14 research outputs found

    Política pública de biblioteca pública en Medellín: hacia la construcción de una guía de evaluación

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    From a qualitative and interpretative perspective, an inquiry on the public policies about public libraries in Medellin and its evaluation was conducted; for so, an article-based research was carried out to know more about the definition and objectives of the public library within the current policies, the collaboration of the academic sector and what some representatives from the local library sector have said about them. The term public policy along with its components and steps and the analysis to set a proposal or theoretical references offering some useful elements to evaluate and follow the policy were identified

    Estudio comparativo de la composición y actividad biológica de los aceites esenciales extraídos de lippia alba, lippia origanoides y phyla dulcis, especies de la familia verbenaceae

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    Se determinó por GC -MS la composición química de los aceites esenciales de dos quimiotipos de Lippia alba, citral y carvona; Lippia origanoides y Phyla dulcis. Se evaluó la actividad antioxidante de cada uno de los aceites, como una medida de la capacidad antirradicalaria. Adicionalmente, se evaluaron la citotoxicidad en células Vero y las actividades antifúngica, antiparasitaria y antibacterial. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron establecer que el aceite de L. origanoides, fue la mezcla más promisoria , debido a su alta actividad en los diferentes ensayos biológicos, y su capacidad antirradicalaria, y a ser un aceite esencial no tóxico

    Estudio comparativo de la composición y actividad biológica de los aceites esenciales extraídos de lippia alba, lippia origanoides y phyla dulcis, especies de la familia verbenaceae

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    Se determinó por GC -MS la composición química de los aceites esenciales de dos quimiotipos de Lippia alba, citral y carvona; Lippia origanoides y Phyla dulcis. Se evaluó la actividad antioxidante de cada uno de los aceites, como una medida de la capacidad antirradicalaria. Adicionalmente, se evaluaron la citotoxicidad en células Vero y las actividades antifúngica, antiparasitaria y antibacterial. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron establecer que el aceite de L. origanoides, fue la mezcla más promisoria , debido a su alta actividad en los diferentes ensayos biológicos, y su capacidad antirradicalaria, y a ser un aceite esencial no tóxico

    Estudio comparativo de la composición y actividad biológica de los aceites esenciales extraídos de lippia alba, lippia origanoides y phyla dulcis, especies de la familia verbenaceae

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    Se determinó por GC -MS la composición química de los aceites esenciales de dos quimiotipos de Lippia alba, citral y carvona; Lippia origanoides y Phyla dulcis. Se evaluó la actividad antioxidante de cada uno de los aceites, como una medida de la capacidad antirradicalaria. Adicionalmente, se evaluaron la citotoxicidad en células Vero y las actividades antifúngica, antiparasitaria y antibacterial. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron establecer que el aceite de L. origanoides, fue la mezcla más promisoria , debido a su alta actividad en los diferentes ensayos biológicos, y su capacidad antirradicalaria, y a ser un aceite esencial no tóxico

    Public Policy on Public Libraries at Medellín: Toward the Construction of Evaluation Guidelines.

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    RESUMEN: Desde un enfoque cualitativo e interpretativo, se indaga sobre la política pública en biblioteca pública en Medellín y su evaluación; para ello se adelanta una investigación documental, para saber sobre la definición y los objetivos de la biblioteca pública en la normatividad existente; los aportes de los académicos y lo dicho por algunos representantes del sector bibliotecario local; se identifica qué es una política pública, sus pasos y el análisis para configurar una propuesta de referentes teóricos que ofrezcan algunos elementos útiles a la evaluación y seguimiento de la política.ABSTARCT: From a qualitative and interpretative perspective, an inquiry on the public policies about public libraries in Medellin and its evaluation was conducted; for so, an article-based research was carried out to know more about the definition and objectives of the public library within the current policies, the collaboration of the academic sector and what some representatives from the local library sector have said about them. The term public policy along with its components and steps and the analysis to set a proposal or theoretical references offering some useful elements to evaluate and follow the policy were identified

