11 research outputs found

    Mucocele superficial em lábio inferior: relato de caso

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    Mucoceles are mucous cysts related to obstruction or trauma of the minor salivary glands. The preferential localizations are lower lip, the soft palate, mandibular retromolar region, and oral mucosa. Microscopically they are subepithelial extravasations of sialomucin that occur at the epithelial connective tissue interface. The diagnosis of superficial mucocele is mainly clinical, and a biopsy is rarely indicated. This report describes a lesion of the lower lip that was definitively diagnosed by histologic examination as a mucocele or mucus retention phenomenon.Mucoceles são cistos mucosos relacionados com a obstrução ou trauma das glândulas salivares menores. Preferencialmente, estão localizadas no lábio inferior, palato mole, região retromandibular e mucosa oral. Microscopicamente, constituem-se em extravasamento subepitelial de sialomucina, que ocorre na interface do tecido epitelial conectivo. O diagnóstico da mucocele superficial é principalmente clínico, sendo raramente indicada a realização de biópsia. Este artigo descreve uma lesão em lábio inferior cujo diagnóstico definitivo foi de mucocele, ou fenômeno de retenção de muco

    Patient?s perception of improvement after surgical assisted maxillary expansion (SAME) : pilot study

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    Objective: Clinicians often assume that changes following orthognathic surgery are both physically and psychologically beneficial to the patient. The present study investigates patient perception regarding improvement after surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion. Study design: A survey with twenty-three patients was carried out to identify satisfaction with the surgical outcome and assess whether the surgery met patient expectations. General information was also collected on schooling, age, gender, chief complaint and reasons for seeking treatment. Results: Most patients (n = 19; 82%) were advised to undergo surgery by a dentist. Twenty-two (95%) patients reported being satisfied with the operation procedure. Twenty-one (91%) patients reported that the procedure met their expectations. Nineteen respondents would undergo the same operation again and would recommend treatment to others with similar problems. Conclusion: The need for surgery associated with orthodontic appliances to correct a transverse maxillary deficiency requires a proper explanation to patients regarding the procedure and postoperative period in order to ensure realistic expectations concerning the surgical goals

    Reduction and fixation of unstable fractures of the zygomatic arch: Report of a series of cases

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    Background: This study evaluated a series of cases of fracture in the zygomatic arch with displacement of the fractured segment.Materials and Methods: This prospective cohort study was conducted between May 2008 and February 2009. The study sample which consist of 10 patients of both genders with fractures in the zygomatic arch. The collection instrument included a specific sheet with data concerning the patient’s age, cause, side of the fracture, type of treatment performed, recurrence and presence of lesions in the facial nerve. The radiographic indices of Waters and Hirtz were used. The data were presented by means of descriptive statistics (absolute and percentage distributions).Results: Most of the patients were male (90.0%), the most frequent etiology was a motorcycle accident (70.0%) and the left side was more affected (60.0%). There was no recurrence in any of the patients examined; however, 1 patient had a lesion in the facial nerve. The treatment performed for all patients was reduction and fixation with titanium miniplates.Conclusion: Fractures in the zygomatic arch are more frequent in young male individuals and the most common cause is a motorcycle accident, with the use of miniplates constituting an effective treatment without recurrence.Keywords: Accidents, facial injuries, maxillary fractures, traffic, zygomatic fracture

    Facial traumas among females through violent and non-violent mechanisms

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    INTRODUCTION: Injuries stemming from facial trauma have both physical and emotional consequences among affected individuals as well as an economic impact on the healthcare system. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the occurrence of facial trauma among females of different age groups treated at an urgent care ward in the northeast of Brazil in a two-year period. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out involving 247 charts. Data on patient age, etiological agent and site of trauma were recorded. RESULTS: Adults accounted for 48.6% of the sample. Falls were the most frequent cause of trauma (38.5%); soft tissue injuries were the most prevalent ones (67.6%); age was significantly associated with the etiology of the injuries; falls were the most common cause among children/adolescents and elderly individuals, and acts of violence were more common among adults. CONCLUSION: Adult females were affected by facial trauma more than the other age groups studied, with a predominance of soft tissue injuries and injuries to the mandible, maxilla, zygomatic arch and nasal bones. Falls were the most prevalent cause of facial trauma and significantly associated with the youngest (children/adolescents) and oldest (elderly individuals) age groups

