176 research outputs found

    Evolution von Organisationsmodellen in Workflow-Management-Systemen

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    Workflow-Management-Systeme unterstützen die Modellierung, Analyse und Steuerung von Geschäftsprozessen in Organisationen. Dabei stand bisher eine flexible Gestaltung von Prozeßabläufen im Mittelpunkt der Forschung. Wenig Beachtung wurde dagegen den Änderungen der zugrunde-liegenden Organisation und den dadurch notwendigen Anpassungen des Organisationsmodells geschenkt. Da zwischen dem Organisationsmodell und anderen Komponenten eines Workflow-Management-Systems zahlreiche Cross-Referenzen bestehen, können bei Änderungen des Organisationsmodells diese Referenzen oder die daraus abgeleiteten Daten-strukturen verwaist bzw. nicht mehr aktuell sein. Von solchen Änderungen kann insbesondere die Zuordnung von Workflow-Aktivitäten zu Bearbeitern betroffen sein. In der Folge werden diese Aktivitäten möglicherweise falsch oder gar nicht mehr zugewiesen. Dadurch können Sicherheits-bestimmungen verletzt werden oder sogar der gesamte Workflow ins Stocken geraten. In dieser Arbeit wird ein umfangreiches Konzept zur Modellierung von Organisationen vorgestellt. Es wird eine vollständige Menge von elementaren und komplexen Änderungsoperationen beschrieben, die sich durch eine präzise Semantik auszeichnen und sämtliche Änderungen des Organisationsmodells unter Beachtung von Konsistenz- und Korrektheitseigenschaften erlauben. Die Problematik der Cross-Referenzen zwischen dem (geänderten) Organisationsmodell und anderen Komponenten des Workflow-Management-Systems wird sowohl für der statischen als auch für den dynamischen Fall diskutiert. Im statischen Fall, in dem noch keine Workflow-Instanzen berücksichtigt werden, stehen Bearbeiterformeln, die das Organisationsmodell referenzieren, im Mittelpunkt. Je nach Semantik der Änderung werden Lösungsansätze zur automatischen, semiautomatischen oder manuellen Anpassung der veralteten Bearbeiterformeln angeboten. Es wird diskutiert, welche Bearbeiterformeln angepaßt werden müssen, wann und durch wen dies geschehen kann. Im dynamischen Fall wird betrachtet, welche Auswirkungen organisatorische Änderungen auf laufende Workflow-Instanzen haben. Die Möglichkeiten zur Aktualisierung von Datenstrukturen der Arbeitslistenverwaltung des Workflow-Servers und von klientenseitigen Arbeitslisten werden gegenübergestellt und bewertet. Abschließend werden verwandte Ansätze und Themen der Forschung diskutiert. Es erfolgt eine Abgrenzung der vorliegenden Arbeit sowie ein Ausblick auf weiterführende Themen

    « Écrire » une traduction

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    RÉSUMÉ « Écrire » une traduction Mona Sacui Catrinescu Lorsqu’il traduit, l’auteur-traducteur est, selon Richard Vautour, atteint de « l’angoisse de l’écriture », affliction touchant tout écrivain. Son œuvre personnelle est relancée par le texte à traduire, ce qui crée une tension lors de la traduction. À partir de cela, on pourrait présumer que l’auteur-traducteur diffère considérablement du traducteur littéraire conventionnel à cause de son identité d’écrivain. Pourtant — et c’est ce que la partie critique de ce mémoire vise à démontrer —, l’auteur-traducteur se distingue en fait peu du traducteur littéraire conventionnel. C’est en explorant la relation entre écriture et traduction, ainsi que les caractéristiques du traducteur qui écrit, que nous verrons à quel point ces deux types de traducteurs sont similaires. De plus, grâce à notre propre expérience de traduction de deux nouvelles du recueil The Beggar’s Garden du jeune Canadien Michael Christie, nous verrons si notre propre identité d’auteure-traductrice a eu une incidence sur le processus et le résultat de la traduction. La première partie de ce mémoire est donc consacrée à l’analyse de la traduction en tant qu’écriture, suivie par une enquête sur les similarités entre l’auteur-traducteur du traducteur littéraire conventionnel. Nous nous penchons également sur notre propre expérience de traduction de « The Extra » et « Goodbye Porkpie Hat » afin de déterminer quels ont été les effets concrets de notre double identité sur le texte d’arrivée. La deuxième partie du mémoire consiste quant à elle en la traduction des deux nouvelles. -- ABSTRACT « Écrire » une traduction Mona Sacui Catrinescu When at work, the writer-translator suffers from what Richard Vautour calls the “anguish of writing” (l’angoisse de l’écriture), an affliction known to all writers. Indeed, the piece that must be translated stimulates the writer-translator and awakens his or her own oeuvre, thus creating tension during the translation. Taking this into account, one could easily presume that, because of his or her identity as a writer, the writer-translator is very different from the average literary translator. This thesis aims, however, to show that the writer-translator is in actual fact not all that different from the average literary translator. By exploring the relationship between writing and translating, as well as the characteristics of the translator who writes, we have discovered just how similar these two types of translators are. The personal experience of translating two shorts stories from The Beggar’s Garden by young Canadian author Michael Christie has also served as a means to determine if being a writer-translator has had any effect on the process and result of the translation. The first part of this thesis consists of an analysis of translation as writing, and is followed by an investigation on the similarities between the writer-translator and the literary translator. We also look at my translation of “The Extra” and “Goodbye Porkpie Hat” in order to see what effects (if any) my double identity has had on the target texts. The translations themselves are featured in the second part of the thesis

