101 research outputs found

    Safety Aspects of Bio-Based Nanomaterials

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    Moving towards a bio-based and circular economy implies a major focus on the responsible and sustainable utilization of bio-resources. The emergence of nanotechnology has opened multiple possibilities, not only in the existing industrial sectors, but also for completely novel applications of nanoscale bio-materials, the commercial exploitation of which has only begun during the last few years. Bio-based materials are often assumed not to be toxic. However, this pre-assumption is not necessarily true. Here, we provide a short overview on health and environmental aspects associated with bio-based nanomaterials, and on the relevant regulatory requirements. We also discuss testing strategies that may be used for screening purposes at pre-commercial stages. Although the tests presently used to reveal hazards are still evolving, regarding modifi­cations required for nanomaterials, their application is needed before the upscaling or commercialization of bio-based nanomaterials, to ensure the market potential of the nanomaterials is not delayed by uncertainties about safety issues

    Diseño industrial aplicado al interiorismo, mobiliario y producto

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    [ES] Aplicación de técnicas de diseño industrial y grafismos para construir nuevos espacios internos, productos, piezas de mobiliario... Trabajo compuesto por diferentes proyectos prácticos llevados a cabo en Dublin Institute of Technology (Irlanda) y supervisado por el tutor externo Mark McGrath.Catalán Hernández, J. (2017). Diseño industrial aplicado al interiorismo, mobiliario y producto. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/142844TFG

    Insights into the potential carcinogenicity of micro- and nano-plastics

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    There is a growing concern regarding the potential health effects that continuous exposure to environmental micro- and nano-plastics (MNPLs) may cause on humans. Due to their persistent nature, MNPLs may accumulate in different organs and tissues and may induce in the long term the development of cancer. The present study aimed to review the existing literature on the carcinogenic potential of MNPLs. As studies directly assessing carcinogenicity were expected to be scarce, studies dealing with indirect outcomes associated with the carcinogenic process were considered in the literature search. Of the 126 studies screened, 19 satisfied the inclusion criteria. Besides, 7 additional cross-referenced articles, identified through a careful reading of the previously selected papers, also met the inclusion criteria and, consequently, were included in the review. Most of the selected studies were performed using in vitro models whereas about 40% of the studies were done in rodents, although none of them included a 2-year carcinogenicity assay. Most of the reviewed studies pointed out the potential of MNPLs to induce inflammation and genotoxicity, the latter being recognized as a strong predictor of carcinogenicity. These, along with other important findings such as the MNPLs’ ability to accumulate into cells and tissues, or their capacity to induce fibrosis, may suggest an association between MNPLs exposures and the carcinogenic potential. Nevertheless, the limited number of available studies precludes reaching clear conclusions. Therefore, this review also provides several recommendations to cover the current knowledge gaps and address the future evaluation of the MNPLs’ carcinogenic risk

    Insights into the potential carcinogenicity of micro- and nano-plastics

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    There is a growing concern regarding the potential health effects that continuous exposure to environmental micro- and nano-plastics (MNPLs) may cause on humans. Due to their persistent nature, MNPLs may accumulate in different organs and tissues and may induce in the long term the development of cancer. The present study aimed to review the existing literature on the carcinogenic potential of MNPLs. As studies directly assessing carcinogenicity were expected to be scarce, studies dealing with indirect outcomes associated with the carcinogenic process were considered in the literature search. Of the 126 studies screened, 19 satisfied the inclusion criteria. Besides, 7 additional cross-referenced articles, identified through a careful reading of the previously selected papers, also met the inclusion criteria and, consequently, were included in the review. Most of the selected studies were performed using in vitro models whereas about 40% of the studies were done in rodents, although none of them included a 2-year carcinogenicity assay. Most of the reviewed studies pointed out the potential of MNPLs to induce inflammation and genotoxicity, the latter being recognized as a strong predictor of carcinogenicity. These, along with other important findings such as the MNPLs' ability to accumulate into cells and tissues, or their capacity to induce fibrosis, may suggest an association between MNPLs exposures and the carcinogenic potential. Nevertheless, the limited number of available studies precludes reaching clear conclusions. Therefore, this review also provides several recommendations to cover the current knowledge gaps and address the future evaluation of the MNPLs' carcinogenic risk

