339 research outputs found

    La culture humaniste littéraire en Master MEEF : un projet d’acculturation ?

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    Quel sens redonner aujourd'hui à la culture humaniste ? Si cette question est régulièrement évoquée dans les débats sur l’Éducation, elle l’est moins à propos de la formation initiale des enseignants. Les masters MEEF (Métiers de l’Enseignement, de l’Éducation et de la Formation) dispensent des enseignements qui privilégient des textes et des auteurs de la culture héritée Humaniste et Scientifique. Pourtant, reste à savoir quel bilan tirer  de la réelle diffusion de la culture littéraire auprès d’étudiants, futurs-enseignants. Pour cela, on s’attardera sur le contexte institutionnel de la formation universitaire des enseignants qui fait en partie obstacle à l’enseignement effectif de la culture humaniste littéraire. Ensuite, l’analyse d’écrits d’étudiants à propos de leur lecture de Flaubert permettra d’envisager quelques propositions pour une acculturation des Humanités littéraires nécessaire à la formation professionnelle des enseignants.Which feel falling in the humanist culture today? If this question is regularly evoked in the debates on the Education, it is less about the initial formation of the teachers. Master's degrees MEEF by the Education and by the Formation dispense teachings which favor texts and authors of the inherited culture Humanist and Scientist. Nevertheless, it remains to be seen which balance assessment to pull of the real distribution of the literary culture with student, future-teaching. For that purpose, we shall linger over the institutional context of the university education of the teachers which puts partially obstacle to the actual education of the literary humanist culture. Then, the analysis of students' papers about their reading

    L’élève interprétant de littérature : quelques enjeux anthropologiques, sémiotiques et pédagogiques

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    Il s’agit d’examiner dans la perspective d’une approche multi référentielle le point de vue de l’enseignement - apprentissage de la littérature à travers le modèle du lecteur réel qu’il s’agit de transformer à partir de caractères cognitifs sémiotique et esthétiques qu’on tente d’inventorier. On essaie de mettre en évidence les points forts de notions comme la pensée sauvage (Lévi Strauss) à la jonction de l’anthropologie et de la sémiotique qui rendent pertinentes une notion didactique comme l’expérience esthétique qui fédère et dépasse les cloisonnements des domaines d’observation du sujet interprétant.How to approach empiric reader in litteratery teacher training ? New deals must be find with several points of view, who surround the elements of perception understanding and interpretation. We want to show that it is possible to link primitive thinking (la pensée sauvage de Levi Strauss) with esthetic experience to understand cognitiv ant emotional process into relationship with litteratery effects. It’s a challenge for educational sciences who can study genesis and development in yound readers of an holistic relationship l’expérience littéraire

    Discrimination by Infrared Spectroscopy: Application to Micronized Locust Bean and Guar Gums

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    The authentication of locust bean and guar powder gums requires usually the use of sophisticated and time-consuming analytical techniques. There is a need for fast and simple analytical techniques for the objective of a quality control methodology. Commercial locust bean and guar micronized powder gums present characteristic MIR spectra. Principal component analysis of the infrared spectra of these micronized powder gums allowed to distinguish locust bean from guar samples and to perform good classification results. The prediction of the two varieties was done without any ambiguity with a partial least square regression-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). A simplex approach was used to generate binary blends mathematically taking into account the intrinsic variability of chemical composition of commercial products. The simulated spectral profiles allowed to develop predictive model of the percentage of gums in blends

    GaHV-2 ICP22 protein is expressed from a bicistronic transcript regulated by three GaHV-2 microRNAs

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    International audienceHerpesviruses have a lifecycle consisting of successive lytic, latent and reactivation phases. Only three infected cell proteins (ICPs) have been described for the oncogenic Marek's disease virus (or Gallid herpes virus 2, GaHV-2): ICP4, ICP22 and ICP27. We focus here on ICP22, confirming its cytoplasmic location and showing that ICP22 is expressed during productive phases of the lifecycle, via a bicistronic transcript encompassing the US10 gene. We also identified the unique promoter controlling ICP22 expression, and its core promoter, containing functional responsive elements including E-box, ETS-1 and GATA elements involved in ICP22 transactivation. ICP22 gene expression was weakly regulated by DNA methylation and activated by ICP4 or ICP27 proteins. We also investigated the function of GaHV-2 ICP22. We found that this protein repressed transcription from its own promoter and from those of IE ICP4 and ICP27, and the late gK promoter. Finally, we investigated posttranscriptional ICP22 regulation by GaHV-2 microRNAs. We found that mdv1-miR-M5-3p and -M1-5p downregulated ICP22 mRNA expression during latency, whereas, unexpectedly, mdv1-miR-M4-5p upregulated the expression of the protein ICP22, indicating a tight regulation of ICP22 expression by microRNAs

    L'acacia au Sénégal

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    Cette présentation propose une revue bibliographique de certains aspects de la nodulation des acacias, en particulier en ce qui concerne la diversité des rhizobiums qui leur sont associés, au regard de la taxonomie générale des rhizobiums, et développe plus en détails les derniers résultats obtenus au Sénégal dans ce domaine. (Résumé d'auteur

    High-resolution 3D mapping of rhizosphere glycan patterning using molecular probes in a transparent soil system

