11 research outputs found
Cultivation of peas under Norwegian growth conditions
Bacheloroppgave i agronomi. HĂžgskolen i Innlandet.Norsk:
Norge har en relativt lav selvforsyningsgrad sammenlignet med andre land i Europa, hovedsakelig pÄ grunn av begrensede dyrkingsarealer og en kort vekstsesong. Vi er avhengig av Ä importere rÄvarer til humant konsum og til produksjon av dyrefÎr. Det er spesielt importen av proteinrÄvarer som har steget betydelig de siste Ärene. Selv om det produseres proteinvekster i Norge, er ikke dette nok til Ä dekke behovet. For Ä Þke produksjonen kan proteinvekster inkluderes i et vekstskifte med korn, som potensielt ville kunne Þke produksjonen med 11 %.
Det optimale klima for ertedyrking er en kjÞlig og fuktig vÄr, med en pÄfÞlgende tÞrr og varm sommer og hÞst. Erteplantene trenger god vanntilgang i den vegetative perioden og i blomstringsperioden. Plantene er spesielt fÞlsomme for tÞrkestress i den sistnevnte perioden. Hovedutfordringen i ertedyrkingen er legde, og Ärsaken til legden kan enten vÊre knyttet til vÊrforhold eller til stor belastning pÄ plantestengelen. Legde kan vanskeliggjÞre innhÞstingen, forÄrsake avlingstap og redusert kvalitet pÄ ertene. Soppsykdommer, skadedyr og ugras er andre utfordringer tilknyttet ertedyrkingen.
MĂ„let med denne bacheloroppgaven var Ă„ finne svar pĂ„ hvilke sorter som egner seg best til norske dyrkingsforhold for Ă„ oppnĂ„ hĂžy avling og unngĂ„ legde. Dataene baserer seg pĂ„ to feltforsĂžk med erter i 2022 og 2023 i Innlandet. Resultatene viste at det var stor forskjell pĂ„ avlingsnivĂ„et i de to vekstsesongene, i tillegg til stor variasjon mellom sortene. Det var dessuten stor forskjell i hĂžyden og hvordan plantehĂžyden utviklet seg gjennom vekstsesongen. Resultatene viste ogsĂ„ at det var en signifikant sammenheng mellom avlingsnivĂ„ og plantehĂžyde ved modning, men ingen sammenheng mellom avlingsnivĂ„, blomstringstidspunkt og modningstidspunkt. Basert pĂ„ analysene som ble gjennomfĂžrt, er det âEgle DSâ, âHeliumâ, âExpertâ og âIngridâ som kommer best ut med hensyn til avlingsnivĂ„ og evne til Ă„ beholde plantehĂžyden gjennom sesongen.English:
Norway has a low self-sufficiency rate compared to other European counties, primarily due to limited agricultural resources and a short growing season. In order to have enough commodities for human consumption and production of animal food, we depend on importation of these goods. As a result of the limited production of protein crops, the importation of protein has significantly increased over the recent years. To enhance this production, protein crops could be included in a crop rotation system with grains.
The optimal climate for pea cultivation is a cool and humid spring, followed by a dry and warm summer and autumn. Pea plants require a certain soil moisture during the vegetative period and the flowering period. The plants are particularly sensitive to drought stress during the latter period. The main challenge in pea cultivation is lodging, the cause of which can either be related to the weather or excessive strain on the plant stem. Lodging can complicate harvesting, decrease yields, and reduce the quality of the peas. Fungal diseases, pests, and weeds are other challenges associated with pea cultivation.
The aim of this thesis was to find out which pea varieties are best suited to Norwegian cultivation conditions, in order to achieve high yields and avoid lodging. The data are based on two field trials conducted in 2022 and 2023 in Innlandet county. The results showed a significant difference in yield between the two years, as well as a large difference between the pea varieties. There was also a significant difference in plant height and the development of the plant height throughout the season. Furthermore, the results showed a significant correlation between yield level and plant height, but no correlation between yield level, date of flowering, and date of maturity. Based on the analyses conducted in this study, âEgle DSâ, âHeliumâ, âExpertâ, and âIngridâ are the best varieties in terms of yield and ability to maintain plant height throughout the season
Maternal transfer and occurrence of siloxanes, chlorinated paraffins, metals, PFAS and legacy POPs in herring gulls (Larus argentatus) of different urban influence
Urban herring gulls (Larus argentatus) are exposed to contaminants from aquatic, terrestrial and anthropogenic sources. We aim to assess if differences in urbanisation affect ecological niche and contaminant concentrations in female herring gulls. Furthermore, we investigated maternal transfer from mothers to eggs for all the target compounds, including chlorinated paraffins (CPs) and cyclic volatile methyl siloxane (cVMSs), which to our knowledge have not been assessed in herring gulls previously. We compare concentrations of legacy and emerging contaminants and metals in blood and eggs between two herring gull colonies located 51âŻkm apart, in the urban influenced Norwegian Oslofjord. While both colonies are within an urbanised area, the inner fjord is more so, as it is surrounded by Oslo, the capital and largest city in Norway Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen indicated a more marine ecological niche in the outer than the inner fjord colony, although with overlap. Persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations were similar in the inner and outer fjord colonies, while the short-chained chlorinated paraffins (SCCP), which are recently added to the Stockholm convention and contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) varied, with higher concentrations of SCCP and the cVMS decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) in females and eggs of the inner fjord colony. Per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) concentrations were higher in the outer fjord colony, likely linked to releases from a point-source (airport and waste management facility with open access to food waste). In blood, chlorinated paraffins contributed most the total lipophilic contaminants (inner: 78%, outer: 56%), while polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were the most abundant lipophilic contaminants in eggs (inner: 62%, outer: 46%). Dechloranes and brominated flame retardants (BFRs) were detected in few samples. Maternal transfer, assessed by egg to blood ratios, of cVMSs were similar to the POPs with mean log ratio 0.39 (D5), while it was lower for SCCPs, with log ratios-0.77. Our results indicate comparable POP exposure of the herring gulls in the inner and outer Oslofjord, likely due to overlap in ecological niches between the colonies and wide distribution of POPs. The differences between the colonies in concentrations of PFAS, cVMS and CPs shows that point source exposures and urban influence may be more important than ecological niche for these compounds.publishedVersio
