149 research outputs found

    Coreceptor use in nonhuman primate models of HIV infection

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    SIV or SHIV infection of nonhuman primates (NHP) has been used to investigate the impact of coreceptor usage on the composition and dynamics of the CD4+ T cell compartment, mechanisms of disease induction and development of clinical syndrome. As the entire course of infection can be followed, with frequent access to tissue compartments, infection of rhesus macaques with CCR5-tropic SHIVs further allows for study of HIV-1 coreceptor switch after intravenous and mucosal inoculation, with longitudinal and systemic analysis to determine the timing, anatomical sites and cause for the change in envelope glycoprotein and coreceptor preference. Here, we review our current understanding of coreceptor use in NHPs and their impact on the pathobiological characteristics of the infection, and discuss recent advances in NHP studies to uncover the underlying selective pressures for the change in coreceptor preference in vivo

    The Viral Envelope Gene Is Involved in Macrophage Tropism of a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Strain Isolated from Brain Tissue

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) strains isolated from the central nervous system (CNS) may represent a subgroup that displays a host cell tropism different from those isolated from peripheral blood and lymph nodes. One CNS-derived isolate, HIV-lSF128A , which can be propagated efficiently in primary macrophage culture but not in any T-cell lines, was molecularly cloned and characterized. Recombinant viruses between HIV-1SF128A and the peripheral blood isolate HIV-ISF2 were generated in order to map the viral gene(s) responsible for the macrophage tropism. The env gene sequences of the two isolates are about 91.1% homologous, with variations scattered mainly in the hypervariable regions of gp120. Recombinant viruses that have acquired the HIV-lSF128A env gene display HIV-1SF128A tropism for macrophages. Furthermore, the gp120 variable domains, V1, V2, V4, and V5, the CD4-binding domain, and the gp41 fusion domain are not directly involved in determining macrophage tropism

    The N-Terminus of Nef from HIV-1/SIV Associates with a Protein Complex Containing Lck and a Serine Kinase

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    AbstractThe Nef protein of human and primate lentiviruses is a key factor in HIV/SIV pathogenesis. Here we report that Nef associates with two different kinases, forming a multiprotein complex at the far N-terminus of the viral protein. One of the kinases was identified as Lck, whereas the second protein was found to be a serine kinase that phosphorylated Nef and Lck in vitro and could be discriminated from the serine kinase identified previously. The Nef-associated kinase complex (NAKC) was demonstrated in COS cells, in HIV- infected cells, and in vitro using recombinant Lck and Nef proteins. Deletion of a short amphipathic α-helix in the N-terminus, which was found to be conserved in all Nef proteins, inhibited association of the NAKC and significantly reduced virion infectivity

    Identification of Interdependent Variables that Influence Coreceptor Switch in R5 SHIVSF162P3N_{SF162P3N}-Infected Macaques

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    Background: We previously reported that adoption of an “open” envelope glycoprotein (Env) to expose the CD4 binding site for efficient receptor binding and infection of cell targets such as macrophages that express low levels of the receptor represents an early event in the process of coreceptor switch in two rapidly progressing (RP) R5 SHIVSF162P3N_{SF162P3N}-infected rhesus macaques, releasing or reducing Env structural constraints that have been suggested to limit the pathways available for a change in coreceptor preference. Here we extended these studies to two additional RP monkeys with coreceptor switch and three without to confirm and identify additional factors that facilitated the process of phenotypic conversion. Results: We found that regardless of coreceptor switching, R5 viruses in SHIVSF162P3N_{SF162P3N}-infected RP macaques evolved over time to infect macrophages more efficiently; this was accompanied by increased sCD4 sensitivity, with structural changes in the CD4 binding site, the V3 loop and/or the fusion domain of their Envs that are suggestive of better CD4 contact, CCR5 usage and/or virus fusion. However, sCD4-sensitive variants with improved CD4 binding were observed only in RPs with coreceptor switch. Furthermore, cumulative viral load was higher in RPs with than in those without phenotypic switch, with the latter maintaining a longer period of seroconversion. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the increased virus replication in the RPs with R5-to-X4 conversion increased the rate of virus evolution and reduction in the availability of target cells with optimal CD4 expression heightened the competition for binding to the receptor. In the absence of immunological restrictions, variants that adopt an “open” Env to expose the CD4 binding site for better CD4 use are selected, allowing structural changes that confer CXCR4-use to be manifested. Viral load, change in target cell population during the course of infection and host immune response therefore are interdependent variables that influence R5 virus evolution and coreceptor switch in SHIVSF162P3N_{SF162P3N}-infected rhesus macaques. Because an "open" Env conformation also renders the virus more susceptible to antibody neutralization, our findings help to explain the infrequent and late appearance of X4 virus in HIV-1 infection when the immune system deteriorates