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    Rhizospheres are microecological zones at the interface of roots and soils. Interactions between bacteria and roots are critical for maintaining plant and soil health but are difficult to study because of constraints inherent in working with underground systems. We have developed an in-situ rhizosphere imaging system based on transparent soils and molecular probes that can be imaged using confocal microscopy. We observed spatial patterning of polysaccharides along roots and on cells deposited into the rhizosphere and also co-localised fluorescently tagged soil bacteria. These studies provide insight into the complex glycan landscape of rhizospheres and suggest a means by which root / rhizobacteria interactions can be non-disruptively studied

    A humanized mouse model for sequestration of Plasmodium falciparum sexual stages and in vivo evaluation of gametocytidal drugs

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    The development of new drugs to disrupt malaria transmission requires the establishment of an in vivo model to address the biology of Plasmodium falciparum sexual stages (gametocytes). Herein we show that chemically immune-modulated NSG mice grafted with human erythrocytes support complete sexual development of P. falciparum parasites and generate high gametocytemia. Immunohistochemistry and RT-qPCR analyses indicate an enrichment of immature gametocytes in the bone marrow and the spleen, suggesting a sequestration mechanism reminiscent to that observed in humans. Upon primaquine treatment, elimination of gametocytes from peripheral blood and from sequestration sites was observed, providing a proof of concept that these mice can be used for testing drugs. Therefore, this model allows the investigation of P. falciparum sexual commitment, gametocyte interactions with the bone marrow and spleen and provides the missing link between current in vitro assays and Phase I trials in humans for testing new malaria gametocytidal drugs

    Triglycerides and glycated hemoglobin for screening insulin resistance in obese patients

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: Assessment of insulin resistance (IR) is essential in non-diabetic patients with obesity. Thus study aims to identify the best determinants of IR and to propose an original approach for routine assessment of IR in obesity. DESIGN AND PATIENTS: All adult with obesity defined by a body mass index >=30kg/m2, evaluated in the Nutrition Department between January 2010 and January 2015 were included in this cross-sectional study. Patients with diabetes were excluded. IR was diagnosed according to the HOMA-IR. Based on a logistic regression, we determined a composite score of IR. We then tested the variables with a principal component analysis and a hierarchical clustering analysis. RESULTS: A total of 498 patients with obesity were included. IR was associated with grade III obesity (OR=2.6[1.6-4.4], p\textless0.001), HbA1c>=5.7% (OR=2.6[1.7-4.0], p\textless0.001), hypertriglyceridemia \textgreater1.7mmol/l (OR=3.0[2.0-4.5], p\textless0.001) and age (OR=0.98[0.96-0.99], p=0.002). Exploratory visual analysis using factor map and clustering analysis revealed that lipid and carbohydrates metabolism abnormalities were correlated with insulin resistance but not with excessive fat accumulation and low-grade inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the interest of simple blood tests such as HbA1c and triglyceride determination, which associated with BMI, may be widely available tools for screening IR in obese patients

    A longitudinal study of mental health before and during COVID-19 lockdown in the French population

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    BACKGROUND: The impact of general population lockdown implemented in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic needs to be evaluated. We describe here a longitudinal study on the mental health of adults in France. METHODS: We did a secondary analysis of a web-based cohort, initially set up to study home and leisure injuries, in order to measure the consequences of the national lockdown implemented in France from 17 March 2020 to 11 May 2020, and to assess potential vulnerability and resilience factors. Eligible participants were invited to answer an online questionnaire designed to assess their living conditions and health during lockdown. Comparisons were done with answers provided 4.8 years earlier on average. RESULTS: On 15th April 2020, we sent email invitations to 9598 participants recruited between November 2014 and December 2019 and 1237 volunteers took part in the study by completing the online questionnaire. The proportion of those with anxiety symptoms markedly increased from 17.3 to 20.1%. The average self-rated level of mental health decreased from 7.77 to 7.58. Women, the elderly and the youngest appeared to be more vulnerable. A small living space (less than 30 m(2)) was associated with an increase in depression symptoms (PHQ-9 score), and poorer self-rated physical health at recruitment was associated with an increase in anxiety symptoms (GAD-7 score). On the contrary, the average self-rated level of physical health markedly increased from 7.44 to 7.94 between recruitment and lockdown, and the proportion of those who reported a level of 9 or 10 jumped from 25.7% at recruitment to 43.1% during lockdown. CONCLUSIONS: Mental health deteriorated during lockdown in France during the 2020 COVID-19 crisis. Overall, self-rated physical health improved but those who experienced a worse physical health were more likely to report anxiety symptoms

    Will seasonally dry tropical forests be sensitive or resistant to future changes in rainfall regimes?

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    Seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF) are located in regions with alternating wet and dry seasons, with dry seasons that last several months or more. By the end of the 21st century, climate models predict substantial changes in rainfall regimes across these regions, but little is known about how individuals, species, and communities in SDTF will cope with the hotter, drier conditions predicted by climate models. In this review, we explore different rainfall scenarios that may result in ecological drought in SDTF through the lens of two alternative hypotheses: 1) these forests will be sensitive to drought because they are already limited by water and close to climatic thresholds, or 2) they will be resistant/resilient to intra- and inter-annual changes in rainfall because they are adapted to predictable, seasonal drought. In our review of literature that spans microbial to ecosystem processes, a majority of the available studies suggests that increasing frequency and intensity of droughts in SDTF will likely alter species distributions and ecosystem processes. Though we conclude that SDTF will be sensitive to altered rainfall regimes, many gaps in the literature remain. Future research should focus on geographically comparative studies and well-replicated drought experiments that can provide empirical evidence to improve simulation models used to forecast SDTF responses to future climate change at coarser spatial and temporal scales
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