271 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Physical and Behavioral Traits of Llamas (Lama glama) Associated with Aggressiveness Toward Sheep-Threatening Canids

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    Canid predation poses a serious threat to the sheep industry in the United States. Llamas are becoming popular among livestock producers as part of their predation management programs but there is little information on the factors associated with llama guarding behavior. This study examined several physical and behavioral attributes of individual llamas to assess whether they might predict the aggressiveness llamas display coward canids. The study was conducted in three phases. The first involved determining some physical and behavioral traits of individual llamas. Twenty individuals were randomly assigned to one of four groups (n = 5/group) and frequencies with which animals initiated and responded to various behaviors, e.g., dominance, aggression, threats, subordination, leadership, and alertness, were documented using focal-group sampling. Individuals were then ranked according to the frequency with which they displayed each behavior. In the second phase, activity patterns of individual llamas with sheep were assessed. Lamas varied in how close to sheep they stayed (mean = 48.2 m I 3.5) as we 1 as in the way they distributed their activities. The third phase examined interactions among llamas, sheep, and a domestic sheep dog to assess their individual aggressiveness toward canids. Llamas varied in the degree of aggressiveness displayed toward the dog; some chased the dog, others ran from it, some stayed with the flock, and others did not. Llamas were ranked based on these responses. Llamas with top ranks were curious and chased the dog, but stayed close to the sheep. Bottom-ranked individuals ignored the sheep and ran from the dog. Physical and behavioral traits of llamas and their behavioral patterns with sheep were then compared with aggressiveness they displayed toward the dog. Leadership and alert behaviors were correlated with aggressiveness (r = 0.472, p = 0.064 and r = 0.607, p = 0.012, respectively) Weight of llamas was also correlated with aggressiveness (r = 0.475, p = 0.039). Llama coloration was associated with aggressiveness they displayed toward the dog (X2 = 6.003, df = 2, p = 0.049), however, color was also associated with the weight of llamas (X2 = 7.49, df = 2, p = 0.024). Traits correlated with llama aggressiveness are easily recognized and sheep producers interested in acquiring a llama should consider them when selecting livestock guardians

    Spatial Ecologyand Social Interactions of Jaguars (\u3ci\u3ePanthera onca\u3c/i\u3e) in the Southern Pantanal, Brazil

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    The Pantanal of Brazil is an important area for the conservation of jaguars (Panthera onca). As the size of traditional large ranches in the Pantanal decreases, human access to jaguar habitat increases, resulting in human-altered landscapes that may influence patterns of resource selection and space use by jaguars. We used global positioning system radiocollars to study jaguars in the southern Pantanal. We radiocollared 10 jaguars (6 males and 4 females), obtained 11,787 locations, and examined their space use, movement rates, and social interactions between October 2001 and April 2004. Estimates of 90% kernel home ranges varied among animals and seasons (range: 34.1–262.9 km2). Core areas (50% isopleth) of both females and males did not differ in size between seasons, but home ranges (90% isopleth) during the dry season were generally larger than during the wet season. The stability of home ranges varied among seasons and individuals. Some females maintained ≥80% of their home ranges from 1 season to the next, whereas other females used ≤50% of their home ranges from the previous season. Site fidelity within individual home ranges also varied; ≥70% of the core areas of some females were located in different sites within their home ranges during different seasons. Locations of females suggested a pattern of spatial avoidance among females during the wet season. Home-range overlap among males was extensive, both in the wet and dry seasons, suggesting that males did not maintain exclusive ranges. Overlap between males and females occurred both in the wet and dry seasons, and movements by females were not restricted within the ranges of individual males. Jaguars were located \u3c200 m apart more often than expected, suggesting some degree of sociality. The reproductive profiles of females suggested either a low conception rate, a low survival rate of young, or that jaguars may be more social than previously thought. Interactions among males also suggested some degree of sociality

    Identification of kill sites from GPS clusters for jaguars (\u3ci\u3ePanthera onca\u3c/i\u3e) in the southern Pantanal, Brazil

