9 research outputs found

    Evaluation de la contamination chimique et changement du régime alimentaire des marsouins communs (Phocoena phocoena) échoués au sud de la mer du Nord

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    The North Sea is heavily impacted by human activities such as overfishing and pollution. Due to their position as top predators in the ocean, marine mammals are becoming increasingly affected by anthropogenic activities. The large-scale surveys SCANS in 1994 and SCANS II in 2005 that were held in the North Sea to estimate the abundance of small cetaceans highlighted a major shift in the distribution of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the northern parts of the North Sea to its eastern parts. Alongside, over the past few decades harbour porpoises stranding has increased in the southern North Sea particularly along the French and Belgian coastal waters. Since the contaminant exposure presents, among others, a potential threat to harbour porpoises inhabiting the North Sea, the first objective of the present study was to assess the contamination status of this species in the southern North Sea. On the other hand, the distribution and abundance of marine mammals is expected to follow the distribution of their main prey species. Hence, the second objective of this study was to investigate whether the changes in the distribution of porpoises in the southern North Sea may be a result of the changes in prey availability. Moreover, the third objective was to evaluate the interest of combining three methods to investigate the diet of harbour porpoises: stomach contents, stable isotopes (carbon and nitrogen) and fatty acids analyses.First, the contamination status was evaluated through the determination of two components of chemical contaminants (metals and persistent organic pollutants) in tissues of harbour porpoises stranded along the southern North Sea between 2006 and 2013. Several chemical contaminants presented higher concentrations in diseased animals compared to healthy animals. In addition, some metallic contaminants showed bioaccumulation with age. Comparison with previous study suggests that the population status of harbour porpoises in term of chemical concentration has been stable from 1994 to 2013. This work suggested that the increase in the number of stranded individuals is not related to the decline in the quality of the environment.Secondly, the shift in the abundance of harbour porpoises was evaluated and interpreted in the light of prey species abundance. Three techniques were used in order to determine the diet of porpoises. Results highlighted the presence of gobies, whiting, sandeel, sprat, trisopterus sp., herring and sardine as potential preys. The shift of the abundance of porpoises form the northern parts of the North Sea to its southern parts was attributed to the sandeel abundance decline in the northern parts of the North Sea along with the re-invasion of the southern North Sea by the sardine species, probably in response to climate change.Finally, the value of a multi-approach dietary analysis was evaluated. Besides overcoming the limitations of each method, combining different techniques that integrate diet over days and weeks allowed gaining more complete understanding of harbour porpoise’s diet.De par l’importance et la diversité des pressions anthropiques en mer du Nord, les mammifères marins en tant que prédateurs supérieurs se trouvent de plus en plus exposés à ces activités (trafic maritime, activités industrielles et portuaires, surpêche, pollution chimique, etc.). Les campagnes d’observation SCANS et SCANS II mises en place en 1994 et 2005 pour estimer l’abondance des petits cétacés, ont mis en évidence un changement majeur dans la distribution du marsouin commun (Phocoena phocoena) en mer du Nord avec un déplacement du Nord vers le Sud. Ce changement peut être lié à une migration de ses proies préférentielles en mer du Nord et/ou à une adaptation de son régime alimentaire par rapport à la disponibilité des proies. Parallèlement à ces modifications de distribution spatiale, un nombre croissant d’échouages de marsouin commun en Manche Orientale et sur les côtes belges a été observé depuis une dizaine d’années avec une augmentation conséquente ces deux dernières années. Pour étudier les causes responsables de ces échouages, un des objectifs de cette étude a été d’évaluer l’état de la contamination chimique des animaux échoués en relation avec l’état sanitaire des individus. L’analyse de deux familles de composés chimiques (éléments traces métalliques et polluants organiques persistants) sur des animaux échoués sur la période 2006-2013 révèlent des concentrations significativement plus élevées dans les organes des animaux présentant des pathologies que celles obtenues chez les animaux sains. Cette tendance a déjà été observée en Atlantique Nord pour le marsouin. Les comparaisons des niveaux de concentration mesurées avec ceux d’études antérieures effectuées sur des marsouins échoués dans la même zone ou dans le Golfe de Gascogne suggèrent que l’augmentation du nombre de marsouin échoué n’est pas liée à une dégradation du milieu en termes de pollution chimique.Pour déterminer le régime alimentaire du marsouin commun, trois techniques complémentaires ont été utilisées : l’analyse des contenus stomacaux, des isotopes stables (carbone et azote) et des acides gras dans différents tissus. Pour ces deux dernières méthodes, les signatures obtenues pour le marsouin ont été comparées à celle de leurs proies potentielles. Les résultats ont mis en évidence la présence des gobies, merlan, lançon, sprat, trisopterus sp., hareng et sardine comme proies potentielles. Le déplacement des marsouins du nord jusqu’au sud de la mer du Nord a été attribué à la baisse de l’abondance du lançon dans le nord, ainsi qu’à la ré-invasion du sud de la mer du Nord par la sardine, probablement suite au changement climatique. Enfin cette étude confirme la nécessité d’utiliser une approche multi-analyses qui intègre des informations complémentaires à différentes échelles de temps pour étudier le régime alimentaire de ces prédateurs supérieurs