    Drivers of Forest Fires: Identification and Strategies in the Colombian Amazon

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    reservedIn recent years, due to the increase in number and intensity, forest fires in the Amazon rainforest are becoming crucial for biodiversity conservation, respect of indigenous rights, and sustainable local development. They are affecting the most species-rich subcontinental ecosystems jeopardizing the crucial roles of tropical ecosystems as carbon sinks and regulators of the water cycle. In Colombia, anthropogenic pressures are increasing and expanding in the Amazon, associated with different factors and patterns; it is responsible for an annual deforestation rate that ranges from 0.38% to 0.77% in the most affected municipalities. Different scholars partly studied those drivers and patterns in Colombian Amazon by highlighting important advances in research; however, integrated analyses able to include the multiple drivers, scales, actors, and their relationships are scarcely developed in scientific literature. For this reason, this study aims to identify and determine the importance of climatic, social, and economic factors using scenarios to understand the role that socio-environmental conflicts are playing in the development of forest fires in the Colombian Amazon. Due to its socio-environmental importance as well as for the climate injustice flourishing in the zone, the present research is focused on the Cartagena of Chiará Municipality. Spatial and temporal analyses were carried out over 8 years (2013-2021); meteorological data were acquired from ERA5, socioeconomic data from the governmental agencies, Landsat 8 satellite images, and CMIP6 climatic scenarios were used as input on Machine Learning (ML) tool to identify the importance and role of each variable as a driver of forest fires through socioenvironmental and climatic scenarios. Preliminary results highlight that forest fires occur during boreal winter at the border between the rainforest and the agricultural frontier and mainly in conditions with higher temperatures and lower relative humidity compared to climatology. In the context of climate change, the temperature and relative humidity climatology would be close to the forest fire conditions, which means that the probability of wildfire occurrence would increase. Socioeconomic variables such as rural population, displacement, and GDP may contribute to the increase of fires in the area. The ML model showed its potential as an evaluation tool to address stakeholders to identify inclusive mitigation and adaptation strategies for contributing to climate justice.In recent years, due to the increase in number and intensity, forest fires in the Amazon rainforest are becoming crucial for biodiversity conservation, respect of indigenous rights, and sustainable local development. They are affecting the most species-rich subcontinental ecosystems jeopardizing the crucial roles of tropical ecosystems as carbon sinks and regulators of the water cycle. In Colombia, anthropogenic pressures are increasing and expanding in the Amazon, associated with different factors and patterns; it is responsible for an annual deforestation rate that ranges from 0.38% to 0.77% in the most affected municipalities. Different scholars partly studied those drivers and patterns in Colombian Amazon by highlighting important advances in research; however, integrated analyses able to include the multiple drivers, scales, actors, and their relationships are scarcely developed in scientific literature. For this reason, this study aims to identify and determine the importance of climatic, social, and economic factors using scenarios to understand the role that socio-environmental conflicts are playing in the development of forest fires in the Colombian Amazon. Due to its socio-environmental importance as well as for the climate injustice flourishing in the zone, the present research is focused on the Cartagena of Chiará Municipality. Spatial and temporal analyses were carried out over 8 years (2013-2021); meteorological data were acquired from ERA5, socioeconomic data from the governmental agencies, Landsat 8 satellite images, and CMIP6 climatic scenarios were used as input on Machine Learning (ML) tool to identify the importance and role of each variable as a driver of forest fires through socioenvironmental and climatic scenarios. Preliminary results highlight that forest fires occur during boreal winter at the border between the rainforest and the agricultural frontier and mainly in conditions with higher temperatures and lower relative humidity compared to climatology. In the context of climate change, the temperature and relative humidity climatology would be close to the forest fire conditions, which means that the probability of wildfire occurrence would increase. Socioeconomic variables such as rural population, displacement, and GDP may contribute to the increase of fires in the area. The ML model showed its potential as an evaluation tool to address stakeholders to identify inclusive mitigation and adaptation strategies for contributing to climate justice

