1,856 research outputs found

    Depression in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review protocol

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    Introduction Depression is a common mental disorder and is a major cause of years lived with disability. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an increase in the prevalence of depression worldwide. Our aim is to identify and synthesise the determinants of depression, the diagnostic assessment tools used to evaluate depression, and the interventions carried out since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the population aged 60 and older. Methods and analysis A systematic review of the literature will be conducted. The following databases will be searched: CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MedicLatina, MEDLINE with Full Text, and Psychology and Behavioural Sciences Collection. The search strategy will include the following Medical Subject Headings or similar terms: “Depression”, “Depressive Disorder”, “Depressive Symptoms”, “Older Adults”, “Aging”, “Elderly”, Pandemic” and “COVID-19”. Two independent reviewers will ascertain whether the resulting articles meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, and perform the analysis of data quality. Disagreements will be resolved by a third reviewer. All studies reported between December 2019 and March 2022 meeting the following criteria will be included: studies in adults aged 60 and over, and articles written in English, Portuguese, Spanish or German. Information on determinants of depression, assessment instruments used to assess depressive symptoms and/or interventions to decrease depression are reported. Studies will not be excluded based on geographical area study context (eg, community, culture or specific environment). All studies related to diagnostic assessment, care planning and/or intervention strategies specifically for older adults with depression will be included. Ethics and dissemination As only secondary data will be analysed, no ethical approval is required for this study. This scientific article is a systematic review protocol for which data have not yet been extracted or analysed. The results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications

    A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of metacognitive training for older adults with depression (MCT-Silver) in Portugal: study protocol

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    First publication by Frontiers MediaDepression is one of the most common psychological disorders in later life. Although psychological interventions are recommended by treatment guidelines, most older adults with depression remain untreated. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the Portuguese version of Metacognitive Training for Depression in later life (MCT-Silver)

    Optimal Depressants and Collector Dosage in Fluorite Flotation Process Based on DoE Methodology

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    Alternative processes have been proposed for selective separation of fluorite and gangue minerals (carbonates and silicates) present in fluorspar ores. Calcination and gravity separation processes are methods that have low efficiency and high cost. Flotation is a chemical process that becomes important when high ore grades are required; however, the selectivity is inhibited by the superficial similarity of the chemical composition of minerals. Accordingly, interactions between dissolved ionic species of fluorite, carbonates, and silicates with some reagents under determinate conditions obstruct the flotation process. In order to optimize the flotation process of a Spanish fluorite ore, this research uses a mathematical model. In this study, the variables were the dose of potato starch, quebracho tree, white dextrine, oleic acid, and sodium silicate. On the other hand, the factors studied were the law of carbonates, silica, and fluorite, in addition to the metallurgical recovery of fluorite. The statistical technique of factor analysis that relates the variables and factors allowed to the optimization of the reagent dosage. Maximum metallurgical recovery was achieved without sacrificing the fluorite grade. The mathematical model adjusts satisfactorily to the results with a correlation coefficient of 91.58% for metallurgical recovery and 98.51% for fluorite grade. Optimizing the process 60.45% of metallurgical recovery and 68.99% of fluorite grade are achieve in the roughing step, using a dosage of 1.68 g.kg-1 of potato starch, 0.86 g.kg-1 of quebracho tree, 1.25 g.kg-1 of dextrin, 3 g.kg-1 of oleic acid, and 0.85 g.kg-1 of water glass.This research was funded by company MINERA DE ÓRGIVA, S.L., Spain”

    Comparison Between Performance of Fluorite Flotation Under Different Depressants Reagents in Two Pieces of Laboratory Equipment