    Evaluation de la contamination chimique et changement du régime alimentaire des marsouins communs (Phocoena phocoena) échoués au sud de la mer du Nord

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    The North Sea is heavily impacted by human activities such as overfishing and pollution. Due to their position as top predators in the ocean, marine mammals are becoming increasingly affected by anthropogenic activities. The large-scale surveys SCANS in 1994 and SCANS II in 2005 that were held in the North Sea to estimate the abundance of small cetaceans highlighted a major shift in the distribution of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the northern parts of the North Sea to its eastern parts. Alongside, over the past few decades harbour porpoises stranding has increased in the southern North Sea particularly along the French and Belgian coastal waters. Since the contaminant exposure presents, among others, a potential threat to harbour porpoises inhabiting the North Sea, the first objective of the present study was to assess the contamination status of this species in the southern North Sea. On the other hand, the distribution and abundance of marine mammals is expected to follow the distribution of their main prey species. Hence, the second objective of this study was to investigate whether the changes in the distribution of porpoises in the southern North Sea may be a result of the changes in prey availability. Moreover, the third objective was to evaluate the interest of combining three methods to investigate the diet of harbour porpoises: stomach contents, stable isotopes (carbon and nitrogen) and fatty acids analyses.First, the contamination status was evaluated through the determination of two components of chemical contaminants (metals and persistent organic pollutants) in tissues of harbour porpoises stranded along the southern North Sea between 2006 and 2013. Several chemical contaminants presented higher concentrations in diseased animals compared to healthy animals. In addition, some metallic contaminants showed bioaccumulation with age. Comparison with previous study suggests that the population status of harbour porpoises in term of chemical concentration has been stable from 1994 to 2013. This work suggested that the increase in the number of stranded individuals is not related to the decline in the quality of the environment.Secondly, the shift in the abundance of harbour porpoises was evaluated and interpreted in the light of prey species abundance. Three techniques were used in order to determine the diet of porpoises. Results highlighted the presence of gobies, whiting, sandeel, sprat, trisopterus sp., herring and sardine as potential preys. The shift of the abundance of porpoises form the northern parts of the North Sea to its southern parts was attributed to the sandeel abundance decline in the northern parts of the North Sea along with the re-invasion of the southern North Sea by the sardine species, probably in response to climate change.Finally, the value of a multi-approach dietary analysis was evaluated. Besides overcoming the limitations of each method, combining different techniques that integrate diet over days and weeks allowed gaining more complete understanding of harbour porpoise’s diet.De par l’importance et la diversité des pressions anthropiques en mer du Nord, les mammifères marins en tant que prédateurs supérieurs se trouvent de plus en plus exposés à ces activités (trafic maritime, activités industrielles et portuaires, surpêche, pollution chimique, etc.). Les campagnes d’observation SCANS et SCANS II mises en place en 1994 et 2005 pour estimer l’abondance des petits cétacés, ont mis en évidence un changement majeur dans la distribution du marsouin commun (Phocoena phocoena) en mer du Nord avec un déplacement du Nord vers le Sud. Ce changement peut être lié à une migration de ses proies préférentielles en mer du Nord et/ou à une adaptation de son régime alimentaire par rapport à la disponibilité des proies. Parallèlement à ces modifications de distribution spatiale, un nombre croissant d’échouages de marsouin commun en Manche Orientale et sur les côtes belges a été observé depuis une dizaine d’années avec une augmentation conséquente ces deux dernières années. Pour étudier les causes responsables de ces échouages, un des objectifs de cette étude a été d’évaluer l’état de la contamination chimique des animaux échoués en relation avec l’état sanitaire des individus. L’analyse de deux familles de composés chimiques (éléments traces métalliques et polluants organiques persistants) sur des animaux échoués sur la période 2006-2013 révèlent des concentrations significativement plus élevées dans les organes des animaux présentant des pathologies que celles obtenues chez les animaux sains. Cette tendance a déjà été observée en Atlantique Nord pour le marsouin. Les comparaisons des niveaux de concentration mesurées avec ceux d’études antérieures effectuées sur des marsouins échoués dans la même zone ou dans le Golfe de Gascogne suggèrent que l’augmentation du nombre de marsouin échoué n’est pas liée à une dégradation du milieu en termes de pollution chimique.Pour déterminer le régime alimentaire du marsouin commun, trois techniques complémentaires ont été utilisées : l’analyse des contenus stomacaux, des isotopes stables (carbone et azote) et des acides gras dans différents tissus. Pour ces deux dernières méthodes, les signatures obtenues pour le marsouin ont été comparées à celle de leurs proies potentielles. Les résultats ont mis en évidence la présence des gobies, merlan, lançon, sprat, trisopterus sp., hareng et sardine comme proies potentielles. Le déplacement des marsouins du nord jusqu’au sud de la mer du Nord a été attribué à la baisse de l’abondance du lançon dans le nord, ainsi qu’à la ré-invasion du sud de la mer du Nord par la sardine, probablement suite au changement climatique. Enfin cette étude confirme la nécessité d’utiliser une approche multi-analyses qui intègre des informations complémentaires à différentes échelles de temps pour étudier le régime alimentaire de ces prédateurs supérieurs

