107 research outputs found

    Pore scale mixing and macroscopic solute dispersion regimes in polymer flows inside 2D model networks

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    A change of solute dispersion regime with the flow velocity has been studied both at the macroscopic and pore scales in a transparent array of capillary channels using an optical technique allowing for simultaneous local and global concentration mappings. Two solutions of different polymer concentrations (500 and 1000 ppm) have been used at different P\'eclet numbers. At the macroscopic scale, the displacement front displays a diffusive spreading: for Pe10Pe \leq 10, the dispersivity l_dl\_d is constant with PePe and increases with the polymer concentration; for Pe>10Pe > 10, l_dl\_d increases as Pe1.35Pe^{1.35} and is similar for the two concentrations. At the local scale, a time lag between the saturations of channels parallel and perpendicular to the mean flow has been observed and studied as a function of the flow rate. These local measurements suggest that the change of dispersion regime is related to variations of the degree of mixing at the junctions. For Pe10Pe \leq 10, complete mixing leads to pure geometrical dispersion enhanced for shear thinning fluids; for Pe>10Pe >10 weaker mixing results in higher correlation lengths along flow paths parallel to the mean flow and in a combination of geometrical and Taylor dispersion

    Dispersion enhancement and damping by buoyancy driven flows in 2D networks of capillaries

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    The influence of a small relative density difference on the displacement of two miscible liquids is studied experimentally in transparent 2D networks of micro channels. Both stable displacements in which the denser fluid enters at the bottom of the cell and displaces the lighter one and unstable displacements in which the lighter fluid is injected at the bottom and displaces the denser one are realized. Except at the lowest mean flow velocity U, the average C(x,t)C(x,t) of the relative concentration satisfies a convection-dispersion equation. The dispersion coefficient is studied as function of the relative magnitude of fluid velocity and of the velocity of buoyancy driven fluid motion. A model is suggested and its applicability to previous results obtained in 3D media is discussed

    Erythrocyte Phospholipid Molecular Species and Fatty Acids of Down Syndrome Children Compared with Non-affected Siblings

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    The majority of children with Down syndrome (DS) develop Alzheimer's disease (AD) at an early age. Although long-chain n-3 fatty acids (FA) are protective of neurodegeneration, little is known about the FA status in DS. In the present study, we aimed to investigate whether children with DS presented altered plasma and erythrocyte membrane phospholipids (PL) FA composition, when compared with their non-affected siblings. Venous blood samples were analysed for plasma and erythrocyte membrane FA composition by TLC followed by GC techniques. Lipid molecular species were determined by electrospray ionisation/tandem MS (ESI-MS/MS). FA analysis measured by standard GC showed an increased concentration of MUFA and a decreased concentration of plasmalogens in major PL fractions, but there were no differences in the concentrations of arachidonic acid or DHA. However, as identified by ESI-MS/MS, children with DS had increased levels of the following erythrocyte PL molecular species: 16 : 0–16 : 0, 16 : 0–18 : 1 and 16 : 0–18 : 2n-6, with reduced levels of 16 : 0–20 : 4n-6 species. Children with DS presented significantly higher levels of MUFA in both plasma and erythrocyte membrane, as well as higher levels of saturated and monounsaturated molecular species. Of interest was the almost double proportion of 16 : 0–18 : 2n-6 and nearly half the proportion of 16 : 0–20 : 4n-6 of choline phosphoacylglycerol species in children with DS compared with their non-affected siblings. These significant differences were only revealed by ESI-MS/MS and were not observed in the GC analysis. Further investigations are needed to explore molecular mechanisms and to test the association between the pathophysiology of DS and the risk of AD

    Tracing PAHs and Warm Dust Emission in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1068

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    We present a study of the nearby Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068 using mid- and far- infrared data acquired with the IRAC, IRS, and MIPS instruments aboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. The images show extensive 8 um and 24 um emission coinciding with star formation in the inner spiral approximately 15" (1 kpc) from the nucleus, and a bright complex of star formation 47" (3 kpc) SW of the nucleus. The brightest 8 um PAH emission regions coincide remarkably well with knots observed in an Halpha image. Strong PAH features at 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.3 um are detected in IRS spectra measured at numerous locations inside, within, and outside the inner spiral. The IRAC colors and IRS spectra of these regions rule out dust heated by the AGN as the primary emission source; the SEDs are dominated by starlight and PAH emission. The equivalent widths and flux ratios of the PAH features in the inner spiral are generally consistent with conditions in a typical spiral galaxy ISM. Interior to the inner spiral, the influence of the AGN on the ISM is evident via PAH flux ratios indicative of a higher ionization parameter and a significantly smaller mean equivalent width than observed in the inner spiral. The brightest 8 and 24 um emission peaks in the disk of the galaxy, even at distances beyond the inner spiral, are located within the ionization cones traced by [O III]/Hbeta, and they are also remarkably well aligned with the axis of the radio jets. Although it is possible that radiation from the AGN may directly enhance PAH excitation or trigger the formation of OB stars that subsequently excite PAH emission at these locations in the inner spiral, the orientation of collimated radiation from the AGN and star formation knots in the inner spiral could be coincidental. (abridged)Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures; AJ, accepted; full resolution version available at http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/jhhowell/astro/howelln1068.pd

