222 research outputs found

    Sharing Walks as a Witnessing Practice: Exploring Movement-Based Pedagogies

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    How we walk—or our inability to do so—is telling of who we have been. I propose this simple movement practice as a pedagogical engagement with the concept of faithful witnessing, which refers to attending to modes of power unbalance that might go unnoticed, and to people\u27s creative and resistant possibilities (Lugones, 2003; Figueroa-Vásquez, 2015). This activity is suggested to provoke reflections about how we understand and experience social difference and power unbalances. The work introduces a simple score (a creative prompt) to explore walking-with others, creating instructions to teach others our movement, learning others\u27, and delving into conversations concerning the layers embedded in such a simple exchange


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    La actividad física, se define como cualquier movimiento corporal que se realiza permitiendo el gasto de energía que se almacena en el organismo, por ejemplo: trabajar, correr, caminar, trotar, brincar la cuerda, subir escaleras, ulaula, planchar, lavar, bailar, etc., es decir actividad física es cualquier movimiento que hacemos diariamente (Secretaría de Salud [SSA], 2007). La activación física por sus características, es esencial en el ser humano, en contraparte, la inactividad física es cada vez mayor, esto se debe a la falta de una adecuada cultura de ejercicio y desinformación, por lo tanto la actividad física juega un rol muy importante en nuestra sociedad. A pesar de los múltiples beneficios, no se ha tenido un seguimiento constante por parte de las instituciones correspondientes, ni la difusión que debería tener en nuestro país, esto es alarmante siendo que México es uno de los países con mayor índice de sobrepeso y obesidad. (Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública [INSP], 2006). El sedentarismo suele ser más frecuente entre las niñas y las mujeres, la inactividad es mayor en las áreas urbanas económicamente desfavorecidas, esto causa a nivel mundial de 10 a 16% de los casos de cáncer de mamá, cáncer colorectal y diabetes mellitus y aproximadamente 22% de los casos de cardiopatía isquémica (Organización Mundial de la Salud [OMS], 2002). Esta problemática ha preocupado a los organismos de salud y al gobierno, por lo que se ha instruido a las principales universidades estatales a generar profesionistas que prevengan daños a la salud de la sociedad a través de estrategias y planes adquiridos durante su formación académica como Licenciados en Educación para la Salud, que reduzcan los índices de inactividad física y enfermedades con mayor índice de mortalidad. La educación para la salud consiste en formar conciencia en los escolares sobre la importancia del autocuidado de la salud mediante la promoción de hábitos y estilos de vida saludables, conocimiento e identificación de las conductas de riesgo, actuales o futuras, a ser evitadas. De esta forma, la educación para la salud aborda no solamente la transmisión de información sino, también el fomento de la motivación, las habilidades personales y la autoestima, necesarias para adoptar medidas destinadas a mejor la salud, por lo que incluye no solamente información relativa a condiciones sociales, económicas y ambientales que influyen en la salud. Hoy en día existe una serie de programas encaminados a fomentar la práctica de actividad física, pero que han tenido resultados mínimos ante la comunidad mexicana. Este trabajo nos permitirá saber el grado de conocimiento que tienen los profesores para la aplicación del programa de activación física y qué efectos significativos ha tenido en la escuela y en los estudiantes de los distintos grados. Esta tesis plasma la evaluación del programa de activación física de la escuela primaria “Ignacio Allende” en el municipio de Nezahualcóyotl, ya que es un tema que actualmente afecta a la sociedad, principalmente en niños, debido a los altos índices de en actividad física y aumento de enfermedades. Para ello se aplicó una entrevista a 13 profesores y un cuestionario a 311 alumnos con la finalidad de evaluar sus conocimientos con respecto al programa de activación física diseñado por la Secretaría de Educación Pública. En este sentido, se concluye que los profesores conocen, el Programa de Activación Física pero no lo ponen en práctica al 100%, mientras que en los niños encontramos que confunden las clases de educación física con los ejercicios de activación física, así mismo, los resultados muestran que los niños son más activos fuera de la escuela. Es importante mencionar que, más que hacer una revisión teórica, se deben diseñar estrategias para detectar e implementar el adecuado uso y aplicación del programa con los alumnos de la escuela

