124 research outputs found

    Road to Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: Training Characteristics of a World Class Male Triathlete

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    There is a growing interest in the scientific literature for reporting top-class endurance athletes training programs. This case study reports on the training program of a world-class male triathlete preparing to compete in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. A macrocycle of 43 weeks is presented. The triathlete performed 14.74 ± 3.01 h of weekly endurance training volume. Training intensity distribution (TID) was 81.93% ± 6.74%/7.16% ± 2.03%/10.91% ± 6.90% for zones 1 (low intensity, VT2) respectively. Pyramidal TID model is observed during the initial stages of the periodization and Polarized TID model is observed at the end of the macrocycle. The triathlete’s peak ⩒O2 was increased by 20% on cycling and by 14% on running. Peak power was increased by 3.13% on cycling test and peak speed by 9.71% on running test. Finally, the triathlete placed 12th in Olympic distance and 10th in Mixed Relay in Tokyo 2020 Olympic games

    Contextualisation of running power: a systematic review

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    Problem Statement: Power meters have helped performance cyclists to revolutionisetheir training and competitions. However, running power is not obtained by a power meter, as in cycling, but is estimated through accelerometers, gyroscopes or inertial measurements units. Therefore, this relatively new concept must be correctly contextualised. Approach:The most widely used deviceis the summitmodel of the Stryd Running Power Meter, butthe validity, reliability and repeatability of this device must be studied extensively, both regarding the estimation of the running power and the biomechanical parameters. Purpose:The main purpose was to examine all articles where the Stryd device was used to analyse both running power and biomechanical parameters. Methods: Electronic databases were searched using key related terminology such as:Stryd, running power and biomechanical parameters. Results: The production of portable and low-cost equipmenthas led to the capacity toanalyse power and biomechanical parameters in running using different devices. Nevertheless, to avoid erroneous conclusions, it is necessary to take into account considerations in the different studies such as the device used, its placement and the level of the participantsunder study.Conclusions:The Stryd device could be considered as the most recommended device to measure running power compared to other available devices. Although the Stryd system could be a valid tool for measuring temporal parameters, RunScribe seems to be a more accurate device to measure temporal parameters and step length. From a practical point of view, future studies should alsoassess running power in comparison to cycling power in elite triathletes, a population with a high level in both disciplines and who could provide useful data for practical applications in training and competition

    Biomechanical analysis of the 10km-run in a triathlon world cup event: differences presented by women gold meda

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    In most of the triathlon races, the 10km-run is critical to win and, just a few seconds, may separate the gold and the silver medal. To our best knowledge, no study has analyzed the biomechanical differences among the first qualified triathletes during a top-level competition. The aims of the present study were: (1) to examine the different responses to the previous cycling between the gold medal and the other participants, and (2) to compare the biomechanical profiles during the 10km-run presented by the top-ranked triathletes. 16 women, participants at Madrid 2008 Triathlon World Cup, were analyzed. The first qualified triathlete (gold medal) showed significant differences (p < 0.05) with the other participants in many of the analyzed variables. A higher stride length, a smaller stride frequency, a higher and more consistent horizontal distance hip- toe cap and a more extended knee angle of the support-leg at toe-off could explain the differences in 10km-run time between gold medal and the other participant

    Management and leadership strategies to prevent and alleviate childhood obesity in the educational environment

