32 research outputs found

    Influence of environmental and genetical factors on urea content in milk with Holstein breed cows

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    Ciljevi ovoga rada su bili utvrditi u kojoj mjeri okolišni čimbenici (redoslijed i stadij laktacije, starost kod prvog teljenja, sezona teljenja, regija i stado) imaju utjecaj na sadržaj ureje u mlijeku, te povezanost sadržaja ureje u mlijeku sa ostalim svojstvima mliječnosti krava. Najveća razina sadržaja ureje u mlijeku je zabilježena u prvoj laktaciji, u razdoblju između 110 i 140 dana, kada se kretala oko 23,6 mg/100ml. Na kraju prve laktacije prosječni sadržaj ureje u mlijeku je iznosio oko 21,6 mg/100ml. Drugu laktaciju karakterizira nešto veći sadržaj ureje, u razdoblju odmah nakon teljenja kada su zabilježene najviše vrijednosti od svih praćenih laktacija. Starost krava kod prvog teljenja je također imao utjecaj na sadržaj ureje u mlijeku. Krava koje su telile u dobi od 24. do 26. mjeseca imale su najvišu vrijednost sadržaja ureje koji je za navedeno razdoblje iznosio 23,2 mg/100ml. Najniža vrijednost sadržaja ureje je zabilježena kod krava koje su telile u dobi od 18. mjeseci i iznosila je ispod 20 mg/100ml. I sezona teljenja je utjecala na sadržaj ureje u mlijeku. U zimskoj sezoni 2004. godine zabilježene su najmanje vrijednosti sadržaja ureje u mlijeku, dok je u jesenskoj sezoni iste godine izmjeren najviši sadržaj ureje u mlijeku (24 mg/100ml). U narednim sezonama teljenja dolazi do opadanja sadržaja ureje u mlijeku. Razlike u sadržaju ureje u mlijeku utvrđene su između županija. Najviša vrijednost heritabiliteta (0,08) ocjenjena je modelom gdje je kao usporediva grupa korištena interakcija između stada i kontrolnog dana. U istraživanju, udio varijabilnosti pojašnjen interakcijom stado-dan kontrole, je iznosio 67%, dok je 25% varijabilnosti sadržaja ureje ostalo neprotumačeno. Ovaj je model korišten i pri procjeni uzgojne vrijednosti. Također je testiran i model gdje je utjecaj stada korišten kao usporediva grupa, te je ovim modelom ocijenjena najniža vrijednost heritabiliteta (0,03). U modelima gdje je interakcija između stada i godina testiranja korištena kao usporediva grupa ocjenjene su više vrijednosti heritabiliteta (0,04 i 0,05) u odnosu na prethodni model. Izračunate fenotipske korelacije između sadržaja ureje i osobina mliječnosti: dnevna količina mlijeka, dnevna količina i sadržaj masti i bjelančevina su bile statistički značajne (P <0,0001). Pozitivna i niska fenotipska korelacija (0,15) utvrđena je između sadržaja ureje i dnevne količine mlijeka, između sadržaja ureje i dnevne količine masti (0,10), te između sadržaja ureje i količine bjelančevina (0,16). Između sadržaja ureje i sadržaja mliječne masti koeficijent korelacije je bio nizak i negativan (-0,05) dok je između sadržaja ureje i sadržaja bjelančevina on bio nizak i pozitivan (-0,03).The aims of this paper were to determine to which extent the environmental factors (order and stadium of lactation, age with the first calving, calving season, region and herd) have the influence on the content of urea in milk, and connection of urea content in milk with other features of milk production with cows. The largest share of urea content in milk was recorded in the first lactation, in the period between 110 and 140 days, when it was around 23.6 mg/100ml. In the end of the first lactation the average urea content in milk was around 21.6 mg/100ml. The second lactation is characterized by somewhat bigger urea content, in the period immediately after calving when the highest values from all tracked lactations was recorded. The age of cows with their first calving also had an impact on urea content in milk. Cows that calved in the age from 24th to 26th month had the highest value of urea content, which was 23.2 mg/100ml for the stated period. The lowest value of urea content was recorded with cows that calved in the age of 18 months and it was below 20 mg/100ml. Season of calving also influenced the urea content in milk. In winter season 2004 the lowest values of urea content in milk were recorded, while in the autumn season of the same year the highest urea content in milk was measured (24 mg/100ml). In the following calving season increase of urea content in milk followed. The differences in urea content in milk were determined between the counties. The highest value of heritability (0.08) was estimated by the model where as a comparisson group the interaction between the herds and control day was used. In a research the share of variability was explained by the interaction herd-control day and it was 67%, while 25% of variability of urea content in milk remained unexplained. This model was used when estimating the breeding values. A model was also tested where the influence of herd was used as a comparisson group and by this model the lowest value of heritability was estimated (0.03). In models where interaction between the herd and years of testing was used as comparisson group higher values of heritability (0.04 and 0.05) were measured with respect to the previous model. Calculated phenotypical correlations between the urea content and milk production features: daily amount of milk, daily amount and content of fats and proteins were statistically significant (P <0.0001). Positive and low phenotypical correlation (0.15) was determined between the content of urea and daily amount of milk, between the urea content and daily amount of fat (0.10), and between urea content and amount of proteins (0.16). Between the urea content and content of milk fat the coefficient of correlations was low and negative (-0.05),while between the urea content and content of proteins it was low and positive (-0.03)

