164 research outputs found

    Cuidado centrado na pessoa e comunicação verbal: impactos de um programa educativo em cuidadores formais de pessoas com demência

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    Mestrado em GerontologiaEnquadramento: O aumento da incidência e prevalência da demência tem levado a um aumento de institucionalizações de pessoas com esta síndrome. A literatura recomenda a implementação de uma abordagem de cuidados centrados na pessoa com demência e também a realização de estimulação multissensorial e motora. Objetivos: Este estudo exploratório teve como objetivo analisar o impacto de um programa educativo baseado numa abordagem de cuidados centrados na pessoa, e centrado na estimulação multissensorial e motora, na comunicação verbal dos cuidadores formais de pessoas com demência institucionalizadas durante os cuidados matinais. Métodos: Neste estudo quasi-experimental, analisou-se a comunicação verbal de cuidadores formais de uma instituição com resposta social de lar, que participaram semanalmente em 8 sessões educativas de 90 minutos. Os dados foram recolhidos antes e imediatamente após a intervenção, através de vídeo-gravações das interações cuidador-pessoa com demência durante os cuidados matinais. Foi construído um etograma baseado nas observações e na literatura para analisar a duração e frequência dos comportamentos verbais. O estudo da fiabilidade inter-observadores foi efetuado através do cálculo do Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclass (CCI (2,1)) para a fiabilidade relativa e da análise dos gráficos de dispersão de Band e Altman para a fiabilidade absoluta. Resultados: Participaram no estudo 18 cuidadoras formais com uma média etária de 43,61±10,47. A análise de fiabilidade entre observadores apresentou resultados moderados a excelentes (CCI entre 0,40 e 0,96) e a inexistência de viés sistemático. O estudo da comunicação verbal revelou diferenças estatisticamente significativas apenas em três categorias: aumento da frequência de “elogiar” (p=0,011), diminuição da duração de “falar com terceiros” (p=0,049) e aumento da frequência de “outros comportamentos negativos” (p=0,006). Implicações: Este estudo sugere a importância de dotar os cuidadores formais com conhecimentos e competências no âmbito das abordagens de cuidados centrados na pessoa com demência para a mudança do padrão de comunicação verbal. Todavia, recomenda-se a replicação do estudo com amostras mais alargadas, num maior número de instituições, e com um desenho de estudo randomizado e controlado para analisar a extensão dos seus benefícios.Background: The growing incidence and prevalence of dementia has led to an increase number of institutionalization of people with this syndrome. The literature recommends both the implementation of a person-centred care approach and the use of motor and multisensory stimulation with people with dementia. Aim: This exploratory study aimed to analyze the impact of an educational program based on a person-centred care approach, and focused on multisensory and motor stimulation, on verbal communication of formal caregivers of institutionalized persons with dementia during morning care. Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, the verbal communication of formal caregivers who have participated in 8 weekly educational sessions of 90 minutes was analysed. Data were collected before and immediately after the intervention, through video recordings of the interactions between the caregiver and the person with dementia. An ethogram was created based on the observations and literature to analyze the duration and frequency of verbal behaviours. An inter-observer reliability study was performed by calculating the Intraclass Correlation Coeficient (ICC (2,1)) for relative reliability and the analysis of the scatter plots of Bland and Altman for absolute reliability. Results: Eighteen formal caregivers, with a mean age of 43,61±10,47 have participated. The inter-observer reliability analysis showed moderate to excellent results (ICC between 0,40 and 0,96) and the absence of systematic bias. The formal caregivers’ verbal communication analysis revealed significant statistical differences in only three categories: increased frequency in "praise" (p=0,011), decrease duration in "speaking with others" (p=0,049) and increased frequency in "other negative behaviours" (p=0,006) Implications: This study suggests the importance to train formal caregivers with knowledge and competences in person-centred care in order to change verbal interactions with people with dementia. However, it is recommended the replication of the study with larger samples, in a larger number of institutions, and with a randomized controlled trial design to examine the extent of the benefits

