413 research outputs found

    A Farewell to Oil: Low-Carbon Ecology and Social Power in Cuban Urban Agriculture

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    For three decades, food supply in Cuban cities was dependent on oil from the Soviet Union. Then the socialist bloc collapsed, oil supply ceased, and an urban agricultural movement brought vegetable production into the cities. – Today, the need for low-carbon energy transitions is increasingly recognised globally. This thesis examines energy transitions based on the Cuban urban agricultural experience: how is space organised socially and ecologically in and around organopónicos to enable production? And what does this imply in relation to the Cuban state’s tendency during the period of Soviet dependency to centralise production and political power? Based on fieldwork in Pinar del Río, the spatial organisation of social institutions and flows of organic materials, seeds, water, pest management methods, and other energy sources that enable and regulate production is examined. It is argued that organopónicos cannot be understood as autonomous agroecological production systems as opposed to industrial production stems in either social or ecological terms, as existing literature posits. Rather, urban agriculture in Cuba is simultaneously agroecological and industrial. The thesis instead conceptualises urban agriculture in Cuba and low-carbon energy transitions through a novel theoretical framework of spatial assemblages

    Job Loss: Consequences and Labor Market Policy

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    Essay I: This paper takes a novel approach to estimating the effects of involuntary job loss on future earnings, wages and employment. Whereas the previous literature has relied on mass layoffs and plant closures for exogenous variation in displacement, I use the fact that who is laid off is often determined by a seniority rule, specifically the last-in-first-out (LIFO) rule.This feature enables me to study also smaller sized layoffs affecting a broader set of workers.Using matched employer-employee data from Sweden, in combination with detailed individual-level data on layoff notifications, I rank workers according to relative seniority and identify establishment/occupation specific discontinuities in the probability of displacement which I exploit in a regression discontinuity framework. I find that displaced workers on average suffer large initial earnings losses of about 38 percent, but in contrast to previous studies, earnings recover fully within 7 years. I then exploit the heterogeneity across layoffs to examine when, and under what circumstances, the cost of displacement are most persistent. I show that persistent earnings losses are mainly associated with very large layoff events and that a substantive share of these losses are attributable to general equilibrium effects. Essay II: Layoff rules are often criticized for creating an inefficient allocation of labor.However, such rules also provide insurance for workers. This paper examines the effects of advance notice of job loss for workers. Empirically, we use unique administrative data from Sweden on the exact dates of layoff notification as well as contracted notice periods, all at the individual level. Discontinuities in notification times generated by collective bargaining agreements provide exogenous variation. Our regression-discontinuity estimates indicate that longer notice periods reduce the probability of non-employment and increase annual earnings during the first year after layoff notification. Workers who get longer notification periods experience smaller falls in their reemployment wages. We also show that firms make – and workers accept – severance payments in order to reduce the notice period. Workers who are eligible for higher UI get lower severance payments. Essay III: This paper studies which features of a caseworker that are important for jobseeker outcomes, caseworker value-added and to what extent job seeker-caseworker matching matter. To break non-random sorting of job seekers to caseworkers we exploit that many local employment offices in Sweden assign job seekers to caseworkers based on date-of-birth. This as-if random allocation is coupled with detailed data on caseworkers. Our findings shows that female caseworkers perform better than male caseworker, in particular when they are paired with female job seekers. We also see that caseworkers with higher wages perform better. Many other observed caseworker characteristics, such as cognitive ability, personal experience of unemployment and educational background, are not related to caseworker performance. Based on the actions taken by the caseworkers, we find that caseworkers who have a preference for meetings are more successful. We also find that caseworkers who share the same labor market experience or educational level as the job seeker are more successful in mediating jobs to the unemployed. Finally, we document large and important differences in overall caseworker value-added. Essay IV: Previous studies estimating the effect of generosity of unemployment insurance(UI) on unemployment duration has found that as job-seekers approach benefit exhaustion the probability of leaving unemployment increases sharply. Such spikes in the hazard rate has generally been interpreted as job-seekers timing their employment to coincide with benefit exhaustion. Card, Chetty and Weber (2007b) argue that such spikes rather reflect flight out of the labor force as benefits run out. This paper revisits this debate by studying a 30 week UI benefit extension in Sweden and its effects on unemployment duration, duration on UI, as well as the timing of employment. As the UI extension is predicated upon a job-seeker having a child below the age of 18 at the time of regular UI exhaustion this provides quasi-experimental variation which I exploit using a regression discontinuity design. I find that although increasing potential UI duration by 30 weeks increases actual take up by about 2.7 weeks, overall duration in unemployment and the probability of employment is largely unaffected. Moreover, I find no evidence of job-seekers manipulating the hazard to employment such that it coincides with UI benefit exhaustion. This result is attributed to generous replacement rates offered in other assistance programs available to job seekers who exhaust their benefits

    Hur bestÀms ett bemanningscertifikat?

