542 research outputs found

    Renal function and volume of infants born with a very low birth-weight: a preliminary cross-sectional study.

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    AIM: The aim of our study was to compare the function and volumes of kidneys of very low birth-weight (VLBW) and of extremely low birth-weight (ELBW) infants at pre-school ages.PATIENTS AND METHODS: We did a revision of the neonatal records of infants born in our hospital that weighed < or =1500 g at birth. The children were divided into two groups according to their weight at birth: ELBW (<1000 g) and VLBW (1000-1500 g). At the age of 5.7 +/- 1.4 years, the children underwent clinical, laboratory and ultrasound renal assessments.RESULTS: Sixty-nine children fulfilled the requirements for the study. The rate of neonatal treatment with aminoglycosides was higher in ELBW preterms. Renal function parameters, i.e. estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria, did not differ between the two groups of children. Urinary alpha1-microglobulin excretion was significantly higher and kidneys were significantly smaller in the ELBW group than in the VLBW group.CONCLUSION: No impairment or differences in renal parameters were found in pre-school children born ELBW compared with those born with VLBW, except for differences in kidney volume, renal cortical thickness and urinary alpha1-microglobulin excretion. Thus, patients born with ELBW would require a longer follow-up period

    "Aim High - Beat Yourself": Effective Mathematics Teaching in a Remote Indigenous Community

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    In 2004, a young, non-Indigenous, second-year teacher in a remote Queensland Indigenous community developed a mathematics Unit based on an "Aim High - Beat Yourself" theme he developed to overcome the perceived unwillingness of his students to achieve in both sport and school. This paper investigates the apparent effectiveness of this Unit and draws inferences for mathematics teaching and learning in Indigenous communities. It describes the research and teaching contexts in which the Unit was developed and the students’ responses to the Unit. The paper provides further evidence for the efficacy of integrating mathematics learning with more generic programs that build pride, confidence and self worth in Indigenous students and challenge them to perform (Sarra, 2003)

    Quality of life and treatment satisfaction in adults with Type 1 diabetes: A comparison between continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion and multiple daily injections

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    Aims: The aim of this case-control study was to compare quality of life (QoL) and treatment satisfaction in adults with Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) treated with either continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) or multiple daily injections (MDI). Methods: Consecutive patients aged between 18 and 55 years, and attending diabetes clinics for a routine visit, completed the Diabetes-Specific Quality-of-Life Scale (DSQOLS), the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (DTSQ) and the SF-36 Health Survey (SF-36). Case (CSII) and control subjects (MDI) were recruited in a 1 : 2 ratio. Results: Overall, 1341 individuals were enrolled by 62 diabetes clinics; 481 were cases and 860 control subjects. Cases had a longer diabetes duration and were more likely to have eye and renal complications. Age, school education, occupation and HbA1c were similar. Of control subjects, 90% followed glargine-based MDI regimens and 10% used NPH-based MDI regimens. On multivariate analysis, after adjusting for socioeconomic and clinical characteristics, scores in the following areas of the DSQOLS were higher in cases than control subjects: diet restrictions (β = 5.96; P < 0.0001), daily hassles (β = 3.57; P = 0.01) and fears about hypoglycaemia (β = 3.88; P = 0.006). Treatment with CSII was also associated with a markedly higher DTSQ score (β = 4.13; P < 0.0001) compared with MDI. Results were similar when CSII was compared separately with glargine- or NPH-based MDI regimens. Conclusions: This large, non-randomized, case-control study suggests quality of life gains deriving from greater lifestyle flexibility, less fear of hypoglycaemia, and higher treatment satisfaction, when CSII is compared with either glargine-based or NPH-based MDI regimens. © 2008 The Authors

    UV-driven Chemistry as a Signpost for Late-stage Planet Formation

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    The chemical reservoir within protoplanetary disks has a direct impact on planetary compositions and the potential for life. A long-lived carbon-and nitrogen-rich chemistry at cold temperatures (<=50K) is observed within cold and evolved planet-forming disks. This is evidenced by bright emission from small organic radicals in 1-10 Myr aged systems that would otherwise have frozen out onto grains within 1 Myr. We explain how the chemistry of a planet-forming disk evolves from a cosmic-ray/X-ray-dominated regime to an ultraviolet-dominated chemical equilibrium. This, in turn, will bring about a temporal transition in the chemical reservoir from which planets will accrete. This photochemical dominated gas phase chemistry develops as dust evolves via growth, settling and drift, and the small grain population is depleted from the disk atmosphere. A higher gas-to-dust mass ratio allows for deeper penetration of ultraviolet photons is coupled with a carbon-rich gas (C/O > 1) to form carbon-bearing radicals and ions. This further results in gas phase formation of organic molecules, which then would be accreted by any actively forming planets present in the evolved disk.Comment: Accepted to Nature Astronomy, Published Dec 8th 202

