78 research outputs found

    Malaria sporozoite proteome leaves a trail

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    Comparison of the proteomes of malaria sporozoites at different stages and mutation of selected genes reveals proteins necessary for infection of the vertebrate host

    Shared Mycobacterium avium Genotypes Observed among Unlinked Clinical and Environmental Isolates

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    Our understanding of the sources of Mycobacterium avium infection is partially based on genotypic matching of pathogen isolates from cases and environmental sources. These approaches assume that genotypic identity is rare in isolates from unlinked cases or sources. To test this assumption, a high-resolution PCR-based genotyping approach, large-sequence polymorphism (LSP)-mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit–variable-number tandem repeat (MIRU-VNTR), was selected and used to analyze clinical and environmental isolates of M. avium from geographically diverse sources. Among 127 clinical isolates from seven locations in North America, South America, and Europe, 42 genotypes were observed. Among 12 of these genotypes, matches were seen in isolates from apparently unlinked patients in two or more geographic locations. Six of the 12 were also observed in environmental isolates. A subset of these isolates was further analyzed by alternative strain genotyping methods, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and MIRU-VNTR, which confirmed the existence of geographically dispersed strain genotypes. These results suggest that caution should be exercised in interpreting high-resolution genotypic matches as evidence for an acquisition event

    An interactive web application for the dissemination of human systems immunology data

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    International audienceBackground: Systems immunology approaches have proven invaluable in translational research settings. The current rate at which large-scale datasets are generated presents unique challenges and opportunities. Mining aggregates of these datasets could accelerate the pace of discovery, but new solutions are needed to integrate the heterogeneous data types with the contextual information that is necessary for interpretation. In addition, enabling tools and technologies facilitating investigators' interaction with large-scale datasets must be developed in order to promote insight and foster knowledge discovery. Methods: State of the art application programming was employed to develop an interactive web application for browsing and visualizing large and complex datasets. A collection of human immune transcriptome datasets were loaded alongside contextual information about the samples. Results: We provide a resource enabling interactive query and navigation of transcriptome datasets relevant to human immunology research. Detailed information about studies and samples are displayed dynamically; if desired the associated data can be downloaded. Custom interactive visualizations of the data can be shared via email or social media. This application can be used to browse context-rich systems-scale data within and across systems immunology studies. This resource is publicly available online at [Gene Expression Browser Landing Page (https://gxb.benaroyaresearch.org/dm3/landing.gsp)]. The source code is also available openly [Gene Expression Browser Source Code (https://github.com/BenaroyaResearch/gxbrowser)]. Conclusions: We have developed a data browsing and visualization application capable of navigating increasingly large and complex datasets generated in the context of immunological studies. This intuitive tool ensures that, whether taken individually or as a whole, such datasets generated at great effort and expense remain interpretable and a ready source of insight for years to come

    Proinsulin Secretion Is a Persistent Feature of Type 1 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: Abnormally elevated proinsulin secretion has been reported in type 2 and early type 1 diabetes when significant C-peptide is present. We questioned whether individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes and low or absent C-peptide secretory capacity retained the ability to make proinsulin. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: C-peptide and proinsulin were measured in fasting and stimulated sera from 319 subjects with long-standing type 1 diabetes (≥3 years) and 12 control subjects without diabetes. We considered three categories of stimulated C-peptide: 1) C-peptide positive, with high stimulated values ≥0.2 nmol/L; 2) C-peptide positive, with low stimulated values ≥0.017 but <0.2 nmol/L; and 3) C-peptide <0.017 nmol/L. Longitudinal samples were analyzed from C-peptide-positive subjects with diabetes after 1, 2, and 4 years. RESULTS: Of individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes, 95.9% had detectable serum proinsulin (>3.1 pmol/L), while 89.9% of participants with stimulated C-peptide values below the limit of detection (<0.017 nmol/L; n = 99) had measurable proinsulin. Proinsulin levels remained stable over 4 years of follow-up, while C-peptide decreased slowly during longitudinal analysis. Correlations between proinsulin with C-peptide and mixed-meal stimulation of proinsulin were found only in subjects with high stimulated C-peptide values (≥0.2 nmol/L). Specifically, increases in proinsulin with mixed-meal stimulation were present only in the group with high stimulated C-peptide values, with no increases observed among subjects with low or undetectable (<0.017 nmol/L) residual C-peptide. CONCLUSIONS: In individuals with long-duration type 1 diabetes, the ability to secrete proinsulin persists, even in those with undetectable serum C-peptide

    Circulating Unmethylated Insulin DNA As a Biomarker of Human Beta Cell Death: A Multi-laboratory Assay Comparison

