1,636 research outputs found

    Quistes de Tarlov sintomáticos: diagnóstico y tratamiento

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    Los quistes de Tarlov se forman a expensas de la duramadre y de la aracnoides alrededor de las raíces sacras o coccígeas. Habitualmente asintomáticos, en ocasiones pueden ocasionar clínica álgica de irritación radicular. El desarrollo de técnicas de imagen, principalmente la resonancia magnética nuclear (RMN), permiten diagnosticarlos con más frecuencia, aunque determinar si son responsables de los síntomas de los pacientes continúa siendo difícil. El tratamiento inicial es conservador mediante analgésicos convencionales y fisioterapia. En caso de quistes sintomáticos de gran tamaño, sin respuesta al tratamiento inicial, puede ser necesario el tratamiento quirúrgico mediante drenaje percutáneo guiado bajo control de la tomografía axial computerizada (TAC), o bien mediante una técnica abierta que permita la eliminación del quiste y la descompresión del nervio. Describimos dos casos clínicos en pacientes con clínica de neuralgia por atrapamiento de las raíces nerviosas lumbosacras, un paciente tratado con infiltración periradicular y otro que requirió un drenaje percutáneo con buen resultado final.Tarlov cysts are formed of the dura mater and the arachnoid around the sacral or coccygeal roots. Usually asymptomatic, they can occasionally cause clinical radicular irritation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) permit to diagnose them more often, but whether they are responsible for the symptoms remains difficult. The initial treatment is conservative with conventional analgesics and physiotherapy. In case of large symptomatic cysts, with no response to initial treatment may require surgical therapy: a guided percutaneous drainage under computerized tomography (CT) control, or by an open technique that allows removal of the cyst and nerve decompression. We describe two cases in patients with symptomatic neuralgia due to entrapment of lumbosacral nerve roots. One patient treated with periradicular infiltration and another that required percutaneous drainage with good final outcome

    Contribution to ehtno-genetic chatacterisation of anandalusian canine dog racial group

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    We are analysing a sample of 53 animals (16 males and 37 females) of Andalusian mouse hunter dogs or caves dog, with a view to obtain their ethnogenetic characterisation. From our results we have concluded that this population is a racial group presenting a great homogeneity in the variables and zoometric indexes studied, as in the phaneroptical aspects. Their morphology is as a small format, probably elipometrics, with proportional leg length, brevilineous cephalic and body proportions. This population present a three-coloured coat, generally white colour on the body and “black and tan” on the head; the hair is short and smooth, the mucosae is black and the iris brown. With respect the bite, the most frequent are the tweezers form and the scissors, also in few animals we have found the absence of premolars.Se analiza una muestra de perros ratoneros o bodegueros compuesta por 53 ejemplares de los cuales 16 eran machos y 37 hembras, con objeto de lograr una caracterización etnogenética. De los resultados obtenidos concluimos que se trata de una agrupación racial que presenta gran homogeneidad tanto en las variables e índices zoométricos estudiados como en los aspectos fanerópticos. Morfológicamente se trata de animales de formato pequeño, posiblemente elipométricos, ni lejos ni cerca de tierra, y de proporciones braquicéfalas y brevilíneas en cuanto a sus proporciones cefálicas y corporales respectivamente. Fanerópticamente esta población presenta una capa tricolor, generalmente blanco en el cuerpo y negro-fuego en la cabeza, el pelo corto y liso, la pigmentación de las mucosas negras y el iris castaño. En cuanto a la mordida los tipos más frecuentes son en tijera y pinza, y en un escaso número de ejemplares existe ausencia de premolares

    A universidade, a escola e as necessidades especiais: como melhorar? Como contribuir?

