1,268 research outputs found

    Further observations on the relationship of EMG and muscle force

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    Human skeletal muscle may be regarded as an electro-mechanical transducer. Its physiological input is a neural signal originating at the alpha motoneurons in the spinal cord and its output is force and muscle contraction, these both being dependent on the external load. Some experimental data taken during voluntary efforts around the ankle joint and by direct electrical stimulation of the nerve are described. Some of these experiments are simulated by an analog model, the input of which is recorded physiological soleus muscle EMG. The output is simulated foot torque. Limitations of a linear model and effect of some nonlinearities are discussed

    Social capital and rural innovation process. The evaluation of the measure 124 \u201cCooperation for Development of New Products, Processes and Technologies in the Agriculture, Food and Forestry Sector\u201d in the Umbria Region (Italy)

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    The most recent theories on innovation point out the role of social networks, demonstrating how knowledge is intertwined with network communities and social capital represents an essential factor to comprehend innovation. The social network dimension of the innovation process is also acknowledged in the actual definition of an agricultural innovation system (AIS). This study attempts to assess the role played by social capital in agricultural innovation projects co-financed by the Measure 124 of the Rural Development Program (2007-2013) of the Umbria Region (Italy), based on the analysis of 5 evaluation criteria (relevance, innovation, effectiveness, sustainability, and social capital) in relation to 8 selected projects. The obtained results confirm the validity of the proposed methodology both for the purpose of internal monitoring of the project and for the assessment of the measure on the basis of tangible and intangible factors, such as social capital

    Cubesat mission with technological demonstrator payload for high data rate downlink and health monitoring

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    The HyperCube payload will be composed by two different technological experiment, an high data-rate C band antenna, and a demonstrator for a remote structural health monitoring system. The first one has been thought with the aim to give Cubesats the capability to download an high quantity of data; it could be useful either if the data requiring the high data-rate downlink is on-board generated or simply retransmitted. The applications for which this payload could be used are several; an example for the first category of application is to download the data generated by another payload; the high data-rate capability could be necessary due to the narrow visibility window with the ground station, affected also by the absence of an active AOCS subsystem, which makes difficult the alignment of the on board antenna with the ground one. But the C band antenna could also be used to act as a “space–repeater”, downloading up–linked information. The second payload is related to the need to take under strictly control the health of the structures (not only the ones strictly belonging to primary structures, but also that of any subsystem component). In order to do that, smart materials are integrated into the structural component that need to be monitored; in particular, piezoelectric patches are used as sensors. As the structure is stressed, and the integrated piezoelectric sensors are subjected to mechanical deformation, they produce an electric signal; acquiring and properly studying the produced signal it is possible to monitor the mechanical condition of the structures. The health monitoring system is completed by a MicroController Unit which acquires, samples and stores the signal produced, and a transmitting system, which could be the C band antenna, or the TT&C antenna which each satellite needs

    Bulk Etch Rate Measurements and Calibrations of Plastic Nuclear Track Detectors

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    New calibrations of CR39 and Makrofol nuclear track detectors have been obtained using 158 A GeV Pb (82+) and In (49+) ions; a new method for the bulk etch rate determination, using both cone height and base diameter measurements was developed. The CR39 charge resolution based on the etch-pit base area measurement is adequate to identify nuclear fragments in the interval 7 <= Z/beta <= 49. For CR39 the detection threshold is at REL~50 MeV cm^2/g, corresponding to a nuclear fragment with Z/beta~7. Base cone area distributions for Makrofol foils exposed to Pb (82+) ions have shown for the first time all peaks due to nuclear fragments with Z > 50; the distribution of the etched cone heights shows well separated individual peaks for Z/beta = 78 - 83 (charge pickup). The Makrofol detection threshold is at REL 2700 MeV cm^2/g, corresponding to a nuclear fragment with Z/beta~50.Comment: 11 pages, 5 EPS figures. Submitted to Nucl. Instr. Meth.

    Acoustic charge transport in n-i-n three terminal device

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    We present an unconventional approach to realize acoustic charge transport devices that takes advantage from an original input region geometry in place of standard Ohmic input contacts. Our scheme is based on a n-i-n lateral junction as electron injector, an etched intrinsic channel, a standard Ohmic output contact and a pair of in-plane gates. We show that surface acoustic waves are able to pick up electrons from a current flowing through the n-i-n junction and steer them toward the output contact. Acoustic charge transport was studied as a function of the injector current and bias, the SAW power and at various temperatures. The possibility to modulate the acoustoelectric current by means of lateral in-plane gates is also discussed. The main advantage of our approach relies on the possibility to drive the n-i-n injector by means of both voltage or current sources, thus allowing to sample and process voltage and current signals as well.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    The heart of a convex body

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    We investigate some basic properties of the {\it heart} ♡(K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) of a convex set K.\mathcal{K}. It is a subset of K,\mathcal{K}, whose definition is based on mirror reflections of euclidean space, and is a non-local object. The main motivation of our interest for ♡(K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) is that this gives an estimate of the location of the hot spot in a convex heat conductor with boundary temperature grounded at zero. Here, we investigate on the relation between ♡(K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) and the mirror symmetries of K;\mathcal{K}; we show that ♡(K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) contains many (geometrically and phisically) relevant points of K;\mathcal{K}; we prove a simple geometrical lower estimate for the diameter of ♡(K);\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}); we also prove an upper estimate for the area of ♡(K),\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}), when K\mathcal{K} is a triangle.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. appears as "Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's", Springer INdAM Series Volume 2, 2013, pp 49-6

    The SPOrt Project: Cosmological and Astrophysical Goals

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    We present the cosmological and astrophysical objectives of the SPOrt mission, which is scheduled for flying on the International Space Station (ISS) in the year 2002 with the purpose of measuring the diffuse sky polarized radiation in the microwave region. We discuss the problem of disentangling the cosmic background polarized signal from the Galactic foregrounds.Comment: 10 pages; 5 PS figures; requires aipproc2.cls, aipproc2.sty, epsfc.tex; to appear in Proc. of ``3K Cosmology'', Rome 5-10 Oct. 199

    Search for nuclearites with the SLIM detector

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    We discuss the properties of cosmic ray nuclearites, from the point of view of their search with large nuclear track detector arrays exposed at different altitudes, in particular with the SLIM experiment at the Chacaltaya high altitude lab (5290 m a.s.l.). We present calculations concerning their propagation in the Earth atmosphere and discuss their possible detection with CR39 and Makrofol nuclear track detectors.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
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