    Porosity of clay catalysts for biomass conversion: a comparative study

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    A detailed description of the porosity, in particular of microporosity, was reported and allowed a clear comparison of the effects on the porosity of chemical treatments on clays from the Source Clays Repository (USA) and SD clay from Porto Santo (Portugal)

    Модель анестезиологического прогнозирования при лапароскопической хирургии у детей

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    Studiul nostru analizează anestezia cu Sevofluran prin prisma a 5 modele de regres la copii şi în baza rezultatelor a 5 parametri anestezici: presiunea sistolică, presiunea diastolică, puls, frecvența respiratorie, saturația cu oxigen în sângele periferic. Fiecare dintre aceşti parametri a fost înregistrat la cele 5 perioade de anestezie: inițială, inducție, insuflare, menținere, trezire. Pentru elaborarea modelului optim a fost efectuată o selecție a 5 funcții principale de aproximare, inclusiv lineară, logaritmică, exponențială, de putere, polinom. Totodată a fost efectuată o analiză de corelație a efectului Sevofluranului asupra acestor parametri anestezici. Rezultatele studiului au demonstrat, că modelul de regres cu funcția polinom reflectă cel mai obiectiv situația reală. La etapele intervenției chirurgicale prin abordare laparoscopică 3 parametri anesteziologi s-au dovedit a fi informativi, și anume presiunea sistolică, pulsul, frecvența respiratorie. Rezultatele corelației, au arătat ca Sevofluranul are un efect semnificativ asupra pulsului (primul loc în puterea influenței), asupra presiunii sistolice (locul al doilea) și a frecvenței respiratorii (locul al treilea). Dinamica tuturor modelelor optime cu rezultatul coeficientului de determinare este prezentat detaliat în studiul dat.Our study analyzes anesthesia with sevofluran through the prism of 5 regress models on the results of 5 anesthetic parameters, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, pulse, respiratory frequency, oxygen saturation in the blood periferic. For the elaboration of the optimal model carried out a selection of 5 main approximation functions, including linear, logarithmic, exponential, power, polynom. A correlation analysis of the effect of Sevoflurane on all anesthetic parameters was performed. The regression model with the polynom function most accurately reflects the real situation. During laparoscopic intervention, 3 anesthesiologist parameters turned out to be informative, namely systolic pressure, pulse, respiratory rate. Sevoflurane has a significant effect on the pulse (the first place in the power of influence), on systolic pressure (the second place), on respiratory frequency (third place). Graphically, the dynamics of all optimal models with the result of the coefficient of determination is presented in detail.Наше исследование анализирует анестезию с Cевофлураном через призму 5 регрессионных моделей по 5 параметрам, включая систолическое давление, диастолическое давление, пульс, частота дыхания, периферическое насыщение крови кислородом. Каждый из параметров зарегистрирован в 5 периодах анестезии, включая начальный, вводный, инсуффляционный, поддержания и пробуждения. Построение оптимальной модели осуществлялось путем подбора 5 функций, включая линейную, логарифмическую, экспоненциальную, степенную, полиноминальную. Доказано, что регрессионная модель с полиноминальной функцией наиболее точно отражает реальную ситуацию. Проведен корреляционный анализ влияния Cевофлурана на все исследуемые параметры. При лап ароскопическом вмешательстве информативными оказались 3 параметра, а именно систолическое давление, пульс, частота дыхания. Как показали результаты корреляции Cевофлуран оказывает достоверное влияние на пульс (первое место по силе воздействия), на систолическое давление (второе место), на частоту дыхания (третье место). Графически подробно представлена динамика всех оптимальных моделей с результатом коэффициента детерминации