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    Actualmente, la obesidad infantil es uno de los problemas de salud más importante en el mundo, ya que en los últimos años, ha aumentado significativamente en los países desarrollados. El origen de esta problemática, se debe a unos hábitos de vida basados en la escasa o nula práctica de actividad física, sumado a una mala y poco equilibrada alimentación. Esta patología, a su vez, puede influir negativamente en el proceso de formación de los alumnos, debido a la baja autoestima, depresiones y otros problemas psicológicos. Las medidas que se proponen, son la formación constante a los familiares de los alumnos y a los propios alumnos, a través de charlas y talleres semanales, que se llevarían a cabo en el propio centro educativo. Además, otra de las medidas sería la de aumentar el número de horas de actividad física dentro del horario lectivo, aprovechando los horarios de recreo y comedor. El objetivo del trabajo expuesto es la de aportar una propuesta, como herramienta para prevenir y tratar el sobrepeso y la obesidad infantil, desde el mismo ámbito educativo. La hipótesis de partida del proyecto, es que el IMC de la muestra del centro educativo seleccionado se va a reducir significativamente, debido a los cambios de hábitos, fomentados desde ésta iniciativa, mejorando de esta manera su rendimiento escolar. No hay resultados concluyentes, debido a que no se ha puesto en marcha hasta el momento.Currently, childhood obesity is one of the most important problems in the world health since in recent years has increased significantly in developed countries. The origin of this problem is due to a lifestyle based on little or no physical activity, coupled with poor and unbalanced diet. This condition, in turn, may adversely affect the formation of students due to low self-esteem, depression and other psychological problems. The measures proposed are constant to the families of the students and the students themselves, through weekly lectures and workshops, which will take place in the school itself up. In addition, another measure would be to increase the number of hours of physical activity within the school timetable, taking advantage schedules for recreation and dining. The objective of the above work is to make a proposal, as a tool to prevent and treat overweight and obesity among children from the same education. The hypothesis of the project is that the BMI of the sample of the selected school will be reduced significantly due to changes in habits, promoted from this initiative, thereby improving their school performance. No conclusive results because it has not been implemented so far

    Does Pool Performance of Elite Triathletes Predict Open-Water Performance?

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    The capacity of laboratory tests to predict competition performance has been broadly researched across several endurance sports. The aim of the present study was to analyse how pool swimming performance can predict the result of the swimming segment in triathlon competitions and compare predictability differences based on competition level and distance. Eighteen male triathletes participated in the study. Three were ranked world-class, ten elite/international level, and five highly trained/national level. A total of sixty-one graded multi-stage swimming tests were conducted. Blood lactate was measured to calculate the following hypothetical predictor variables: speed at lactate threshold 1 (LT1), speed at lactate threshold 2 (LT2), and speed in the last repetition of the test (SL200). The following data were collected for a total of 75 races: time in the swimming leg (TSL); position after the swimming leg (PSL); time difference with the first triathlete after the swimming leg (DFT); and final race position. The race levels were divided according to participant levels as follows: world series (WS) (n = 22); World Cup (WC) (n = 22); Continental Cup (CC) (n = 19); national championship (N) (n = 5); and local race (L) (n = 5). Based on distance, they were divided into Olympic distance (OD) (n = 37) and sprint distance (SD) (n = 38). A moderate to strong positive association was found between LT1, LT2, SL200 and PSL and TSl at all race levels except for the SD CC, SD WC, and OD CC races, where no or weak-to-moderate correlations were found. The present study demonstrated that performance measured in a graded multi-stage pool lactate test can predict performance in a triathlon swimming segment. This finding is highly useful for coaches as it can help them to obtain a reliable measure of the triathlete’s specific capabilities in the swimming leg.This study was supported by the “Conselleria d’innovació, Universitats, Ciència I Societat Digital” in the grants to emerging research groups (Ref. CIGE/2022/4)

    Tactical and historical evolution of defensive play system in hadball in situations of numerical inequality

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    El presente artículo tiene por objeto establecer las pautas evolutivas que desde el punto de vista físico, técnico, táctico y antropométrico han sufrido los Sistemas de Juego Defensivos en situaciones de desigualdad numérica. Desde los orígenes del Balonmano a 7, en el primer tercio del siglo XX, el reglamento ha contemplado la posibilidad de excluir a uno o varios jugadores por periodos de dos minutos, lo cual supone que estas situaciones de desigualdad numérica son consustanciales a la propia esencia del juego. Las distintas posibilidades que ofrecen dos estructuras tan antagónicas como lo son el defender con clara ventaja o desventaja (en función, claro está, de si la/s exclusión/es la ha sufrido nuestro equipo o el equipo contrario), nos sitúan ante una amplísima amalgama de variables tácticas.This article has as its main aim to establish the evolutionary guidelines that Defensive Game Systems have undergone from a physical, technical, tactical and anthropometrical approach in situations of numerical inequality. From the origins of Handball (7) in the first third of the twentieth (20th) Century the regulation has considered the possibility to exclude one or more players for periods of two minutes, which means that these situations of numerical inequality are something inherent in the own essence of game. The different possibilities which are offered by such a antagonistic structures as depending with a clear advantage or with a disadvantage (obviously on the fact that exclusions have taken place in our team or in the opposing team) present us a wide variety of tactical variables.peerReviewe