    Organochlorines in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) stranded along the southern North Sea between 2010 and 2013.

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    7 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 6 dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDXs) and 8 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were measured in the blubber of 20 harbour porpoises stranded on the coasts of the southern North Sea between 2010 and 2013. The results showed that porpoises that died from infectious diseases displayed significantly higher levels of PCBs in their blubber compared to healthy porpoises that died from physical trauma. summation operator7CBs and summation operatorDDXs were higher in juvenile porpoises compared to adult females. Except for three individuals, PBDE concentrations were below the limit of quantification in the blubber samples treated. In general, levels of PCBs and DDXs obtained in the blubber of porpoises from this study were in the same order of magnitude or even lower than those obtained in the blubber of porpoises stranded along the North East Atlantic Ocean and the Black Sea over the period 1987 and 2013. The results of the present study suggest that even if the status of marine pollution has been improved, a continuous long-term contamination by toxic organochlorines over many generations may be observed


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    Abi-Ghanem Carine, Celine Mahfouz, Gaby Khalaf, Elie Najjar, Henri El-Zakhem and Rima Manneh. 2016. Pb, Cd and Cu distribution and mobility in marine sediments from two ports in Lebanon: Beirut army naval port and Tripoli fishing port. Lebanese Science Journal, 17(1): 59-75. Lead, cadmium and copper distribution and mobility in superficial sediments collected from the Beirut army navel port and Tripoli fishing port in Lebanon were studied. Results showed relatively high concentrations of Pb (181.4-518.9ÎĽg.g-1), Cd (1.33-6.7ÎĽg.g-1), and Cu (141-246.8ÎĽg.g-1) in sediments inside the port of Beirut. In Tripoli fishing port, Pb and Cd concentrations in sampled sediments were lower. However, higher Cu concentrations (up to 524.5 ÎĽg.g-1) were detected in Tripoli sediments. The extractability of Cd, Pb and Cu from the sediments of Beirut and Tripoli port were studied by applying EDTA 0.05M and CaCl2 0.01M extractions for two extraction times: 1h and 24h. These extractions showed that Cd and Pb were highly mobilized by EDTA. However, only Pb was mobilized by CaCl2 from sediments collected in Beirut military port

    Two cetacean species reveal different long-term trends for toxic trace elements in European Atlantic French waters

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    Cetaceans have been naturally exposed to toxic trace elements (TEs) on an evolutionary time scale. Hence, they have developed mechanisms to control and/or mitigate their toxic effects. These long-lived species located at high trophic positions and bioaccumulating toxic elements are assumed to be good biomonitoring organisms. However, anthropogenic emissions have strongly increased environmental levels of toxic TEs in the last decades, questioning the efficiency of the detoxication mechanisms in cetaceans. In this context, temporal trends of mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) concentrations were studied through the analysis of 264 individuals from two cetacean species the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and belonging to two different Management Units (MUs) for the latter. These individuals stranded along the French Atlantic coasts from 2000s to 2017. All the trends presented were age- and sex-corrected and stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) were measured as proxies of their feeding ecology. Results showed that Pb concentrations clearly decreased over time in both species and MUs. This decrease agrees with the lead petrol regulation after 2000s, supporting the use of these species as valuable bioindicators of changes for TE levels in the marine environment. A significant long-term increase of total Hg concentrations was only observed in common dolphins. Cadmium concentrations also revealed different trends over the period in both species. The different Hg and Cd trends observed in the two species, probably reflected a contrasted contamination of habitat and prey species than a global increase of the contamination in the environment. These results highlight the necessity and gain of using different species to monitor changes in marine environments, each of them informing on the contamination of its own ecological niche. Lastly, the Se:Hg molar ratios of species suggested a low risk for Hg toxicity over time

    Two cetacean species reveal different long-term trends for toxic trace elements in European Atlantic French waters