    Le « vin du Triumvir » à Lyon : témoignages archéologiques et littéraires d’une production de vin sur le territoire colonial de <i>Lugdunum</i>

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    International audienceArchaeological evidence and literary sources regarding wine production in Lugdunum territory were for a long time deficient due to the few researches devoted to its hinterland. The ongoing excavation of a vast estate situated in this territory fills the gap: traces of a vineyard, treading-floor and press installations in use for more than three centuries, between the mid-1st century BC to the end of the 3rd century AD, have been uncovered. The early date of this establishment, contemporaneous with the colonial foundation towards the end of the Republic, must be pointed out; this region can be considered as the bridgehead to the introduction of viticulture techniques in non Mediterranean Gaul. During the more advanced stage, the exploitation reaches a volume of production which fits to a large scale marketing and a status which can be compared to the great estates in Narbonensis. Theses discoveries provide new prospects and allow a reassessment of the reading of some written sources, of vats and palynological and carpological remains identified within villae, and also of the documentation concerning the Lugdunum amphorae, linked before to a redistribution of bulk imported wine.L'état des sources archéologiques et littéraires relatives à une production de vin sur le territoire de Lugdunum a longtemps pâti du retard des recherches consacrées aux campagnes de l'arrière-pays lyonnais. La fouille en cours d'une grande villa palatiale située sur ce territoire vient combler cette lacune. Elle a mis au jour les traces d'un vignoble, d'installations de foulage et de pressurage utilisés sur plus de trois siècles, entre le milieu du Ier s. av. J.-C. et la fin du IIIe s. apr. J.-C. Cette exploitation se distingue par sa mise en place précoce, contemporaine de la fondation coloniale à la fin de la République, qui désigne la région comme une tête de pont de l'introduction des techniques de viti- et viniculture en Gaule tempérée. Elle atteint, dans sa phase la plus évoluée, un volume de production adapté à une commercialisation à grande échelle et un statut comparable à celui des grands domaines de Narbonnaise. Ces découvertes ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives de recherche et permettent de réexaminer sous un nouveau jour certaines mentions textuelles, les vestiges de cuves ou les restes palyno- et carpologiques attestés en contexte de villae, ou encore, le dossier des amphores lyonnaises, associées jusqu'à présent à la redistribution du vin importé en vrac

