronic devices aimed at: monitoring, administering drugs and supporting clinician in making diagnosis and offer treatments. To manage this huge data flux, a cloud-based healthcare infrastructure that allows data collection from different devices (i.e., patient monitors, bilirubinometers, and transcutaneous bilirubinometers), storage, processing and transferring will be presented. Communication protocols were designed to enable the communication and data transfer between the three different devices and a unique database and an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI) was implemented. The infrastructure is currently used in the “Women’s and Children’s Hospital G.Salesi” in Ancona (Italy), supporting clinicians and health opertators in their daily activities

    Uso de atmosfera controlada para conservação pós-colheita do mamão "Golden".

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    Frutos de mamoeiro 'Golden' colhidos no estádio 3 de maturação foram armazenados sob controle de atmosfera (3%O2 e 3%CO2 , 3%O2 e 6%CO2 ou 8%CO2 , 5%O2 e 8%CO2) e sob atmosfera ambiente (70% ou 90% U.R.), por 20 ou 25 dias, seguidos de mais 5 dias em atmosfera ambiente, a 10º C. Após 4 dias a 22º C não se verificaram muitas diferenças entre tratamentos, porém o maior teor de sólidos solúveis em frutos armazenados sob 3%O2/3%CO2, e os maiores índices de maturidade nos frutos armazenados sob 3%O2/6%CO2, por 20 dias, sugerem que novos estudos possam ser realizados adotando-se tais concentrações