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    Context: There is an unmet need for biomarkers of pancreatic beta-cell death to improve early diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, enroll subjects into clinical trials, and assess treatment response. To address this need, several groups developed assays measuring insulin deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) with unmethylated CpG sites in cell-free DNA. Unmethylated insulin DNA should be derived predominantly from beta-cells and indicate ongoing beta-cell death. Objective: To assess the performance of three unmethylated insulin DNA assays. Design and participants: Plasma or serum samples from 13 subjects undergoing total pancreatectomy and islet autotransplantation were coded and provided to investigators to measure unmethylated insulin DNA. Samples included a negative control taken post-pancreatectomy but pretransplant, and a positive control taken immediately following islet infusion. We assessed technical reproducibility, linearity, and persistence of detection of unmethylated insulin DNA for each assay. Results: All assays discriminated between the negative sample and samples taken directly from the islet transplant bag; 2 of 3 discriminated negative samples from those taken immediately after islet infusion. When high levels of unmethylated insulin DNA were present, technical reproducibility was generally good for all assays. Conclusions: The measurement of beta cell cell-free DNA, including insulin, is a promising approach, warranting further testing and development in those with or at-risk for type 1 diabetes, as well as in other settings where understanding the frequency or kinetics of beta cell death could be useful

    Endomembrane targeting of human OAS1 p46 augments antiviral activity

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    Many host RNA sensors are positioned in the cytosol to detect viral RNA during infection. However, most positive-strand RNA viruses replicate within a modified organelle co-opted from intracellular membranes of the endomembrane system, which shields viral products from cellular innate immune sensors. Targeting innate RNA sensors to the endomembrane system may enhance their ability to sense RNA generated by viruses that use these compartments for replication. Here, we reveal that an isoform of oligoadenylate synthetase 1, OAS1 p46, is prenylated and targeted to the endomembrane system. Membrane localization of OAS1 p46 confers enhanced access to viral replication sites and results in increased antiviral activity against a subset of RNA viruses including flaviviruses, picornaviruses, and SARS-CoV-2. Finally, our human genetic analysis shows that the OAS1 splice-site SNP responsible for production of the OAS1 p46 isoform correlates with protection from severe COVID-19. This study highlights the importance of endomembrane targeting for the antiviral specificity of OAS1 and suggests that early control of SARS-CoV-2 replication through OAS1 p46 is an important determinant of COVID-19 severity

    CATALISE: A multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children

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    Delayed or impaired language development is a common developmental concern, yet thereis little agreement about the criteria used to identify and classify language impairments inchildren. Children's language difficulties are at the interface between education, medicineand the allied professions, who may all adopt different approaches to conceptualising them.Our goal in this study was to use an online Delphi technique to see whether it was possibleto achieve consensus among professionals on appropriate criteria for identifying childrenwho might benefit from specialist services. We recruited a panel of 59 experts representingten disciplines (including education, psychology, speech-language therapy/pathology, paediatricsand child psychiatry) from English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, Ireland,New Zealand, United Kingdom and USA). The starting point for round 1 was a set of 46statements based on articles and commentaries in a special issue of a journal focusing onthis topic. Panel members rated each statement for both relevance and validity on a sevenpointscale, and added free text comments. These responses were synthesised by the firsttwo authors, who then removed, combined or modified items with a view to improving consensus.The resulting set of statements was returned to the panel for a second evaluation(round 2). Consensus (percentage reporting 'agree' or 'strongly agree') was at least 80 percentfor 24 of 27 round 2 statements, though many respondents qualified their responsewith written comments. These were again synthesised by the first two authors. The resultingconsensus statement is reported here, with additional summary of relevant evidence, and aconcluding commentary on residual disagreements and gaps in the evidence base.</p

    Abatacept increases T cell exhaustion in early RA individuals who carry HLA risk alleles

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    Exhausted CD8 T cells (TEX) are associated with worse outcome in cancer yet better outcome in autoimmunity. Building on our past findings of increased TIGIT+KLRG1+ TEX with teplizumab therapy in type 1 diabetes (T1D), in the absence of treatment we found that the frequency of TIGIT+KLRG1+ TEX is stable within an individual but differs across individuals in both T1D and healthy control (HC) cohorts. This TIGIT+KLRG1+ CD8 TEX population shares an exhaustion-associated EOMES gene signature in HC, T1D, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and cancer subjects, expresses multiple inhibitory receptors, and is hyporesponsive in vitro, together suggesting co-expression of TIGIT and KLRG1 may broadly define human peripheral exhausted cells. In HC and RA subjects, lower levels of EOMES transcriptional modules and frequency of TIGIT+KLRG1+ TEX were associated with RA HLA risk alleles (DR0401, 0404, 0405, 0408, 1001) even when considering disease status and cytomegalovirus (CMV) seropositivity. Moreover, the frequency of TIGIT+KLRG1+ TEX was significantly increased in RA HLA risk but not non-risk subjects treated with abatacept (CTLA4Ig). The DR4 association and selective modulation with abatacept suggests that therapeutic modulation of TEX may be more effective in DR4 subjects and TEX may be indirectly influenced by cellular interactions that are blocked by abatacept

    Precision gestational diabetes treatment: a systematic review and meta-analyses

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