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    Fluorite is an important industrial mineral composed of calcium and fluorine (CaF2). This mineral is widely distributed through different deposits. However, in most cases, fluorite is tightly associated with gangue, such as calcite and quartz. In this paper, different depressants are tested in the flotation of fluorite in two different laboratory configurations—cell and column. Quebracho tree (QT) was tested as the main depressant in combination with white dextrin (WD), potato starch (PT), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), and sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP). The optimum pulp pH of the flotation of fluorite was determined as approximately 9.5–10. The best results are obtained using a combination of quebracho and white dextrin as depressants, reaching 74% of fluorite grade for modified column flotation and 70.5% for cell flotation. Additionally, the metallurgical recovery obtained higher values when the flotation was carried out in the modified column and using the same combination of depressant agents—75% for modified column flotation and 60% for flotation cellCompany MINERA DE ORGIVA, S.L., Spai

    Análise Experimental da conversão RGB/YCbCr e codificação Run-length para compressão de imagens em Sistemas de Tempo Real Baseados em VANTs / Experimental Analysis of RGB/YCbCr conversion and Run-length encoding for image compression in UAV-based Real-Time Systems

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    Atualmente muitas aplicações que fazem uso de  VANT’s  capturam imagens RGB e as enviam para uma base em terra, em tempo real. O tamanho da imagem transferida é fundamental no atendimento dos requisitos temporais da aplicação Run-length (RLE) e´ uma técnica de compressão de dados adequada para longas sequências de repetições. Foi realizada a conversão RGB/YCbCr e executado o algoritmo de compactação RLE em cada um desses dois espaços de cores.  Os resultados obtidos neste estudo experimental, indicam que a técnica run-length, aplicada ao sistema de cores YCbCr, apresenta vantagens em relação ao RGB, tanto em tempo de processamento quanto em relação as taxas de redução

    Eco-on Um Sistema de Denúncia de Descarte Irregular de Residuos Sólidos / Eco-on A System for Reporting Irregular Solid Waste Disposal

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    Cidades inteligentes utilizam recursos tecnológicos na construção de soluções para grandes problemas, tendo em vista a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população. Um desses grandes problemas é a quantidade de resíduos produzidos nas cidades e a existência de descartes irregulares, realizados em locais impróprios. Esse estudo apresenta um sistema que tem por objetivo permitir que os cidadãos façam denúncias da existência de descartes de resíduos sólidos em locais impróprios. É formado por um aplicativo, que roda em smartphones, e um site, que permite ao gestor público acessar o sistema. Com o uso do smartphone os cidadãos podem fazer denúncias, informando o local e anexando fotos dos resíduos descartados irregularmente. O site permite ao gestor público acessar as denúncias e tomar providências para a solução do problema. O usuário pode acompanhar o andamento de suas denúncias e também visualizar todas as denúncias existentes no município

    A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of metacognitive training for older adults with depression (MCT-Silver) in Portugal: study protocol

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    IntroductionDepression is one of the most common psychological disorders in later life. Although psychological interventions are recommended by treatment guidelines, most older adults with depression remain untreated. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the Portuguese version of Metacognitive Training for Depression in later life (MCT-Silver).MethodsThis is a study protocol of an observer-blind, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial to compare the efficacy of MCT-Silver with a treatment as usual (TAU) control group among older adults (age 65 years and older) with depressive symptoms according to the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Scale. Participants will be tested at three assessment time points (baseline, immediately following the intervention [8 weeks], and 3 months after the intervention). The primary outcome is change in self-rated depression symptoms assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). Secondary outcomes include clinician-rated depression, self-esteem, dysfunctional beliefs, metacognitive beliefs, ruminations, attitudes toward aging and quality of life. A self-designed subjective appraisal rating scale consisting of 21-items will be used to assess participant acceptance of MCT-Silver.DiscussionMCT-Silver is an innovative intervention, which aims to reduce dysfunctional thoughts as well as depression-related behaviors and coping strategies through the metacognitive perspective. Until now, the training has only been tested in Germany. It is expected that after 8 weeks of treatment and 3 months later, the experimental group will demonstrate significant reductions in depressive symptoms, metacognitive beliefs, dysfunctional attitudes and ruminative responses compared to the TAU group. Moreover, quality of life, self-esteem, and attitudes towards aging will be significantly improved in MCT-Silver compared to the TAU group.Clinical trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov, NCT05640492

