18 research outputs found

    Specialpedagogens roll i förskolanEn kvalitativ studie om förväntningar på specialpedagogens uppdrag

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    Abstract Denna uppsats belyser förväntningar på specialpedagogrollen samt undersöker om specialpedagogens tre uppdrag som undervisare, utredare och utvecklare efterfrågas. I litteraturdelen definieras begreppet specialpedagogik samt kunskapen om specialpedagogrollen i handledning, kartläggning och utveckling. Förskolan är till för alla barn, och de bör ses utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv. Detta beskrivs i ett utvecklingsekologiskt perspektiv. Lärare i förskolan och skolledares yrkesroll belyses. För att åskådliggöra vilka förväntningar personalen i förskolan har på specialpedagogens uppdrag, har vi valt att genomföra en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervju med lärare i förskolan, skolledare och specialpedagoger. Resultatdelen visar att specialpedagogik är svårt att definiera. Kompetensen som specialpedagogen besitter ses som en skillnad jämfört med pedagogik. Handledning är för alla yrkesgrupper det viktigaste uppdraget och det som alla yrkesgrupper vill att specialpedagogen arbetar med. Skolledarna vill se mer undervisning till barnen, och specialpedagogerna vill undervisa samt fortbilda pedagoger i förskolan. Lärarna i förskolan efterfrågar fler specialpedagoger att tillgå. Vi har funnit att specialpedagogens uppdrag motsvarar de intervjuades förväntningar. Samtliga respondenter har stort förtroende för specialpedagogens kunskap. Lärarna vill ha mer tid till utvärdering av specialpedagogiska insatser och fler specialpedagoger att tillgå. Skolledarna önskar mer enskild undervisning av barn från specialpedagogen. Handledning är bland de viktigaste uppgifterna, men begreppets innebörd behöver tydliggöras

    Självbestämmande mer eller mindre : En kvalitativ studie om utvecklingstördas självbestämmande ur ett personalperspektiv

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    The aim of this essay is to problematize the role of living support in a group home and to examine staff reflections about the users' opportunities for and possibly limits to self determination and, in addition to this, how they work towards supporting this right. The study is conducted through seven semi-structured qualitative interviews. The theoretical points of departure are theories of empowerment and paternalism. We have analysed the study results from the vantage point of these theories. The results are consistent with earlier research showing lack of guidance for supporters and also a lack of common approach towards users

    Influence of Multiple Environmental Factors on Organic Matter Chlorination in Podsol Soil

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    Natural chlorination of organic matter is common in soils. The abundance of chlorinated organic compounds frequently exceeds chloride in surface soils, and the ability to chlorinate soil organic matter (SOM) appears widespread among microorganisms. Yet, the environmental control of chlorination is unclear. Laboratory incubations with Cl-36 as a Cl tracer were performed to test how combinations of environmental factors, including levels of soil moisture, nitrate, chloride, and labile organic carbon, influenced chlorination of SOM from a boreal forest. Total chlorination was hampered by addition of nitrate or by nitrate in combination with water but enhanced by addition of chloride or most additions including labile organic matter (glucose and maltose). The greatest chlorination was observed after 15 days when nitrate and water were added together with labile organic matter. The effect that labile organic matter strongly stimulated the chlorination rates was confirmed by a second independent experiment showing higher stimulation at increased availability of labile organic matter. Our results highlight cause-effect links between chlorination and the studied environmental variables in podsol soil-with consistent stimulation by labile organic matter that did overrule the negative effects of nitrate.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council (VR); Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB)</p

    Histograms indicating the frequency of mono-, bi- and tri-functional cell subsets in CD45RO<sup>+</sup> and CD45RA<sup>+</sup> T-cell populations of convalescent patients.

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    <p>Mean values are illustrated throughout. The black axis indicates percentages for mono-functional IFN-γ-positive and all bi- and tri-functional T-cell subsets. The red axis indicates percentages for MIP-1β- and CD107a-positive mono-functional T cell subsets.</p

    Histograms indicating the frequency of mono-, bi- and tri-functional cell subsets in CD45RO<sup>+</sup> and CD45RA<sup>+</sup> T-cell populations of vaccinees.

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    <p>Mean values are illustrated throughout. The black axis indicates percentages for mono-functional IFN-γ-positive and all bi- and tri-functional T-cell subsets. The red axis indicates percentages for MIP-1β- and CD107a-positive mono-functional T cell subsets.</p

    Stimulation indices for the proliferative responses of human PBMC to recall stimulation with ffLVS for five days.

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    <p>Median values ± SEM per donor group of 12–16 individuals are shown. “pat” indicates convalescent tularemia patients, “vc” LVS vaccinees, and “nv” naïve individuals.</p

    Histograms indicating the frequency of mono-, bi- and tri-functional cell subsets in CD45RO<sup>+</sup> and CD45RA<sup>+</sup> T-cell populations of non-vaccinated individuals.

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    <p>Mean values are illustrated throughout. The black axis indicates percentages for mono-functional IFN-γ-positive and all bi- and tri-functional T-cell subsets. The red axis indicates percentages for MIP-1β- and CD107a-positive mono-functional T cell subsets.</p

    Levels of cytokines secreted by human PBMC after recall stimulation with ffLVS or ffSchu S4 for five days.

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    <p>Cytokine concentrations were measured in cell culture supernatants using multiplex analysis. Median values ± SEM from PBMC samples of 14–16 individuals per donor group are shown (black bars indicate convalescent patients; grey bars indicate LVS vaccinees; white bars indicate naïve donors). Statistically significant differences between immune and naïve donors are marked by asterisks (<i>P</i><0.05).</p