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    Cetaceans have been naturally exposed to toxic trace elements (TEs) on an evolutionary time scale. Hence, they have developed mechanisms to control and/or mitigate their toxic effects. These long-lived species located at high trophic positions and bioaccumulating toxic elements are assumed to be good biomonitoring organisms. However, anthropogenic emissions have strongly increased environmental levels of toxic TEs in the last decades, questioning the efficiency of the detoxication mechanisms in cetaceans. In this context, temporal trends of mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) concentrations were studied through the analysis of 264 individuals from two cetacean species the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and belonging to two different Management Units (MUs) for the latter. These individuals stranded along the French Atlantic coasts from 2000s to 2017. All the trends presented were age- and sex-corrected and stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) were measured as proxies of their feeding ecology. Results showed that Pb concentrations clearly decreased over time in both species and MUs. This decrease agrees with the lead petrol regulation after 2000s, supporting the use of these species as valuable bioindicators of changes for TE levels in the marine environment. A significant long-term increase of total Hg concentrations was only observed in common dolphins. Cadmium concentrations also revealed different trends over the period in both species. The different Hg and Cd trends observed in the two species, probably reflected a contrasted contamination of habitat and prey species than a global increase of the contamination in the environment. These results highlight the necessity and gain of using different species to monitor changes in marine environments, each of them informing on the contamination of its own ecological niche. Lastly, the Se:Hg molar ratios of species suggested a low risk for Hg toxicity over time

    First assessment of microplastics in offshore sediments along the Lebanese coast, South-Eastern Mediterranean

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    Highlights: • First abundance of MPs in offshore sediments along South-Eastern Mediterranean • Mean MPs ranged between 1126 ± 1363 MPs/kg. • Most abundant shapes were fibers and films. • Most abundant polymer types were PP and PE. • Coastal landfills and wastewater discharges shaped spatial distribution of MPs. Few studies on microplastics (MPs) in the marine environment have been conducted along the Eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea and even fewer along the Lebanese coast. This study aims to determine MPs contamination for the first-time in coastal and continental shelf sediments collected along the Lebanese shores, South-Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Sediments were collected as transects in 10 sites with a total of 23 samples between 2 and 120 m depth and suspected MPs were assessed by moving farther from land-based sources. Microplastics concentrations ranged between 0 and 4500 MPs/kg of dry sediment (1126 ± 1363 MPs/kg). Polypropylene, polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate and polystyrene were the polymers identified on micro-Raman. Coastal landfills and raw sewage effluents were identified as the main sources and routes for MPs into the Lebanese coastal marine environment. This study serves as the first database reporting MPs in continental shelf sediments in the South-Eastern Mediterranea

    Transcriptomic signatures of brain regional vulnerability to Parkinson’s disease

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    The molecular mechanisms underlying caudal-to-rostral progression of Lewy body pathology in Parkinson’s disease remain poorly understood. Here, we identified transcriptomic signatures across brain regions involved in Braak Lewy body stages in non-neurological adults from the Allen Human Brain Atlas. Among the genes that are indicative of regional vulnerability, we found known genetic risk factors for Parkinson’s disease: SCARB2, ELOVL7, SH3GL2, SNCA, BAP1, and ZNF184. Results were confirmed in two datasets of non-neurological subjects, while in two datasets of Parkinson’s disease patients we found altered expression patterns. Co-expression analysis across vulnerable regions identified a module enriched for genes associated with dopamine synthesis and microglia, and another module related to the immune system, blood-oxygen transport, and endothelial cells. Both were highly expressed in regions involved in the preclinical stages of the disease. Finally, alterations in genes underlying these region-specific functions may contribute to the selective regional vulnerability in Parkinson’s disease brains.Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    Transcriptomic signatures of brain regional vulnerability to Parkinson's disease

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    The molecular mechanisms underlying caudal-to-rostral progression of Lewy body pathology in Parkinson's disease remain poorly understood. Here, we identified transcriptomic signatures across brain regions involved in Braak Lewy body stages in non-neurological adults from the Allen Human Brain Atlas. Among the genes that are indicative of regional vulnerability, we found known genetic risk factors for Parkinson's disease: SCARB2, ELOVL7, SH3GL2, SNCA, BAP1, and ZNF184. Results were confirmed in two datasets of non-neurological subjects, while in two datasets of Parkinson's disease patients we found altered expression patterns. Co-expression analysis across vulnerable regions identified a module enriched for genes associated with dopamine synthesis and microglia, and another module related to the immune system, blood-oxygen transport, and endothelial cells. Both were highly expressed in regions involved in the preclinical stages of the disease. Finally, alterations in genes underlying these region-specific functions may contribute to the selective regional vulnerability in Parkinson's disease brains