891 research outputs found

    Trade, Diversification and Growth in Nigeria

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    Nigeria’s trade policy is at a crucial turning point. Historically, the country has had a very restrictive import regime that generated substantial transfers to domestic producers and strong anti-export bias. Yet, in its current poverty reduction strategy, Nigeria identified deeper trade integration as a means to foster economic growth and alleviate poverty. Border tariffs are being reduced, trade regulations are under review, and ambitious modernization programs for customs services and port infrastructure have been launched. The envisioned reforms involve far-reaching changes to the trade regime that promise to create new opportunities by improving the efficiency of production and consumption, while requiring adjustment of domestic producers to the new, more competitive economic environment.Trade; tariffs; regional integration; preferences; world markets

    Everything you always wanted to know about wto accession (but were afraid to ask)

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    In this paper, the authors explore the complex, long, and unique process of accession to the World Trade Organization, with its intertwined economic, legal, and political dimensions. Referring to country case studies and sector-specific issues, the paper organizes some of the current reflections on the topic around three main themes. First, it explores the rationale of accession to the World Trade Organization: Why would new members join the WTO? And why would incumbent members let new members in? Second, it analyzes the World Trade Organization accession process in detail: What are the main characteristics and challenges of the accession process? Has it evolved over time, and how? Third, the paper looks at the implementation of World Trade Organization accession deals: Is accession the end or the beginning of the story? What are the implications for the participating countries and the multilateral trading system?World Trade Organization,Economic Theory&Research,Trade and Services,Trade Law,Debt Markets

    The potential for ICT-development in Morocco

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    Morocco has made offshoring the number one economic development priority within its “Emergence” program. The government is heavily investing in human and physical capital and has undertaken important regulatory reforms in order to move the country towards becoming a knowledge economy. Many of these investments in, for example, telecommunication networks and higher education are now sunk and do not have to be considered any more when deciding on future-oriented governmental initiatives. What remains to be determined, though, is how public authorities can further improve the regulatory set-up and provide an enabling business environment in order for the private sector to take over the lead in propelling Morocco in the desired direction of becoming the “nearshoring” destination of choice for companies in francophone (and to a lesser extent hispanophone) Europe. This paper aims to contribute to the policy dialogue by describing and evaluating recent and prospective developments concerning ICT-enabled services exports in the context of Morocco’s growth and competitiveness agenda. The discussion is thereby comprehensive, covering software production, back-office processing, and call centers. The findings are being related to the performance of comparator countries in order to put them into a broader perspective.Services trade, outsourcing, offshoring, European Neighborhood Policy

    Trade, Diversification and Growth in Nigeria

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    Nigeria’s trade policy is at a crucial turning point. Historically, the country has had a very restrictive import regime that generated substantial transfers to domestic producers and strong anti-export bias. Yet, in its current poverty reduction strategy, Nigeria identified deeper trade integration as a means to foster economic growth and alleviate poverty. Border tariffs are being reduced, trade regulations are under review, and ambitious modernization programs for customs services and port infrastructure have been launched. The envisioned reforms involve far-reaching changes to the trade regime that promise to create new opportunities by improving the efficiency of production and consumption, while requiring adjustment of domestic producers to the new, more competitive economic environment

    Trade, Diversification and Growth in Nigeria

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    Nigeria’s trade policy is at a crucial turning point. Historically, the country has had a very restrictive import regime that generated substantial transfers to domestic producers and strong anti-export bias. Yet, in its current poverty reduction strategy, Nigeria identified deeper trade integration as a means to foster economic growth and alleviate poverty. Border tariffs are being reduced, trade regulations are under review, and ambitious modernization programs for customs services and port infrastructure have been launched. The envisioned reforms involve far-reaching changes to the trade regime that promise to create new opportunities by improving the efficiency of production and consumption, while requiring adjustment of domestic producers to the new, more competitive economic environment