    Una exposición sobre el mundo de los sentidos como contexto no formal de aprendizaje y alfabetización científica

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    El proyecto que aquí describimos ha consistido en el diseño y elaboración de una exposición didáctica sobre el mundo de los sentidos, así como de unos cuadernos de actividades complementarias para el alumnado y una guía didáctica para el profesorado

    A systematic quality evaluation and review of nanomaterial genotoxicity studies: a regulatory perspective

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    The number of publications in the field of nanogenotoxicology and the amount of genotoxicity data on nanomaterials (NMs) in several databases generated by European Union (EU) funded projects have increased during the last decade. In parallel, large research efforts have contributed to both our understanding of key physico-chemical (PC) parameters regarding NM characterization as well as the limitations of toxicological assays originally designed for soluble chemicals. Hence, it is becoming increasingly clear that not all of these data are reliable or relevant from the regulatory perspective. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate the extent of studies on genotoxicity of NMs that can be considered reliable and relevant by current standards and bring focus to what is needed for a study to be useful from the regulatory point of view. Due to the vast number of studies available, we chose to limit our search to two large groups, which have raised substantial interest in recent years: nanofibers (including nanotubes) and metal-containing nanoparticles. Focusing on peer-reviewed publications, we evaluated the completeness of PC characterization of the tested NMs, documentation of the model system, study design, and results according to the quality assessment approach developed in the EU FP-7 GUIDEnano project. Further, building on recently published recommendations for best practices in nanogenotoxicology research, we created a set of criteria that address assay-specific reliability and relevance for risk assessment purposes. Articles were then reviewed, the qualifying publications discussed, and the most common shortcomings in NM genotoxicity studies highlighted. Moreover, several EU projects under the FP7 and H2020 framework set the aim to collectively feed the information they produced into the eNanoMapper database. As a result, and over the years, the eNanoMapper database has been extended with data of various quality depending on the existing knowledge at the time of entry. These activities are highly relevant since negative results are often not published. Here, we have reviewed the NanoInformaTIX instance under the eNanoMapper database, which hosts data from nine EU initiatives. We evaluated the data quality and the feasibility of use of the data from a regulatory perspective for each experimental entry

    Impact of physico-chemical properties on the toxicological potential of reduced graphene oxide in human bronchial epithelial cells

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    The increasing use of graphene-based materials (GBM) requires their safety evaluation, especially in occupational settings. The same physico-chemical (PC) properties that confer GBM extraordinary functionalities may affect the potential toxic response. Most toxicity assessments mainly focus on graphene oxide and rarely investigate GBMs varying only by one property. As a novelty, the present study assessed the in vitro cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of six reduced graphene oxides (rGOs) with different PC properties in the human bronchial epithelial 16HBE14o − cell line. Of the six materials, rGO1-rGO4 only differed in the carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) content, whereas rGO5 and rGO6 were characterized by different lateral size and number of layers, respectively, but similar C/O content compared with rGO1. The materials were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, laser diffraction and dynamic light scattering, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller analysis. Cytotoxicity (Luminescent Cell Viability and WST-8 assays), the induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS; 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescin diacetate-based assay), the production of cytokines (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays) and genotoxicity (comet and micronucleus assays) were evaluated. Furthermore, the internalization of the materials in the cells was confirmed by laser confocal microscopy. No relationships were found between the C/O ratio or the lateral size and any of the rGO-induced biological effects. However, rGO of higher oxygen content showed higher cytotoxic and early ROS-inducing potential, whereas genotoxic effects were observed with the rGO of the lowest density of oxygen groups. On the other hand, a higher number of layers seems to be associated with a decreased potential for inducing cytotoxicity and ROS production