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    Um dos principais objetivos de qualquer programa educacional de governo é educar os cidadãos para serem comprometidos com toda asociedade. Para garantir o acesso a todos à educação, os professores precisam atender com qualidade todos os alunos, inclusive aqueles comnecessidades especiais. No entanto, a falta de informação e formação profissional continua sendo ainda um dos principais obstáculos paraalcançar este objetivo. A Escola de Inclusão é um programa de extensão de uma universidade federal brasileira e aborda diferentes áreas(ex: direitos humanos, educação e saúde), estimulando a interação de professores e licenciandos. Seus objetivos incluem a produção demateriais de ensino inclusivos e tecnologia educacional, a formação continuada de professores e a criação de conhecimento e de condiçõesde acessibilidade para os alunos com necessidades especiais. Neste trabalho o nosso objetivo foi analisar brevemente a estratégia deste programaque considera os profissionais de educação, os estudantes de graduação (licenciandos) e alunos com necessidades especiais, comoo melhor público para a construção e/ou avaliação do seu material didático. Interessantemente, a nossa análise qualitativa sobre os relatosde professores, alunos de graduação e um estudante do ensino médio cego, que participaram de edições desse programa, reforçam queprojetos de universidades podem ser capazes de contribuir para a formação de profissionais, de alunos de graduação e de ensino médio,enquanto aproximam o público-alvo da perspectiva do professor. Esta iniciativa também sugere que os alunos com necessidades especiaispodem participar ativamente de sua própria educação se as instituições aprenderem a estimulá-los a um comportamento pró-ativo

    Order and nFl Behavior in UCu4Pd

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    We have studied the role of disorder in the non-Fermi liquid system UCu4Pd using annealing as a control parameter. Measurement of the lattice parameter indicates that this procedure increases the crystallographic order by rearranging the Pd atoms from the 16e to the 4c sites. We find that the low temperature properties depend strongly on annealing. Whereas the non-Fermi liquid behavior in the specific heat can be observed over a larger temperature range after annealing, the clear non-Fermi liquid behavior of the resistivity of the unannealed sample below 10 K disappears. We come to the conclusion that this argues against the Kondo disorder model as an explanation for the non-Fermi liquid properties of both as-prepared and annealed UCu4Pd

    Guillain-barré Syndrome In The Elderly: Clinical, Electrophysiological, Therapeutic And Outcome Features

