23 research outputs found

    Timed Lossy Channel Systems

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    Lossy channel systems are a classical model with applications ranging from the modeling of communication protocols to programs running on weak memory models. All existing work assume that messages traveling inside the channels are picked from a finite alphabet. In this paper, we extend the model by assuming that each message is equipped with a clock representing the age of the message, thus obtaining the model of Timed Lossy Channel Systems (TLCS). The main contribution of the paper is to show that the control state reachability problem is decidable for TLCS

    Shape Analysis via Monotonic Abstraction

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    We propose a new formalism for reasoning about dynamic memory heaps, using monotonic abstraction and symbolic backward reachability analysis. We represent the heaps as graphs, and introduce an ordering on these graphs. This enables us to represent the violation of a given safety property as the reachability of a finitely representable set of bad graphs. We also describe how to symbolically compute the reachable states in the transition system induced by a program

    Genetic analysis of blood molecular phenotypes reveals common properties in the regulatory networks affecting complex traits

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    We evaluate the shared genetic regulation of mRNA molecules, proteins and metabolites derived from whole blood from 3029 human donors. We find abundant allelic heterogeneity, where multiple variants regulate a particular molecular phenotype, and pleiotropy, where a single variant associates with multiple molecular phenotypes over multiple genomic regions. The highest proportion of share genetic regulation is detected between gene expression and proteins (66.6%), with a further median shared genetic associations across 49 different tissues of 78.3% and 62.4% between plasma proteins and gene expression. We represent the genetic and molecular associations in networks including 2828 known GWAS variants, showing that GWAS variants are more often connected to gene expression in trans than other molecular phenotypes in the network. Our work provides a roadmap to understanding molecular networks and deriving the underlying mechanism of action of GWAS variants using different molecular phenotypes in an accessible tissue

    Genetic analysis of blood molecular phenotypes reveals common properties in the regulatory networks affecting complex traits

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    We evaluate the shared genetic regulation of mRNA molecules, proteins and metabolites derived from whole blood from 3029 human donors. We find abundant allelic heterogeneity, where multiple variants regulate a particular molecular phenotype, and pleiotropy, where a single variant associates with multiple molecular phenotypes over multiple genomic regions. The highest proportion of share genetic regulation is detected between gene expression and proteins (66.6%), with a further median shared genetic associations across 49 different tissues of 78.3% and 62.4% between plasma proteins and gene expression. We represent the genetic and molecular associations in networks including 2828 known GWAS variants, showing that GWAS variants are more often connected to gene expression in trans than other molecular phenotypes in the network. Our work provides a roadmap to understanding molecular networks and deriving the underlying mechanism of action of GWAS variants using different molecular phenotypes in an accessible tissue

    Monotonic Abstraction for Programs with Multiply-Linked Structures

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    Abstract. We investigate the use of monotonic abstraction and backward reachability analysis as means of performing shape analysis on programs with multiply pointed structures. By encoding the heap as a vertex- and edge-labeled graph, we can model the low level behaviour exhibited by programs written in the C programming language. Using the notion of signatures, which are predicates that define sets of heaps, we can check properties such as absence of null pointer dereference and shape invariants. We report on the results from running a prototype based on the method on several programs such as insertion into and merging of doubly-linked lists.