    The flesh in-between

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    As an interdisciplinary artist, educator, and scholar, my research focuses on embodied and creative explorations of difference and their connection to learning and political action. I trust and have experienced the value of integrating the body, creative practice and knowledge-making as interdependent components, and have worked for enacting multimodal perspective in my teaching, research, and creative practice. This image documents a sensorial/movement workshop that I lead with a group of undergraduate sociology students in Bogota-Colombia in August 2017.Ope

    Walking Self-Portraits: Scores for Creative Exploration of Space

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    In this original teaching activity, participants work from a set of movement and mark-making scores to explore three dimensions of experience—memory, intervention, and collectivity—in dialogue with art, museum space, and one another

    Understanding block rotation of strike-slip fault zones: Paleomagnetic and structural approach

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    This thesis is focused on the paleomagnetic rotation pattern inside the deforming zone of strike-slip faults, and the kinematics and geodynamics describing it. The paleomagnetic investigation carried out along both the LOFZ and the fore-arc sliver (38º-42ºS, southern Chile) revealed an asymmetric rotation pattern. East of the LOFZ and adjacent to it, rotations are up to 170° clockwise (CW) and fade out ~10 km east of fault. West of the LOFZ at 42ºS (Chiloé Island) and around 39°S (Villarrica domain) systematic CCW rotations have been observed, while at 40°-41°S (Ranco-Osorno domain) and adjacent to the LOFZ CW rotations reach up to 136° before evolving to CCW rotations at ~30 km from the fault. These data suggest a directed relation with subduction interface plate coupling. Zones of high coupling yield to a wide deforming zone (~30 km) west of the LOFZ characterized by CW rotations. Low coupling implies a weak LOFZ and a fore-arc dominated by CCW rotations related to NW-sinistral fault kinematics. The rotation pattern is consistent with a quasi-continuous crust kinematics. However, it seems unlikely that the lower crust flux can control block rotation in the upper crust, considering the cold and thick fore-arc crust. I suggest that rotations are consequence of forces applied directly on both the block edges and along the main fault, within the upper crust. Farther south, at the Austral Andes (54°S) I measured the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of 22 Upper Cretaceous to Upper Eocene sites from the Magallanes fold-thrust belt internal domains. The data document continuous compression from the Early Cretaceous until the Late Oligocene. AMS data also show that the tectonic inversion of Jurassic extensional faults during the Late Cretaceous compressive phase may have controlled the Cenozoic kinematic evolution of the Magallanes fold-thrust belt, yielding slip partitioning

    Análisis bibliotecológico de los noticieros televisivos mexicanos en la Web

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    Television is unquestionably a vehicle that socializes the journalistic tale of the human experience. The evolution of journalistic documentation and the need to respond to the organization of content generated in video collections and television archives, in particular news broadcasts, have created new areas and niches of opportunity for library and information science professionals. The research that is being carried out in Mexico on the analysis of news broadcasts and content representation on the web is presented. The documentary news treatment is crucial to strengthen the quality of content representation and ensure the relevance of discourse analysis for its organization, accessibility and preservation. The visibility of television news on the Web could be lessened due to deficiencies in metadata description

    Análisis bibliotecológico de los noticieros televisivos mexicanos en la Web

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    Television is unquestionably a vehicle that socializes the journalistic tale of the human experience. The evolution of journalistic documentation and the need to respond to the organization of content generated in video collections and television archives, in particular news broadcasts, have created new areas and niches of opportunity for library and information science professionals. The research that is being carried out in Mexico on the analysis of news broadcasts and content representation on the web is presented. The documentary news treatment is crucial to strengthen the quality of content representation and ensure the relevance of discourse analysis for its organization, accessibility and preservation. The visibility of television news on the Web could be lessened due to deficiencies in metadata description

    Marco metodológico para la gestión de proyectos de corta duración en instituciones de educación superior : caso Universidad EAFIT