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    There are few papers devoted to geriatric Guillain-Barré (GBS) and many related issues remain unanswered. Objective: To describe clinical, electrophysiological and therapeutic features in this age. Method: Clinico-epidemiological data and therapy of GBS patients older than 60 years were reviewed. Hughes scores were used to quantify neurological deficit and define outcome. Results: Among 18 patients (mean age 64.8 years), 9 had evident prodrome and 80% noticed initially sensory-motor deficit. Demyelinating GBS was found in 8 and axonal in 6 subjects. There was one Miller-Fisher and 3 unclassified cases. Plasmapheresis (PFX) was single therapy in 12 patients and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) in 2. Disability scores just before therapy were similar in both groups, so as short and long term outcome. Conclusion: Axonal GBS seems to be more frequent in the elderly and this may have prognostic implications. PFX and IVIg were suitable options, but complications were noticed with PFX. Prospective studies are needed to better understand and manage GBS in the elderly.633 B772775Kuwabara, S., Guillain-Barré syndrome: Epidemiology, pathophysiology and management (2004) Drugs, 64, pp. 597-610Hughes, R.A.C., Rees, J.H., Clinical and epidemiological features of Guillain-Barré syndrome (1997) J Infect Dis, 176 (SUPPL. 2), pp. S92-S98Hartung, H.P., Willison, H.J., Kieseier, B.C., Acute immunoinflammatory neuropathy: Update on Guillain-Barré syndrome (2002) Curr Opin Neurol, 15, pp. 571-577Efficiency of plasma exchange in Guillain-Barré syndrome: Role of replacement fluids (1987) Ann Neurol, 22, pp. 753-761Greenwood, R.J., Newsom Davis, J.M., Hughes, R.A.C., Controlled trial of plasma exchange in acute inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy (1984) Lancet, 1, pp. 877-879Osterman, P.O., Lundemo, G., Pirskanen, R., Beneficial effects of plasma exchange in acute inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy (1984) Lancet, 2, pp. 1296-1299Plasmapheresis and acute Guillain-Barré syndrome (1985) Neurology, 35, pp. 1096-1104Plasma exchange in Guillain-Barré syndrome: One-year follow-up (1992) Ann Neurol, 32, pp. 94-97Van Der Meché, F.G.A., Schmitz, P.I.M., A randomized trial comparing intravenous immune globulin and plasma exchange in Guillain-Barré syndrome (1992) N Engl J Med, 326, pp. 1123-1129Randomised trial of plasma exchange, intravenous immunoglobulin, and combined treatments in Guillain-Barré syndrome (1997) Lancet, 349, pp. 225-230Sridharan, G.V., Tallis, R.C., Gautam, P.C., Guillain-Barré syndrome in the elderly: A retrospective comparative study (1993) Gerontology, 39, pp. 170-175Winner, S.J., Evans, J.G., Guillain-Barré syndrome in Oxfordshire: Clinical features in relation to age (1993) Age Ageing, 22, pp. 164-170Yamashita, S., Morinaga, T., Matsumoto, K., Sakamoto, T., Kaku, N., Matsukura, S., Severe Guillain-Barré syndrome in aged patients: The effect of plasmapheresis (1992) Intern Med, 31, pp. 1313-1316Rana, S.S., Rana, S., Intravenous immunoglobulins versus plasmapheresis in older patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (1999) J Am Geriatr Soc, 47, pp. 1387-1388Asbury, A.K., Cornblath, D.R., Assessment of current diagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barré syndrome (1990) Ann Neurol, 27 (SUPPL.), pp. S21-S24Seneviratne, U., Guillain-Barré syndrome (2000) Postgrad Med J, 76, pp. 774-782Hughes, R.A.C., Newsom-Davis, J.M., Perkin, G.D., Pierce, J.M., Controlled trial of prednisolone in acute polyneuropathy (1978) Lancet, 2, pp. 750-753Rocha, M.S.G., Brucki, S.M.D., Carvalho, A.A.S., Lima, U.W.P., Epidemiologic features of Guillain-Barre syndrome in São Paulo, Brazil (2004) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 62, pp. 33-37Van Der Meche, F.G., Visser, L.H., Jacobs, B.C., Endtz, H.P., Meulstee, J., Van Doom, P.A., Guillain-Barré syndrome: Multifactorial mechanisms versus defined subgroups (1997) J Infect Dis, 176 (SUPPL. 2), pp. S99-S102Sheth, R.D., Riggs, J.E., Hobbs, G.R., Gutmann, L., Age and Guillain-Barré syndrome severity (1996) Muscle Nerve, 19, pp. 375-377Dias-Tosta, E., Kuckelhaus, C.S., Guillain-Barre syndrome in a population less than 15 years old in Brazil (2002) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 60, pp. 367-37

