142 research outputs found

    Ragione e follia. Analisi di un rapporto dialettico

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    Secondo quanto detto da Socrate nel Fedro, per volontà di Platone, la follia non è da considerarsi un male in ogni caso per l’essere umano. Anzi, stando a quanto scritto da Platone, «i massimi beni ci provengono per mezzo di una follia concessa certamente per dono divino» e «la mania che proviene da un dio è migliore dell’assennatezza che proviene dagli uomini».Per quanto le argomentazioni di Platone sulla follia siano strumentali al fine di promuovere la figura del filosofo come coordinatore delle regole per giungere alla conoscenza e come coordinatore delle leggi atte al gover­no della polis, il fondatore dell’Accademia fu il primo pensatore di cui ci è giunta testimonianza a contrapporre la follia al senno, la mania alla capacità di ragionamento. [... segue nel testo ...]Presentato dal Dipartimento di Economia, Società, Politica

    Beyond the abstract—concrete dichotomy: Mode of acquisition, concreteness, imageability, familiarity, age of acquisition, context availability, and abstractness norms for a set of 417 Italian words

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    The main objective of this study is to investigate the abstract-concrete dichotomy by introducing a new variable: the mode of acquisition (MoA) of a concept. MoA refers to the way in which concepts are acquired: through experience, through language, or through both. We asked 250 participants to rate 417 words on seven dimensions: age of acquisition, concreteness, familiarity, context availability, imageability, abstractness, and MoA. The data were analyzed by considering MoA ratings and their relationship with the other psycholinguistic variables. Distributions for concreteness, abstractness, and MoA ratings indicate that they are qualitatively different. A partial correlation analysis revealed that MoA is an independent predictor of concreteness or abstractness, and a hierarchical multiple regression analysis confirmed MoA as being a valid predictor of abstractness. Strong correlations with measures for the English translation equivalents in the MRC database confirmed the reliability of our norms. The full database of MoA ratings and other psycholinguistic variables may be downloaded from http:// brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental or www.abstract-project.e

    SLN melanoma micrometastasis predictivity of nodal status: a long term retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Completion lymph node dissection (CLND) is the gold standard treatment for patients with a positive sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy. Considering the morbidity associated with CLND it is important to identify histological features of the primary tumor and/or of SLN metastasis that could help to spare from CLND a subset of patients who have a very low risk of non-SLN metastasis. The objective of this study is to identify patients with a very low risk to develop non-SLNs recurrences and to limit unnecessary CLND. METHODS: A retrospective long-term study of 80 melanoma patients with positive SLN, undergone CLND, was assessed to define the risk of additional metastasis in the regional nodal basin, on the basis of intranodal distribution of metastatic cells, using the micro-morphometric analysis (Starz classification). RESULTS: This study demonstrates that among the demographic and pathologic features of primary melanoma and of SLN only the Starz classification shows prognostic significance for non-SLN status (p<0.0001). This parameter was also significantly associated with disease-free survival rate (p<0.0013). CONCLUSION: The Starz classification can help to identify, among SLN positive patients, those who can have a real benefit from CLND. From the clinical point of view this easy and reliable method could lead to a significant reduction of unnecessary CLND in association with a substantial decrease in morbidity. The study results indicate that most of S1 subgroup patients might be safely spared from completion lymphatic node dissection. Furthermore, our experience demonstrated that Starz classification of SLN is a safe predictive index for patient stratification and treatment planning

    In search of different categories of abstract concepts: a fMRI adaptation study

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    Concrete conceptual knowledge is supported by a distributed neural network representing different semantic features according to the neuroanatomy of sensory and motor systems. If and how this framework applies to abstract knowledge is currently debated. Here we investigated the specific brain correlates of different abstract categories. After a systematic a priori selection of brain regions involved in semantic cognition, i.e. responsible of, respectively, semantic representations and cognitive control, we used a fMRI-adaptation paradigm with a passive reading task, in order to modulate the neural response to abstract (emotions, cognitions, attitudes, human actions) and concrete (biological entities, artefacts) categories. Different portions of the left anterior temporal lobe responded selectively to abstract and concrete concepts. Emotions and attitudes adapted the left middle temporal gyrus, whereas concrete items adapted the left fusiform gyrus. Our results suggest that, similarly to concrete concepts, some categories of abstract knowledge have specific brain correlates corresponding to the prevalent semantic dimensions involved in their representation