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    Context. Understanding predator–prey relationships is important for making informed management decisions. Knowledge of jaguar (Panthera onca) predation on livestock and native prey is imperative for future conservation of jaguars in Central and South America. Aim. As part of an investigation to determine predation patterns of jaguars in the southern Pantanal, Brazil, we examined spatial, temporal and habitat variables, which are useful in categorising location clusters as kill sites and non-kill sites. Methods. Using GPS-collars on 10 jaguars we obtained a total of 11 784 locations, from which 877 clusters were identified, visited and examined for prey remains. Ofthe 877 clusters, 421 were associated with a kill and 456 clusters were not associated with a kill. We used univariate and multivariate models to examine the influence of spatial (distance to nearest: water, dense cover, road; dispersion of points), temporal (season, time, number of nights, duration) and habitat (percentage of seven habitat classes, dominant habitat class) variables on categorising clusters as kill or non-kill sites. Key results.Wefound the time a jaguar spent at a cluster (duration), the dispersion of points around the centre of the cluster (dispersion) and the number of nights spent at the cluster were all reliable predictors of whether a cluster was a kill or non-kill site. The best model predicting the likelihood a cluster was a jaguar kill site was a combination of duration and dispersion. Habitat variables were not important in discriminating kills from non-kill sites. Conclusion.Weidentified factors useful for discriminating between kills and non-kill sites for jaguars.Wefound that as a jaguar spent more time at a cluster and as the dispersion of points around the centre of the cluster increased, the higher likelihood the cluster was a jaguar kill. Similarly, as the number of nights spent at the cluster increased, the greater the probability the cluster was a kill. Implications. Our results will increase the efficiency of field investigations of location clusters in determining predation patterns of jaguars in Central and South America. Being able to prioritise which location clusters should be investigated will assist researchers with limited time and resources

    Influence of Behavioral State, Sex, and Season on Resource Selection by Jaguars (Panthera onca): Always on the Prowl?

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    How a predator uses its landscape to move through its territory and acquire prey is a fundamental question for scientific research. The influence of abiotic and biotic factors on space use of large carnivores has profound implications for their future management and conservation. In the Pantanal, Brazil, jaguars (Panthera onca) are the apex predator, but conflicts with cattle depredations pose a risk to their future conservation. We examined whether behavioral state, sex, and season influenced how jaguars used the landscape in the Pantanal. To accomplish this, we radio‐collared four females and six males; radio‐collared jaguars were monitored for 76 radio‐months with 11,787 GPS locations acquired. We developed resource selection functions (RSFs) examining how female and male jaguars used their landscape during three behavioral states (moving, killing native prey, killing cattle) during two seasons (dry, wet). From the RSF models, we found similar variables and relationships of landscape characteristics that jaguars selected for when moving and when depredating native prey and cattle. While moving, jaguars selected for locations that were either in dense cover or very near dense cover, with higher plant diversity and closer to water than available across the landscape. While null models suggested jaguars opportunistically depredated native prey in the dry season and cattle in the wet season, there was some indication they selected for specific landscape characteristics, mainly dense cover when killing cattle in the dry season and native prey in the wet season. Both sexes killed native prey and cattle within dense cover or close to dense cover as expected of an ambush predator. Particular habitat types were not important as long as there was dense cover for concealment. Additionally, jaguars killed prey closer to water than was available on the landscape. The similar variables across the models showed the importance of dense cover and distance to dense cover during all three behavioral states indicating jaguars in the Pantanal were “always on the prowl.” Understanding the spatial requirements for jaguars during the acquisition of native prey and cattle may lead to improved management strategies to allow for continued coexistence of jaguars in an area of traditional cattle production

    Influence of behavioral state, sex, and season on resource selection by jaguars (\u3ci\u3ePanthera onca\u3c/i\u3e): Always on the prowl?