    Abris sous roche et taphonomie pollinique

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    Cet article résume les résultats obtenus à partir de l’analyse pollinique de deux abris sous roche des Alpes occupés au Néolithique moyen (la Grande Rivoire et Bozel, le Chenet des Pierres). Les grains de pollen y sont irrégulièrement conservés et ne donnent souvent qu’une image incomplète de la végétation. Cependant, les observations concernant la sélection des taxons et l’aspect du matériel pollinique sont riches d’enseignements. Par exemple, des taxons apparaissant parfois surreprésentés (en particulier des arbres) peuvent être mis en relation avec des apports volontaires de végétaux (associés ou non à l’élevage), ce que prouvent également l’anthracologie et l’étude des macrorestes. De nombreux grains de pollen sont cassés ou usés, conséquence du piétinement par des animaux. Leur exine est altérée par la chaleur (déformation, couleur brune...). Toutes ces observations permettent de définir une taphonomie pollinique propre à ce genre de sites. Celle-ci aide à l’interprétation de gisements ayant pu avoir la même fonction ou présentant des aménagements comparables, mais pour lesquels une partie des indices archéologiques ou paléoenvironnementaux a disparu. Ces études montrent que l’analyse pollinique d’un site archéologique demeure un outil indispensable, même si tous les critères de validité habituellement requis (par exemple, nombre de taxons et somme pollinique suffisants) ne peuvent être rassemblés.This article is a summary of the results of the pollen analysis of two rock shelters of the Alps which were inhabited during the Middle Neolithic period (Grande Rivoire and Bozel – Chenet des Pierres). The pollen grains are often badly preserved. Therefore, they give only modest possibilities for the reconstruction of the vegetation milieu of the surroundings of the shelters. In any case, the observations concerning the selection of the taxa and the aspect of the pollen grains provide very interesting data. For instance, the overrepresentation of some taxa (particularly trees) can be related to plants intentionnally introduced in the shelter (to feed livestock or not). This practice is also proved by anthracology and macroremains studies. Many pollen grains are broken or worn because of stamping of animals. Their exine is altered by heat (warping, brown coloured)... All these observations enable to define a pollinic taphonomy appropriate to this kind of site. It can make it easier to interpret similar settlements in where archaeological or palaeoenvironmental facts are badly preserved. These studies show that the pollen analysis of archaeological matter is indispensable, even if the criteria that are usually needed (such as sufficient number of taxa and pollen sum) cannot be collected

    Nouveaux indices d’occupation préhistorique en rive gauche de la Saône à Lyon 4e (Rhône)

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    Le diagnostic archéologique réalisé sur le terrain du groupe scolaire des Entrepôts dans le quartier de Serin (Lyon, 4e arrondissement), en rive gauche de la Saône, a révélé l’existence d’un sol fortement pédogenéisé alimenté par des colluvions fines en provenance du plateau de la Croix-Rousse tout proche. Sur ce niveau, l’occupation humaine remonte au Néolithique moyen, avec des indices de fréquentation encore plus anciens. Des occupations de l’Âge du Bronze sont également attestées dans un contexte de faible accrétion du sol, entraînant des mélanges de mobilier, mais avec des productions céramiques très différentes en termes de pâte et de technologie. Quelques calages de poteaux viennent confirmer la présence d’un habitat sur le site pour ces périodes. Le mobilier lithique, relativement abondant, livre des outils finis et des éléments de débitage et il porte de nombreux témoignages d’un passage dans un foyer. Il en va de même pour les restes osseux, mal conservés lorsqu’ils n’ont pas été brûlés. Une solution technique, préconisée par le SRA (micro-pieux), devrait permettre la préservation des couches archéologiques sous les futurs bâtiments scolaires. Ce sont donc les observations réalisées lors des sondages, représentant 27 m2 de surface explorée, qui sont présentées ici.The archaeological investigation in the playground of the school “Les Entrepôts” in the fourth district of Lyon, on the left bank of the river Saône, revealed a clear pedogenesis, with fine colluviation coming from the nearby plateau of “la Croix-Rousse”. Human occupation started on this soil at least in the middle Neolithic period, but signs of more ancient settlement also occur. Due to a poor accretion of sediments, Bronze Age artefacts are mixed with the previous ones. But the potteries of the different periods can be easily differentiated by their paste and their shape process. Some post holes confirm that there was an habitat on this site at that time. Quite abundant lithic artefacts consist of some tools and flakes with many cupules due to burning. Only burnt bones are preserved. Afterwards, a Gallo-Roman occupation with Late Latenian and Augustean potteries can be recognized. A drain which is perdendicular to the river Saône and a pebble soil are likely to belong to this period. As a technical solution, micro-piles were preconised by the Regional Service of Archaeology in order to preserve archaeological layers under the new school house. This paper presents only observations made during the archaeological tests

    Abris sous roche et taphonomie pollinique

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    Chapitre 3. Synthèse des données paléo-biologiques

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    Pour restituer les paléo-environnements accompagnant les occupations humaines, il est bon de ne pas s’en tenir qu’aux données de l’environnement physique (chap. 4), mais aussi de développer celles de l’environnement biologique pourvoyeuses d’informations sur le paysage végétal et les ambiances climatiques locales, rendant plus concret le cadre de vie des populations qui nous ont précédés. Il en va ainsi de la palynologie (étude des pollens), de la malacologie (étude des coquilles de gastéropo..

    Chapitre 1. Introduction

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    1.1. PROBLÉMATIQUE ET BUT DE L’OUVRAGE (OF) La plaine de Vaise (fig. 1) est un quartier du 9e arrondissement de Lyon où les découvertes archéologiques se sont multipliées depuis la fouille de la station du métro (ligne D) de Gorge-de-Loup en 1984. Dans le cadre d’une collaboration quasi systématique entre archéologues et géomorphologues instaurée depuis, de nombreux enregistrements sédimentaires ont pu être recueillis sur les sites faisant l’objet de réhabilitations urbaines pour toute la vil..

    L’histoire de la végétation depuis la fin du tardiglaciaire et l’évolution de l’emprise humaine à partir du milieu de l’holocène dans le Massif Central oriental (France)

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    Des analyses polliniques et de macrorestes végétaux ont été conduites sur des séquences tourbeuses des Monts du Forez dans le Massif Central oriental granitique. Confrontés aux données paléoécologiques collectées dans cette région depuis une douzaine d’années mais également aux données historiques, les résultats obtenus ont permis d’affiner sensiblement la connaissance de l’évolution de la végétation, de la mise en place du système agro-pastoral et de l’histoire des landes suprasylvatiques tout au long de l’Holocène. Il en ressort tout d’abord qu’il est désormais possible de caler assez précisément vers 5 000 ans cal. BP l'arrivée de Fagus puis d'Abies et leur essor au Subboréal par les analyses palynologiques. On constate ensuite que les indices d’anthropisation surviennent entre 5 700 ans cal. BP et 5 000 ans cal. BP soit plus tard que dans d’autres régions du Massif Central comme le Limousin et le Cantal. On peut affirmer enfin que l’origine des landes suprasylvatiques au-dessus de 1 350 à 1 400 m est climatique, les activités agro-pastorales n’ayant apporté que des retouches plus ou moins significatives aux paysages végétaux avec, d’une part, l’expansion de la callune et le recul des Poaceae et, d’autre part, une place plus ou moins importante à l’arbre selon la nature et l’intensité de la mise en valeur.This paper discusses the results of three new palynological analyses and one macrofossil analysis. The study concerns three peat sequences extracted from mires in Monts du Forez mountain range in the eastern part of the French Massif Central. The results have been compared with all other results obtained over twelve years in this mountainous region. The knowledge related to the evolution of the vegetation, the initiation of agro-pastoralism systems and the history of upper-forest heathland could make a lot of progress. Firstly we can accurately date around 5 000 years cal. BP the start of Fagus distribution, quickly followed by Abies and their development over the course of the Sub-Boreal period. Secondly we witness that the first evidence concerning the land-use occurred much later than in other geographical sectors of Massif Central such as Limousin and Cantal: only during the middle Neolithic and the late Neolithic between 5 700 ans cal. BP and 5 000 ans cal. BP. Thirdly we demonstrated the climatic origin of heathland above an altitude of 1 350-1 400 m. Agro-pastoralism activities have only contributed to modify the respective shares of each types of plant by supporting heathlands to the detriment of the grasslands. Thus, the importance of trees has changed according to the nature and the intensity of human pressure