832 research outputs found

    Gonad development and reproduction in the monoecious species Chlorophthalmus agassizi (Actinopterygii: Aulopiformes: Chlorophthalmidae) from the Sardinian Waters (Central-Western Mediterranean)

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    Background. The shortnose greeneye, Chlorophthalmus agassizi Bonaparte, 1840, is a species with a circumglobal distribution and is among the most abundant commercial fishes in some Mediterranean areas. The knowledge of the biology and ecology of this species is poor and geographically limited, then the aim of this study is to provide a contribution to the knowledge on the reproductive biology of this monoecious deep-sea fish in Sardinian waters. Materials and Methods. In this paper the morphology and the development of the gonads, the mean size at maturity, the monthly evolution in the percent frequency of the maturity stages, and of the indices related to reproduction of the shortnose greeneye were examined. Individuals were caught by trawls, between 270 and 504 m of depth in the Sardinian seas. Results. The ovarian pattern is of an asynchronous type, characterized by releasing of eggs in successive batches. Seven stages of development for the ovary and four for the testis were identified on the basis of macroscopic and histological features. The female portion is the most evident component and shows a later maturation than the male portion. The spawning period is unique and takes place from May to September. Conclusion. The identification of spawning period and the adopted reproductive strategy is essential to obtain a better understanding of its biology and a good management of its fisheries

    The awkward record of fossil whales

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    Predicting groundwater salinity changes in the coastal aquifer of Arborea (Central Western Sardinia)

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    The area of Arborea, extending over roughly 70 km2, is located in the Northern Campidano plain (central-western Sardinia - Italy). The plain, that was formed in a tectonic trough of the Tertiary, is characterised by Quaternary deposits of fluvial, lacustrine, marine and eolian facies. The Quaternary formation is several hundred meters thick. The stratigraphic sequence, whose characteristics vary from one place to another, is generally represented by gravelly, sandy, silty and clayey deposits. The aquifer basin consists of two main units, a shallow phreatic aquifer (around ten meters thick) and a deeper semiconfined - confined unit, separated by a variable thickness aquitard. The system is recharged by rainfall, irrigation and by lateral inflow from the volcanic rock aquifers bordering the plain. Owing to inadequate water management policies, the Arborea coastal aquifer system has been contaminated by seawater intrusion as a result of overexploitation during the frequent droughts that affect Sardinia. Groundwater withdrawals have caused saltwater to encroach landward and upward toward the withdrawal points. Periodic monitoring, carried out for several years by the Department of Land Engineering at the University of Cagliari showed a varying degree of salt water intrusion along the coast. High electrical conductivity values were found mostly in the deeper aquifer, as it is locally overexploited, whereas lower values were recorded in the shallow phreatic aquifer. Nevertheless, in the shallow aquifer the extension of contaminated areas is larger than in the deep aquifer. In this work an extensive quality assessment of the data was performed to characterise the area overlying the Arborea aquifer system. In this context we set up a geographical information system and applied an environmental model to study the migration of the contaminants. A preliminary model, elaborated with the CODESA 3D code, was implemented to simulate the impact of land management (different groundwater abstraction schemes, artificial recharge etc.) on the salt dispersion process.243-25

    Differential Modulation of Nitric Oxide Synthases in Aging: Therapeutic Opportunities

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    Vascular aging is the term that describes the structural and functional disturbances of the vasculature with advancing aging. The molecular mechanisms of aging-associated endothelial dysfunction are complex, but reduced nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and altered vascular expression and activity of NO synthase (NOS) enzymes have been implicated as major players. Impaired vascular relaxation in aging has been attributed to reduced endothelial NOS (eNOS)-derived NO, while increased inducible NOS (iNOS) expression seems to account for nitrosative stress and disrupted vascular homeostasis. Although eNOS is considered the main source of NO in the vascular endothelium, neuronal NOS (nNOS) also contributes to endothelial cells-derived NO, a mechanism that is reduced in aging. Pharmacological modulation of NO generation and expression/activity of NOS isoforms may represent a therapeutic alternative to prevent the progression of cardiovascular diseases. Accordingly, this review will focus on drugs that modulate NO bioavailability, such as nitrite anions and NO-releasing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones (dehydroepiandrosterone and estrogen), statins, resveratrol, and folic acid, since they may be useful to treat/to prevent aging-associated vascular dysfunction. The impact of these therapies on life quality in elderly and longevity will be discussed