    Послеоперационная нейрокогнитивная дисфункция у детей

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    Societatea Pediatrică de Anestezie în parteneriat cu FDA (Food and Drug Administration) și IARS (International Anesthesiology Research Society), au pus bazele unei organizații „Safe Kids” – (siguranța copilului), care studiază atât siguranța, cât și efectele anestezicelor asupra sistemului nervos central imatur (Laszlo, 2018). În ultimii ani, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a manifestat un interes crescut referitor la modificărilor neurologice care pot apărea la copiii de vârstă fragedă, după expunerea la drogurile anestezice intravenoase și volatile. Aceste organizații au raportat date concludente referitor la siguranța și efectele anestezicelor asupra sistemului nervos central la copii, precum și grija continuă a anesteziștilor pediatrici față de siguranța actului anestezic pe termen lung.The Pediatric Society of Anesthesia in partnership with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and IARS (International Anesthesiology Research Society) have set up a Safe Kids organization, which studies the safety and anesthetic effects on the immature central nervous system. 2018). In recent years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has shown a growing interest in the neurological changes that can occur in young children after exposure to intravenous and volatile anesthetics. These organizations have provided conclusive data on the safety and effects of anesthetics on the nervous system in children, as well as the ongoing concern of pediatric anesthetists for the long-term safety of the anesthetic.Педиатрическое общество анестезиологов в партнерстве с FDA (Управление по санитарному надзору за качеством пищевых продуктов и медикаментов) и IARS (Международное исследовательское общество анестезиологов) создали организацию Safe Kids, которая изучает безопасность и анестезирующее воздействие на незрелую центральную нервную систему. 2018 г.). В последние годы Управление по санитарному надзору за качеством пищевых продуктов и медикаментов (FDA) проявляет растущий интерес к неврологическим изменениям, которые могут возникнуть у маленьких детей после воздействия внутривенных и летучих анестетиков. Эти организации предоставили убедительные данные о небезопасности влияния анестетиков на нервную систему у детей, а также о постоянной озабоченности детских анестезиологов о последствиях анестезии в постоперационном длительном периоде

    Evolution von Zugriffsregelungen in Informationssystemen

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    In (prozessorientierten) Informationssystemen erfolgt die Zugriffs- und Bearbeiterkontrolle oftmals auf Grundlage einfacher Rollenkonzepte. Dies hat den Vorteil, dass der Wechsel eines Mitarbeiters innerhalb des Unternehmens durch Änderung seiner Rollenzuordnung abgebildet werden kann, ohne dass weitere Anpassungen von Zugriffs- oder Bearbeiterregeln erforderlich werden. Dadurch sind auch Prozessdefinitionen robust gegenüber Änderungen der Personalstruktur. Bis heute jedoch nicht wirklich verstanden ist, wie Modelle zur Abbildung komplexer Organisationsstrukturen und deren Evolution (z.B. Fusion oder Aufsplittung von Einheiten, Änderung der Rollenzuordnung eines Mitarbeiters) system- seitig unterstützt werden sollen. Erfolgen Modelländerungen unkontrolliert, können inkonsistente oder fehlerhafte Zugriffs- und Bearbeiterregeln resultieren. Schlimmstenfalls ergeben sich sogar veraltete Arbeitslisten und damit Sicherheitslücken in der Bearbeiterkontrolle. In diesem Beitrag werden die mit der Änderung von Organisations- modellen verknüpften Probleme erörtert, und es werden Lösungsansätze für die kontrollierte Evolution der darauf basierenden Zugriffsregeln skizziert. Diese Arbeiten sind im ADEPT-Projekt angesiedelt, in dem die technologischen Grundlagen für die Realisierung adaptiver, prozess- orientierter Informationssysteme geschaffen werden

