8 research outputs found

    Proceso asistencial integrado de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica

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    O proceso asistencial integrado da esclerose lateral amiotrófica, elaborouse co obxectivo de crear un proceso de traballo común en todas as áreas para facilitar a asistencia sanitaria ás persoas diagnosticadas desta enfermidade. Establécense actuacións como o asesoramento continuo, as consultas en acto único, a coordinación asistencial, tanto entre especialidades como coa atención primaria e a coordinación administrativa do sistema socio sanitario. Neste proceso participaron profesionais das diferentes áreas sanitarias especialistas en neuroloxía, endocrinoloxía, neumoloxía, psicoloxía clínica, rehabilitación, traballo social e hospitalización a domicilioEl proceso asistencial integrado de la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, se elaboró con el objetivo de crear un proceso de trabajo común en todas las áreas para facilitar la asistencia sanitaria a las personas diagnosticadas de esta enfermedad. Se establecen actuaciones como el asesoramiento continuo, las consultas en acto único, la coordinación asistencial, tanto entre especialidades como con la atención primaria y la coordinación administrativa del sistema socio sanitario. En este proceso participaron profesionales de las diferentes áreas sanitarias especialistas en neurología, endocrinología, neumología, psicología clínica, rehabilitación, trabajo social y hospitalización a domicili

    The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics

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    Progress in genome sequencing now enables the large-scale generation of reference genomes. Various international initiatives aim to generate reference genomes representing global biodiversity. These genomes provide unique insights into genomic diversity and architecture, thereby enabling comprehensive analyses of population and functional genomics, and are expected to revolutionize conservation genomics

    The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics

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    Progress in genome sequencing now enables the large-scale generation of reference genomes. Various international initiatives aim to generate reference genomes representing global biodiversity. These genomes provide unique insights into genomic diversity and architecture, thereby enabling comprehensive analyses of population and functional genomics, and are expected to revolutionize conservation genomics

    The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics

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    How genomics can help biodiversity conservation

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    The availability of public genomic resources can greatly assist biodiversity assessment, conservation, and restoration efforts by providing evidence for scientifically informed management decisions. Here we survey the main approaches and applications in biodiversity and conservation genomics, considering practical factors, such as cost, time, prerequisite skills, and current shortcomings of applications. Most approaches perform best in combination with reference genomes from the target species or closely related species. We review case studies to illustrate how reference genomes can facilitate biodiversity research and conservation across the tree of life. We conclude that the time is ripe to view reference genomes as fundamental resources and to integrate their use as a best practice in conservation genomics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How genomics can help biodiversity conservation

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    The availability of public genomic resources can greatly assist biodiversity assessment, conservation, and restoration efforts by providing evidence for scientifically informed management decisions. Here we survey the main approaches and applications in biodiversity and conservation genomics, considering practical factors, such as cost, time, prerequisite skills, and current shortcomings of applications. Most approaches perform best in combination with reference genomes from the target species or closely related species. We review case studies to illustrate how reference genomes can facilitate biodiversity research and conservation across the tree of life. We conclude that the time is ripe to view reference genomes as fundamental resources and to integrate their use as a best practice in conservation genomics

    How genomics can help biodiversity conservation

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    : The availability of public genomic resources can greatly assist biodiversity assessment, conservation, and restoration efforts by providing evidence for scientifically informed management decisions. Here we survey the main approaches and applications in biodiversity and conservation genomics, considering practical factors, such as cost, time, prerequisite skills, and current shortcomings of applications. Most approaches perform best in combination with reference genomes from the target species or closely related species. We review case studies to illustrate how reference genomes can facilitate biodiversity research and conservation across the tree of life. We conclude that the time is ripe to view reference genomes as fundamental resources and to integrate their use as a best practice in conservation genomics

    Observation of the rare Bs0oμ+μB^0_so\mu^+\mu^- decay from the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data

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