530 research outputs found

    Du Masculin au féminin au masculin : transgressions identitaires et sexuelles dans Self de Yann Martel

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    « Cette fois, ça a commencé par un terrible mal de tête […] Au matin, le duvet entre mes seins était plus foncé […] Mes seins se sont aplatis, ma vulve s’est refermée, puis elle a poussé vers l’extérieur » (Martel 269). Ce passage, tiré du roman Self (1998) de Yann Martel, relate la seconde métamorphose que connaîtra le personnage principal au cours du récit. Isabelle Boisclair propose d’appeler « transtextualité » (Boisclair, inédit) ces traversées génériques rendues possible par le seul pouvoir de la littérature. Sachant que les conditions féminine et masculine sont encore aujourd’hui marquées par la « dissymétrie » (Bourdieu 65), nous cherchons, dans cet article, à vérifier si le passage du masculin au féminin (et inversement du féminin au masculin) affecte la condition du personnage. Pour ce faire, notre analyse prendra appui sur les principales théories contemporaines sur le sexe/genre, et ce, dans une perspective à la fois féministe, constructionniste et matérialiste (Delphy; Guillaumin; Wittig).Abstract: “Cette fois, ça a commencé par un terrible mal de tête […] Au matin, le duvet entre mes seins était plus foncé […] Mes seins se sont aplatis, ma vulve s’est refermée, puis elle a poussé vers l’extérieur” (Martel 269). This excerpt from Yann Martel’s novel Self (1998) tells the second transformation that the protagonist will experience during the story. Isabelle Boisclair suggests the word “transtextuality” to refer to such generic crossings made possible by the power of literature (Boisclair, unpublished). Knowing that feminine and masculine conditions are still marked today by asymmetry (Bourdieu 65), we seek, in this article, to verify if the crossing from masculine to feminine (and from feminine to masculine) affects the condition of the character. With this aim in mind, our analysis leans on key contemporary sex-gender theories and does so in a feminist, constructionist and materialist perspective (Delphy; Guillaumin; Wittig)

    Post Hoc Analysis on the Effect of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention Provided to Preschool Children on the Autism Spectrum

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    Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) provides a framework for educators to assist children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to increase independence and positive social skills in the classroom (Reichow, 2012). Preschoolers with ASD who do not have access to programs tend to display negative and socially inappropriate behavior, such as acts of aggression, withdrawal, and inability to attend to lessons. Studies on program effectiveness documented that preschool children who received EIBI scored higher on IQ, language comprehension, imitation, expressive language, nonverbal communication, play, stereotyped behaviors and adaptive functioning compared to preschool children who do not receive EIBI. The literature revealed that children with ASD who received EIBI maintained successful relationships with peers through joint attention, displayed increased use of appropriate language, and demonstrated an interest in participating in group classroom activities (Barber, Saffo, Gilpin, Craft, & Goldsetin, 2015). The purpose of the study was to evaluate student development on language, behavior, and peer relationships by analyzing pre- and post- assessments gathered over a three-year period. The study included data collected on a child in a general education non-profit preschool setting. The study was evaluative in nature and documented student progress toward behavior improvement as part of the agency’s evaluation policy results indicated that EIBI contributed to increasing the child’s socially appropriate behavior, language development, and peer interaction. Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) Effects of Early Intervention for Children With AS

    Analysis of Data on the Effect of Early Intervention for Children on the Autism Spectrum

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    Early Intervention promotes preschool age children, identified on the autism spectrum, with increased independence and positive social skills in the classroom. Preschool children who do not have access to such programs tend to display negative and socially inappropriate behavior, such as acts of aggression, withdrawal, and inability to attend to lessons. Lovaas as cited in Eikeseth and Smith (2011) is referred to as the pioneer of Early Intervention, who dedicated almost fifty years of his life to improving the lives of families among the autism community. Lovaas’ studies were the first documented to indicate that children who received early intensive intervention made dramatic gains in development (Eikeseth & Smith, 2011). Studies on program effectiveness documented that preschool-age children who received Early Intervention scored higher on IQ, language comprehension, imitation, expressive language, nonverbal communication, play, stereotyped behaviors and adaptive functioning compared to children who did not receive Early Intervention (Eikeseth, et. al, 2012). The literature reveals that children who receive Early Intervention maintain successful relationships with peers through joint-attention, display increased use of appropriate language, as well as demonstrate an interest in participating in group classroom activities (Eldevik, et. al, 2012). The purpose of the study is to analyze data on children who receive Early Intervention and children who do not receive Early Intervention with a focus on the factors of independence and positive social skills. Eikeseth, S., Klintwall, L., Jahr, E., & Karlsson, P. (2012). Outcome for children with autism receiving early and intensive behavioral intervention in mainstream preschool and kindergarten settings. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6, 829-835. Eldevik, S., Hastings, R., Jahr, E., & Hughes, J. (2012). Outcomes of behavioral intervention for children with autism in mainstream pre-school settings. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 42(2), 210-220. Smith, T., & Eikeseth, S. (2011). O. Ivar Lovaas: Pioneer of applied behavior analysis and intervention for children with autism.Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 41(3), 375-378

