84 research outputs found

    Intracellular mechanisms of solar water disinfection

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    Solar water disinfection (SODIS) is a zero-cost intervention measure to disinfect drinking water in areas of poor access to improved water sources, used by more than 6 million people in the world. The bactericidal action of solar radiation in water has been widely proven, nevertheless the causes for this remain still unclear. Scientific literature points out that generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) inside microorganisms promoted by solar light absorption is the main reason. For the first time, this work reports on the experimental measurement of accumulated intracellular ROS in E. coli during solar irradiation. For this experimental achievement, a modified protocol based on the fluorescent probe dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA), widely used for oxidative stress in eukaryotic cells, has been tested and validated for E. coli. Our results demonstrate that ROS and their accumulated oxidative damages at intracellular level are key in solar water disinfection

    Importancia de la alta gerencia para la implementación de un sistema de aseguramiento de la calidad

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    En el presente documento presentaremos al lector la importancia que determina el liderazgo que se debe ejercer desde la Alta gerencia para el logro de una estructura operacional de trabajo con el fin guiar las acciones de todo los miembros de la organización de manera proactiva, práctica y ágil que conduzca el logro de los objetivos propuestos con altos estándares de Calidad

    Protective effects of fermented goat milk on genomic stability, oxidative stress and inflammatory signalling in testis during anaemia recovery

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    Oxidative stress is a harmful factor for male reproductive function, and a major cause of infertility. On the other hand, fermented goat milk has positive effects on anemia recovery and mineral metabolism. This study evaluated the effect of feeding rats with fermented milks during anaemia recovery on molecular mechanisms linked to oxidative stress and inflammatory signalling in rats reproductive system. Forty male Wistar rats were placed on a pre-experimental period of 40 days (control group, receiving normal-Fe diet and Fe-deficient group, receiving low-Fe diet). Lately, rats were fed with fermented goat or cow milk-based diets during 30 days. After feeding the fermented milks, Total antioxidant status (TAS) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) increased and 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), 15-F2t-isoprostanes and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) decreased in testis. DNA oxidative damage in testis germ cells was lower with fermented goat milk. Fermented goat milk reduced IL-6 and TNF-α in control animals, increasing INF-γ in control and anaemic rats. NRF2 and PGC-1α protein levels increased in testis after fermented goat milk consumption in control and anaemic rats. Fermented goat milk also increased TAS and decreased oxidative damage, protecting the main testis cell bioconstituents (lipids, proteins, DNA, prostaglandins) from oxidative damage and reduced inflammatory activity, preventing injuries to testis germinal epithelium. Fermented goat milk enhanced lipolysis, fatty acids degradation and immune response, attenuating inflammatory signalling, representing a positive growth advantage for testicular cells.Jorge Moreno-Fernandez was supported by fellowship from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Spain) and is grateful to the Excellence Ph.D. Program “Nutrición y Ciencias de los Alimentos” from the University of Granada. This study was supported by Andalusian Government, Excellence Research Project No. P11-AGR-7648

    Iron Deficiency and Neuroendocrine Regulators of Basal Metabolism, Body Composition and Energy Expenditure in Rats

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    Although dietary iron is a determinant of iron status in animals, body fat mass has been reported to have an inverse association with iron status in human studies. The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between Fe homeostasis, body composition, energy expenditure and neuroendocrine regulators for severe Fe-deficiency anaemia. Forty male Wistar albino rats recently weaned were divided at random into two groups: the control group was fed the basal diet, AIN-93G diet (normal-Fe) and the anaemic group received a low-Fe diet for 40 days. Neuroendocrine parameters that regulate basal metabolism and appetite (thyroid hormones, ghrelin, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), glucagon, insulin, adrenocorticotropic hormone and corticosterone), body composition, respiratory volumes, energy expenditure, haematological and biochemical were assessed. Total body fat was lower, whereas lean mass, free and total water were higher in the anemic group. O2 consumption, CO2 production, energy expenditure (EE) and respiratory quotient (RQ) were lower in the Fe-deficient animals. Triiodothyronine and thyroxine hormones decreased, while thyroid-stimulating hormone increased in the anemic group. Circulating levels of ghrelin were lower in the anemic group, while GIP, glucagon, insulin, corticosterone and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels were higher. Fe-deficiency impairs weight gain in the rats, with marked reductions in lean mass and body fat, indicating lower energy stores.This study was supported by the Excellence Project (P11-AGR-7648) from the Regional Government of Andalusia

    Tertiary treatment of urban wastewater by solar and UV-C driven advanced oxidation with peracetic acid: effect on contaminants of emerging concern and antibiotic resistance

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    Photo-driven advanced oxidation process (AOP) with peracetic acid (PAA) has been poorly investigated in water and wastewater treatment so far. In the present work its possible use as tertiary treatment of urban wastewater to effectively minimize the release into the environment of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) and antibiotic-resistant bacteria was investigated. Different initial PAA concentrations, two light sources (sunlight and UV-C) and two different water matrices (groundwater (GW) and wastewater (WW)) were studied. Low PAA doses were found to be effective in the inactivation of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli (AR E. coli) in GW, with the UV-C process being faster (limit of detection (LOD) achieved for a cumulative energy (QUV) of 0.3 kJL−1 with 0.2 mg PAA L−1) than solar driven one (LOD achieved at QUV = 4.4 kJL−1 with 0.2 mg PAA L−1). Really fast inactivation rates of indigenous AR E. coli were also observed in WW. Higher QUV and PAA initial doses were necessary to effectively remove the three target CECs (carbamazepine (CBZ), diclofenac and sulfamethoxazole), with CBZ being the more refractory one. In conclusion, photo-driven AOP with PAA can be effectively used as tertiary treatment of urban wastewater but initial PAA dose should be optimized to find the best compromise between target bacteria inactivation and CECs removal as well as to prevent scavenging effect of PAA on hydroxyl radicals because of high PAA concentration