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    How a predator uses its landscape to move through its territory and acquire prey is a fundamental question for scientific research. The influence of abiotic and biotic factors on space use of large carnivores has profound implications for their future management and conservation. In the Pantanal, Brazil, jaguars (Panthera onca) are the apex predator, but conflicts with cattle depredations pose a risk to their future conservation. We examined whether behavioral state, sex, and season influenced how jaguars used the landscape in the Pantanal. To accomplish this, we radio-collared four females and six males; radiocollared jaguars were monitored for 76 radio-months with 11,787 GPS locations acquired. We developed resource selection functions (RSFs) examining how female and male jaguars used their landscape during three behavioral states (moving, killing native prey, killing cattle) during two seasons (dry, wet). From the RSF models, we found similar variables and relationships of landscape characteristics that jaguars selected for when moving and when depredating native prey and cattle. While moving, jaguars selected for locations that were either in dense cover or very near dense cover, with higher plant diversity and closer to water than available across the landscape. While null models suggested jaguars opportunistically depredated native prey in the dry season and cattle in the wet season, there was some indication they selected for specific landscape characteristics, mainly dense cover when killing cattle in the dry season and native prey in the wet season. Both sexes killed native prey and cattle within dense cover or close to dense cover as expected of an ambush predator. Particular habitat types were not important as long as there was dense cover for concealment. Additionally, jaguars killed prey closer to water than was available on the landscape.The similar variables across the models showed the importance of dense cover and distance to dense cover during all three behavioral states indicating jaguars in the Pantanal were “always on the prowl.” Understanding the spatial requirements for jaguars during the acquisition of native prey and cattle may lead to improved management strategies to allow for continued coexistence of jaguars in an area of traditional cattle production

    El impacto del cuidado territorial en el tratamiento de personas diagnosticadas con esquizofrenia y trastornos delirantes en una comunidad en Río de Janeiro

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    Care for people diagnosed with schizophrenia and delusional disorders involves many challenges, especially in territorial contexts of pronounced social vulnerability. In Rio de Janeiro, the two decades after the passing of Federal Law 10,216 on Psychiatric Reform in 2001 have been characterized by the transition from a hospital-centered model to one based on community services. Taking the case of a community in Rio de Janeiro, data was extracted from the medical records of 94 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizotypal disorders, and delusional disorders (ICD-10 codes F20 to F29) in five public health services. Covering the period from 2003 to 2016, indicators of the quality of treatment provided were analyzed. As a result of this transition, psychiatric hospitals have all but emptied and a low number of currently untreated patients can be observed. In addition, crisis care and long-term hospitalizations have been replaced by territorial care, and clinical comorbidities are monitored and treated at Family Health Units.El cuidado de personas diagnosticadas con trastornos esquizofrénicos y delirantes representa un desafío, especialmente, en territorios de gran vulnerabilidad social. En Río de Janeiro, con la promulgación de la Ley Federal 10216 de 2001 sobre la Reforma Psiquiátrica, las últimas dos décadas se han caracterizado por la transición del modelo centrado en el hospital al modelo basado en los servicios comunitarios. Utilizando el caso de una comunidad de Río de Janeiro, se seleccionaron cinco servicios de salud pública y se extrajeron datos de los registros médicos de 94 pacientes con diagnósticos de esquizofrenia, trastornos esquizotípicos y trastornos delirantes (codificados en la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades 10 edición entre los códigos F20 a F29) y se analizaron indicadores de calidad del tratamiento ofrecido en el período 2003-2016. Como resultado de la transición se observa que los hospitales psiquiátricos quedaron casi vacíos con un bajo número de pacientes actualmente desatendidos. Además, la atención a la crisis y las hospitalizaciones a largo plazo se reemplazaron por la atención territorial y las comorbilidades clínicas se monitorean y se tratan en unidades de salud familiar

    Closed versus open reduction of facial fractures in children and adolescents : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Treatment of facial fractures in children and adolescents has always been a challenge for oral surgeon. The choice of treatment type must take into account several factors. This systematic review aimed to evaluate closed versus open reduction of facial f