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    Sammanfattning Detta examensarbete Ă€r en studie i hur bemanningscertifikat bestĂ€ms. Metoden för arbetet bestĂ„r av en kvalitativ utredning med intervjuer av personer som Ă€r med i bemanningsprocessen. Den teoretiska delen av arbetet grundar sig pĂ„ den gĂ€llande finska och internationella lagstiftningen inom Ă€mnet. I arbetet försöker jag fĂ„ fram vilka internationella och nationella regler som gĂ€ller nĂ€r ett bemanningscertifikat blir till. Jag försöker Ă€ven fĂ„ fram hur man bestĂ€mmer ett bemanningscertifikat dvs. hur sammansĂ€ttningen pĂ„ personalen ser ut. Ämnet Ă€r intressant, för emellanĂ„t förundras man över vissa fartyg, speciellt mindre, fartyg fĂ„r t. ex ha tvĂ„ vakts- system dvs. en befĂ€lhavare och en överstyrman. Hur kommer det sig att det Ă€r tillĂ„tet?TiivistelmĂ€ TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittÀÀ, miten miehitystodistus mÀÀritellÀÀn. OpinnĂ€ytetyö pohjautuu laadulliseen selvitykseen, joka on tehty haastattelemalla miehitysprosessissa mukana olevia henkilöitĂ€. Teoreettinen osuus tĂ€stĂ€ työstĂ€ pohjautuu tĂ€hĂ€n aiheeseen liittyviin kansallisiin ja kansainvĂ€lisiin lakiteksteihin. Työn tavoite on saada selville, mitĂ€ kansainvĂ€lisiĂ€ ja kansallisia sÀÀntöjĂ€ sovelletaan miehitystodistusta tehtĂ€essĂ€. TyössĂ€ yritetÀÀn myös saada selville, miten miehistön kokoonpano pÀÀtetÀÀn. Aihe on mielenkiintoinen, koska esimerkiksi toisinaan pienet laivat saavat ajaa kaksivahtisysteemillĂ€, toisin sanoen kansipÀÀllystöön kuuluu vain yksi pÀÀllikkö ja yksi yliperĂ€mies. Miten on mahdollista, ettĂ€ tĂ€mĂ€ on sallittua?Summary This thesis describes how determining the minimum safe manning certificate. The method consists of a qualitative study of interviews with people that are working with manning documents. The theoretical part of the thesis is based on the current Finnish and international legislation on the subject. In this study I describe which international and national laws and regulations that applies on this subject. I also try to extract how the manning document is determined i.e. how the composition of the crew is decided. I think this is a very interesting subject because sometimes I wonder how it is possible and allowed to have, especially on smaller cargo ships a two watch system i.e. a captain and a chief mate doing watch keeping. How can this be allowed

    Annual Climate Report 2020

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    Under the Climate Change Act, the Government shall each calendar year submit to Parliament an annual climate report on the trends in emissions and the achievement of emissions reduction targets included in the medium-term plan for climate change policy. The report shall also contain information on policy measures and an assessment of the implementation of the adaptation measures included in the adaptation plan. The Annual Climate Report examines the meeting of the targets set for emission reduction obligations in periods 2013–2020 and 2021–2030 in the effort-sharing sector (non-emissions trading sector) and the trend in total emissions in relation to the target of carbon neutrality set for 2035. It appears likely that Finland will meet the target for 2013–2020. The measures for 2021–2030 have also been planned ensuring that the obligation will be fulfilled. However, the planned measures are not adequate to attain carbon neutrality. While emissions trends in the transport sector play a key role for the effort-sharing sector, measures will be necessary in all sectors. Trends in emissions from energy production and manufacturing, which are part of the emissions trade, as well as the development of carbon sinks in the land use sector will also be crucial regarding the goal of carbon neutrality. Additional measures for achieving carbon neutrality are proposed in the new Energy and Climate Strategy, the Medium-term Climate Change Policy Plan, and the Climate Programme for the Land Use Sector. These documents will be completed in 2021