    Estudo de caso em empresas de distribuição com atuação na região centro

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    Ao longo dos últimos anos, verifica-se que as organizações estão inseridas em ambientes cada vez mais competitivos, sendo necessário que se destaquem tanto pela sua autenticidade como sensibilidade para os processos de otimização. Assim, torna-se imperativo o uso de uma estratégia digital para que consigam inovar e reduzir os custos, de modo a ganharem vantagem competitiva. As novas tecnologias são a base essencial para as empresas se tornarem diferenciadoras, e conseguirem realizar previsão de fluxos. O setor logístico é um exemplo disso mesmo, com o aparecimento da pandemia, foi necessário dar resposta, aos fenómenos de açambarcamento, em tempo útil, de modo a garantir a reposição de stock. O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo compreender de que forma as empresas de distribuição logística se adaptaram face à atual situação pandémica, particularmente em organizações que atuam na região centro. De modo a conseguir responder ao objetivo da investigação, realizou-se seis entrevistas semiestruturadas a profissionais da área de logística e distribuição, através de um guião previamente executado. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que as organizações do setor de logística possuem sistemas de informação robustos, e não verificaram constrangimentos de grande dimensão para enfrentarem a pandemia. No entanto, este resultado apenas foi possível através dos múltiplos investimentos e melhorias aos processos que se têm verificado nos últimos anos. Concluindo-se assim que a estratégia de qualquer organização deve passar pela digitalização e otimização de processos

    Chitosan application towards the improvement of grapevine performance and wine quality

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    Intensification of agrochemicals application in vineyards has raised several concerns in Viticulture and Oenology value chain. Efforts have been developed to optimize grapevine health and productivity, assuring that viticulture is sustainable and competitive in today’s wine market. Viticulture practices have constantly been improved for a more sustainable and environment-friendly production, reducing the application of agrochemicals, replacing them by natural compounds that can have a double effect: protect grapevine against pathogens and improve compounds related to grape organoleptic quality. In this context, the development and optimization of alternative strategies to improve and enhance plant defences and grape/wine quality is becoming a necessity. Since the 1980s, chitosan has become a compound of special interest due to its double effect as elicitor and grapevine biostimulant, representing a complement to soil fertilisation, and reducing the negative effects nutrients leaching into the groundwater. The present review aims to present the wide possibilities of chitosan applications on grapevines to prevent and combat the main diseases and to improve wine quality. In this way, relevant studies about chitosan application will be presented as well as some concerns and limitations in order to cover the knowledge gaps inherent to its application in vineyard and wine as well

    INSPIRE data harmonisation of mineral resources: contribution of MINERALS4EU project

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    ABSTRACT: Georesources support society at different levels, depending on their technological development, and thus strongly impact on the economic, societal and environmental sustainability pillars. The European project MINERALS4EU [5] created the European Mineral knowledge Data platform (EU-MKDP [6]), to provide harmonised data related to mineral resources, as well as statistical related information, e.g., minerals yearbook. The nuclear pillars of the EU-MKDP architecture were based in the datamodels and harmonised terminology developed by INSPIRE and IUGS-CGI (represented by GeoSciML and EarthResourceML). The Portuguese input to this platform was based on mineral occurrences and resources information system, SIORMINP [15]. SIORMINP contains information of categorization of mineral potential, past concessions, commodities reserves and resources, and exploitation activity. The SIORMINP dataset was harmonised according to the MINERALS4EU project data model and vocabularies, and published using OGC compliant Web services in EU-MKDP. This work shows how the data harmonization was undertaken to integrate national database in the EU-MKDP, and more recently to improve the national geoportal to be INSPIRE compliant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hospital admissions through the National Health System (SUS) in the east of south expanded health region of Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 2014 and 2018