    Role of Chemical Reduction and Formulation of Graphene Oxide on Its Cytotoxicity towards Human Epithelial Bronchial Cells

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    Graphene-based materials may pose a potential risk for human health due to occupational exposure, mainly by inhalation. This study was carried out on bronchial epithelial 16HBE14o− cells to evaluate the role of chemical reduction and formulation of graphene oxide (GO) on its cytotoxic potential. To this end, the effects of GO were compared to its chemically reduced form (rGO) and its stable water dispersion (wdGO), by means of cell viability reduction, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, pro-inflammatory mediators release and genotoxicity. These materials induced a concentration-dependent cell viability reduction with the following potency rank: rGO > GO >> wdGO. After 24 h exposure, rGO reduced cell viability with an EC50 of 4.8 μg/mL (eight-fold lower than that of GO) and was the most potent material in inducing ROS generation, in contrast to wdGO. Cytokines release and genotoxicity (DNA damage and micronucleus induction) appeared low for all the materials, with wdGO showing the lowest effect, especially for the former. These results suggest a key role for GO reduction in increasing GO cytotoxic potential, probably due to material structure alterations resulting from the reduction process. In contrast, GO formulated in a stable dispersion seems to be the lowest cytotoxic material, presumably due to its lower cellular internalization and damaging capacity

    High aspect ratio nanomaterial-induced macrophage polarization is mediated by changes in miRNA levels

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    IntroductionInhalation of nanomaterials may induce inflammation in the lung which if left unresolved can manifest in pulmonary fibrosis. In these processes, alveolar macrophages have an essential role and timely modulation of the macrophage phenotype is imperative in the onset and resolution of inflammatory responses. This study aimed to investigate, the immunomodulating properties of two industrially relevant high aspect ratio nanomaterials, namely nanocellulose and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), in an alveolar macrophage model. MethodsMH-S alveolar macrophages were exposed at air-liquid interface to cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), cellulose nanofibers (CNF) and two MWCNT (NM-400 and NM-401). Following exposure, changes in macrophage polarization markers and secretion of inflammatory cytokines were analyzed. Furthermore, the potential contribution of epigenetic regulation in nanomaterial-induced macrophage polarization was investigated by assessing changes in epigenetic regulatory enzymes, miRNAs, and rRNA modifications.ResultsOur data illustrate that the investigated nanomaterials trigger phenotypic changes in alveolar macrophages, where CNF exposure leads to enhanced M1 phenotype and MWCNT promotes M2 phenotype. Furthermore, MWCNT exposure induced more prominent epigenetic regulatory events with changes in the expression of histone modification and DNA methylation enzymes as well as in miRNA transcript levels. MWCNT-enhanced changes in the macrophage phenotype were correlated with prominent downregulation of the histone methyltransferases Kmt2a and Smyd5 and histone deacetylases Hdac4, Hdac9 and Sirt1 indicating that both histone methylation and acetylation events may be critical in the Th2 responses to MWCNT. Furthermore, MWCNT as well as CNF exposure led to altered miRNA levels, where miR-155-5p, miR-16-1-3p, miR-25-3p, and miR-27a-5p were significantly regulated by both materials. PANTHER pathway analysis of the identified miRNA targets showed that both materials affected growth factor (PDGF, EGF and FGF), Ras/MAPKs, CCKR, GnRH-R, integrin, and endothelin signaling pathways. These pathways are important in inflammation or in the activation, polarization, migration, and regulation of phagocytic capacity of macrophages. In addition, pathways involved in interleukin, WNT and TGFB signaling were highly enriched following MWCNT exposure.ConclusionTogether, these data support the importance of macrophage phenotypic changes in the onset and resolution of inflammation and identify epigenetic patterns in macrophages which may be critical in nanomaterial-induced inflammation and fibrosis