115 research outputs found

    93/42/CEE - ANNEX IX

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    Rational design of modular circuits for gene transcription: A test of the bottom-up approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most of synthetic circuits developed so far have been designed by an ad hoc approach, using a small number of components (i.e. LacI, TetR) and a trial and error strategy. We are at the point where an increasing number of modular, inter-changeable and well-characterized components is needed to expand the construction of synthetic devices and to allow a rational approach to the design.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We used interchangeable modular biological parts to create a set of novel synthetic devices for controlling gene transcription, and we developed a mathematical model of the modular circuits. Model parameters were identified by experimental measurements from a subset of modular combinations. The model revealed an unexpected feature of the lactose repressor system, i.e. a residual binding affinity for the operator site by induced lactose repressor molecules. Once this residual affinity was taken into account, the model properly reproduced the experimental data from the training set. The parameters identified in the training set allowed the prediction of the behavior of networks not included in the identification procedure.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study provides new quantitative evidences that the use of independent and well-characterized biological parts and mathematical modeling, what is called a bottom-up approach to the construction of gene networks, can allow the design of new and different devices re-using the same modular parts.</p


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    O sentido foucaultiano de fascismo não se restringe a um regime de Estado, mas também, e talvez principalmente, às formas de fascismo que estão em todos nós. Este texto discute o currículo da Educação Física em uma perspectiva não fascista, com e a partir do pensamento de Michel Foucault. Para tal, no primeiro momento demonstramos a relação entre a trajetória da Educação Física escolar com os regimes de verdade, entendendo como premissa o currículo enquanto dispositivo de fabricação de subjetividades. Em um segundo momento, analisamos como o texto da Base Nacional Comum Curricular funciona como dispositivo de poder e seus efeitos na produção de um projeto mais amplo, o cosmopolitismo. Por fim, refletimos sobre as possibilidades de liberação na Educação Física em prol de um ‘currículo afirmativo’, em consonância com os princípios de uma vida não fascista

    Educação Física Escolar a Distância: Análise de Propostas para o Ensino Remoto.

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    Distance learning physical education in schools gained notoriety with the scenario of social isolation caused by COVID-19 in the year of 2020. Therefore, this text aims to analyze some suggested activities for the Physical Education online classes, highlighting the pedagogical possibilities of the teaching practice. To this end, it takes as a starting point a webinar conducted by four Physical Education teachers well-known on digital platforms. Four categories emerged from the analysis: didactic sequence; content dimension; possibility of interaction, and evaluation. Finally, in order to offer reflective and practical arguments on the topic, we summarize some of the possibilities for the school Physical Education teacher to work in remote education. Keywords: School physical education. Distance education. School.O ensino da Educação Física escolar na modalidade a distância obteve notoriedade com o cenário de isolamento social causado pela pandemia de COVID-19 no ano de 2020. A partir disso, este texto possui como objetivo analisar propostas de atividades para as aulas virtuais de Educação Física Escolar, destacando as possibilidades pedagógicas de atuação docente. Para tal, toma como ponto de partida um webinário realizado com quatro professores de Educação Física convidados por apresentarem representatividade nas plataformas digitais. Da análise emergiram quatro categorias, a saber: sequência didática; dimensão dos conteúdos; possibilidade de interação e avaliação. Por fim, de modo a oferecer subsídios reflexivos e práticos sobre o tema, sintetizamos algumas das possibilidades de atuação do professor de Educação Física na modalidade EaD para a Educação Básica. Palavras-chave: Educação física escolar. Educação a distância. Escola

    The futurible body: an essay on the recent (re)descriptions of the human body towards the post-organicity

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    This essay aims at characterizing and discussing a route pursued by the body in the western society, from the building of the concept of the body-property to the postmodernist dilemmas which provided a gateway to a new corporeality. In modernity, the body was submitted to science and to the political and economic means of production and, under specific conditions, conducted to a utilitarian biologizing description. Postmodernity has brought an identity crisis and the subsequent hyperconsumerism, and has watched this social model lay its bioascetic guidelines on the body, redescribing it. The need to extend the time/space of body consumerism indistinctly approaches the scientific breakthroughs: drugs, bionic prostheses, plastic surgeries, wearable computers, genetic modifications. The desire to void the biological coercions, functional and aesthetic improvements of the body and even immortality give rise to a new description: the futurible body

