8 research outputs found

    Range of values for <i>Ï„</i> for VEPs recorded at >1000 Hz such that reconstructed phase space trajectories were not stretched along the diagonal such that fluctuations in the trajectory were evident.

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    <p>Range of values for <i>Ï„</i> for VEPs recorded at >1000 Hz such that reconstructed phase space trajectories were not stretched along the diagonal such that fluctuations in the trajectory were evident.</p

    Children’s VEPs in response to magenta-cyan pattern-onset offset grating stimuli analysed using the optimised protocol.

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    <p>(a) shows the children’s VEPs drawn from children with normal visual systems. (b) shows the abnormal VEPs, with the average of the three lowest <i>D</i><sub><i>2</i></sub> VEPs in bold blue, the average of the three highest <i>D</i><sub><i>2</i></sub> VEPs in bold red, and the remainder of VEPs in bold black. Individual VEPs, which were the average of two recordings, are presented in grey. To illustrate the morphology of abnormal VEPs which tended towards the extremes of low and high <i>D</i><sub><i>2</i></sub> more clearly, the three abnormal VEPs with the lowest and highest <i>D</i><sub><i>2</i></sub> are shown in (c) and (d) respectively. The group averaged responses are in bold. Individual responses, which were the average of two recordings, are presented as the thinner lines.</p

    Depiction of the optimised analysis method.

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    <p>Top panel, example VEP. Intermediate panels show plots of log(<i>C</i>(<i>r</i>)) vs log(<i>r</i>) and plots of running average slope of log(<i>C</i>(<i>r</i>)) vs log(<i>r</i>) as a function of their ordered calculation for m = 1 to 7. The red crosses indicate the data derived from the middle third of the plot log(<i>C</i>(<i>r</i>)) vs log(<i>r</i>). The final panel is a plot of <i>D</i><sub><i>2</i></sub> for m = 1 to 7: the ceiling value at m = 7 is an indicator of the fractal dimension of the system.</p