    Du masculin au féminin: identités trans et intersexuelle dans quatre œuvres littéraires et cinématographiques contemporaines (Canada, 1987- 2012)

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    La pensée hétéronormative n’admet que deux sexes, mâle et femelle, auxquels correspondent deux genres, masculin et féminin. Sur l’horizon contemporain qui est le nôtre, certains individus refusent toutefois ces fatalités et décident de changer de sexe et/ou de genre, ou alors de le choisir (dans le cas des personnes intersexuées). Ce mémoire se penche sur les représentations de ces identités dites problématiques dans quelques œuvres littéraires et filmiques contemporaines. Parmi les œuvres illustrant des personnages transitant d’un sexe et/ou d’un genre à l’autre, force est de constater que le passage du masculin au féminin est le plus souvent représenté. Ainsi en est-il des romans Le sexe des étoiles (1989) de Monique Proulx, Self (1998) de Yann Martel, Annabel (2010) de Kathleen Winter et du film Laurence Anyways (2012) de Xavier Dolan, qui mettent respectivement en scène les figures du transsexuel, du « transtextuel », de l’intersexué et du transgenre. Considérant que le statut des femmes est encore aujourd’hui plus précaire et plus globalement désavantagé que celui des hommes, nous cherchons à comprendre, dans ce mémoire, la façon dont la diégèse explique le choix des personnages masculins à vouloir performer le genre féminin. Nous identifions également les changements qui affectent le statut de ces personnages passant du masculin au féminin. Plus précisément, nous cherchons à vérifier si ce passage s’accompagne d’une déchéance et, si oui, sur quel(s) plan(s) cette déchéance s’exprime-t-elle. Mobilisant les théories féministes, constructionnistes et matérialistes, l’analyse de chaque œuvre s’articule autour des trois axes suivants: le discours entourant le système de sexe genre présent dans les « textes », le rapport au masculin et au féminin qu’entretiennent chacun des personnages et, finalement, les conditions économique, matérielle, sociale et symbolique de chacun de ceux-ci à la suite de leur transition

    Assessing the tribocorrosionnext term behaviour of Cu and Al by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

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    International audienceThis study is focused on the interests and limits of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, to establish the electrochemical behaviour of a tribosystem between Cu and Al, in acid solution. The calculated capacitance, in high-frequency range, partially allows understanding the double layer state of body in the contact. The Potential of Zero Charge (PZC) was calculated for Cu sample and it was associated with a potential range for Al. PZC value of each material is discussed as a key parameter of sliding contact. During tests of wear, the EIS results are related to the evolution of adsorbed water molecules

    Machines Ă  exposer

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    [EN] Exhibitions, museums, pavilions, artist ateliers, apartments and collectors’ villas: exposition runs like a red thread through Le Corbusier’s work. Man’s relationship to art is a fundamental element of architectural dispositifs. Art influences his vision of society as a whole, and museums are central to his major urban plans, from the ziggurat of the Musée Mondial in Geneva, to the museums in Ahmadabad, Tokyo or Chandigarh, to projects he realized in the late 1960s, such as the Museum of the 20th Century in Nanterre. The evolution of museum design between 1929 and 1965 and of the concepts Le Corbusier developed for the different exhibitions of his own œuvre are in keeping with his way of understanding the relationship to works of art, whether by the artist, a knowledgeable public or those encountering art for the first time. The sketches for the different museums and pavilions retrace this evolution. Karel Teige’s critique of the Mundaneum project assumes a key role in the transformation of the museum concept that occurred between the Musée Mondial of 1929 and Le Corbusier’s first designs for a Museum with Unlimited Growth in 1930. The architecture and the place for art in society are no longer determined by the use of a form but through a functional mechanism. Growth is understood as an image of the positive evolution of mankind. This seminal change is a key to the later projects.[FR] Exhibitions, museums, pavilions, artist ateliers, apartments and collectors’ villas: exposition runs like a red thread through Le Corbusier’s work. Man’s relationship to art is a fundamental element of architectural dispositifs. Art influences his vision of society as a whole, and museums are central to his major urban plans, from the ziggurat of the Musée Mondial in Geneva, to the museums in Ahmadabad, Tokyo or Chandigarh, to projects he realized in the late 1960s, such as the Museum of the 20th Century in Nanterre. The evolution of museum design between 1929 and 1965 and of the concepts Le Corbusier developed for the different exhibitions of his own œuvre are in keeping with his way of understanding the relationship to works of art, whether by the artist, a knowledgeable public or those encountering art for the first time. The sketches for the different museums and pavilions retrace this evolution. Karel Teige’s critique of the Mundaneum project assumes a key role in the transformation of the museum concept that occurred between the Musée Mondial of 1929 and Le Corbusier’s first designs for a Museum with Unlimited Growth in 1930. The architecture and the place for art in society are no longer determined by the use of a form but through a functional mechanism. Growth is understood as an image of the positive evolution of mankind. This seminal change is a key to the later projects.Dumont D'ayot, C. (2016). Machines à exposer. En LE CORBUSIER. 50 AÑOS DESPUÉS. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 578-600. https://doi.org/10.4995/LC2015.2015.1025OCS57860
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