12 research outputs found

    The Evolution of 3D Printing in AEC: From Experimental to Consolidated Techniques

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    The chapter leads the reader through the historical development of additive manufacturing (AM) techniques until the most recent developments. A tentative taxonomy is added to the historical perspective, in order to better understand the main lines of development and the potential cross-fertilization opportunities. Some case studies are analyzed in order to provide a clearer picture of the practical applications of AM in architecture engineering and construction (AEC), with a particular attention to the use of AM for final products rather than just prototypes. Eventually, some thoughts are shared as to the impact of AM on AEC beyond the mere cost-effectiveness and well into the potential change of paradigms in how architecture can be thought of and further developed embracing the new world of opportunities brought by AM

    Chapter Digi Skills Bsc – Revising Graphic Literacy in Bsc Architectural Design Education through a Software-Based Pedagogic Approach. A Shared Pilot Experience at the Politecnico di Milano

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Effetto dell'esposizione ad alta temperatura su microstruttura e proprietà meccaniche di ghise sferoidali

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    Lo scopo della presente ricerca è stato valutare l’effetto dell’esposizione ad alta temperatura su microstruttura e proprietà meccaniche di quattro ghise sferoidali prodotte dalle Fonderie Zanardi: ADI 1050 (ghisa duttile austemperata), IDI 800 (ghisa perlitica isotermica), GJS/800-2 (ghisa sferoidale perlitica) e GJS/400-18 (ghisa sferoidale ferritica). Lo studio ha previsto il degrado in temperatura dei quattro materiali, l’analisi delle proprietà meccaniche statiche dopo degrado termico mediante prove di durezza Brinell, analisi microstrutturali, XRD, prove di trazione sia a freddo che alla temperatura di degrado. Per quanto concerne le prove di durezza, è emerso che superata la temperatura di 500 °C la durezza dei materiali ADI 1050 e IDI 800 cala significativamente, la durezza della GJS/800-2 risulta stabile fino a 550 °C, mentre per la GJS/400-18 la durezza rimane pressoché costante fino a 600 °C. Le analisi microstrutturali hanno mostrato che nell’ADI 1050, IDI 800 e GJS/800-2 la matrice si trasforma sino a diventare quasi completamente ferritica a temperatura di degrado di 600 °C mantenuta per 120 ore. Nella ghisa sferoidale ferritica invece non vi sono mutamenti significativi nella microstruttura dopo degrado. Le prove di trazione svolte sulla lega ADI 1050 hanno evidenziato una diminuzione di circa 50-60 % della tensione di rottura e quella di snervamento nei provini degradati e trazionati a 500°C rispetto ai provini degradati trazionati a temperatura ambiente, ed una diminuzione di circa 20 % della tensione di rottura e quella di snervamento nei provini degradati rispetto ai provini non degradati trazionati a temperatura ambiente. Le prove di trazione a temperatura ambiente su ghisa sferoidale perlitica degradata hanno mostrato un calo delle proprietà resistenziali di circa il 6% nei provini degradati a 240 ore mentre nella ghisa IDI 800 degradata si è notato un calo di circa il 10% delle proprietà resistenziali già nei provini degradati a 72 or

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Objectives: Few studies have analyzed factors associated with delirium subtypes. In this study, we investigate factors associated with subtypes of delirium only in patients with dementia to provide insights on the possible prevention and treatments. Design: This is a cross-sectional study nested in the \u201cDelirium Day\u201d study, a nationwide Italian point-prevalence study. Setting and Participants: Older patients admitted to 205 acute and 92 rehabilitation hospital wards. Measures: Delirium was evaluated with the 4-AT and the motor subtypes with the Delirium Motor Subtype Scale. Dementia was defined by the presence of a documented diagnosis in the medical records and/or prescription of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or memantine prior to admission. Results: Of the 1057 patients with dementia, 35% had delirium, with 25.6% hyperactive, 33.1% hypoactive, 34.5% mixed, and 6.7% nonmotor subtype. There were higher odds of having venous catheters in the hypoactive (OR 1.82, 95% CI 1.18-2.81) and mixed type of delirium (OR 2.23, CI 1.43-3.46), whereas higher odds of urinary catheters in the hypoactive (OR 2.91, CI 1.92-4.39), hyperactive (OR 1.99, CI 1.23-3.21), and mixed types of delirium (OR 2.05, CI 1.36-3.07). We found higher odds of antipsychotics both in the hyperactive (OR 2.87, CI 1.81-4.54) and mixed subtype (OR 1.84, CI 1.24-2.75), whereas higher odds of antibiotics was present only in the mixed subtype (OR 1.91, CI 1.26-2.87). Conclusions and Implications: In patients with dementia, the mixed delirium subtype is the most prevalent followed by the hypoactive, hyperactive, and nonmotor subtype. Motor subtypes of delirium may be triggered by clinical factors, including the use of venous and urinary catheters, and the use of antipsychotics. Future studies are necessary to provide further insights on the possible pathophysiology of delirium in patients with dementia and to address the optimization of the management of potential risk factors

    Drug Prescription and Delirium in Older Inpatients: Results From the Nationwide Multicenter Italian Delirium Day 2015-2016

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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the association between polypharmacy and delirium, the association of specific drug categories with delirium, and the differences in drug-delirium association between medical and surgical units and according to dementia diagnosis. Methods: Data were collected during 2 waves of Delirium Day, a multicenter delirium prevalence study including patients (aged 65 years or older) admitted to acute and long-term care wards in Italy (2015-2016); in this study, only patients enrolled in acute hospital wards were selected (n = 4,133). Delirium was assessed according to score on the 4 "A's" Test. Prescriptions were classified by main drug categories; polypharmacy was defined as a prescription of drugs from 5 or more classes. Results: Of 4,133 participants, 969 (23.4%) had delirium. The general prevalence of polypharmacy was higher in patients with delirium (67.6% vs 63.0%, P =.009) but varied according to clinical settings. After adjustment for confounders, polypharmacy was associated with delirium only in patients admitted to surgical units (OR = 2.9; 95% CI, 1.4-6.1). Insulin, antibiotics, antiepileptics, antipsychotics, and atypical antidepressants were associated with delirium, whereas statins and angiotensin receptor blockers exhibited an inverse association. A stronger association was seen between typical and atypical antipsychotics and delirium in subjects free from dementia compared to individuals with dementia (typical: OR = 4.31; 95% CI, 2.94-6.31 without dementia vs OR = 1.64; 95% CI, 1.19-2.26 with dementia; atypical: OR = 5.32; 95% CI, 3.44-8.22 without dementia vs OR = 1.74; 95% CI, 1.26-2.40 with dementia). The absence of antipsychotics among the prescribed drugs was inversely associated with delirium in the whole sample and in both of the hospital settings, but only in patients without dementia. Conclusions: Polypharmacy is significantly associated with delirium only in surgical units, raising the issue of the relevance of medication review in different clinical settings. Specific drug classes are associated with delirium depending on the clinical setting and dementia diagnosis, suggesting the need to further explore this relationship