    Chemistry and clumpiness in planetary nebulae

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    We study the chemistry in the slow wind during the transition from AGB star to pre-planetary nebula (PPN) and planetary nebula (PN). We show that there is a very rich chemistry of degradation products created by photoprocessing, driven by the gradually hardening radiation field of the central star. Most of these products are, however, photodissociated during the PPN phase if the wind is smooth. By contrast, if the wind is clumpy, possibly because of clumpiness in the AGB atmosphere, then many of these degradation products survive into the PN phase. Thus, chemistry may be used to infer the existence of clumpiness in the AGB phase. We identify potential molecular tracers, and we note that, in the case of clumpiness, large molecules may survive the transport from the stellar atmosphere to the interstellar medium. We compare between our model results with observations of three objects at differing evolutionary stages: CRL618, NGC 7027 and the Helix nebula (NGC 7293).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA


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    Regência Augusta faz parte do município de Linhares. Trata-se de um pequeno vilarejo rodeado pela foz do Rio Doce e o mar. Em maior parte, a comunidade é descendente da miscigenação entre indígenas, negros e brancos, comumente chamados na região de nativo ou caboclo. Estes sujeitos estão intimamente ligados a duas práticas culturais locais: a pescaria e o Congo. O trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre as duas práticas culturais da vila, analisando, principalmente, a construção da memória coletiva por meio das lembranças dos moradores. Devido a caraterística da pesquisa, se fez necessário o uso da abordagem qualitativa, utilizando o meio social da vila como fonte direta de coleta de dados. A observação em campo possibilitou conhecer o dia a dia e as relações entre os sujeitos envolvidos na comunidade e as articulações orais que se constroem desses encontros. As etapas formuladas para pesquisa consistem em: levantamento bibliográfico; entrevistas em história oral temática com sujeitos envolvidos em práticas culturais na área do objeto de pesquisa e observações das ações cotidianas; e análise dos dados. A pesquisa se apoiou no referencial teórico dos autores que discutem o conceito de história e memória com Halbwachs (2003) e Le Goff (2013). Por se tratar de uma comunidade tradicional não se poderia deixar de abordar a questão cultural, deste modo as reflexões de Burke (2008) e Canclini (1983) são os suportes teóricos. Nas análises dos dados se considerou, também, as concepções de Geertz (1997) sobre a interpretação das culturas. Gramsci (1989) fundamenta o conceito de intelectuais orgânicos, identificações trabalhadas nas narrativas dos líderes comunitários da vila, e a formação\educação numa dimensão para vida prática, nos aspectos culturais e sociais da Banda de Congo Mirim. Em relação aos contadores/narradores da história, as teorias de Benjamin (1994) apoiaram as discussões. No levantamento de dados empíricos, que envolve a interrogação direta dos sujeitos participantes da comunidade de Regência Augusta cujo, as lembranças se pretenderam conhecer, utilizou-se do método da história oral temática( MEIHY, 2015) obtendo um total de 9 relatos orais. Nesse estudo, três apontamentos se mostraram expressivos: a memória coletiva que é construída a partir das lembranças em comum, as práticas culturais da pescaria do Congo e sua relação com o rio\mar e a transmissão de conhecimentos populares por meio da contação e cantação de histórias. Palavras-chave: Memória Coletiva. Práticas Culturais. Tradição oral

    Spironolactone treatment attenuates vascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetic mice by decreasing oxidative stress and restoring NO/GC signaling