    Inovação e desenvolvimento sustentável: Um estudo de caso sobre os efeitos do uso do aplicativo para gestão de resíduos sólidos em São José do Herval - RS

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    A gestão dos resíduos sólidos é um dos fatores essenciais para o avanço das questões socioambientais. Contudo, é dever do poder público e da sociedade estabelecer, executar e fiscalizar medidas de gestão e controle. E, a inovação tecnológica pode ser uma alternativa prática e efetiva no monitoramento do descarte dos resíduos. Este estudo objetivou desenvolver um aplicativo para smartphones como ferramenta de gestão dos resíduos sólidos municipais de São José do Herval-RS. A metodologia empregada foi pesquisa-ação, com caráter descritivo e experimental, através de um estudo de caso. Os procedimentos foram divididos em três etapas. Inicialmente, foi desenvolvido um aplicativo para identificar locais de descartes irregulares de resíduos sólidos no município. Posteriormente, realizou-se o levantamento dos dados com uso do aplicativo e, por fim, estes dados foram tratados e interpretados. Foram computadas 23 denúncias, destacando-se como mais relevantes os resíduos do tipo: domiciliares secos (28,85%), volumosos (25%), industriais (19,23), verdes (9,62%), da construção civil (7,69%), de limpeza pública (5,77%) e domiciliares orgânicos (3,84%). Foi possível propor melhorias quanto às práticas de educação ambiental, auxiliando nas políticas públicas ambientais do município. Ademais, além de servir como suporte à gestão municipal, a ferramenta também possui interface entre tecnologia, sociedade e meio ambiente

    Depression and Anxiety of Portuguese University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study about Prevalence and Associated Factors

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    ABSTRACT: The mental health of university students has worsened over time, and it is young people who have suffered the most from the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of mental health. Anxiety and depression are the most common symptoms reported by university students and are often the cause of disabilities, either in academic performance or in other spheres of life. Aim. The aim of this study was to both assess the prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms in Portuguese university students and analyze the factors associated with these symptoms. Methods. A quantitative cross-sectional study with a sample of 3,399 university students from seven Portuguese higher education institutions was conducted. The following questionnaires were used: the generalized anxiety disorder assessment scale (GAD-7), the patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9), and a study-created sociodemographic questionnaire. The Kendall correlation coefficient, chi-square test of independence, Spearman correlation coefficient, Shapiro-Wilk test, Mann–Whitney-Wilcoxon test, and Kruskall-Wallis test were used to analyze the association between variables. The statistical analysis was done using the software R Statistics (Version 4.0.4), using a significance level of 0.05. Results. Mild to severe anxiety symptoms were reported by 75% of the participants, and 61.2% described mild to severe depressive symptoms. Of the sample, 19.5% reported a previous diagnosis of a mental disorder, with 38.7% diagnosed after the pandemic began. Additionally, 23% reported taking medication for mental health issues, and 26.7% had considered self-harm or harbored thoughts of being “better off dead.” The study found lower anxiety and depressive symptoms (p < 0 05) among men, students with higher socioeconomic status, those who frequently traveled home, individuals without prior mental health diagnoses, those with better academic performance, and those who avoided substances like coffee, tobacco, cannabis, and other illegal psychoactive substances. Interestingly, students in romantic relationships exhibited more anxiety symptoms (p < 0 05). Moreover, participants who believed they had experienced moral or sexual harassment displayed higher levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms (p < 0 001). Conclusions. There was a decrease in the mental health of university students after the pandemic compared to prepandemic studies, and the proportion of students with anxiety and depressive symptoms was alarming. There is an urgent need to implement programs in universities to promote students’ mental health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Report and discussion of a study case: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

