1,445 research outputs found

    Regime tecnológico, ambiente de inovação e desempenho empresarial no setor de serviços: um estudo exploratório das empresas de tecnologia da informação

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar la influencia del régimen tecnológico (MALERBA; ORSENIGO, 1993) e del ambiente de la innovación (MALERBA, 2002,; LUNDVALL, 1992) en el perfil innovador de Empresas brasileñas de tecnología de la información. Este perfil está definido por las estrategias adoptadas tecnológico (FREEMAN; SOETE, 1997), y los resultados de la empresa, medido através de las innovaciones y los indicadores económicos (bienes, ingresos netos y el número de empleados). Usando la análisis estadística multivariada, foram testados los constructos relacionados a cada uno de las variables analizadas y también las correlaciones entre estes constructos. El constructo del Régimen tecnológico que es basado en cuatro dimensiones (oportunidad, apropriabilidad, cumulatividad y base de conocimiento), demostró una alta correlación con el construto “perfil innovador” , salvo la dimensión “base de conocimiento”. En el construto "ambiente de la innovación” los indicadores de cooperación y participación de otras instituciones presentaron correlación alta con el “perfil innovador”. Es alta también la correlación deste perfil con los constructos de innovación y actuación económica. En teoría y en práctica, el estudio presente sugiere que el ambiente tecnológico influencia la innovación y las compañías que logran actividades de la innovación son capaces de obtener resultados económicos y de innovación positivos y correlacionados.O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar a influência do regime tecnológico (MALERBA; ORSENIGO, 1993) e do ambiente de inovação (MALERBA, 2002; LUNDVALL, 1992) sobre o perfil inovativo das empresas de tecnologia da informação, definido pelas estratégias tecnológicas adotadas (FREEMAN; SOETE, 1997), e sobre o desempenho empresarial, medido tanto em relação às inovações geradas quanto em termos econômicos (ativos, receita líquida, patrimônio líquido e pessoal ocupado). Utilizando técnicas estatísticas de análise multivariada, foram testados construtos relativos a cada uma das variáveis analisadas e as correlações entre esses construtos. O construto regime tecnológico que está baseado em quatro dimensões (oportunidade, apropriabilidade, cumulatividade e base de conhecimento) demonstrou-se altamente correlacionado com o perfil inovativo, com exceção da dimensão base de conhecimento. No construto ambiente de inovação, os indicadores de cooperação e outras instituições apresentaram alta correlação com o perfil inovativo. Teórica e praticamente, o presente estudo sugere que o ambiente tecnológico favorece a inovação neste setor e as empresas que realizam atividades de inovação são capazes de obter desempenhos inovativos e econômicos positivos e correlacionados.This paper aims to identify and analyze the influence of the technological regime (MALERBA; ORSENIGO, 1993) and innovation environment (MALERBA, 2002; LUNDVALL, 1992) on the innovative profile, defined by the technological strategies adopted (FREEMAN; SOETE, 1997), and entrepreneurial performance, measured in relation to innovations generated as well as economic indicators (assets, net revenue and number of employees). Using statistical multivariate analysis, constructs related to each one of the analyzed variables were tested and the correlations among these constructs were examined. it was demonstrated that the Technological Regime construct, which is based on four dimensions (opportunity, appropriability, cumulativity and knowledge base), has a high correlation with the “innovative profile” construct, except for the “knowledge base” dimension. In the Innovation Environment construct, the indicators of cooperation and other institutions showed a high correlation with the “innovative profile”. This profile, in its turn, showed a strong correlation with the constructs of innovation and economic performance. In theory and in practice, the present study suggests that the technological environment favours innovation in this sector and that companies that carry out innovation activities are capable of achieving positive, innovative, correlated economic performances

    Internacionalização no segmento de mídia out of home: o caso da JCDecaux no mercado brasileiro