    POLÍTICAS DE PRIVACIDADE DA INFORMAÇÃO : caracterização e avaliação

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    Este artigo visa caracterizar e auxiliar na avaliação de políticas de privacidade da informação em ambientes digitais. Este é um estudo descritivo e qualitativo, cujos meios de investigação são a pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Conclui-se que os interagentes carecem de informações sobre os processos de coleta, armazenamento, tratamento e compartilhamento de seus dados pessoais, que poderiam ser apresentados por meio de políticas de privacidade claras e objetivas. Sem estas informações torna-se difícil para os interagentes ponderarem sobre a troca de seus dados por serviços, tolhendo sua autonomia para controlar a privacidade de seus dados pessoais. Como contribuição, é apresentado um checklist para avaliação da qualidade e completude de políticas de privacidade, visando apoiar aqueles que precisarem elaborá-las e os interagentes que farão uso delas. Ressalta-se a importância do profissional da informação na conscientização do interagente e na publicação de estudos relacionados à privacidade da informação


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    As mulheres e as pessoas com deficiência historicamente tiveram as suas vidas marcadas por preconceitos, que se refletem, inclusive, no campo da sexualidade. Nesse sentido, buscou-se problematizar a constituição da subjetividade de uma jovem com deficiência no que se refere aos sentidos construídos relativos à sexualidade, visto que a juventude é um processo de constituição do sujeito influenciado pelo meio no qual se desenvolve. Verificada a escassez de estudos que abordem conjuntamente essas questões, a presente pesquisa objetivou apreender os sentidos produzidos sobre a sexualidade por uma jovem com paraplegia congênita. Para tanto, foi utilizada a técnica do depoimento pessoal e a análise dos dados procedeu-se a partir da proposta dos núcleos de significação. Os resultados mostraram que a jovem participante não se enxerga como incapaz de manter relações amorosas, visto que a deficiência não representa um impedimento para a vivência de sua sexualidade


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    As mulheres e as pessoas com deficiência historicamente tiveram as suas vidas marcadas por preconceitos, que se refletem, inclusive, no campo da sexualidade. Nesse sentido, buscou-se problematizar a constituição da subjetividade de uma jovem com deficiência no que se refere aos sentidos construídos relativos à sexualidade, visto que a juventude é um processo de constituição do sujeito influenciado pelo meio no qual se desenvolve.Verificada a escassez de estudos que abordem conjuntamente essas questões, a presente pesquisa objetivou apreender os sentidos produzidos sobre a sexualidade por uma jovem com paraplegia congênita. Para tanto, foi utilizada a técnica do depoimento pessoal e a análise dos dados procedeu-se a partir da proposta dos núcleos de significação. Os resultados mostraram que a jovem participante não se enxerga como incapaz de manter relações amorosas, visto que a deficiência não representa um impedimento para a vivência de sua sexualidade.Palavras chaves: Pessoas com deficiência; Gênero, Juventude; Sentidos sobre a sexualidade. THE PRODUCTION OF SENSES ABOUT SEXUALITY BY A YOUNG LADY WITH PARAPLEGIA CONGENITAAbstract: Women and people with disabilities have historically had their lives marked by prejudices that are reflected even in the field of sexuality. Thus, we aimed to question the constitution of the subjectivity of a young disabled with regard to the built way related to sexuality, since youth is a process of constitution of the subject influenced by the environment in which it develops. It is noticed that there is a shortage of studies that jointly address these issues, so this research aimed at understanding the meanings produced about sexuality as a young lady with congenital paraplegia. To collect data the technique of personal testimony was used and the data analysis was carried out from the proposal of the "core meaning". The results showed that the young participant does not see herself as incapable of maintaining loving relationships, because she understands that disability is not an impediment to sexuality.Keywords: People with disabilities; Gender; Youth; The meanings of sexualit