1,816 research outputs found

    Elastic moduli approximation of higher symmetry for the acoustical properties of an anisotropic material

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    The issue of how to define and determine an optimal acoustical fit to a set of anisotropic elastic constants is addressed. The optimal moduli are defined as those which minimize the mean squared difference in the acoustical tensors between the given moduli and all possible moduli of a chosen higher material symmetry. The solution is shown to be identical to minimizing a Euclidean distance function, or equivalently, projecting the tensor of elastic stiffness onto the appropriate symmetry. This has implications for how to best select anisotropic constants to acoustically model complex materials.Comment: 20 page

    Radiative transfer effects on Doppler measurements as sources of surface effects in sunspot seismology

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    We show that the use of Doppler shifts of Zeeman sensitive spectral lines to observe wavesn in sunspots is subject to measurement specific phase shifts arising from, (i) altered height range of spectral line formation and the propagating character of p mode waves in penumbrae, and (ii) Zeeman broadening and splitting. We also show that these phase shifts depend on wave frequencies, strengths and line of sight inclination of magnetic field, and the polarization state used for Doppler measurements. We discuss how these phase shifts could contribute to local helioseismic measurements of 'surface effects' in sunspot seismology.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Nonlinear response of single-molecule nanomagnets: equilibrium and dynamical

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    We present an experimental study of the {\em nonlinear} susceptibility of Mn12_{12} single-molecule magnets. We investigate both their thermal-equilibrium and dynamical nonlinear responses. The equilibrium results show the sensitivity of the nonlinear susceptibility to the magnetic anisotropy, which is nearly absent in the linear response for axes distributed at random. The nonlinear dynamic response of Mn12_{12} was recently found to be very large and displaying peaks reversed with respect to classical superparamagnets [F. Luis {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 107201 (2004)]. Here we corroborate the proposed explanation -- strong field dependence of the relaxation rate due to the detuning of tunnel energy levels. This is done by studying the orientational dependence of the nonlinear susceptibility, which permits to isolate the quantum detuning contribution. Besides, from the analysis of the longitudinal and transverse contributions we estimate a bound for the decoherence time due to the coupling to the phonon bath.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, resubmitted to Phys. Rev. B with minor change

    The EL2 trap in highly doped GaAs:Te

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    We have investigated highly doped GaAs:Te at different doping concentrations (>10(17) cm(-3)) to assess the presence of the EL2 trap. We have utilized both capacitance and current transient spectroscopy techniques. The crucial parameter for the detection of EL2 is the relative position of the electron quasi-Fermi level in the depletion region. The observed shift of the EL2 apparent activation energy with increasing doping concentration is also discussed

    Breakdown at Medium Frequencies of Thermally-Aged Polyester Films

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    This article investigates the evolution of electrical properties of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with thermal aging. Electrical tests are performed within a wide range of frequencies in order to simulate the application conditions of insulating materials in inverter-fed machines. In particular, for the aging conditions considered, the real part of permittivity showed to be correlated with the concentration of the degradation species, investigated through FTIR. On the contrary, the dielectric breakdown at high frequencies showed to be independent from the corresponding values of the dissipation factor (tanδ). This behavior would imply that thermal runaway is not the principal phenomenon leading to the dielectric failure

    Efficacy of biofeedback rehabilitation based on visual evoked potentials analysis in patients with advanced age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive and degenerative disorder of the macula. In advanced stages, it is characterized by the formation of areas of geographic atrophy or fibrous scars in the central macula, which determines irreversible loss of central vision. These patients can benefit from visual rehabilitation programmes with acoustic "biofeedback" mechanisms that can instruct the patient to move fixation from the central degenerated macular area to an adjacent healthy area, with a reorganization of the primary visual cortex. In this prospective, comparative, non-randomized study we evaluated the efficacy of visual rehabilitation with an innovative acoustic biofeedback training system based on visual evoked potentials (VEP) real-time examination (Retimax Vision Trainer, CSO, Florence), in a series of patients with advanced AMD compared to a control group. Patients undergoing training were subjected to ten consecutive visual training sessions of 10min each, performed twice a week. Patients in the control group did not receive any training. VEP biofeedback rehabilitation seems to improve visual acuity, reading performances, contrast sensitivity, retinal fixation and sensitivity and quality of life in AMD patients

    Tracking magnetic bright point motions through the solar atmosphere

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    High-cadence, multiwavelength observations and simulations are employed for the analysis of solar photospheric magnetic bright points (MBPs) in the quiet Sun. The observations were obtained with the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) imager and the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer at the Dunn Solar Telescope. Our analysis reveals that photospheric MBPs have an average transverse velocity of approximately 1 km s−1, whereas their chromospheric counterparts have a slightly higher average velocity of 1.4 km s−1. Additionally, chromospheric MBPs were found to be around 63 per cent larger than the equivalent photospheric MBPs. These velocity values were compared with the output of numerical simulations generated using the MURAM code. The simulated results were similar, but slightly elevated, when compared to the observed data. An average velocity of 1.3 km s−1 was found in the simulated G-band images and an average of 1.8 km s−1 seen in the velocity domain at a height of 500 km above the continuum formation layer. Delays in the change of velocities were also analysed. Average delays of ∼4 s between layers of the simulated data set were established and values of ∼29 s observed between G-band and Ca II K ROSA observations. The delays in the simulations are likely to be the result of oblique granular shock waves, whereas those found in the observations are possibly the result of a semi-rigid flux tube

    Stokes imaging polarimetry using image restoration at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope

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    Aims: We aim to achieve high spatial resolution as well as high polarimetric sensitivity, using an earth-based 1m-class solar telescope, for the study of magnetic fine structure on the Sun. Methods: We use a setup with 3 high-speed, low-noise cameras to construct datasets with interleaved polarimetric states, particularly suitable for Multi-Object Multi-Frame Blind Deconvolution image restorations. We discuss the polarimetric calibration routine as well as various potential sources of error in the results. Results: We obtained near diffraction limited images, with a noise level of approximately 10^(-3) I(cont). We confirm that dark-cores have a weaker magnetic field and at a lower inclination angle with respect to the solar surface than the edges of the penumbral filament. We show that the magnetic field strength in faculae-striations is significantly lower than in other nearby parts of the faculae.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 12 pages, 11 figure