    Landscape Transformation: Temporal Evolution of the Erosion Process on a Hillside on the Island of Itamaracá / Brazil

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    Urban planning is important to guarantee the quality of life for society, as it proposes spatial planning and problem solving, especially those related to land use. Thus, it was proposed to perform an evaluation of actions that promote and/or accelerate the erosive processes on a hillside located in island of Itamaracá/BR. The “interaction networks” and “land use maps” techniques were used in combination, which resulted in a more accurate environmental assessment, as well as the use of models for future estimates. The results pointed to mediumrisk for the environmental indicators of “occupation types” and evidence of collapse”, and high risk for“urban density”and“vegetation”indicators. It has also been predicted that over the years, the urban sprawl in the area will continue to grow until it reaches stability due to the total occupation of useful areas as well as that the growth rate for vegetation will be negative. Thus, there is a need to mitigate environmental damage in the short term, in order to avoid the occurrence of accidents in the hillside area


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    This article presents the results of an exploratory descriptive research, whose objective was to identify and analyze the impact of Physical Education classes on social representations, through the free word association test applied to students of the 4th year of elementary school about the adventure body practices. Eleven classes were considered, whose theme was body practices of adventure. The free word association test was applied before the first class and after the last one. It was possible to infer that the social representations of adventure body practices before the interventions were associated with traditional sports, while in the test after the interventions, associations with mountaineering and climbing were revealed. It was concluded that changes in the structure of social representations point to signs of alterations in the meaning attributed to adventure body practices that seem to have been re-signified by the impact of classes.Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación descriptiva exploratoria, cuyo objetivo fue identificar y analizar el impacto de las clases de Educación Física en las representaciones sociales, a través de la prueba de asociación de palabras libres aplicada a estudiantes del 4º año de la enseñanza fundamental sobre las prácticas corporales de aventura. Se consideraron once clases, cuya temática fue prácticas corporales de aventura. La prueba de asociación libre de palabras se aplicó antes de la primera clase y después de la última. Fue posible inferir que las representaciones sociales de las prácticas corporales de aventura antes de las intervenciones se asociaron con los deportes tradicionales, mientras que en el test posterior a las intervenciones se revelaron asociaciones con el andinismo y la escalada. Se concluyó que los cambios en la estructura de las representaciones sociales apuntan a signos de alteraciones en el significado atribuido a las prácticas corporales de aventura que parecen haber sido resignificados por el impacto de las clases.Cet article présente les résultats d'une recherche descriptive exploratoire, dont l'objectif était d'identifier et d'analyser l'impact des cours d'EPS sur les représentations sociales, à travers le test libre d'association de mots appliqué aux élèves de 4e primaire sur les pratiques corporelles d'aventure. Onze classes ont été envisagées, dont le thème était les pratiques corporelles de l'aventure. Le test d'association de mots libres a été appliqué avant le premier cours et après le dernier. Il a été possible d'inférer que les représentations sociales sur les pratiques d'aventure corporelle avant les interventions étaient associées aux sports traditionnels, tandis que dans le test après les interventions, des associations avec l'alpinisme et l'escalade ont été révélées. Il a été conclu que les changements dans la structure des représentations sociales pointent vers des indices de changements dans le sens attribué aux pratiques d'aventures corporelles qui semblent avoir été resignifiées par l'impact des classes.O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa descritiva exploratória, cujo objetivo foi identificar e analisar o impacto das aulas de Educação Física sobre as representações sociais, por meio do teste de associação livre de palavras aplicados a estudantes do 4º ano do ensino fundamental acerca das práticas corporais de aventura. Foram consideradas 11 aulas, cujo tema foi práticas corporais de aventura. O teste de associação livre de palavras foi aplicado antes da primeira aula e após a última. Foi possível inferir que as representações sociais sobre as práticas corporais de aventura antes das intervenções estavam associadas aos esportes tradicionais, já no teste após as intervenções revelaram-se associações com o montanhismo e escalada. Concluiu-se que as modificações na estrutura das representações sociais apontam indícios de alterações sobre o significado atribuído às práticas corporais de aventura que parece ter sido ressignificado pelo impacto das aulas