    Activation of PAK by HIV and SIV Nef: importance for AIDS in rhesus macaques

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    AbstractBackground The primate lentiviruses, human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), encode a conserved accessory gene product, Nef. In vivo, Nef is important for the maintenance of high virus loads and progression to AIDS in SIV-infected adult rhesus macaques. In tissue culture cells expressing Nef, this viral protein interacts with a cellular serine kinase, designated Nef-associated kinase.Results This study identifies the Nef-associated kinase as a member of the p21-activated kinase (PAK) family of kinases and investigates the role of this Nef-associated kinase in vivo. Mutants of Nef that do not associate with the cellular kinase are unable to activate the PAK-related kinase in infected cells. To determine the role of cellular kinase association in viral pathogenesis, macaques were infected with SIV containing point-mutations in Nef that block PAK activation. Virus recovered at early time points after inoculation with mutant virus was found to have reverted to prototype Nef function and sequence. Reversion of the kinase-negative mutant to a kinase-positive genotype in macaques infected with the mutant virus preceded the induction of high virus loads and disease progression.Conclusions Nef associates with and activates a PAK-related kinase in lymphocytes infected in vitro. Moreover, the Nef-mediated activation of a PAK-related kinase correlates with the induction of high virus loads and the development of AIDS in the infected host. These findings reveal that there is a strong selective pressure in vivo for the interaction between Nef and the PAK-related kinase

    No detection of CD4-independent human immunodeficiency virus 1 envelope glycoproteins in brain tissue of patients with or without neurological complications

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    Macrophage (mac)-tropic human immnunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immnunodeficiency virus (SIV) in brain are associated with neurological disease. Mac-tropic HIV-1 evolves enhanced CD4 interactions that enable macrophage infection via CD4, which is in low abundance. In contrast, mac-tropic SIV is associated with CD4-independent infection via direct CCR5 binding. Recently, mac-tropic simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) from macaque brain was also reported to infect cells via CCR5 without CD4. Since SHIV envelope proteins (Envs) are derived from HIV-1, we tested more than 100 HIV-1 clade B Envs for infection of CD4-negative, CCR5(+) Cf2Th/CCR5 cells. However, no infection was detected. Our data suggest that there are differences in the evolution of mac-tropism in SIV and SHIV compared to HIV-1 clade B due to enhanced interactions with CCR5 and CD4, respectively

    Fatal Immunopathogenesis by SIV/HIV-1 (SHIV) Containing a Variant Form of the HIV-1sf33 env Gene in Juvenile and Newborn Rhesus Macaques

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    AbstractSIV/HIV-1 (SHIV) chimeric clones, constructed by substituting portions of the pathogenic molecular clone SIVmac239 with counterpart portions from HIV-1 clones, provide a means to analyze functions of selected HIV-1 genes in vivo in nonhuman primates. Our studies focused on SHIVsf33, which contains the vpu, tat, rev, and env genes of the cytopathic, T-cell line tropic clone HIV-1sf33 (subtype-B); this clone has a premature stop codon in the vpu gene. In three juvenile macaques inoculated intravenously with SHIVsf33, low-level persistent infection was established; no disease was observed for a period of >2 years. However, at ∼16 months p.i., one of four SHIVsf33-infected juvenile macaques exhibited an increase in virus load, depletion of CD4+ T cells in peripheral blood and lymph nodes, and other symptoms of simian AIDS (SAIDS). Virus recovered from this animal in the symptomatic stage was designated SHIVsf33a (A, adapted); this virus displayed multiple amino acid sequence changes throughout the HIV-1 env gene compared with the input SHIVsf33 clone. Additionally, a mutation in all clones from SHIVsf33a restored the open reading frame for the vpu gene. In vitro evaluations in tissue-culture systems revealed that SHIVsf33a replicated to higher levels and exhibited greater cytopathicity than SHIVsf33. Furthermore cloned env genes for SHIVsf33a were more fusogenic in a cell-fusion assay compared with the env gene of the SHIVsf33. Intravenous inoculation of SHIVsf33a into juvenile and newborn macaques resulted in a rapid decline in CD4+ T cells to very low levels and development of a fatal AIDS-like disease. A cell-free preparation of this pathogenic chimeric virus also established persistent infection when applied to oral mucosal membranes of juvenile macaques and produced a fatal AIDS-like disease. These studies on pathogenic SHIVsf33a establish the basis for further investigations on the role of the HIV-1 env gene in virus adaptation and in mechanism(s) of immunodeficiency in primates; moreover, the chimeric virus SHIVsf33a can play a role in elucidating mucosal membrane transmission and development of antiviral vaccines in newborns as well as juvenile and adult macaques

    Reactivation of ancestral strains of HIV-1 in the gp120 V3 env region in patients failing antiretroviral therapy and subjected to structured treatment interruption

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    We analyzed gp120V3 HIV-1 env region genetic diversity of 27 patients failing antiretrovirals and subjected to 12-week structured treatment interruption (STI). Based on heteroduplex mobility assays, eight patients presented low pre- and post-STI genetic diversity (G1); five presented high pre-STI but low post-STI diversity (G2); five presented low pre-STI and high post-STI diversity (G3); and nine, high pre- and post-STI diversity (G4). One patient from G1, two from G2 and two from G3 were subjected to proviral DNA end-point PCR and sequencing. in three patients, the dramatic disturbance caused by STI resulted in ancestral viral progeny activation, which repopulated the cell reservoir. in two patients presenting highly homogeneous sequences and low immune selective pressure (dN/dS ratio < 1), this phenomenon was not observed. the mechanisms involved in viral evolution, in which antiretroviral therapy also applies selective pressure, sometimes affects coreceptor usage of circulating viruses, leading to the suppression of x4 strains. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Inc.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Lab Retrovirol, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilFundacao Pro Sangue, BR-05403000 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Lab Retrovirol, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc