10 research outputs found

    Algebras and groups defined by permutation relations of alternating type

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    The class of finitely presented algebras over a field KK with a set of generators a1,...,ana_{1},..., a_{n} and defined by homogeneous relations of the form a1a2...an=aσ(1)aσ(2)...aσ(n)a_{1}a_{2}... a_{n} =a_{\sigma (1)} a_{\sigma (2)} ... a_{\sigma (n)}, where σ\sigma runs through \Alt_{n}, the alternating group, is considered. The associated group, defined by the same (group) presentation, is described. A description of the radical of the algebra is found. It turns out that the radical is a finitely generated ideal that is nilpotent and it is determined by a congruence on the underlying monoid, defined by the same presentation

    Finitely Presented Monoids and Algebras defined by Permutation Relations of Abelian Type, II

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    The class of finitely presented algebras A over a field K with a set of generators x_{1},...,x_{n} and defined by homogeneous relations of the form x_{i_1}x_{i_2}...x_{i_l}=x_{sigma(i_1)}x_{sigma(i_2)}...x_{sigma(i_l)}, where l geq 2 is a given integer and sigma runs through a subgroup H of Sym_n, is considered. It is shown that the underlying monoid S_{n,l}(H)= <x_1,x_2,...,x_n|x_{i_1}x_{i_2}...x_{i_l}=x_{sigma(i_1)}x_{sigma(i_2)}...x_{\sigma (i_l)}, sigma in H, i_1,...,i_l in {1,...,n}> is cancellative if and only if H is semiregular and abelian. In this case S_{n,l}(H) is a submonoid of its universal group G. If, furthermore, H is transitive then the periodic elements T(G) of G form a finite abelian subgroup, G is periodic-by-cyclic and it is a central localization of S_{n,l}(H), and the Jacobson radical of the algebra A is determined by the Jacobson radical of the group algebra K[T(G)]. Finally, it is shown that if H is an arbitrary group that is transitive then K[S_{n,l}(H)] is a Noetherian PI-algebra of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension one; if furthermore H is abelian then often K[G] is a principal ideal ring. In case H is not transitive then K[S_{n,l}(H)] is of exponential growth.Comment: 8 page

    Structure monoids of set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation

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    Given a set-theoretic solution (X,r)(X,r) of the Yang--Baxter equation, we denote by M=M(X,r)M=M(X,r) the structure monoid and by A=A(X,r)A=A(X,r), respectively A′=A′(X,r)A'=A'(X,r), the left, respectively right, derived structure monoid of (X,r)(X,r). It is shown that there exist a left action of MM on AA and a right action of MM on A′A' and 1-cocycles π\pi and π′\pi' of MM with coefficients in AA and in A′A' with respect to these actions respectively. We investigate when the 1-cocycles are injective, surjective or bijective. In case XX is finite, it turns out that π\pi is bijective if and only if (X,r)(X,r) is left non-degenerate, and π′\pi' is bijective if and only if (X,r)(X,r) is right non-degenerate. In case (X,r)(X,r) is left non-degenerate, in particular π\pi is bijective, we define a semi-truss structure on M(X,r)M(X,r) and then we show that this naturally induces a set-theoretic solution (Mˉ,rˉ)(\bar M, \bar r) on the least cancellative image Mˉ=M(X,r)/η\bar M= M(X,r)/\eta of M(X,r)M(X,r). In case XX is naturally embedded in M(X,r)/ηM(X,r)/\eta, for example when (X,r)(X,r) is irretractable, then rˉ\bar r is an extension of rr. It also is shown that non-degenerate irretractable solutions necessarily are bijective.Comment: 21 pages. Some minor changes have been implemented. To appear in Publicacions Matem\`atiques Some additional minor changes were implemente

    Braces and symmetric groups with special conditions

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    We study symmetric groups and left braces satisfying special conditions, or identities. We are particularly interested in the impact of conditions like Raut\textbf{Raut} and lri\textbf{lri} on the properties of the symmetric group and its associated brace. We show that the symmetric group G=G(X,r)G=G(X,r) associated to a nontrivial solution (X,r)(X,r) has multipermutation level 22 if and only if GG satisfies lri\textbf{lri}. In the special case of a two-sided brace we express each of the conditions lri\textbf{lri} and Raut\textbf{Raut} as identities on the associated radical ring G∗G_*. We apply these to construct examples of two-sided braces satisfying some prescribed conditions. In particular we construct a finite two-sided brace with condition Raut\textbf{Raut} which does not satisfy lri\textbf{lri}. (It is known that condition lri\textbf{lri} implies Raut\textbf{Raut}). We show that a finitely generated two-sided brace which satisfies \textbf{lri} has a finite multipermutation level which is bounded by the number of its generators.Comment: 20 page