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    Purpose - This case study aims to understand the motivations for the expansion of the French multinational JCDecaux to Brazil, in the light of relevant theories about the internationalization of companies. JCDecaux is the world's largest outdoor media company (out of home), a fast-growing industry of the advertising market in Brazil.Design/methodology - This study explain the case based on the internationalization of companies theories, in the economic (Eclectic Paradigm of International Production) and behavioral (Uppsala School and Business Networks Model) strands. In addition to secondary sources, the research was supported by interviews with experts and executives from the outdoor media industry in Brazil.Findings - The main determining drivers for the entry of JCDecaux in the Brazilian market were identified. The analysis based on the theoretical models of internationalization concluded that the economic approach determined in a more significant way the company's entry into the Brazilian media out of home market. Economic advantages outweighed the costs and risks of Brazil's business environment, making the country attractive to the company's foreign investment.Research limitations - The scarcity of data about the media outdoor was reported by a professional interviewed as a negative feature. Another important limitation is the lack of scientific production about the out-of-home media in Brazil.Originality - This paper contributed to generate important information about the Brazilian outdoor media industry, especially on the phenomenon of internationalization of companies in this industry.Propósito - Este estudo de caso visa compreender as motivações para a expansão da multinacional francesa JCDecaux para o Brasil à luz de teorias relevantes sobre a internacionalização de empresas. A JCDecaux é a maior empresa de mídia outdoor (out of home) do mundo, um segmento em crescimento do mercado publicitário Brasileiro.Design/metodologia - Este estudo explica o caso baseado nas teorias de internacionalização de empresas, nas vertentes econômica (Paradigma Eclético da Produção Internacional) e comportamental (Escola de Uppsala e Modelo de Redes de Negócios). Além de fontes secundárias, a pesquisa contou com entrevistas com especialistas e executivos da indústria de mídia outdoor no Brasil.Resultados - Foram identificados os principais determinantes para a entrada da JCDecaux no mercado brasileiro. A análise baseada nos modelos teóricos de internacionalização concluiu que a abordagem econômica determinou de forma mais significativa a entrada da empresa no mercado brasileiro de média outdoor. As vantagens econômicas superaram os custos e riscos do ambiente de negócios do Brasil, tornando o país atraente para o investimento estrangeiro da empresa.Limitações da Pesquisa - A escassez de dados sobre a mídia outdoor foi relatada por um profissional entrevistado como um fator negativo. Outra limitação importante é a falta de produção científica sobre a mídia out of home no Brasil.Originalidade - Este artigo contribuiu para gerar importantes informações sobre o segmento de mídia outdoor brasileiro, principalmente sobre o fenômeno da internacionalização das empresas nesse setor

    Effects of land‐cover changes on the partitioning of surface energy and water fluxes in Amazonia using high‐resolution satellite imagery

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    Spatial variability of surface energy and water fluxes at local scales is strongly controlled by soil and micrometeorological conditions. Thus, the accurate estimation of these fluxes from space at high spatial resolution has the potential to improve prediction of the impact of land‐use changes on the local environment. In this study, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Large‐Scale Biosphere‐Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) data were used to examine the partitioning of surface energy and water fluxes over different land‐cover types in one wet year (2004) and one drought year (2005) in eastern Rondonia state, Brazil. The spatial variation of albedo, net radiation (Rn), soil (G) and sensible (H) heat fluxes, evapotranspiration (ET), and evaporative fraction (EF) were primarily related to the lower presence of forest (primary [PF] or secondary [SF]) in the western side of the Ji‐Parana River in comparison with the eastern side, located within the Jaru Biological Reserve protected area. Water limitation in this part of Amazonia tends to affect anthropic (pasture [PA] and agriculture [AG]) ecosystems more than the natural land covers (PF and SF). We found statistically significant differences on the surface fluxes prior to and ~1 year after the deforestation. Rn over forested areas is ~10% greater in comparison with PA and AG. Deforestation and consequent transition to PA or AG increased the total energy (~200–400%) used to heat the soil subsurface and raise air temperatures. These differences in energy partitioning contributed to approximately three times higher ET over forested areas in comparison with nonforested areas. The conversion of PF to AG is likely to have a higher impact in the local climate in this part of Amazonia when compared with the change to PA and SF, respectively. These results illustrate the importance of conserving secondary forest areas in Amazonia.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151879/1/eco2126_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151879/2/eco2126.pd

    Methods to Evaluate Land-Atmosphere Exchanges in Amazonia Based on Satellite Imagery and Ground Measurements

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    During the last three decades, intensive campaigns and experiments have been conducted for acquiring micrometeorological data in the Amazonian ecosystems, which has increased our understanding of the variation, especially seasonally, of the total energy available for the atmospheric heating process by the surface, evapotranspiration and carbon exchanges. However, the measurements obtained by such experiments generally cover small areas and are not representative of the spatial variability of these processes. This chapter aims to discuss several algorithms developed to estimate surface energy and carbon fluxes combining satellite data and micrometeorological observations, highlighting the potentialities and limitations of such models for applications in the Amazon region. We show that the use of these models presents an important role in understanding the spatial and temporal patterns of biophysical surface parameters in a region where most of the information is local. Data generated may be used as inputs in earth system surface models allowing the evaluation of the impact, both in regional as well as global scales, caused by land-use and land-cover changes

    Marketing as controvérsias do marketing moderno

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar, a partir das origens do conceito de marketing e de sua evolução, as controvérsias observadas em seu desenvolvimento. Comenta-se, além disso, a natureza e o escopo das tendências mais recentes deste conceito

    The accuracy of 99mTc-DTPA scintigraphy in the evaluation of acute renal graft complications

