27 research outputs found

    Orsa Rural Hotel: business plan

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    Serves the present report as a tool to financially evaluate the possibility of building a new, luxury, sustainable and differentiated Rural 5-Star Hotel in Guia, Albufeira. The conclusions taken from this business plan are elaborated and supported in accordance with a pertinent existent literature review about the related issues, based in an intense market and industry research as well as the assessment of the consumers’ preferences and perceptions towards the construction of a rural hotel of this type. The marketing plan designed gathers all the vital resources required for a project like this. Furthermore, it contains a detailed description with all the steps and processes to follow, the development of the adequate strategy and the legal information framework that clarifies the questions and documents to be addressed in the report. Financially, the edification of the Orsa Rural Hotel is classified as viable, with a Net Present Value of 470 438.28 €, an Internal Return Rate of 17.1% and a Payback Period inferior to 8 years. Subsequently, the familiar company José António Catuna & Filhos Lda should advance with the project.Serve o presente business plan como ferramenta para analisar a possibilidade de construção de um novo, luxuoso, sustentável e diferenciado hotel rural de 5 estrelas na região da Guia, Albufeira. As conclusões que advêm deste relatório são devidamente fundamentadas e elaboradas de acordo com a revisão da literatura existente sobre os tópicos relacionados com esta temática, baseadas ainda numa pesquisa de Mercado, da indústria e das preferências e percepções dos consumidores relativamente a uma unidade hoteleira rural deste género. O plano de marketing delineado inclui todas as componentes necessárias para a realização de um projeto desta envergadura e contém, para lá de uma detalhada descrição de todos os processos e passos a seguir, da formulação de uma estratégia adequada assim como ínumeras informações relativas ao enquadramento legal do negócio. Financeiramente, a construção do "Orsa Rural Hotel" é considerada como viável, tendo como Valor Atualizado líquido de 470 438.28 €, uma Taxa Interna de Rentabilidade de 17.1% e um Payback Period inferior a 8 anos. Assim sendo, a empresa José António Catuna & Filhos Lda deve avançar com o projeto

    O impacto da pandemia COVID-19 nos relacionamentos íntimos e na satisfação com a vida em adultos portugueses: estudo qualitativo

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    No final de 2019, um novo coronav í rus SARS CoV 2 ou COVID 19, foi identificado na cidade de Wuhan, na China. O impacto a n í vel global, obrigou à ado çã o de medidas restritivas de conting ê ncia, como o confinamento e distanciamento social, a partir de 13 de mar ç o de 2020, em Portugal. Estas medidas alteraram de forma inquestion á vel a vida de todos os Portugueses. Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa centra se na investiga çã o do impacto da pandemia COVID 19 nos relacionamentos í ntimos e na sati sfa çã o com a vida em adultos portugueses. O objetivo do estudo é conhecer e compreender as perspetivas dos casais portugueses, abordando os temas din â mica relacional, conflito entre casal, satisfa çã o na intimidade e vida sexual, satisfa çã o no relacionament o e satisfa çã o com a vida. A amostra é constitu í da por 18 participantes, distribu í dos em 9 casais heterossexuais que coabitam, com uma m é dia de idades de 28 anos. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de estudo, um gui ã o de entrevista, um question á rio sociode mogr á fico e um gravador de voz. A maioria dos participantes relataram que o in í cio da pandemia teve um impacto na sua din â mica relacional, nomeadamente, houve um aumento dos conflitos entre casal. Apesar de estudos relatarem que casais que vivenciem confli tos relacionados com a pandemia, eram mais propensos a relatar diminui çã o da frequ ê ncia de v á rios comportamentos í ntimos e sexuais (Luetke et al., 2020), neste estudo a maioria dos casais n ã o consideram ter existido mudan ç as na sua vida í ntima. Tamb é m, os casais mostraram se ser bastante resilientes, encontrando se mais satisfeitos com o relacionamento. Quanto à satisfa çã o da vida, a maioria dos participantes demonstraram a import â ncia do trabalho e dos amigos na sua vida. É imperativo compreender de que forma estas crises pand é micas, como a pandemia COVID 19, t ê m um impacto psicol ó gico tanto a n í vel pessoal como nos relacionamentos amorosos, com o objetivo de aprendermos novos processos de adapta çã o perante estas situa çõ es que criam novas realidades.In late 2019, a new coronavirus variant SARS CoV 2 or COVID 19 was identified in the city of Wuhan, China. Its global impact forced the adoption of restrictive contingency measures, such as confinement and social distance, particularly felt in Portugal since 13rd March 2020 These measures unquestionably changed the lives of Portuguese people. This qualitative study focuses on investigating the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on intimate relationships and life satisfaction in Portuguese adu lts. The aim of the study is to identify and explore the perspectives of Portuguese couples, addressing the themes of relational dynamics, conflict between couples, satisfaction in intimacy and sex life, relationship satisfaction and satisfaction with life The sample used a total of 18 participants 9 heterossexual couples who cohabit, with an average age of 28 years old An interview guide, a sociodemographic questionnaire and a voice recorder were used as the study 's instruments. Most participants reported that the beginning of the pandemic had an impact on their relationship dynamics, namely, there was an increase d num ber of conflicts. Although studies have reported that couples experiencing pandemic related conflicts were more likely to report a decrease in the frequency of various intimate and sexual behaviors (Luetke et al., 2020), most couples of the sample did not consider to have had significant changes in their intimate life. Also, couples proved to be quite resilient, finding themselves more satisfied with the relationship. As for life satisfaction, most participants highlighted the importance of work and friend s in their lives. It is imperative to understand how these pandemic crises, such as the COVID 19 pandemic, have a psychological impact both on a personal level and on romantic relationships, with the aim of learning new adaptation processes in the face of these situations which create new possible realities