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    Type 2 diabetes (DM2) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Aldosterone, which has pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory effects in the cardiovascular system, is positively regulated in DM2. We assessed whether blockade of mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) with spironolactone decreases reactive oxygen species (ROS)-associated vascular dysfunction and improves vascular nitric oxide (NO) signaling in diabetes. Leptin receptor knockout [LepRdb/LepRdb (db/db)] mice, a model of DM2, and their counterpart controls [LepRdb/LepR+, (db/+) mice] received spironolactone (50 mg/kg body weight/day) or vehicle (ethanol 1%) via oral per gavage for 6 weeks. Spironolactone treatment abolished endothelial dysfunction and increased endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation (Ser1177) in arteries from db/db mice, determined by acetylcholine-induced relaxation and Western Blot analysis, respectively. MR antagonist therapy also abrogated augmented ROS-generation in aorta from diabetic mice, determined by lucigenin luminescence assay. Spironolactone treatment increased superoxide dismutase-1 and catalase expression, improved sodium nitroprusside and BAY 41-2272-induced relaxation, and increased soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) β subunit expression in arteries from db/db mice. Our results demonstrate that spironolactone decreases diabetes-associated vascular oxidative stress and prevents vascular dysfunction through processes involving increased expression of antioxidant enzymes and sGC. These findings further elucidate redox-sensitive mechanisms whereby spironolactone protects against vascular injury in diabetes

    Experimental and numerical research activity on a packed bed TES system

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    This paper presents the results of experimental and numerical research activities on a packed bed sensible thermal energy storage (TES) system. The TES consists of a cylindrical steel tank filled with small alumina beads and crossed by air used as the heat transfer fluid. Experimental tests were carried out hile varying some operating parameters such as the mass flow rate, the inlet–outlet temperature thresholds and the aspect ratio (length over diameter). Numerical simulations were carried out using a one-dimensional model, specifically developed in the Matlab-Simulink environment and a 2D axisymmetric model based on the ANSYS-Fluent platform. Both models are based on a two-equation transient approach to calculate fluid and solid phase temperatures. Thermodynamic properties were considered to be temperature-dependent and, in the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model, variable porosity of the bed in the radial direction, thermal losses and the effective conductivity of the alumina beads were also considered. The simulation results of both models were compared to the experimental ones, showing good agreement. The one-dimensional model has the advantage of predicting the axial temperature distribution with a very low computational cost, but it does not allow calculation of the correct energy stored when the temperature distribution is strongly influenced by the wall. To overcome this problem a 2D CFD model was used in this work

    Persistence of pristine deep-sea coral gardens in the Mediterranean Sea (SW Sardinia)

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    Leiopathes glaberrima is a tall arborescent black coral species structuring important facies of the deep-sea rocky bottoms of the Mediterranean Sea that are severely stifled by fishing activities. At present, however, no morphological in vivo description, ecological characterization, age dating and evaluation of the possible conservation actions have ever been made for any population of this species in the basin. A dense coral population was reported during two Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) surveys conducted on a rocky bank off the SW coasts of Sardinia (Western Mediterranean Sea). L. glaberrima forms up to 2 m-tall colonies with a maximal observed basal diameter of nearly 7 cm. The radiocarbon dating carried out on a colony from this site with a 4 cm basal diameter revealed an approximately age of 2000 years. Considering the size-frequency distribution of the colonies in the area it is possible to hypothesize the existence of other millennial specimens occupying a supposedly very stable ecosystem. The persistence of this ecosystem is likely guaranteed by the heterogeneous rocky substrate hosting the black coral population that represents a physical barrier against the mechanical impacts acted on the surrounding muddy areas, heavily exploited as trawling fishing grounds. This favorable condition, together with the existence of a nursery area for catsharks within the coral ramifications and the occurrence of a meadow of the now rare soft bottom alcyonacean Isidella elongata in small surviving muddy inclaves, indicates that this ecosystem have to be considered a pristine Mediterranean deep-sea coral sanctuary that would deserve special protection