    Assessment of the main performance factors in rhythmic gymnastics. Comparation between different levels

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los factores de rendimiento de la gimnasia rítmica estudiados en la literatura entre dos grupos de gimnastas individuales españolas de diferentes niveles (primera y tercera división nacional). 18 gimnastas (14.1±1.2 años) fueron evaluadas y divididas en dos grupos: élite (n = 4) y no élite (n = 14). Se realizaron test antropométricos, físicos (flexibilidad y capacidad de salto) y fisiológicos (frecuencia cardíaca y lactato). Las gimnastas del grupo élite mostraron menores valores antropométricos (sumatorio de pliegues cutáneos y porcentaje de grasa corporal). Además, se encontraron diferencias significativas en el índice de reactividad (p<0.001) y en la flexibilidad en las articulaciones de hombro y cadera (p<0.05 y p<0.01, respectivamente), entre otros tests. Respecto a la frecuencia cardíaca no se encontraron grandes diferencias entre ambos grupos, mientras que las gimnastas élite presentaron valores superiores de lactato al finalizar el ejercicio, pero mostrando una mejor recuperación de este. Por tanto, podemos concluir que los valores antropométricos, la capacidad de salto, la flexibilidad y la capacidad de reciclaje del lactato serían los principales factores de rendimiento a evaluar para diferenciar a las gimnastas en función de su nivel. Estos factores medibles podrían utilizarse como identificadores del rendimiento deportivo, ayudando a la elaboración de los programas de entrenamiento por parte de los entrenadores.The aim of this study was to compare the rhythmic gymnastics performance factors reported in the previous literature between two groups of Spanish individual gymnasts competing at different levels (first and third national division). 18 gymnasts (14.1±1.2 years) were measured, and divided into two groups, elite (n = 4) and non-elite (n = 14). The subjects underwent anthropometric, physical (jumping ability and flexibility) and physiological (heart rate and blood lactate) tests. Elite gymnasts showed lower anthropometric values (skinfolds addition and body fat percentage). In addition, significant differences were found in the reactivity index (p<0.001), and in flexibility in shoulders and hips (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). Respect to heart rate, no differences were found between both groups, while elite gymnasts showed higher lactate values at the end of the routine, but showing a better recovery. Thus, we can conclude that anthropometric values, jumping capacity, flexibility and lactate recycling capacity could be the main performance factors used to classify gymnasts according to their level. These measurable factors could be used as performance indicators, helping coaches to elaborate specific training programs

    Evolució històrica, tàctica i estructural del sistema de joc defensiu 5:1 en handbol

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    El present article té com a objecte establir les pautes evolutives que des dels punts de vista físic, tècnic, tàctic i antropomètric ha tingut el sistema de joc defensiu 5:1 en handbol. El fet que aquesta construcció ofereixi fins a quatre possibilitats dins la seva mateixa estructura (5:1 posicional, 5:1 flotació, 5+1 mixt, defensa índia) atorga l’oportunitat de fer-ne un estudi detallat. D’altra banda, la universal utilització del seu esquema, tant en les categories de l’esport base com en les pròpies de l’alt rendiment, fa que la seva evolució sigui constant. Hem intentat cercar-ne els orígens així com l’evolució de les quatre variables per, en les conclusions, determinar els avantatges i inconvenients de cadascuna