    O papel moderador do capital psicológico no binómio trabalho-família, burnout e satisfação com a vida e com o trabalho

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    Atualmente as exigências profissionais e familiares representam um desafio para as organizações e para os seus recursos humanos. Neste contexto, o capital psicológico tem sido apontado como um promotor do desenvolvimento de variáveis positivas e redutor dos fatores negativos do trabalho. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivos: observar o efeito das exigências profissionais e familiares, do conflito trabalho-família e burnout sobre a satisfação profissional e com a vida e o efeito moderador do capital psicológico sobre o conflito trabalho-família, burnout e satisfação profissional e com a vida. Com uma amostra de 205 participantes (159 mulheres e 46 homens) entre os 19 e os 65 anos (M = 34.7; DP = 10.3), os resultados mostram que as exigências profissionais e familiares e o conflito trabalho-família são preditores do burnout, e que estas variáveis afetam negativamente a satisfação profissional e com a vida. O capital psicológico surge apenas como moderador da satisfação com a vida.Today, job and home demands represent a challenge for organizations and their human resources. In this context, the psychological capital has been pointed as a promoter of the development of positive variables and reducing of the negative factors of the work. Thus, this study aims to: observe the effect of job and home demands, work-family conflict and burnout on job and life satisfaction; and the moderating effect of psychological capital on work-family conflict, burnout, job and life satisfaction. With a sample of 205 participants (159 women and 46 men) aged between 19 and 65 (M = 34.7; SD = 10.3), the results show that job and home demands and work-family conflict are predictors of burnout, and that these variables negatively affect job satisfaction and life. Psychological capital appears only as moderator of life satisfaction

    Ultrasonic Cutting Device for Bone Surgery Based on a Cymbal Transducer

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    AbstractIn this study, we introduce a new prototype ultrasonic cutting device for bone surgery based on a class V flextensional cymbal transducer, configured for use in power ultrasonics applications, which removes many of the geometrical restrictions on the cutting tip of Langevin-based transducers. The benefit of incorporating a cymbal transducer is that since the cutting blade itself does not have to be tuned, blade design can focus more closely on delivering the best interaction with bone to provide a highly accurate cut. Small variations to the geometry of the blade do not affect the final resonance frequency. Also the ultrasonic device can be miniaturised to allow the design of devices for delicate orthopaedic procedures involving minimal-access surgery. The results show how the cymbal transducer, driven by a single piezoceramic disc, can excite sufficiently high vibration displacement amplitudes at lower driving voltages. This is achieved by adapting the configuration of the cymbal to remove the problem of epoxy layer debonding, and by optimising the cymbal end-cap and geometry through finite element modelling supported with experimental vibration characterisation. Preliminary characterisations of the resulting prototype ultrasonic bone cutting device, which operates at around 25kHz, illustrate the success of this novel device design

    Study on the Level of Strenght Development in Vocational Training Students

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    The present work is a study that tracks the level of development of the force of the lower limbs, upper limbs, abdominal muscles but also posterior muscles of the trunk. The research started at the beginning of the current school year and was carried out on the students of the ninth and tenth grades from the Technological High School I. C. Bratianu, from the vocational education. The students from the X-th grade who expressed their agreement to participate in our study were 22, who participated in the 3 modules of school activity in the two hours of physical education weekly. The subjects in the ninth grade who participated in the physical tests were 30 in number