    Annual Climate Report 2019

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    According to the Climate Act, the Council of State submits once a year an Annual Climate Report to the Parliament. The Annual Climate Report provides a tool for monitoring the implementation of the Medium-term Climate Change Policy Plan (KAISU). This means especially the monitoring of the emission development of the effort sharing sector in relation to the emission reduction targets included in the KAISU. The Annual Climate Report also presents an analysis of the emission development on the sectoral level. Every other year a survey of policy measures implemented in line with the KAISU is included in the Annual Climate Report. Additionally, an assessment of the implementation of the adaptation plan is included in the Annual Climate Report in every fourth year. This Annual Climate Report covers all above mentioned parts. In the Annual Climate Report, the achieving of the emission reduction obligation both for the period 2013–2020 and 2021–2030 is examined. The obligations are based on member-state level emission reduction targets decided by the EU. At the moment it seems likely that Finland is going to achieve the 2013–2020 target. In addition, the policy measures for the period 2021–2030 are planned in a way, which ensures the fulfilment of the obligation with sufficient safety margin. The sectoral analysis shows that individual sectors are making progress towards deeper emission reductions with different pace. With regard to total emissions, the development for the transport sector is decisive, although emission reductions are needed in all sectors. The survey of policy measures demonstrates that in order to promote the implementation of KAISU a number of policy measures have already been deployed and more are under planning. The need for additional measures is under continuous scrutiny. The adaptation measures also needs enforcement in order to keep the risks caused by climate change under control

    An evaluation of the ability of Dichelobacter nodosus to survive in soil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Dichelobacter nodosus</it> is the causative agent of footrot in sheep. The survival of the bacterium in soil is of importance for the epidemiology of the disease. The investigation evaluates the survival of <it>D. nodosus</it> in soil with and without added hoof powder stored under different temperatures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An experimental setup was used with bacteriological culture and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the results indicate that the bacteria can survive in soil for longer time than previously expected. The survival time was found to be dependent on temperature and the addition of hoof powder to the soil, with the longest survival time estimated to be 24 days in soil samples with hoof powder stored at 5°C.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings indicate that the survival time of <it>D. nodosus</it> and its ability to infect susceptible sheep on pasture under different climatic conditions should be studied further.</p

    Psychotic experiences as a predictor of the natural course of suicidal ideation: a Swedish cohort study

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    Psychotic experiences are far more prevalent in the population than psychotic disorders and are associated with a wide range of depressive, anxiety and behavioral disorders, as well as increased risk for psychotic disorder. Recently, psychotic experiences have been highlighted as a potentially valuable clinical marker of risk for suicidal behavior. There have been few studies to date, however, to assess psychotic experiences as a predictor of suicidality over time. We wished to assess whether young persons with suicidal ideation at baseline assessment who reported psychotic experiences were at higher risk for persistence of suicidal ideation at follow-up than young persons who also reported suicidal ideation at baseline but who did not report co-occurring psychotic experiences. A total of 2,263 adolescents were assessed at age 13 to 14 years for psychotic experiences, suicidal ideation and internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. Participants were re-assessed at ages 16 to 17 years and 19 to 20 years. Among 13- to 14-year olds with suicidal ideation, co-occurring psychotic experiences did not predict an increased odds of persistence of suicidal ideation to age 16 to 17 years (OR=0.94, 95% CI: 0.19-4.78). Among 16- to 17-year olds with suicidal ideation, however, co-occurring psychotic experiences predicted a 6-fold increased odds of persistence of suicidal ideation to age 19 to 20 years (OR=5.53, 95% CI: 1.33-23.00). Psychotic experiences are an important but under-recognized marker of risk for persistence of suicidal ideation, in particular from mid-adolescence. An increased emphasis on the clinical assessment of psychotic experiences in mental health services should be a priority.VetenskapsrÄdetForteManuscrip