    Послеоперационная нейрокогнитивная дисфункция у детей

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    The Pediatric Society of Anesthesia in partnership with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and IARS (International Anesthesiology Research Society) have set up a Safe Kids organization, which studies the safety and anesthetic effects on the immature central nervous system. 2018).In recent years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has shown a growing interest in the neurological changes that can occur in young children after exposure to intravenous and volatile anesthetics.These organizations have provided conclusive data on the safety and effects of anesthetics on the nervous system in children, as well as the ongoing concern of pediatric anesthetists for the long-term safety of the anesthetic.Societatea Pediatrică de Anestezie în parteneriat cu FDA (Food and Drug Administration) și IARS (International Anesthesiology Research Society), au pus bazele unei organizații „Safe Kids” - (siguranța copilului), care studiază atât siguranța, cât și efectele anestezicelor asupra sistemului nervos central imatur (Laszlo, 2018).În ultimii ani, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a manifestat un interes crescut referitor la modificărilor neurolo- gice care pot apărea la copiii de vârstă fragedă, după expunerea la drogurile anestezice intravenoase și volatile.Aceste organizații au raportat date concludente referitor la siguranța și efectele anestezicelor asupra sistemului nervos central la copii, precum și grija continuă a anesteziștilor pediatrici față de siguranța actului anestezic pe termen lung.Педиатрическое общество анестезиологов в партнерстве с FDA (Управление по санитарному надзору за качеством пищевых продуктов и медикаментов) и IARS (Международное исследовательское общество анестезилогов) создали организацию Safe Kids, которая изучает безопасность и анестезирующее воздействие на незрелую центральную нервную систему. 2018 г.).В последние годы Управление по санитарному надзору за качеством пищевых продуктов и медикаментов (FDA) проявляет растущий интерес к неврологическим изменениям, которые могут возникнуть у маленьких детей после воздействия внутривенных и летучих анестетиков.Эти организации предоставили убедительные данные о небезопасности влияния анестетиков на нервную систему у детей, а также о постоянной озабоченности детских анестезиологов о последствиях анестезии в постоперационном длительном периоде

    Cu–Ga2_{2}O3_{3} nanoparticles supported on ordered mesoporous silica for the catalytic hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde

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    Herein, we show that gallium oxide can function as an efficient promoter for the Cu-catalysed hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde. SBA-15-supported Cu–Ga2_{2}O3_{3} nanoparticles with a constant Cu loading of 5 wt% and two Cu/Ga weight ratios of 5 and 2, respectively, were synthesised by incipient wetness impregnation followed by mild drying. Physico-chemical characterisation revealed that the metal dispersion, and thus the active surface area of copper, can be enhanced nine-fold upon the addition of gallium promoter, boosting the catalytic activity as compared with the unpromoted Cu/SBA-15 catalyst. Likewise, the presence of Ga2_{2}O3_{3} improved the selectivity to cinnamyl alcohol

    Cu–Ga2_{2}O3_{3} nanoparticles supported on ordered mesoporous silica for the catalytic hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde

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    Herein, we show that gallium oxide can function as an efficient promoter for the Cu-catalysed hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde. SBA-15-supported Cu–Ga2_{2}O3_{3} nanoparticles with a constant Cu loading of 5 wt% and two Cu/Ga weight ratios of 5 and 2, respectively, were synthesised by incipient wetness impregnation followed by mild drying. Physico-chemical characterisation revealed that the metal dispersion, and thus the active surface area of copper, can be enhanced nine-fold upon the addition of gallium promoter, boosting the catalytic activity as compared with the unpromoted Cu/SBA-15 catalyst. Likewise, the presence of Ga2_{2}O3_{3} improved the selectivity to cinnamyl alcohol

    Selective methoxylation of α-pinene to α-terpinyl methyl ether over Al3+ ion-exchanged clays

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    In this study, we report the use of clay-based catalysts in the methoxylation of α-pinene, for the selective synthesis of α-terpinyl methyl ether, TME. The main reaction products and intermediates were identified by GC-MS. The reaction conditions (stirring rate and catalyst load) that afford a kinetic regime were established. SAz-1 (Cheto, Arizona, USA) source clay and a montmorillonite (SD) from Porto Santo, Madeira Archipelago, Portugal, were modified by ion-exchange with Al3+ to produce catalysts with markedly different acidities and textural properties. The catalysts based on the high layer-charge SAz-1 montmorillonite proved to be the most active. Ion-exchange with Al3+, followed by thermal activation at 150°C, afforded the highest number of Brønsted acid sites - a significant proportion of which were located in the clay gallery - and this coincided with the maximum catalytic activity. The influence of various reaction conditions, to maximize α-pinene conversion and selectivity, was studied over AlSAz-1. When the reaction was performed for 1 h at 60°C, the conversion reached 65% with 65% selectivity towards the mono-ether, TME. Similar conversions and selectivities required up to 50 h over zeolites and other solid acid catalysts. The kinetic dependencies of this reaction on temperature and reagent concentration, over the selected clays were also investigated. It was established that, in the temperature and reagent concentration regime studied, the reaction was first order with respect to α-pinene. The apparent activation energies over the two catalysts, calculated from Arrhenius plots, were almost identical at 72 kJ mol-