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    Introdución: El sÍndrome del Opérculo Torácico (SOT) es un grupo heterogéneo y potencialmente disfuncional de sÍndromes relacionados con compresión extrÍnseca de estructuras neurovasculares a su paso, desde el cuello hacia el miembro superior, por diferentes estructuras anatómicas congénitas o adquiridas, siendo más frecuente la compresión neurológica, ocasionando una variedad de sintomatologÍa que varÍa según grado de compresión y estructura afectada, que en algunos casos hacen difÍcil su diagnóstico. Es una entidad mal diagnosticada teniendo en cuenta que no hay criterios diagnósticos establecidos; por eso, el examen fÍsico es primordial para su sospecha clÍnica. El tratamiento inicial es conservador, siendo el tratamiento quirúrgico, una opción con múltiples procedimientos personalizados para cada tipo de paciente, según etiologÍa. Objetivo: El propósito del artÍculo es realizar una discusión del caso clÍnico basada en la evidencia, para permitir un conocimiento general de esta patologÍa, y comprender que hace parte de las causas de dolor en miembro superior, para asÍ orientar al profesional de la salud a realizar un diagnóstico oportuno y un tratamiento efectivo que disminuya el riesgo de complicaciones irreversibles. Resultados y conclusiones: Presentamos un caso clÍnico de una paciente Adulta Joven, con cuadro clÍnico caracterizado por sÍntomas neurovasculares, sincope, dolor torácico anterior izquierdo, y posterior dolor localizado en el miembro superior izquierdo, con sensación de masa en cuello, parestesias, disminución de la fuerza muscular, edema, palidez y frialdad del miembro. Se realizó diagnóstico radiológico de costilla cervical accesoria, confirmado con resonancia nuclear, se asoció a un sÍndrome de compresión del plexo braquial izquierdo, se realizó diagnóstico de sÍndrome de opérculo torácico izquierdo y fue llevada a cirugÍa ante la no mejorÍa con tratamiento conservador, se realizó un abordaje supraclavicular para resección de costilla cervical accesoria, escalenotomia, descompresión del plexo braquial y Arteria subclavia. Posterior, la paciente presentó mejorÍa notoria y remisión de los sÍntomas. [Lemus CM, Cadena JE, Valle AP, Mateus JC, Lemus JE. Reporte de Caso ClÍnico y discusión de tema: SÍndrome del opérculo Torácico. MedUNAB 2015; 18 (2): 135-143]Introduction: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome - TOS - is a heterogeneous and potentially dysfunctional group of syndromes related to extrinsic compression of neurovascular structures from the neck to the upper limb for different congenital or acquired anatomical structures, being more frequent the neurological compression, causing a variety of symptoms that vary according to the degree of compression and affected structure that in some cases make it difficult to diagnose. Due to the lack of established diagnostic criteria, the physical exam is the most important element used to formulate a diagnosis. The initial treatment is conservative. The surgical treatment becomes an option with multiple personalized procedures for each type of patient according to the etiology. Objective: The purpose of the article is to discuss the clinical case based on the evidence allowing general knowledge of that pathology, and understanding the causes of pain in the upper limb, to therefore guide medical staff to perform a timely diagnosis and effective treatment that decreases the risk of irreversible complications. Results and conclusions: A study case of a young adult patient presenting neurovascular symptoms due to syncope, left anterior thoracic pain, localized pain in the upper limbs, sensation of lumps in the neck, paresthesia, decrease in muscular strength, edema, pallor and coldness of the limb was presented. A radiological diagnostic test in the accessory cervical rib was performed and later confirmed with a nuclear resonance. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in the left side was diagnosed resulting in surgery. It was necessary to perform supraclavicular approach, scalenotomy, decompression of brachial plexus and subclavian artery. Later, the patient&rsquo;s health vastly improved. [Lemus CM, Cadena JE, Valle AP, Mateus JC, Lemus JE. Report and discussion of a study case: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. MedUNAB 2015; 18(2):135-143