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    PURPOSE: Renal scintigraphy has been used for many years in the evaluation of renal transplants and can help in the diagnosis of graft complications, leading to prompt clinical management and preventing further deterioration of renal function. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the overall accuracy of renal scintigraphy with 99mTc-DTPA in the diagnosis of acute renal graft complications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-six scintigraphic studies performed in 55 patients (ages ranging from 6 to 65 years), were reviewed. Scintigraphy results were compared to biopsies performed within 5 days of imaging. 99mTc-DTPA study was performed within a mean time of 19 days after kidney transplants. Dynamic images were performed in the anterior position of the abdomen and pelvis every 2 seconds for 80 seconds (flow phase) and every 15 seconds for 30 minutes (functional phase), after an intravenous injection of 370 MBq (10 mCi) of 99mTc-DTPA. RESULTS: The scintigraphic results were concordant with the biopsies in 86% of the cases studied. The sensitivities of renal scintigraphy for detection of acute tubular necrosis (ATN), acute rejection (AR) and cortical necrosis (CN) were 98%, 87% and 100%, respectively. Specificities and accuracies for detection of ATN, AR and CN were 89%, 86% and 100%, and 95%, 87% and 100%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Renal scintigraphy with 99mTc-DTPA showed a good overall accuracy in the detection of acute renal graft complications. It can be used as a reliable tool in the routine evaluation of these patients50751

    Anti-Hypertensive Drugs Have Different Effects on Ventricular Hypertrophy Regression

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    OBJECTIVES: There is a direct relationship between the regression of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and a decreased risk of mortality. This investigation aimed to describe the effects of anti-hypertensive drugs on cardiac hypertrophy through a meta-analysis of the literature. METHODS: The Medline (via PubMed), Lilacs and Scielo databases were searched using the subject keywords cardiac hypertrophy, antihypertensive and mortality. We aimed to analyze the effect of anti-hypertensive drugs on ventricle hypertrophy. RESULTS: The main drugs we described were enalapril, verapamil, nifedipine, indapamina, losartan, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and atenolol. These drugs are usually used in follow up programs, however, the studies we investigated used different protocols. Enalapril (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor) and verapamil (Ca++ channel blocker) caused hypertrophy to regress in LVH rats. The effects of enalapril and nifedipine (Ca++ channel blocker) were similar. Indapamina (diuretic) had a stronger effect than enalapril, and losartan (angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist) produced better results than atenolol (selective β1 receptor antagonist) with respect to LVH regression. CONCLUSION: The anti-hypertensive drugs induced various degrees of hypertrophic regression

    The Accuracy Of (99m)tc-dtpa Scintigraphy In The Evaluation Of Acute Renal Graft Complications.

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    Renal scintigraphy has been used for many years in the evaluation of renal transplants and can help in the diagnosis of graft complications, leading to prompt clinical management and preventing further deterioration of renal function. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the overall accuracy of renal scintigraphy with (99m)Tc-DTPA in the diagnosis of acute renal graft complications. Seventy-six scintigraphic studies performed in 55 patients (ages ranging from 6 to 65 years), were reviewed. Scintigraphy results were compared to biopsies performed within 5 days of imaging. (99m)Tc-DTPA study was performed within a mean time of 19 days after kidney transplants. Dynamic images were performed in the anterior position of the abdomen and pelvis every 2 seconds for 80 seconds (flow phase) and every 15 seconds for 30 minutes (functional phase), after an intravenous injection of 370 MBq (10 mCi) of (99m)Tc-DTPA. The scintigraphic results were concordant with the biopsies in 86% of the cases studied. The sensitivities of renal scintigraphy for detection of acute tubular necrosis (ATN), acute rejection (AR) and cortical necrosis (CN) were 98%, 87% and 100%, respectively. Specificities and accuracies for detection of ATN, AR and CN were 89%, 86% and 100%, and 95%, 87% and 100%, respectively. Renal scintigraphy with (99m)Tc-DTPA showed a good overall accuracy in the detection of acute renal graft complications. It can be used as a reliable tool in the routine evaluation of these patients.29507-1

    Pesquisa de corpo inteiro com gálio-67 em uma paciente com paracoccidioidomicose: relato de caso

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    A 26 year-old female was admitted with abdominal pain, fever and weight loss. The clinical and laboratory investigations led to the diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis. Gallium-67 whole body images correlated well with the clinical course of the disease and with the patient's prognosis.Paciente do sexo feminino de 26 anos foi internada com dor abdominal, febre e emagrecimento. A investigação clínico-laboratorial estabeleceu o diagnóstico de paracoccidioidomicose. Os achados cintilográficos com citrato de gálio-67 correlacionaram-se com o curso clínico da paciente

    Sobre a presença de artéria facial em caprino

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    The AA. reported the occurrence of the right facial artery a half-face of caprine. According to literature, the facial artery is absent in the small ruminants. The traject, distribution and pattern of the facial artery has been related by the AA.Os autores observaram na hemiface direit a de um caprino SRD a presença da artéria facial que, nessa espécie animal, usualmente está ausente. O comportamento e a distribuição da citada artéria, bem como as alterações por ela determinadas no esquema vascular da região são descritas pelos autores