    Scholar speech development opportunities in Latvian language lessons in class 1

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    Darba nosaukums: Skolēna stāstītprasmes attīstīšanas iespējas latviešu valodas stundās 1. klasē. Darba autore: Ginta Treiģe Zinātniskā vadītāja: lektore, Mag. paed. Aija Kalve Pētījuma apjoms: 59 lpp, 7 tabulas, 5 attēli, 66 literatūras avoti, 2 pielikumi Pētījuma mērķis. Teorētiski un praktiski pētīt 1. klases skolēnus stāstītprasmes sekmēšanas iespējas latviešu valodas stundās. Pētījuma hipotēze: 1. klases skolēnu stāstītprasmelatviešu valodas stundās tiks sekmēta, ja: • skolotājs labi pārzinās attiecīgā vecumposma skolēnu attīstības un runas attīstības likumsakarības; •tiks izmantotas daudzveidīgas metodes un paņēmieni skolēnu stāstītprasmes attīstīšanai; •pārrunās tiks izmantoti skolēniem aktuāli temati. Darba praktiskajā daļā tiek analizēts jēdzienu valoda un runa definējums dažādu autoru skatījumā, 1. klases skolēnu vecumposma raksturojums pētāmās problēma kontekstā, pamatizglītības standartā noteiktās prasības skolēnu runas un stāstītprasmes attīstīšanai. Tiek raksturotas metodes un metodiskie paņēmieni skolēnu stāstītprasmes attīstīšanai latviešu valodas stundās. Darba pētījuma daļā izstrādāti stāstīt prasmes kritēriji un rādītāji, pēc šiem rādītājiem tiek veikta skolēnu sākotnēja vērošana latviešu valodas stundās. Tiek izveidota izmēģinājumu darbības programma, notiek tās aprobācija. Notiek atkārtota skolēnu vērošana uniegūto rezultātu salīdzināšana. Lai izzinātuskolotāju domas par skolēnu stāstītprasmes sekmēšanas iespējām, tiek intervētassākumskolas skolotājas. Izvirzītā hipotēze apstiprinājās. Atslēgas vārdi: valoda un runa, stāstītprasme, metodes un paņēmieni. Darba struktūra: ievads,teorētiskā un praktiskā daļa, secinājumi, literatūras saraksts, pielikumi.Job title: Possibilities for developing student narrative skills in the Latvian language lessons in the 1st grade. The author: Ginta Treiģe Scientific supervisor: lecturer, Mag.paed. AijaKalve Study size:pages, 7 tales, 5 pictures, 66 literature sources, 2 appendixes. Objective of the study: theoretically and practically studying the possibilities of promoting literacy in the classrooms of the 1st grade students in the Latvian language classes. Study hypothesis: storytelling skills of 1st grade students in Latvian language classes will be encouraged if: •The teacher will be well aware of the regularities of the development and speech development of the students of the relevant age group, •Various methods and techniques for developing student’s narrative skills will be used, •Negotiations will be focus on topics that are relevant to the students. At the practical part of this job analyzes the definition of the concept of language and speech from view of different authors, the characterization in the age group of students at 1st grade in the context of the problem under study, and the requirements of the development of student’s speech and storytelling. Describes methods methodical methods for developing student’s narrative skills in Latvian language lessons. In the part of the research, the skills criteria and indicators are described, after which these students are initially observed in Latvian language lessons. An experimental trial program is created its approbation is carried out. Students are re-watching and comparing the results. Elementary school teachers are interviewed to find out what teachers think about student’s ability at storytelling in Latvian language lessons. The hypothesis was confirmed. Keywords: language and speech, narrative skills, methods and techniques. Job structure: introduction, theoretical and practical part, conclusions, literature, the list of attachments

    Monotonic abstraction for programs with multiply-linked structures

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    We investigate the use of monotonic abstraction and backward reachability analysis as means of performing shape analysis on programs with multiply pointed structures. By encoding the heap as a vertex- and edge-labeled graph, we can model the low level behaviour exhibited by programs written in the C programming language. Using the notion of signatures, which are predicates that define sets of heaps, we can check properties such as absence of null pointer dereference and shape invariants. We report on the results from running a prototype based on the method on several programs such as insertion into and merging of doubly-linked lists.UPMAR

    Automated Analysis of Data-Dependent Programs with Dynamic Memory

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    We present a new approach for automatic verification of data-dependent programs manipulating dynamic heaps. A heap is encoded by a graph where the nodes represent the cells, and the edges reflect the pointer structure between the cells of the heap. Each cell contains a set of variables which range over the natural numbers. Our method relies on standard backward reachability analysis, where the main idea is to use a simple set of predicates, called signatures, in order to represent bad sets of heaps. Examples of bad heaps are those which contain either garbage, lists which are not well-formed, or lists which are not sorted. We present the results for the case of programs with a single next-selector, and where variables may be compared for (in)equality. This allows us to verify for instance that a program, like bubble sort or insertion sort, returns a list which is well-formed and sorted, or that the merging of two sorted lists is a new sorted list. We report on the result of running a prototype based on the method on a number of programs