    Constructive communication in contexts of complexity

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    Many societal issues of today are characterized by complexity and conflicts, which often arise as a consequence of multiple actors with divergent perspectives. The on-going wolf conflict in Sweden is one example of an issue commonly perceived as complex and with increasing polarization. The conflict is reflected in public communication about the issue where epithets such as ‘wolf huggers’ and ‘wolf haters’ are pitted against each other. By using the wolf conflict as a case, this study aims to explore approaches and experiences related to communication in wicked issues in order to reveal underlying factors, which may contribute to or inhibit constructive communication. The case study is informed by a theoretical framework, which draw from a broad understanding of the characteristics of wicked issues and further, through Habermas critical theory, positions such issues in relation to dilemmas of modern society. Jordan’s awareness theory gives an operationalized view from organizational theory. A phenomenological approach is applied and the empirical material was collected through 11 in-depth semi-structured interviews with respondents from five different NGOs active within the domain of the issue. Empirical findings from the study are presented in five themes: (1) Conceptualizations of complexity, (2) Arenas for communication, (3) Conceptualizing goals for communication, (4) Perceptions of science and facts in communication, and (5) Multiple roles. Underlying factors inhibiting constructive communication, appeared to pertain to (a) overreliance on scientific authority, (b) ‘othering’ of opponents, (c) communication as one way transmission of information with educative or strategic goals, (d) dramaturgy of media and (e) competitiveness of debate. The study opens up for discussion and further inquiry on how NGOs, management processes and arenas for communication can become better in supporting development of complexity awareness and constructive communication praxis

    Kiinteistökehitysprosessin kehittÀminen yhteistyössÀ kunnan kanssa

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    KandidaatintyössÀni kuvaan kiinteistökehitysprosessin toteuttamista yhteistyössÀ kunnan kanssa ennen rakentamista erityisesti lupa- ja kaavoitusvaiheiden nÀkökulmasta. Lupa- ja kaavoitusvaiheessa kiinteistökehitysprosessi toimii aktiivisesti kunnan viranomaisten kanssa, joten pÀÀtöksenteko ja hankkeen edistyminen vaatii useamman osapuolen aikaa ja työtÀ. KandidaatintyössÀni rajaan kiinteistökehitysprosessin kaavoitus- ja luvanhankintaprosessin kulkuun ja sen kehittÀmiseen. Kandidaatintyö on toteutettu kirjallisuustutkimuksena. Kaavoitus ja luvanhankinta ovat kunnan rakentamista ohjaavia prosesseja, jotka koskevat jokaista kiinteistökehityshanketta. Molemmat prosessit voivat heikosti lÀpivietyinÀ johtaa hankkeen viivÀstymiseen tai peruuntumiseen. Kaavoitus koetaan usein rakentamista hidastavana tekijÀnÀ. Kaavoitus rakennushankkeessa on tÀrkeÀÀ maankÀytön suunnittelun kannalta, sillÀ kaavoitus ohjaa rakentamista esimerkiksi alueen maiseman yhtenÀistÀmisen nÀkökulmasta. Kunnan kaavoitusprosessi tuottaa kaksi kaavaa, jotka ovat yleiskaava ja asemakaava. Kaavoitusprosessi ei ole kunnan asukkaille kovin tunnettu työkalu, joten asukkaat eivÀt osaa osallistua kaavoitukseen. Kaavoitus on itsessÀÀn toimiva prosessi, mutta kehittÀmÀllÀ kaavoitusta pÀÀstÀÀn tehokkaampaan ja osallistavampaan kaavoitusmalliin, joka palvelee rakentamista entistÀ paremmin. Rakennuslupaprosessi on viime vuosina siirtynyt aktiivisesti sÀhköiseen muotoon Lupapisteen palvelussa. Kaikki kunnat eivÀt ole vielÀ siirtyneet luvanhankinnassa sÀhköiseen muotoon, mutta Lupapisteen palveluun tulee jatkuvasti uusia kuntia, ja sÀhköistyminen on edelleen luvanhankinnan selkeÀ kehityssuunta. Luvanhankinnan suurin ongelma on prosessin liian myöhÀinen kÀynnistÀminen, joten luvanhankinnassa suurin kehityskohde on luvanhakijoiden informointi rakennusluvanhankinnasta ja kunnan kaavoituksen tilanteesta