    Política pública de biblioteca pública en Medellín: hacia la construcción de una guía de evaluación

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    From a qualitative and interpretative perspective, an inquiry on the public policies about public libraries in Medellin and its evaluation was conducted; for so, an article-based research was carried out to know more about the definition and objectives of the public library within the current policies, the collaboration of the academic sector and what some representatives from the local library sector have said about them. The term public policy along with its components and steps and the analysis to set a proposal or theoretical references offering some useful elements to evaluate and follow the policy were identified

    Estudio comparativo de la composición y actividad biológica de los aceites esenciales extraídos de lippia alba, lippia origanoides y phyla dulcis, especies de la familia verbenaceae.

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    The chemical compositions of the essential oils of Lippia origanoides, Phyla dulcis, and of two chemotypes of Lippia alba, were determined by GS-MS. The radical scavenging capacity of the oils was determined as a measure of their antioxidant activity. Additionally, the cytotoxicity towards Vero cells and the antimicotic, antiparasitic and antibacterial activities were evaluated. The results obtained allowed to establish that the oil of Lippia origanoides was the most promissing mixture, due to its high activity in the different biological tests, its radical scavenging capacity, and its very low toxicity.Se determinó por GC -MS la composición química de los aceites esenciales de dos quimiotipos de Lippia alba, citral y carvona; Lippia origanoides y Phyla dulcis. Se evaluó la actividad antioxidante de cada uno de los aceites, como una medida de la capacidad antirradicalaria. Adicionalmente, se evaluaron la citotoxicidad en células Vero y las actividades antifúngica, antiparasitaria y antibacterial. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron establecer que el aceite de L. origanoides, fue la mezcla más promisoria , debido a su alta actividad en los diferentes ensayos biológicos, y su capacidad antirradicalaria, y a ser un aceite esencial no tóxico

    Climate Change, Forest Fires, and Territorial Dynamics in the Amazon Rainforest: An Integrated Analysis for Mitigation Strategies

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    Recent times have witnessed wildfires causing harm to both ecological communities and urban–rural regions, underscoring the necessity to comprehend wildfire triggers and assess measures for mitigation. This research hones in on Cartagena del Chairá, diving into the interplay between meteorological conditions and land cover/use that cultivates a conducive environment for wildfires. Meteorologically, the prevalence of wildfires is concentrated during boreal winter, characterized by warm and dry air, strong winds, and negligible precipitation. Additionally, wildfires gravitate toward river-adjacent locales housing agriculture-linked shrubs, notably in the northern part of the zone, where a confluence of land attributes and meteorological factors synergize to promote fire incidents. Employing climate scenarios, we deduced that elevated temperature and reduced humidity augment wildfire susceptibility, while wind speed and precipitation discourage their propagation across most scenarios. The trajectory toward a warmer climate could instigate fire-friendly conditions in boreal summer, indicating the potential for year-round fire susceptibility. Subsequently, via machine-learning-driven sensitivity analysis, we discerned that among the scrutinized socio-economic variables, GINI, low educational attainment, and displacement by armed groups wield the most substantial influence on wildfire occurrence. Ultimately, these findings converge to shape proposed wildfire mitigation strategies that amalgamate existing practices with enhancements or supplementary approaches