    The potential for ICT-development in Morocco

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    Morocco has made offshoring the number one economic development priority within its “Emergence” program. The government is heavily investing in human and physical capital and has undertaken important regulatory reforms in order to move the country towards becoming a knowledge economy. Many of these investments in, for example, telecommunication networks and higher education are now sunk and do not have to be considered any more when deciding on future-oriented governmental initiatives. What remains to be determined, though, is how public authorities can further improve the regulatory set-up and provide an enabling business environment in order for the private sector to take over the lead in propelling Morocco in the desired direction of becoming the “nearshoring” destination of choice for companies in francophone (and to a lesser extent hispanophone) Europe. This paper aims to contribute to the policy dialogue by describing and evaluating recent and prospective developments concerning ICT-enabled services exports in the context of Morocco’s growth and competitiveness agenda. The discussion is thereby comprehensive, covering software production, back-office processing, and call centers. The findings are being related to the performance of comparator countries in order to put them into a broader perspective

    The potential for ICT-development in Morocco

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    Morocco has made offshoring the number one economic development priority within its “Emergence” program. The government is heavily investing in human and physical capital and has undertaken important regulatory reforms in order to move the country towards becoming a knowledge economy. Many of these investments in, for example, telecommunication networks and higher education are now sunk and do not have to be considered any more when deciding on future-oriented governmental initiatives. What remains to be determined, though, is how public authorities can further improve the regulatory set-up and provide an enabling business environment in order for the private sector to take over the lead in propelling Morocco in the desired direction of becoming the “nearshoring” destination of choice for companies in francophone (and to a lesser extent hispanophone) Europe. This paper aims to contribute to the policy dialogue by describing and evaluating recent and prospective developments concerning ICT-enabled services exports in the context of Morocco’s growth and competitiveness agenda. The discussion is thereby comprehensive, covering software production, back-office processing, and call centers. The findings are being related to the performance of comparator countries in order to put them into a broader perspective

    Maturation of the Vaca Muerta and Agrio Formations due to the emplacement of magmatic intrusive complexes in the southern Men-doza region of the Neuquén Basin

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    La existencia de complejos intrusivos en cuencas sedimentarias ha sido documentada en varias cuencas en distintas partes delmundo. Generalmente se emplazan en rocas ricas en materia orgĂĄnica, produciendo la maduraciĂłn de la misma. AdemĂĄs, el emplazamientopuede generar vĂ­as de migraciĂłn de fluidos, estructuras que pueden ser posibles trampas de hidrocarburos, y pueden serreservorios fracturados. Este trabajo se focalizarĂĄ en el impacto tĂ©rmico y la consecuente generaciĂłn de hidrocarburos producidospor el emplazamiento de un complejo intrusivo. Para ello se escogiĂł el sector surmendocino de la Cuenca Neuquina, dĂłnde existengran cantidad de intrusiones Ă­gneas emplazadas en las rocas generadoras del Grupo Mendoza (Formaciones Vaca Muerta y Agrio)y en sedimentitas continentales del Grupo NeuquĂ©n. Se realizĂł la identificaciĂłn de intrusivos mediante datos de sĂ­smica y pozos. SeconfeccionĂł una secciĂłn estructural de la zona de estudio, para luego realizar los modelos termales. Los resultados de las modelizacionesmuestran que el emplazamiento de intrusivos genera la maduraciĂłn de las Formaciones Vaca Muerta y Agrio, especialmentedonde se produce una clusterizaciĂłn de los intrusivos. Éste efecto estĂĄ regulado por la temperatura de la roca de caja al tiempo delemplazamiento, la edad del emplazamiento y el solapamiento de las intrusiones. Se concluye que en la regiĂłn surmendocina de laCuenca Neuquina, las Formaciones Vaca Muerta y Agrio se encuentran maduradas por el impacto tĂ©rmico de un complejo intrusivo,pudiendo llegar a generar cantidades considerables de hidrocarburos.The existence of intrusive-complexes in sedimentary basins has been documented in many basins all around the world. Generally, they are emplaced in organic rich rocks, producing their maturation. Also, the emplacement can generate fluid's migration conduits, structures that can be hydrocarbon traps, and fractured reservoirs. This paper will focus on the thermal impact and the consequent hydrocarbon generation produced by the emplacement of an intrusive-complex. For that aim, we have chosen the southern Mendoza area of the NeuquĂ©n Basin, where a great quantity of igneous intrusions are emplaced in the source rocks of the Mendoza Group (Vaca Muerta and Agrio Formations), and in continental sedimentites of the NeuquĂ©n Group. The identification of the intrusives was made based on seismic and borehole data. We produced a structural section of the study area, which was used afterwards to make the thermal models. The results of our modellings show that the emplacement of intrusives generates the maturation of the Vaca Muerta and Agrio Formations, especially where a clustering of the intrusions is produced. This effect is regulated by the temperature of the host rock at the time of emplacement, the age of the emplacement, and the clustering of intrusions. We conclude that in the southern Mendoza region of the NeuquĂ©n Basin, the Vaca Muerta and Agrio Formations were matured because of the thermal impact of an intrusive complex, being able to generate considerable amount of hydrocarbons.Fil: Spacapan, Juan Bautista. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”; Argentina. YPF - TecnologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Palma, JoaquĂ­n Octavio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. YPF - TecnologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Rocha Vargas, Marcelo Emilio. YPF - TecnologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Leanza, Hector Armando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”; ArgentinaFil: D'Odorico, Alejandro. YPF - TecnologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Rojas Vera, Emilio Agustin. YPF - TecnologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Manceda, RenĂ© Enrique. YPF - TecnologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Galland, Olivier. University of Oslo; NoruegaFil: Medialdea, AdriĂĄn. YPF - TecnologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Cattaneo, Diego Matias. YPF - TecnologĂ­a; Argentin