    Fermented Goat Milk Consumption Enhances Brain Molecular Functions during Iron Deficiency Anemia Recovery

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    Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is one of the most prevalent nutritional deficiencies worldwide. Iron plays critical roles in nervous system development and cognition. Despite the known detrimental consequences of IDA on cognition, available studies do not provide molecular mechanisms elucidating the role of iron in brain functions during iron deficiency and recovery with dairy components. In this study, 100 male Wistar rats were placed on a pre-experimental period of 40 days and randomly divided in two groups: a control group receiving a normal-Fe diet, (45 mg/kg), and an Fe-deficient group receiving a low-Fe diet (5 mg/kg). At day 40, 10 rats per group were sacrificed to anemia control, and 80 rats were divided into eight experimental groups fed with fermented goat or cow milk-based diets, with normal Fe content or Fe overload (450 mg/kg) for 30 days. IDA decreased most of the parameters related to brain molecular functions, namely dopamine, irisin, MAO-A, oxytocin, -endorphin, and alpha-MSH, while it increased synaptophysin. These alterations result in an impairment of brain molecular functions. In general, during anemia recovery, fermented goat milk diet consumption increased dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, synaptophysin, and alpha-MSH, and decreased MAO-A and MAO-B, suggesting a potential neuroprotective effect in brain functions, which could enhance brain molecular functions.This study was supported by the Excellence Research Project (P11-AGR-7648) from the Regional Government of Andalusi

    Efecto de diferentes reguladores de crecimiento vegetal sobre la germinación de semillas y desarrollo de plántulas de dos especies de Ferocactus (Cactaceae)

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    Se evaluó el efecto de la adición de tres regu-ladores de crecimiento vegetal (RCV) sobre la respuesta germinativa y crecimiento de plántulas en las especiesFerocactus histrixyF. latispinus(Cactaceae). Grupos de semillas se germinaron con la adición de diferentes concentraciones (125, 250, 500 ppm) de áci-do indolacético (AIA), ácido naftalenacético (ANA) y ácido giberélico (AG3), mientras que otras semillas (control) se sembraron con agua destilada solamente. Cada tercer día y durante 30 días se llevó a cabo el registro de porcentaje de germinación (%G), el índice de velocidad de germinación (IVG) y de coeficientes de regresión; los caracteres morfológicos durante el crecimiento inicial de las plántulas provenientes de dichos experimentos también fueron registrados. Los resultados demostraron diferencias estadísticas significativas (Tukey, P < 0.05) al comparar %G y caracteres morfológicos cuantitativos de plántulas de los tratamientos con RCV y el control; así como un efecto negativo de RCV sobre la germinación y crecimiento de plántulas. Los porcentajes más altos de germinación (55-75%) en ambas especies deFerocactus, se registraron en el tratamiento control. El AIA a una concentración de 125 ppm promovió 51% de germinación enF. latispinusal noveno día del experimento, un 62% de germinación se registró paraF. histrixen el sexto día con 250 ppm de ANA; mientras que el porcentaje de germinación más bajo (< 40%) se observó en ambas especies con 125 y 250 ppm de AG3. Se concluye que la adición de RCV no incrementa de manera signifi cativa la germinación de semillas y tampoco favorece el crecimiento de plántulas, dado que las plántulas más vigorosas se obtuvieron con el control

    Influence of cow or goat milk consumption on antioxidant defence and lipid peroxidation during chronic iron repletion

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    Despite Fe deficiency and overload having been widely studied, no studies are available about the influence of milk consumption on antioxidant defence and lipid peroxidation during the course of these highly prevalent cases. The objective of the present study was to assess the influence of cow or goat milk-based diets, either with normal or Fe-overload, on antioxidant defence and lipid peroxidation in the liver, brain and erythrocytes of control and anaemic rats after chronic Fe repletion. Weanling male rats were randomly divided into two groups: a control group receiving a normal-Fe diet (45 mg/kg) and an anaemic group receiving a low-Fe diet (5 mg/kg) for 40 d. Control and anaemic rats were fed goat or cow milk-based diets, either with normal Fe or Fe-overload (450 mg/kg), for 30 or 50 d. Fe-deficiency anaemia did not have any effect on antioxidant enzymes or lipid peroxidation in the organs studied. During chronic Fe repletion, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was higher in the group of animals fed the cow milk diet compared with the group consuming goat milk. The slight modification of catalase and glutathione peroxidise activities in animals fed the cow milk-based diet reveals that these enzymes are unable to neutralise and scavenge the high generation of free radicals produced. The animals fed the cow milk diet showed higher rates of lipid peroxidation compared with those receiving the goat milk diet, which directly correlated with the increase in SOD activity. It was concluded that goat milk has positive effects on antioxidant defence, even in a situation of Fe overload, limiting lipid peroxidatio