    A Short-Term Body Jump® Training Program Improves Physical Fitness and Body Composition in Young Active Women

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    (1) Background: Body Jump® is a novel group fitness program with musical support, which is performed rebounding in a minitrampoline. Although the number of practitioners has increased exponentially in recent years, this activity’s short-term effects on physical fitness and body composition in women have not yet been studied. (2) Methods: 27 healthy young women were randomly divided into a Body Jump® group (BJ) and a control group (CG). BJ performed three classes per week for one month. The week before and after the intervention, the anthropometric assessments were carried out to estimate the body composition, and different performance tests were performed to assess the jumping capacity (countermovement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) tests), the muscular strength (1RM test) and the aerobic fitness (UKK test). (3) Results: VO2 max (p = 0.001), CMJ flight height (p = 0.023), SJ flight height (p = 0.003) and the 1RM value in the half-squat exercise (p = 0.009) were significantly increased in BJ. In CG, there were no statistically significant differences after the intervention period. Regarding the changes in body composition, a significant enhancement in several parameters were found in BJ, such as the sum of skinfolds (p = 0.003) and the percentage of fat mass (p = 0.002), while no changes were found in any of the anthropometric variables in CG. (4) Conclusions: carrying out the Body Jump® program three days per week for one month had positive effects on physical fitness and body composition in a group of healthy young women. This training program can be an effective option for enhancing, in the short term, these fitness parameters and the body composition of these recreational users into the fitness centers.This research was partially supported by project EAC1-16I

    Evaluación de los principales factores de rendimiento en gimnasia rítmica. Comparación entre diferentes niveles

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    The aim of this study was to compare the rhythmic gymnastics performance factors reported in the previous literature between two groups of Spanish individual gymnasts competing at different levels (first and third national division). 18 gymnasts (14.1±1.2 years) were measured, and divided into two groups, elite (n = 4) and non-elite (n = 14). The subjects underwent anthropometric, physical (jumping ability and flexibility) and physiological (heart rate and blood lactate) tests. Elite gymnasts showed lower anthropometric values (skinfolds addition and body fat percentage). In addition, significant differences were found in the reactivity index (p<0.001), and in flexibility in shoulders and hips (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). Respect to heart rate, no differences were found between both groups, while elite gymnasts showed higher lactate values at the end of the routine, but showing a better recovery. Thus, we can conclude that anthropometric values, jumping capacity, flexibility and lactate recycling capacity could be the main performance factors used to classify gymnasts according to their level. These measurable factors could be used as performance indicators, helping coaches to elaborate specific training programsEl objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los factores de rendimiento de la gimnasia rítmica estudiados en la literatura entre dos grupos de gimnastas individuales españolas de diferentes niveles (primera y tercera divi-sión nacional). 18 gimnastas (14.1±1.2 años) fueron evaluadas y divididas en dos grupos: élite (n = 4) y no élite (n = 14). Se realizaron test antropométricos, físicos (flexibilidad y capacidad de salto) y fisiológicos (frecuencia cardíaca y lactato). Las gimnastas del grupo élite mostraron menores valores antropométricos (sumatorio de pliegues cutáneos y porcentaje de grasa corporal). Además, se encontraron diferencias significativas en el índice de reactividad (p<0.001) y en la flexibilidad en las articulaciones de hombro y cadera (p<0.05 y p<0.01, respectivamente), entre otros tests. Respecto a la fre-cuencia cardíaca no se encontraron grandes diferencias entre ambos grupos, mientras que las gimnastas élite presentaron valores superiores de lactato al finalizar el ejercicio, pero mostrando una mejor recuperación de este. Por tanto, podemos concluir que los valores antropométricos, la capacidad de salto, la flexibilidad y la capacidad de reciclaje del lactato serían los principales factores de rendimiento a evaluar para diferenciar a las gimnastas en función de su nivel. Estos factores medibles podrían utilizarse como identificadores del rendimiento deportivo, ayudando a la elaboración de los programas de entrenamiento por parte de los entrenadoresActividad Física y Deport