    Cranberry in children: prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections and review of the literature

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    Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common in childhood. In 30-50% of children with UTI the infections occur recurrently, especially in those with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), neurogenic bladder (NB), previous cystitis or pyelonephritis and malformative uropathies. To reduce the likelihood of UTI, antibiotic prophylaxis has been regarded as the therapeutic standard for many years. However, the disadvantage of long-term antibiotic therapy is the potential for development of collateral effects and resistant organisms in the host. Such reasons have induced scientists to search for alternative modalities of UTI prevention and have contributed to determining the increasing desire for "naturalness" of the population and preventing excessive medication. The use of cranberry fulfils these needs by potentially replacing or enhancing traditional procedures. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of cranberry in preventing UTI in pediatric populations. We searched Pubmed, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Internet. Cranberry in patients with previous UTI was evaluated in three studies, cranberry in patients with VUR in three studies and four studies analyzed the efficacy of cranberry in children with NB. In seven of nine studies cranberry had a significant effect in preventing UTI

    “Physiological” renal regenerating medicine in VLBW preterm infants: could a dream come true?

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    An emerging hypothesis from the recent literature explain how specific adverse factors related with growth retardation as well as of low birth weight (LBW) might influence renal development during fetal life and then the insurgence of hypertension and renal disease in adulthood. In this article, after introducing a brief overview of human nephrogenesis, the most important factors influencing nephron number at birth will be reviewed, focusing on the "in utero" experiences that lead to an increased risk of developing hypertension and/or kidney disease in adult. Since nephrogenesis in preterm human newborns does not stop at birth, but it continues for 4-6 weeks postnatally, a better knowledge of the mechanisms able to accelerate nephrogenesis in the perinatal period, could represent a powerful tool in the hands of neonatologists. We suggest to define this approach to a possible therapy of a deficient nephrogenesis at birth "physiological renal regenerating medicine". Our goal in preterm infants, especially VLBW, could be to prolong the nephrogenesis not only for 6 weeks after birth but until 36 weeks of post conceptual age, allowing newborn kidneys to restore their nephron endowment, escaping susceptibility to hypertension and to renal disease later in life

    CD44 immunoreactivity in the developing human kidney: a marker of renal progenitor stem cells?

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    CD44 is a transmembrane adhesion glycoprotein, functioning as a hyaluronan receptor and participating in the uptake and degradation of hyaluronan. Recently, CD44 has been proposed in the adult kidney as a marker of activated glomerular parietal epithelial cells, the putative niche stem cells that, in case of damage to podocytes, might migrate inside the glomerular tuft and undergo transition to podocytes. Here, immunoreactivity for CD44 was tested in 18 human fetuses and newborns with a gestational age ranging from 11 to 39 weeks. CD44 immunoreactivity was observed in all but one developing kidneys, being localized in several renal cell types including intraglomerular, capsular, cortical and medullary interstitial cells and nerve cells. In some cases, CD44 marked scattered cells in nephrogenic subcapsular zone. Our data indicate that CD44 is involved in human nephrogenesis, probably marking a subset of progenitor/stem cells involved in early phases of kidney development and, putatively, in podocyte and/or interstitial cell differentiation

    Clustering Memes in Social Media

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    The increasing pervasiveness of social media creates new opportunities to study human social behavior, while challenging our capability to analyze their massive data streams. One of the emerging tasks is to distinguish between different kinds of activities, for example engineered misinformation campaigns versus spontaneous communication. Such detection problems require a formal definition of meme, or unit of information that can spread from person to person through the social network. Once a meme is identified, supervised learning methods can be applied to classify different types of communication. The appropriate granularity of a meme, however, is hardly captured from existing entities such as tags and keywords. Here we present a framework for the novel task of detecting memes by clustering messages from large streams of social data. We evaluate various similarity measures that leverage content, metadata, network features, and their combinations. We also explore the idea of pre-clustering on the basis of existing entities. A systematic evaluation is carried out using a manually curated dataset as ground truth. Our analysis shows that pre-clustering and a combination of heterogeneous features yield the best trade-off between number of clusters and their quality, demonstrating that a simple combination based on pairwise maximization of similarity is as effective as a non-trivial optimization of parameters. Our approach is fully automatic, unsupervised, and scalable for real-time detection of memes in streaming data.Comment: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM'13), 201
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