    Genome-wide association study identifies common variants associated with circulating vitamin E levels

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    In genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of common genetic variants associated with circulating alpha- and gamma-tocopherol concentrations in two adult cohorts comprising 5006 men of European descent, we observed three loci associated with alpha-tocopherol levels, two novel single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs2108622 on 19pter-p13.11 (P= 1.7 × 10−8) and rs11057830 on 12q24.31 (P= 2.0 × 10−8) and confirmed a previously reported locus marked by rs964184 on 11q23.3 (P= 2.7 × 10−10). The three SNPs have been reported to be associated with lipid metabolism and/or regulation. We replicated these findings in a combined meta-analysis with two independent samples, P= 7.8 × 10−12 (rs964184 on 11q23.3 near BUD13, ZNF259 and APOA1/C3/A4/A5), P= 1.4 × 10−10 (rs2108622 on 19pter-p13.11 near CYP4F2) and P= 8.2 × 10−9 (rs11057830 on 12q24.31 near SCARB1). Combined, these SNPs explain 1.7% of the residual variance in log alpha-tocopherol levels. In one of the two male GWAS cohorts (n= 992), no SNPs were significantly associated with gamma-tocopherol concentrations after including data from the replication sample for 71 independent SNPs with P< 1 × 10−4 identified

    Anthropocène : Plan B, création de connaissances pour répondre aux enjeux sociétaux de manière soutenable dans les limites planétaires

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    De nombreuses recherches et en particulier celles sur les limites planétaires ont montré que nous dépassons actuellement plusieurs limites globales, ce qui questionne fortement la soutenabilité de nos sociétés contemporaines à forte empreinte écologique. Cette prise de conscience se généralise et a fait croître à une vitesse importante les attentes sociétales de visions alternatives à un futur basé sur le seul progrès technologique et/ou une croissance économique infinie.Nous souhaitons faire face à ces constats et aux attentes qu’ils génèrent, sans greenwashing et sans nous en remettre à une croissance verte que nous savons impossible depuis longtemps et notamment par les travaux commandités par le Club de Rome. Impossibilité qui a été rappelée récemment à notre mémoire par une note de l’UE. Pour cela nous souhaitons engager l’UGA dans la construction, sur le long terme, d’une communauté scientifique transdisciplinaire. Nous proposons de développer des recherches complémentaires et alternatives à celles basées sur la double hypothèse d’un éternel progrès technologique et d’une croissance économique qui serait nécessairement vertueuse sur le plan social. Ces recherches auront pour objectif principal d’appréhender la dimension systémique et complexe des questions de dépassement écologique.Pour cela nous savons que nous pouvons d’ores et déjà appuyer notre démarche sur plusieurs collectifs de personnels et d’étudiants nés spontanément dans différentes structures de l’UGA. Leur diversité de profils et de disciplines constitue un atout précieux pour construire une approche transdisciplinaire. Nous pensons donc qu’il est utile et pertinent d’essayer de fédérer ces initiatives dans une démarche collective commune de production de connaissances

    Arterial ischemic stroke in HIV:Defining and classifying etiology for research studies

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    HIV infection, and potentially its treatment, increases the risk of an arterial ischemic stroke. Multiple etiologies and lack of clear case definitions inhibit progress in this field. Several etiologies, many treatable, are relevant to HIV-related stroke. To fully understand the mechanisms and the terminology used, a robust classification algorithm to help ascribe the various etiologies is needed. This consensus paper considers the strengths and limitations of current case definitions in the context of HIV infection. The case definitions for the major etiologies in HIV-related strokes were refined (e.g., varicella zoster vasculopathy and antiphospholipid syndrome) and in some instances new case definitions were described (e.g., HIV-associated vasculopathy). These case definitions provided a framework for an algorithm to help assign a final diagnosis, and help classify the subtypes of HIV etiology in ischemic stroke