    Cathepsin B inhibition interferes with metastatic potential of human melanoma: an in vitro and in vivo study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cathepsins represent a group of proteases involved in determining the metastatic potential of cancer cells. Among these are cysteinyl- (e.g. cathepsin B and cathepsin L) and aspartyl-proteases (e.g. cathepsin D), normally present inside the lysosomes as inactive proenzymes. Once released in the extracellular space, cathepsins contribute to metastatic potential by facilitating cell migration and invasiveness.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the present work we first evaluated, by <it>in vitro </it>procedures, the role of cathepsins B, L and D, in the remodeling, spreading and invasiveness of eight different cell lines: four primary and four metastatic melanoma cell lines. Among these, we considered two cell lines derived from a primary cutaneous melanoma and from a supraclavicular lymph node metastasis of the same patient. To this purpose, the effects of specific chemical inhibitors of these proteases, i.e. CA-074 and CA-074Me for cathepsin B, Cathepsin inhibitor II for cathepsin L, and Pepstatin A for cathepsin D, were evaluated. In addition, we also analyzed the effects of the biological inhibitors of these cathepsins, i.e. specific antibodies, on cell invasiveness. We found that i) cathepsin B, but not cathepsins L and D, was highly expressed at the surface of metastatic but not of primary melanoma cell lines and that ii) CA-074, or specific antibodies to cathepsin B, hindered metastatic cell spreading and dissemination, whereas neither chemical nor biological inhibitors of cathepsins D and L had significant effects. Accordingly, <it>in vivo </it>studies, i.e. in murine xenografts, demonstrated that CA-074 significantly reduced human melanoma growth and the number of artificial lung metastases.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest a reappraisal of the use of cathepsin B inhibitors (either chemical or biological) as innovative strategy in the management of metastatic melanoma disease.</p

    Screening for Aphasia in NeuroDegeneration for the Diagnosis of Patients with Primary Progressive Aphasia: Clinical Validity and Psychometric Properties.

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    BACKGROUND: We evaluated the psychometric proprieties of the Screening for Aphasia in NeuroDegeneration (SAND) battery in Italian primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and movement disorder (MD) patients. METHODS: The sample included 30 consecutive PPA and 45 MD patients who completed the SAND battery together with a clinical interview and a neurological/neuropsychological examination and 130 healthy controls (HC). RESULTS: The SAND battery showed good internal consistency and good convergent and divergent validity. receiver operating characteristic analysis revealed an area under the curve of 0.978 for PPA versus HC and of 0.786 for PPA versus MD. A cutoff ≥3 gave a sensitivity of 0.933% and a specificity of 0.946% for discriminating PPA versus HC, whereas a cutoff ≥5 gave a sensitivity of 0.767% and a specificity of 0.667% for discriminating PPA versus MD. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the SAND battery is an adequate, reliable, and valid diagnostic tool for PPA

    Computerized Neuropsychological Assessment in Aging: Testing Efficacy and Clinical Ecology of Different Interfaces

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    Digital technologies have opened new opportunities for psychological testing, allowing new computerized testing tools to be developed and/or paper and pencil testing tools to be translated to new computerized devices. The question that rises is whether these implementations may introduce some technology-specific effects to be considered in neuropsychological evaluations. Two core aspects have been investigated in this work: the efficacy of tests and the clinical ecology of their administration (the ability to measure real-world test performance), specifically (1) the testing efficacy of a computerized test when response to stimuli is measured using a touch-screen compared to a conventional mouse-control response device; (2) the testing efficacy of a computerized test with respect to different input modalities (visual versus verbal); and (3) the ecology of two computerized assessment modalities (touch-screen and mouse-control), including preference measurements of participants. Our results suggest that (1) touch-screen devices are suitable for administering experimental tasks requiring precise timings for detection, (2) intrinsic nature of neuropsychological tests should always be respected in terms of stimuli presentation when translated to new digitalized environment, and (3) touch-screen devices result in ecological instruments being proposed for the computerized administration of neuropsychological tests with a high level of preference from elderly people

    Note sulla videoarte contemporanea. Milo Adami, La forma video. Tra cinema e arti visive dopo il digitale, Postmedia Books, Milano 2020

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