    Epidemiological study of patients with facial trauma treated at the Antônio Targino Hospital - Campina Grande/Paraíba Estudo epidemiológico dos pacientes atendidos com trauma de face no Hospital Antônio Targino - Campina Grande/Paraíba

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    Information contained in the present study can better explain the type of care performed in this service, which is paramount in order to plan, organize and improve medical care here. AIM: the goal of the present study was to carry out a retrospective epidemiological study concerning facial trauma from August 2006 to August 2007. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 211 charts were studied in order to collect patient data regarding the number of patients seen, gender, age, year and their origin, surgical approaches and cases. RESULTS: Among the surgical cases, facial fractures were the most prevalent (73.9%). Male patients prevailed (81.5%), in the ages between 11 and 40 years from the arid Paraíba mesoregion. The most frequent causes we motorcycle accidents, making up 64.5% of the sample, and the zygomatic-orbital complex was the most affected site. CONCLUSION: The most affected patients were males, and those from the Paraíba arid mesoregion were the ones who benefited the most from the service. Among the most frequent etiological factors we list: motorcycle accidents, physical fights and falls from one's own height.As informações contidas na presente pesquisa provêem dados para um melhor esclarecimento do tipo de atendimento realizado pelo serviço, sendo de fundamental importância para o planejamento, organização e melhoria do atendimento. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho teve como finalidade realizar um estudo epidemiológico retrospectivo dos traumas de face, no período compreendido entre agosto de 2006 a agosto de 2007. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram examinados 211 prontuários e coletados dados relacionados ao número de pacientes atendidos, gênero, idade, ano e procedência, modalidades e acessos cirúrgicos realizados. RESULTADO: Dentre as modalidades cirúrgicas, as fraturas faciais foram as mais prevalentes (73,9%). Houve uma predominância de pacientes do gênero masculino (81,5%), na faixa etária compreendida entre 11 e 40 anos e oriundos da mesorregião do agreste paraibano. As causas mais frequentes foram os acidentes motociclísticos, com 64,5% da amostra, sendo o complexo zigomático-orbitário a região mais acometida. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes mais acometidos foram os do gênero masculino, sendo os oriundos da mesorregião do Agreste Paraibano os que mais se beneficiam com o serviço. Dentre os fatores etiológicos mais frequentes foram: acidente de trânsito motociclístico, agressões físicas e queda de própria altura

    Influence of Helmet Use in Facial Trauma and Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury Victims of Motorcycle Accidents

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    Objective: The objective of this research was to study the influence of the use of helmet in facial trauma victims of motorcycle accidents with moderate traumatic brain injury. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the incidence of facial injuries in helmeted and nonhelmeted victims with moderate traumatic brain injury at a referral trauma hospital. Results: The sample consisted of 272 patients predominantly men (94.5%) and between 21 and 40 years old (62.9%). The majority of patients were using helmet (80.1%). The occurrence of facial fractures was most frequent for zygomatic bone (51.8%), followed by mandible (18.8%) and nasal bones (9.2%). Conclusions: Individuals in the most productive age group are most affected, which causes a great loss to financial and labor systems. It is important to take measures to alert the public regarding the severity of injuries likely to occur in motorcycle-related accidents and ways to prevent them

    Additive Manufacturing for Surgical Planning of Mandibular Fracture

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    Currently, imaging techniques such as Computed Tomography with three-dimensional reconstruction (3D) and Magnetic Resonances are being routinely used in pre-surgical planning in all fields of medicine. Nowadays, virtual three-dimensional images, commonly displayed on two-dimensional surfaces, such as the computer screen, can be used to produce rapidly prototyped models, with excellent dimensional accuracy and fine reproduction of anatomical structures, providing professionals with the ability to use the biomodel in planning and simulating medical and dental procedures (oral and maxillofacial surgery, making individualized facial implants and prostheses, measurements and previous adaptations of prefabricated fixation plates), thus contributing to considerable reductions in surgical time and consequently the duration of anesthesia, minimizing infection risks and reducing hospital costs. In this report, we describe a case of surgical planning and treatment of bilateral atrophic mandibular fracture, in which, for surgical planning, authors used Rapid Prototyping as an adjunct tool, considering the advantages already outlined