2,181 research outputs found

    Entrenamiento atencional para futbolistas de elite: un modelo de intervención

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    El objetivo de este estudio es la descripción preliminar de un sistema de evaluación y entrenamiento del estilo atencional de los jugadores. Para conseguir este objetivo se ha usado el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de la comparación entre la evaluación del estilo atencional del jugador de fútbol y su rendimiento en los partidosGoal of this presentation is the preliminary description of the assessment and coaching system of the player attentional style. The attentional style evaluation of the football player and the comparison with the results of the match quantitative and qualitative analysis have been used to reach this goa

    Search for Rare Particles with the MACRO Detector

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    We report on the search for Rare Particles (Magnetic Monopoles, Nuclearites, Weakly Interacting Massive Particles and Lightly Ionizing Particles) with the MACRO detector. For magnetic monopoles (the main goal of the experiment) our limit is about 0.4 times the Parker bound for monopole velocities between 10^{-4} and 10^{-1}

    Progettazione Lean di una Linea di Produzione per Pannolini e Assorbenti Lavabili

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    Applicazione dei principi Lean nella Progettazione di una linea di Produzione, in particolare sono stati analizzati i processi produtti, i materiali impiegati e il loro rifornimento, la gestione delle scorte, la produzione con gestione pull con l'impiego del sistema kanban, il dimensionamento della linea e la configurazione del layout, una analisi economica del ritorno dell'investimento

    Elusive Causation

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    David Lewis claimed that knowledge is elusive. "That is how knowledge is elusive. Examine it, and straightway it vanishes..." He argued that epistemology robs us of our knowledge: "Maybe epistemology is the culprit. Maybe the extraordinary pastime robs us of our knowledge. Maybe we do know a lot in daily life; but maybe when we look hard at our knowledge it goes away." The aim of this paper is to answer the question: might causation be elusive in a similar sense to that in which knowledge has been claimed to be elusive? Might there be pastimes that rob us of causation too? I will argue for a contextual account of causation and present detailed mechanisms for fixing truth values from the context


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    O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa é identificar, analisar, avaliar e propor um modelo de gestão baseado nos resultados apresentados no Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC) de 2002, dos programas de graduação em Ciências Contábeis e verificar a existência de padrões de qualidade e excelência entre as Instituições de Ensino Superior-(IES) avaliadas. Através de uma conceituação a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica de educadores e dos órgãos responsáveis pela educação no país, buscou-se definir um norteador para a questão da qualidade do ensino, dessa área de conhecimento no Brasil. Com base nos resultados obtidos no Exame Nacional de Cursos – ENC de 2002, o primeiro ao qual o curso superior de Ciências Contábeis foi submetido, foi elaborada uma análise destes resultados, detectando os fatores determinantes de desempenho no curso. Através da análise crítica de todos estes fatores determinantes tornou-se possível a criação de um modelo de avaliação focado na qualidade como sugestão de avaliação de desempenho que pode auxiliar o gestor das Instituições de Ensino Superior – IES no direcionamento das suas ações e desenvolvimento dos cursos

    Problems of Electrodynamics. A special relativistic interlude

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    The chapter discusses the possibility of interpreting the predictive explanation of the Zeeman Effect as a case of continuity between Lorentz theory of Electron and Relativistic Electrodynamics. The result is negative and it seems so both in structuralist and in selective realist terms. The strategy of the case study is not to look for elements of continuity with modern reading in the old explanation. Rather, I propose a comparison between these two successive phases of electrodynamics

    Elusive Causation

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    David Lewis claimed that knowledge is elusive. "That is how knowledge is elusive. Examine it, and straightway it vanishes..." He argued that epistemology robs us of our knowledge: "Maybe epistemology is the culprit. Maybe the extraordinary pastime robs us of our knowledge. Maybe we do know a lot in daily life; but maybe when we look hard at our knowledge it goes away." The aim of this paper is to answer the question: might causation be elusive in a similar sense to that in which knowledge has been claimed to be elusive? Might there be pastimes that rob us of causation too? I will argue for a contextual account of causation and present detailed mechanisms for fixing truth values from the context

    Problems of Electrodynamics. A special relativistic interlude

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    The chapter discusses the possibility of interpreting the predictive explanation of the Zeeman Effect as a case of continuity between Lorentz theory of Electron and Relativistic Electrodynamics. The result is negative and it seems so both in structuralist and in selective realist terms. The strategy of the case study is not to look for elements of continuity with modern reading in the old explanation. Rather, I propose a comparison between these two successive phases of electrodynamics

    Conservation and restoration of UNESCO sites and built heritage in the sultanate of Oman. Practical activities and analytical models of the structural behaviour

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    The present study aims to analyse several examples of built heritage and criteria of consolidation from the technological, scientific, numerical and practical points of view, taking account of the peculiarities of these kind of works and the many subjects involved. In particular, two different UNESCO sites have been investigated: the Archaeological sites of Khor Rori (directed by Prof. A. Avanzini) and of Al Balid (directed by Prof. Juris Zarins), both of them in the south of the Sultanate. They represent two very different examples of restoration practice of archaeological masonry, thus requiring differentiated approaches. Since January 2005, a staff of engineers from the Department of Structural Engineering (Università di Pisa) has arranged the programme of structural consolidation of the site of Khor Rori during the archaeological campaigns. The project and related activities have been set up within The Office of The Advisor of His Majesty The Sultan for Cultural Affairs and have been extended to the site of Al-Balid since January 2007. Thanks to this opportunity it has been possible to develop PhD activities both under theoretical (numerical model and limit state analysis) and practical aspects. Field work activities took place within a multicultural scenario and particular care has been addressed to the training of the non-specialised manpower. Finally, the study is extended to the study of earthen architecture as an important document of the history and culture of several countries, which represent a huge part of built heritage especially in the dry regions of the Middle East. After a brief overview of the historical, social, geographical and climatic features that influenced these kinds of constructions, the present dissertation ends with the analysis of technical aspects and causes of damage of a real case study. It brings together surveys and observations of several vernacular villages of the northern mountainous plateau of the Sultanate. Useful application of the stability of no tension masonry piers with limited compressive resistance have also been discussed, leaving interesting prospectives for further researches and scientific investigation