    Whipple's Disease With Neurological Manifestations: Case Report

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    Whipple's disease (WD) is an uncommon multisystem condition caused by the bacillus Tropheryma whipplei. Central nervous system involvement is a classical feature of the disease observed in 20 to 40% of the patients. We report the case of a 62 yeards old man with WD that developed neurological manifestations during its course, and discuss the most usual signs and symptoms focusing on recent diagnostic criteria and novel treatment regimens.622 A342346Whipple, G.H., A hitherto undescribed disease characterized anatomically by deposits of fat and fatty acids in the intestinal and mesenteric lymphatic tissues (1907) Johns Hopkins Hosp Bull, 18, pp. 382-391Marth, T., Raoult, D., Whipple's disease (2003) Lancet, 36, pp. 239-246Gerard, A., Sarrot-Reynauld, F., Liozon, E., Neurologic presentation of Whipple disease: Report of 12 cases and review of the literature (2002) Medicine (Baltimore), 81, pp. 443-457Brown, A.P., Lane, J.C., Murayama, S., Vollmer, D.G., Whipple's disease presenting with isolated neurological symptoms: Case report (1990) J Neurosurg, 73, pp. 623-627Bostwick, D.G., Bensch, K.G., Burke, J.S., Whipple's disease presenting as aortic insufficiency (1981) N Engl J Med, 305, pp. 995-998Raoult, D., A febrile, blood culture-negative endocarditis (1999) Ann Intern Med, 131, pp. 144-146Chan, R.Y., Yannuzzi, L.A., Foster, C.S., Ocular Whipple's disease: Earlier definitive diagnosis (2001) Ophthalmology, 108, pp. 2225-2231Louis, E.D., Lynch, T., Kaufmann, P., Fahn, S., Odel, J., Diagnostic guidelines in central nervous system Whipple's disease (1996) Ann Neurol, 40, pp. 561-568Sieracki, J.C., Whipple's disease: Observations on systemic involvement (1958) Amer Med Asso Arch Pathol, 66, pp. 464-467Anderson, M., Neurology of Whipple's disease (2000) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 68, pp. 2-5De Coene, B., Gilliard, C., Indekeu, P., Whipple's disease confined to the central nervous system (1996) Neuroradiology, 38, pp. 325-327Verhagen, W.I.M., Huygen, P.L.M., Dalman, J.E., Schuurmans, M.M.J., Whipple's disease and the central nervous system: A case report and a review of the literature (1996) Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 98, pp. 299-304Feldman, M., Hendler, R.S., Morrison, E.B., Acute meningoencephalitis after withdrawal of antibiotics in Whipple's disease (1980) Ann Intern Med, 93, pp. 709-711Schwartz, M.A., Selhorst, J.B., Ochs, A.L., Oculomasticatory myorhythmia: A unique movement disorder occurring in Whipple's disease (1986) Ann Neurol, 20, pp. 677-683Manzel, K., Tranel, D., Cooper, G., Cognitive and behavioral abnormalities in a case of central nervous system Whipple disease (2000) Arch Neurol, 57, pp. 399-403Halperin, J.J., Landis, D.M., Kleinman, G.M., Whipple's disease of the nervous system (1982) Neurology, 32, pp. 612-617Feurle, G.E., Volk, B., Waldherr, R., Cerebral Whipple's disease with negative jejunal histology (1979) N Engl J Med, 300, pp. 907-908Madoule, P., Ciaudio-Lacroix, C., Halimi, P., Osteoarticular lesions in Whipple's disease, a propos of a destructive form and review of the literature (1985) J Radiol, 66, pp. 345-350Brändle, M., Ammann, P., Spinas, G.A., Relapsing Whipple's disease presenting with hypopituitarism (1999) Clin Endocrinol, 50, pp. 399-403Topper, R., Gartung, C., Block, F., Neurologic complications in inflammatory bowel diseases (2002) Nervenarzt, 73, pp. 489-499Clarke, C.E., Falope, Z.F., Abdelhadi, H.A., Cervical myelopathy caused by Whipple's disease (1998) Neurology, 50, pp. 1505-1506Ramzan, N.N., Loftus, E., Burgart, L.J., Diagnosis and monitoring of Whipple disease by polymerase chain reaction (1997) Ann Intern Med, 126, pp. 520-527Von Herbay, A., Ditton, H.J., Scuhmacher, F., Whipple's disease: Staging and monitoring by cytology and polymerase chain reaction analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (1997) Gastroenterology, 113, pp. 434-441Kremer, S., Besson, G., Bonaz, B., Pasquier, B., Le Bas, J.F., Grand, S., Diffuse lesions in the CNS revealed by MR imaging in a case of Whipple disease (2001) Am J Neuroradiol, 22, pp. 493-495Romanul, F.C., Radvany, J., Rosales, R.K., Whipple's disease confined to the brain: A case studied clinically and pathologically (1977) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 40, pp. 901-909Thompson, D.G., Leidingham, J.M., Howard, A.J., Brown, C.L., Meningitis in Whipple's disease (1978) BMJ, 2, pp. 14-15Feurle, G.E., Marth, T., An evaluation of antimicrobial treatment for Whipple's disease: Tetracycline versus trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (1994) Dig Dis Sci, 39, pp. 1642-1648Misbah, S.A., Mapstone, N.P., Whipple's disease revisited (2000) J Clin Pathol, 53, pp. 750-755Schnider, P.J., Reisinger, E.C., Berger, T., Krejs, G.J., Auff, E., Treatment guidelines in central nervous system Whipple's disease (1997) Ann Neurol, 41, pp. 561-56