    An ultrasonic orthopaedic surgical device based on a cymbal transducer

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    AbstractAn ultrasonic orthopaedic surgical device is presented, where the ultrasonic actuation relies on a modification of the classical cymbal transducer. All current devices consist of a Langevin ultrasonic transducer with a tuned cutting blade attached, where resonance is required to provide sufficient vibrational amplitude to cut bone. However, this requirement restricts the geometry and offers little opportunity to propose miniaturised devices or complex blades. The class V flextensional cymbal transducer is proposed here as the basis for a new design, where the cymbal delivers the required vibrational amplitude, and the design of the attached cutting insert can be tailored for the required cut. Consequently, the device can be optimised to deliver an accurate and precise cutting capability. A prototype device is presented, based on the cymbal configuration and designed to operate at 25.5kHz with a displacement amplitude of 30μm at 300V. Measurements of vibrational and impedance responses elucidate the mechanical and electrical characteristics of the device. Subsequent cutting tests on rat femur demonstrate device performance consistent with a commercial Langevin-based ultrasonic device and show that cutting is achieved using less electrical power and a lower piezoceramic volume. Histological analysis exhibits a higher proportion of live cells in the region around the cut site for the cymbal device than for a powered sagittal or a manual saw, demonstrating the potential for the ultrasonic device to result in faster healing

    La percepción remota y el análisis del espacio geográfico

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    La percepción remota es una técnica extraordinariamente desarrollada para estudiar las características de los espacios terrestres. Excluyendo los avances de la investigación ultra terrestre, los sensores remotos que han sido diseñados permiten explorar en diferentes bandas espectrales casi todos los aspectos de nuestro planeta. Las ramas de la ciencia que tienen relación con el espacio terrestre encuentran en esta tecnología un valioso apoyo para el desarrollo de sus respectivos proyectos. Mediante la percepción remota se han venido divulgando los cambios en la superficie terrestre, información valiosa tales como el clima en general, el avance o retroceso de los glaciares, la tala de los bosques, los procesos de erosión, las corrientes de los vientos planetarios, las corrientes marinas y los efectos de la polución ambiental. De acuerdo con lo anterior muchos de estos temas son de gran interés para la comprensión del espacio geográfico

    O ecoturismo como motor de desenvolvimento económico, sustentável e humano em África

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    Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Cooperação InternacionalO ecoturismo é, frequentemente, apresentado por diversos autores como uma panacea, ou seja, como um instrumento de carácter múltiplo com pretensões económicas, ambientais e sociais, possuindo efectivas capacidades para assegurar a conservação ambiental e reduzir os níveis de pobreza. O presente trabalho tem então como objectivo central perceber se o ecoturismo pode constituir um instrumento para o desenvolvimento económico, sustentável, mas também humano no Continente Africano. Como tal centra-se numa análise e reflexão das relações que este estabelece com a dimensão económica, sustentável, ambiental e social. Partindo de um enquadramento teórico, primeiramente esta análise é feita a nível geral, tendo por base diversa literatura académica, procedendo-se posteriormente a uma análise a nível particular, através de uma reflexão em torno do projecto de ecoturismo do Parque Nacional da Gorongosa em Moçambique.The ecotourism is often presented by several authors as a panacea, a multiple instrument with economic, environmental and social aims, having capacity to ensure environment conservation and to reduce poverty levels. Therefore, the main goal of this work is to find out if ecotourism can be a tool for economic, sustainable and human development in Africa. So, this work focuses on an analysis and reflection of the relations that ecotourism establishes with the economic, sustainable, environmental and social dimension. Following a theoretical framework, firstly we proceed with a general analysis, with support of relevant academic literature, and secondly we focus in a particular case, developing a reflection about the ecotourism project in Gorongosa National Park, in Mozambique

    The Multiplicative Effect Interaction between Outdoor Education Activities Based on the Sensory System

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    Background: The present paper initiates the introduction of physical education activities within the Transylvania University of Brașov, aiming at a new strategy. The purpose is identifying the level of knowledge and the level of perception regarding the extent to which outdoor activities are viewed and implemented, and the effects that the latter has on them by tracking certain variables of a sensory nature, comprised of visual, auditory, kinesthetic and digital areas. Methods: This research aims to analyze if the type of sensory channel is influenced by the type of sport and the environment (urban/rural) of that practiced sport. We also analyzed the benefits offered by different sports and if these benefits influence the type of activity. Data were collected using an online survey, a questionnaire, using a Likert scale, with subjects having to choose between multiple answers. In addition, data were allocated and reviewed based on a sample of 100 students who have the habit of practicing outdoor activities. Results: The results of the study significantly show that the objectives were met and as such it can be concluded that outdoor activities, from the point of view of perception systems, can be classified according to the method of ordering the rank of activities by the dominant kinesthetic sensory channel