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    El presente trabajo está vinculado a la Dirección Informática de la Universidad EAFIT. Actualmente se generan dificultades para lograr una gestión ágil, liviana y eficiente de los proyectos. Para abordar esta problemática se hace una revisión al portafolio de proyectos, con el objetivo de identificar su tipología de acuerdo a la duración del mismo. Posteriormente se identifican los planes de trabajo con duración menor y el proceso de gestión insuficiente o desmesurado realizado por cada uno de los líderes. Es así como se define una metodología estandarizable que pueda generar valor a la Universidad EAFIT y optimice el proceso de gestión, basada en el estudio de los diferentes marcos ágiles existentes. Durante el desarrollo del marco metodológico se concluye la necesidad de tener un proceso intuitivo que pueda implementarse fácilmente en el Sistema de Información de Gestión de Proyectos (PMIS, por sus siglas en inglés Project Management Information System) y que, a su vez, sirva de insumo para el diseño de un tablero de control automatizado que permita un seguimiento unificado. La adaptación de la gestión frente a los diferentes tipos de proyectos, se materializó con la entrega de herramientas y artefactos personalizados para cada tipo que se deben desarrollar en cada una de las etapas del proceso. Finalmente, esta propuesta está acompañada de un plan de capacitación que partirá de la segmentación de líderes de proyectos. Se incluirán recomendaciones para asegurar la sostenibilidad de esta metodología con un mejoramiento continuo y estandarización escalable para la Universidad EAFIT.The present article is conceived within the thread of the Informatic Direction of EAFIT University, starting from the situations that nowadays generate difficulties to achieve an agile, light and efficient projects management. To address this problem, the portfolio is reviewed in order to identify the typology of the existing projects, based on the estimated duration of their execution, evidencing that for those which are in the range of four weeks to four months, referred as work plans, the management process performed by each of the leaders fluctuates in insufficient or disproportionate management and therefore is not standard. Having clear these improvement opportunities, it is undertaken in the definition of a methodology that generates value to the Universidad EAFIT and standardize the management process, based on the study of different existing agile frameworks. During the development of the methodological framework, it was concluded that it is important to have a unique basic process for the management of projects, regardless of their classification, seeking to provide the leaders with an intuitive process that can be easily implemented in the Project Management Information System (PMIS) and that in turn, provides tools that are expose through dashboards an unified monitoring. The adaptation of management to the different types of projects was provided in terms of tools and artifacts that must be developed at each stage of the process, either it is a work plan or a project. Finally, this proposal is accompanied by a training plan that will start with the segmentation of project leaders based on the level of knowledge and experience that each person has, the learning program that will be worked with each of these leaders will provide recommendations to ensure the sustainability of this methodology under the principle of continuous improvement, these are part of the tools that will lead to standardize the project management and the work plans in the Informatic Direction and will give the possibility of being scaled for the Universidad EAFIT

    Paleomagnetic Evidence for 25–15 Ma Crust Fragmentation of North Indochina (23–26°N): Consequence of Collision With Greater India NE Corner?

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    AbstractThe Cenozoic deformation of SE Asia is classically related to India‐Asia collision and Tibet Plateau rise, supposedly resulting in the southeastward drift of lithospheric blocks bounded by strike‐slip faults with displacements in the order of 1,000 km. Here we report on the paleomagnetism of 44 Triassic‐Cretaceous red bed sites from the northern Simao, Chuandian, and Lanping "blocks," along both sides of the Ailao Shan‐Red River shear zone (north Indochina). In the Simao domain, remagnetization predates folding and subsequent 48–70° clockwise rotation of three 2–5 km wide subblocks separated by two unrotated blocks. A primary magnetization component from the Lanping domain center suggests variably clockwise rotated (up to 95° ± 24°) sites, interrupted by a 2–6 km wide block that is rotated counterclockwise by 27° ± 6°. Thus, the Lanping and Simao "blocks" are far from being rigid, being made of a mosaic of independently deforming subblocks, whose kinematics and association with documented tectonics are speculative. It is unclear whether both folding and widespread remagnetization were synchronous or diachronous across north Indochina, but (considering previously published results) strike‐slip activity along major shear zones, remagnetization, rotations, and crustal shortening overlapped within the 32–15 Ma time window, thus were likely genetically related. As opposed to previous models, we suggest that in early to mid‐Cenozoic times, north Indochina was under the influence of oblique Neo‐Tethys subduction. Collision between the NE corner of Greater India and Indochina at ~30 Ma yielded ENE‐WSW shortening and strike‐slip reactivation of preexisting faults, in turn fragmenting the crust into small, independently rotating, blocks