    Clustering Properties of restframe UV selected galaxies II: Migration of Star Formation sites with cosmic time from GALEX and CFHTLS

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    We analyze the clustering properties of ultraviolet selected galaxies by using GALEX-SDSS data at z<0.6 and CFHTLS deep u' imaging at z=1. These datasets provide a unique basis at z< 1 which can be directly compared with high redshift samples built with similar selection criteria. We discuss the dependence of the correlation function parameters (r0, delta) on the ultraviolet luminosity as well as the linear bias evolution. We find that the bias parameter shows a gradual decline from high (b > 2) to low redshift (b ~ 0.79^{+0.1}_{-0.08}). When accounting for the fraction of the star formation activity enclosed in the different samples, our results suggest that the bulk of star formation migrated from high mass dark matter halos at z>2 (10^12 < M_min < 10^13 M_sun, located in high density regions), to less massive halos at low redshift (M_min < 10^12 M_sun, located in low density regions). This result extends the ``downsizing'' picture (shift of the star formation activity from high stellar mass systems at high z to low stellar mass at low z) to the dark matter distribution.Comment: Accepted for Publication in the Special GALEX Ap. J. Supplement, December 2007 Version with full resolution fig1 available at http://taltos.pha.jhu.edu/~sebastien/papers/Galex_p2.ps.g

    A primary culture system of mouse thick ascending limb cells with preserved function and uromodulin processing

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    The epithelial cells lining the thick ascending limb (TAL) of the loop of Henle perform essential transport processes and secrete uromodulin, the most abundant protein in normal urine. The lack of differentiated cell culture systems has hampered studies of TAL functions. Here, we report a method to generate differentiated primary cultures of TAL cells, developed from microdissected tubules obtained in mouse kidneys. The TAL tubules cultured on permeable filters formed polarized confluent monolayers in ∌12days. The TAL cells remain differentiated and express functional markers such as uromodulin, NKCC2, and ROMK at the apical membrane. Electrophysiological measurements on primary TAL monolayers showed a lumen-positive transepithelial potential (+9.4 ± 0.8mV/cm2) and transepithelial resistance similar to that recorded in vivo. The transepithelial potential is abolished by apical bumetanide and in primary cultures obtained from ROMK knockout mice. The processing, maturation and apical secretion of uromodulin by primary TAL cells is identical to that observed in vivo. The primary TAL cells respond appropriately to hypoxia, hypertonicity, and stimulation by desmopressin, and they can be transfected. The establishment of this primary culture system will allow the investigation of TAL cells obtained from genetically modified mouse models, providing a critical tool for understanding the role of that segment in health and disease