    Molasses, cassava and cottonseed meal as supplements to fresh and ensiled sugarcane tops

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    Foram realizados experimentos para determinar a resposta de crescimento do gado Zebu e Holandês aos olhos de cana frescos ou ensilados suplementados e não suplementados. Os suplementos estudados foram o melaço, mandioca e farelo de algodão. Os ganhos de peso do gado alimentado com silagem sem suplemento foram significativamente mais baixos do que os que se alimentaram com olhos de cana frescos sem suplemento. Os dados sobre a utilização da energia, contudo, indicaram que o problema ligava-se à palatalidade e não à utilização do nutriente. Os olhos de cana frescos apenas, mantiveram o peso corporal, enquanto que o gado recebendo silagem perdeu peso. Nem o melaço, nem as raízes de mandioca fornecidos na dose de 0,5 kg por 100 kg de peso corporal tiveram qualquer efeito estimulante como suplemento dos olhos de cana. O farelo de algodão, por sua vez, causou um estímulo de 0,78 kg por cabeça e por dia, quando fornecido na mesma dose. Os valores de energia líquida para manutenção e produção foram determinados para os olhos de cana e para o farelo de algodão por uma técnica comparativa de abate, usando a gravidade específica das carcaças de um grupo inicial servido como amostra, sendo todos os animais abatidos no fim do estudo. A energia líquida para a manutenção dos olhos de cana, tanto frescos como ensilados foi 1,04 megcal por kg de matéria seca, enquanto que a energia liquida para a produção foi 0,46 megcal por kg de matéria seca. Os valores correspondentes para o farelo de algodão foram 1,62 e 1,27 megcal por kg de matéria seca. Dessa forma, para manutenção os olhos de cana valeram 64% de farelo de algodão como uma fonte de energia, mas para a produção, os olhos de cana valeram apenas 36% do valor do farelo de algodão.A 2 x 2 x 4 factorially designed experiment involving fresh and ensiled sugar cane tops, Holstein and Zebu cattle, and no supplement, molasses, cassava roots and cottonseed meal was conducted for a period of 112 days. The Holstein cattle averaged 264 kg in body weight initially, and the Zebus weighed an average of 246 kg initially. Six head from each breed were slaughtered to determine initial body composition by the specific gravity technique. The mean shrunk weight of the animals slaughtered was 257 kg for the Holsteins and 251 kg for the Zebus. The Holsteins contained 9.9% body fat at the start of the experiment, and the Zebus contained 8.6% fat. This difference was not statistically significant. Animals were fed in groups of three, with the fresh or ensiled cane tops allowed ad libitum and the supplements fed at their rate of 0.5 kg of supplement per 100 kg of body weight. Including all animals and all supplements, those animals fed silage ate significantly less dry matter and gained significantly less than those fed fresh cops. The consumption of either molasses or cassava roots with fresh or ensiled tops caused a significant drop in dry matter consumption from cane tops. The dry matter consumed form the supplement, however, was sufficient to maintain the daily weight change when compared to no supplement. There was no significant difference, therefore, in the gains of the usupplemented animals and those fed molasses or cassava roots. Thus, a cottonseed meal supplement of 0.5 kg per 100 kg of body weight caused an average stimulation of weight gain of 0.78 kg per day. Although there was no significant difference between Holsteins and Zebus in shrunk weight gain, there was a significant difference using gain in empty body weight. The failure of the shrunk weight gain to show a difference between breeds is due to the difference in reticulo-rumen fill, the Zebus having less fill than the Holsteins. The Zebus were also fatter, and caused a greater energy retention than that of the Holsteins. It appears from this comparison that, on a dry matter basis, fresh or ensiled sugarcane tops are comparable to Bermudagrass hay in energy value. The cottonseed meal used in this trial had a net energy for production comparable to barley or corn but a lower value for maintenance