NumeriÄko i eksperimentalno modeliranje nosivih elemenata teĆĄke metalurĆĄke opreme
Carrying structures of heavy metallurgical equipments are during their operation often exposed to extreme loading. The short-term overloading of the structure results to high stresses in locations of their concentrations. By repeating of these phenomena is decreased the life-time of the structure and eventually this leads to local failures in their carrying elements. In the paper are on examples described advantages of using numerical and experimental methods of mechanical system modelling that is exploited for identification of overloading in carrying elements of metallurgical equipments or for detection of damage causes.Nosivi elementi teĆĄke metalurĆĄke opreme tijekom eksploatacije Äesto su izloĆŸeni ekstremnim optereÄenjima. Njihova kratkotrajna preoptereÄenja izazivaju visoka naprezanja na mjestima koncentracije. Ponavljanje ove pojave izaziva skraÄenje ĆŸivotnog vijeka konstrukcije i moguÄa lokalna oĆĄteÄenja nosivih elemenata. U ovom Älanku, na dva primjera su prikazane prednosti primjene numeriÄkih i eksperimentalnih metoda modeliranja mehaniÄkog sustava u otkrivanju preoptereÄenja ili uzroka oĆĄteÄenja nosivih elemenata metalurĆĄke opreme
Norwegian Fashion Institute
This report has been conducted in cooperation with Norwegian Fashion Institute
(hereinafter NFI). NFI is a non-profit organisation that represents the participants
within the Norwegian fashion Industry. It seeks to make Norwegian fashion brands
recognized at home and overseas. There are 90 members in the organisation that
represents the wide spectrum of Norwegian fashion. Obtaining knowledge of the
market will help NFI promote Norwegian fashion brands in the UK and identify the
necessary requirements for the brands to succeed.
In order to answer the research question and objectives, information has been
collected through secondary and primary data. The research process was used step by
step in order to develop and conduct the design of the research. To get an overall
understanding of the UK retail market, semi-structured interview was conducted. The
interviews were used to identify the questions that should be asked in the survey. The
survey-research was conducted in order to reveal attitudes and regional differences in
the UK market.
The most important findings from the research performed for this report are the
following. There is a lack of awareness around Norwegian design. Only five of 113
respondents in the survey had knowledge of any Norwegian designers. Neither the
two participants in the semi-structured interviews had any knowledge. There is a
tendency for customers to value quality and design over price and brand. London has
a higher level of fashion knowledge and interest than the other two cities in our
research. This indicates that London is the most appropriate place to launch a new
brand. This was confirmed through the semi-structured interviews.
The UK can be considered to be a good country to conduct business in. The country
has a positive outlook regarding to recovery of the recession. The UKâs membership
in the EU offers political advantages. In terms of social aspects the country has a high
standard of living and updated technological abilities. Porters Five Forces revealed
that there is fairly strong rivalry in the industry; it is however room for smaller players
in the market. McKinsey`s 7Sâ pointed out that NFI has a good network in Norway
and that the lack of administration is the organisations strongest weakness. The
findings in of the external and internal analysis where summarised in a SWOT. It is imperative to develop a good promotion strategy to position Norwegian Fashion
brands in the UK fashion industry. A clear brand identity has to be identified before
promoting the products. The promotion alternatives PR, exhibitions and e-marketing
were considered to create awareness around Norwegian Fashion. Foreign Direct
Investment, export and agent are three potential alternatives for NFIs members to
enter the UK market.
In the beginning phase it is imperative for NFI to focus its promotion mainly towards
the business-to-business, but also towards potential consumers. The promotion
strategy proposed includes London Fashion week, exhibitions and other similar
events. These events will help create awareness around Norwegian Fashion brands
among influential people in the UK fashion industry. Internet and magazines should
be used as promotion channels to the potential consumers. The recommendations for
choice of entry mode depend on the size of the business. Recommendations were
made for small and medium businesses, for short and long term commitments. The
short-term recommendation for small businesses is to use Internet. The long-term
recommendation is to consider department stores. Medium businesses should, in the
short term, use department stores, in addition to Internet. The long-term
recommendation is to open a Norwegian concept store. Alternatively for the brands
that have generated reasonable profit, and developed a clear position in the UK
market, a possibility will be to open an individual store
E6 i RĂ„de og Sarpsborg, Ăstfold. Sluttrapport utgravninger i 1994 og 1995.
Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over de arkeologiske undersĂžkelsene som ble utfĂžrt i 1994 og 1995 i forbindelse med utbyggingen av E6 i Ăstfold. Beskrivelsen av de enkelte lokalitetene er i hovedsak hentet fra innberetningene som er skrevet av de ulike feltlederne. Undertegnede har gjennomgĂ„tt funnmaterialet, og redigert de enkelte rapportene. Sammenfattende konklusjoner av steinaldenindersĂžkelsene er likeledes skrevet av prosjektleder.
Prosjektleder: Evy Berg
Norwegian Sheep Are an Important Reservoir for Human-Pathogenic Escherichia coli O26:H11