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    Hospitalizations occur electively in cases with no imminent risk to life or in cases of urgency and emergency, which demand immediate medical assistance. In a Health Region, these hospitalizations are conducted in reference hospitals. This study aimed to analyse hospital admissions in the Eastern South Region of Minas Gerais, by comparing the number of urgency and emergency admissions with elective procedures admissions and with the number of urgency admissions with sensitive to primary care conditions (CSAP). This longitudinal-retrospective-descriptive study was conducted with Hospital Information System (SIH) data relative to the 2014-2018 interval. Altogether, there were registered 129,524 hospitalizations, with 17,546 (13.55%) being elective admissions and 111,978 (86.45%) urgency procedures. Of the urgency hospitalizations total, 20,108 (17.95%) were CASP hospitalizations. The frequency of urgency hospitalization was six times higher than the elective hospitalization one, and even SPCC emergency admissions exceeded the elective hospitalizations offer

    Novel approaches on melatonin role: presence of clock-hormone in fish seminal plasma

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    The study of melatonin is of great importance for the fundamental knowledge of any living system since it displays many different physiological roles, including being a potent natural antioxidant. To the best of our knowledge, there is no information regarding melatonin in fish seminal plasma. This study aimed to determine this clock-hormone levels in the seminal plasma of three aquaculture fish species: European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax), gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), and Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) (both wild and F1 breeders), and to explore melatonin potential role in fish reproduction and spermatozoa antioxidant status. Blood and seminal plasma were collected from fish during their reproductive season, at two different times of the day [mid-light (ML) and mid-dark (MD)], and melatonin concentration was determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Testosterone (T), 11-ketotestosterone (11KT), and total antioxidant status (TAS) were also determined, to investigate the putative role of seminal melatonin in fish reproduction, both at endocrine and antioxidant levels. For each species, Pearson's correlation analysis was performed between all possible factors. Blood plasma melatonin showed higher average values at night in the three species: gilthead seabream (808 +/- 139 pg/mL), European seabass (364 +/- 85 pg/mL), and Senegalese sole (248 +/- 40 and 88 +/- 11 pg/mL in F1 and wild males, respectively). However, melatonin levels in seminal plasma were species-specific: in European seabass, melatonin levels were not detectable at any time-point, whereas in gilthead seabream it was only found at MD (average of 21 pg/mL), and in Senegalese sole, different melatonin patterns were observed between F1 and wild males, but both had higher melatonin at MD (6.84 and 14.26 pg/mL, respectively). In gilthead seabream, at MD seminal melatonin levels correlated with the antioxidant status of seminal plasma. A relationship between blood melatonin and seminal TAS levels was observed in European seabass at ML: in this species, seminal melatonin could not be detected and the lowest seminal TAS levels were found. Regarding steroid analysis, opposite patterns in the seminal plasma of F1 and wild Senegalese sole were observed: at MD, wild Senegalese sole had substantially greater 11KT levels (2.53 ng/mL), whereas F1 males had higher T levels (1.92 ng/mL). In gilthead seabream, a positive correlation between T and ML blood melatonin and seminal TAS was observed. This study unraveled the species-specificity and daily changes of melatonin in fish seminal plasma.LA/P/0101/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pilot project for peer tutoring: a case study in a Portuguese university

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    Purpose – Tutoring or mentoring is a form of mutual and informal learning which has distant origins. This is a way of sharing knowledge and experience which has been proved to be extremely useful in educational settings, particularly where there is a peer that plays the role of tutor. Despite its informal characteristic, tutoring should be a structured process, with defined goals and clear roles for both: tutors and tutees, those who benefit from tutoring. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – As this paper aims to explore a pilot project, it was used as a reflexive and practical methodology, in a case study, analyzing the number of participants attending the project as well as the contents of the training course. Findings – In this first project in a Portuguese university, 35 students attended as candidates to tutor, participating in the training course, showing interest in helping their colleagues. Originality/value – This proposal for a tutoring program in a public higher institution aims to train college students to help other colleagues, giving academic support, helping in the adaptation to academic context, promoting autonomy in learning, sharing effective strategies and helping in maintenance of positive interpersonal relationships. These aspects are very important to promote academic success in higher education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    AS CONSTRUÇÕES DE FALSA CÚPULA OU CHAFURDÕES no contexto da Alta-Idade-Média, na serra de S. Mamede

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    Tenta-se de demonstrar uma relação directa entre as construções de falsa cúpula e os povoados atribuídos à Idade Médi