    Características de la población LGBTIQ que vive con VIH

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    Introducción: Dentro de los individuos que padecen ITS, los VIH positivos presentan múltiples niveles y mayores grados de discriminación, producto de considerar la enfermedad como un tabú, así mismo, las personas de la comunidad LGBTIQ que padecen dichas enfermedades suelen presentar un mayor nivel de estigmatización. Objetivo: Determinar las características de la población LGBTIQ que vive con VIH. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión literaria de artículos científicos publicados en bases de datos institucionales – libres o abiertas indexado o no, que traten temas acerca de la población. Los artículos pertinentes fueron revisados y analizados para la posterior descripción de los hallazgos acorde a las variables de interés. Resultados: Los participantes tenían en promedio edades entre los 30 y 40 años, predominaron ingresos inferiores a 10.000 dólares anuales, alrededor del 31,9% - 90% de los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres usaban drogas para tener relaciones sexuales, El estigma relacionado con el VIH promueve la creación de estereotipos y la marginación de este grupo poblacional. Conclusiones: Pese a que la población LGBTIQ que vive con VIH en su mayoría cuenta con niveles educativos altos, se hace evidente la falta de oportunidades laborales, sobre todo en aquellos que alcanzan la fase 3 de la enfermedad y han adquiridos otro tipo de enfermedades oportunistas, esto por la discriminación que conlleva a barreras para el acceso y el respeto a algunos derechos de ellos como personas y comunidad.Introduction: Among individuals suffering from STIs, HIV-positive individuals present multiple levels and higher degrees of discrimination, as a result of considering the disease as a taboos, as well as LGBTIQ people who suffer from these diseases usually present a higher level of stigmatization. Objective: Determine the characteristics of the LGBTIQ population living with HIV. Methodology: A literature review of scientific articles published in institutional databases - free or open, indexed or not, dealing with topics related to the population was carried out. Relevant articles were reviewed and analyzed for the subsequent description of the findings according to the variables of interest. Results: Participants were on average between 30 and 40 years of age, income of less than $10,000 per year predominated, about 31.9% - 90% of men who have sex with men used drugs for sex, HIV-related stigma promotes stereotyping and marginalization of this population group. Conclusions: Despite the fact that most of the LGBTIQ population living with HIV has high levels of education, the lack of job opportunities is evident, especially for those who have reached stage 3 of the disease and have acquired other types of opportunistic diseases, due to discrimination that leads to barriers to access and respect for some of their rights as individuals and as a community.1.Introducción. -- 2. Planteamiento del problema. -- 3. Justificación. -- 4. Pregunta de investigación. -- 5. Objetivo. -- 6. Marco teórico. -- 6.1. Enfermedad producida por VIH. -- 6.1.1. Antecedentes VIH. -- 6.1.2. Fases del VIH. -- 6.1.3.Síntomas. -- 6.1.4. Mecanismo de transmisión. -- 6.1.5. Proceso de detección. 6.2. Sexualidad. 6.3. Diversidad sexual. -- 6.3.1. Identidad de género. -- Bigénero. -- Transexual. Binario. -- 6.4Alteraciones relacionadas con la orientación sexual. -- 6.4.1Hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres (HSH). -- 6.4.2. Bugchasing. -- 6.4.3. Bareback. -- 6.5. Consecuencias sociales. -- 6.5.1. Estigma. -- 6.5.2. Prejuicio. -- 6.5.3.Discriminación sexual. -- 6.5.4Homofobia. -- 6.6. Enfoque de los derechos de la población LGBTIQ. -- 6.7.Rol de Enfermería. -- 7. Metodología. -- 7.1.Diseño. -- 7.2. Población. -- 7.3Muestra. -- 7.4. Identificación. -- 7.4.1. Palabras clave. -- 7.4.2. Combinación con booleanos. -- 7.4.3. Fuentes de información. -- 7.5. Selección. -- 7.5.1. Criterios de Inclusión. -- 7.5. Criterios de Exclusión. -- 7.6. Inclusión. -- 7.7. Análisis de la información. -- 7.8. Consideraciones éticas. -- 8. Resultados y discusión. -- 8.1. Variables sociodemográficas. -- 8.2. Variables de las conductas de la población LGBTIQ. -- 9. Conclusiones. -- 10. Recomendaciones. -- 11. Referencias Bibliográ[email protected]@[email protected]@campusucc.edu.c