279 research outputs found

    Poesia e diversidade linguística : um estudo no 2º ano de escolaridade

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    Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino no 1º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoO presente Relatório Final de Estágio foi desenvolvido no âmbito das unidades curriculares de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada e Seminário de Investigação Educacional e pretende analisar a relação entre a sensibilização à diversidade linguística e o ensino da poesia. Dito de outra forma, este relatório pretendeu compreender de que forma atividades de sensibilização à diversidade linguística favorecem a compreensão do texto poético, em alunos do 2.º ano de escolaridade. Neste contexto e por forma a dar resposta ao objetivo, foi desenvolvido um projeto de intervenção didática, intitulado “A volta ao mundo em 5 poemas” com a duração de sete sessões, implementado numa turma do 2.º ano do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico do concelho de Aveiro. O projeto assenta numa metodologia de cariz qualitativo, de tipo investigação-ação, em que os dados foram recolhidos através da observação participante, de videogravações, de fichas de atividades dos alunos e dos registos dos alunos nas fichas de avaliação das sessões. Os resultados que obtivemos a partir da análise dos dados permitem-nos concluir que as atividades de sensibilização à diversidade linguística favorecem o ensino da poesia, desenvolvendo a competência literária dos alunos. Consideramos assim que os alunos mostraram ter adquirido conhecimentos sobre as características do texto poético e sobre a produção escrita deste tipo de texto, bem como manifestaram abertura perante a diversidade linguística no mundo. Este projeto, de investigação-ação, foi importante para o nosso futuro enquanto profissionais de educação, pois permitiu-nos refletir sobre uma educação para a diversidade linguística e cultural.The present Final report has been developed in the context of curricular units of Supervised Practicum and Educational Research Seminar and analyzes the relationship between awareness of linguistic diversity and the teaching of poetry. In this way, this report seeks to understand how linguistic diversity awareness activities promote understanding of poetic text, in the second year of schooling students. In this context and in order to respond to the goal, the intervention project, with the title "around the world in 5 poems" was developed in seven sessions in a class of 2nd year of the 1st CEB the municipality of Aveiro. The project is based on a methodology of qualitative nature, research-action type, in which the data were collected through participant observation, of video recording, of the students' activities and records of students' records in the schedules of sessions. The results that we obtained from the analysis of data allow us to conclude that the awareness-raising activities to promote linguistic diversity the teaching of poetry, developing students' literary competence. We consider so that students have shown purchasing knowledge about the characteristics of the poetic text and on the production of written text, as well as expressed openness to the linguistic diversity in the world. This project, research-action, it was important for our future while education professionals, because it allowed us to reflect on an education for linguistic and cultural diversity

    Perfil profesional das mulleres no sector financeiro de Galicia

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    The mainaimofthestudy is to knowthe real situationthatoccupythewomen in thefinancial sector throughtheanalysisofpersonal variables (age, levelofstudies,…) and professional (ones, category,proffesionallevel, seniority, peopleundertheirdirection,…). The sample is formedby a total of 979 employeesof 226 bankingoffices in Galicia. The resultsobtainedshowthatmen and womensharethesameworkspacethere are notfairness, sincemostoffices are managedbymenmoreoverwomenneed more training and time to reach a positionofresponsibility.O papel social desenvolvido polas mulleres na sociedade actual é ben distinto ao protagonizado en tempos pasados (Echebarría e Larrañaga, 2004). O seu acceso á educación conseguiuse de forma xeneralizada e a súa participación no mercado de traballo aumentou de xeito significativo nas últimas décadas. Sen embargo, o ámbito laboral segue a caracterizarse por un importante androcentrismo (Barberá, 2000) e por manter unha estrutura xerárquica característica das relacións de xénero das sociedades patriarcais. A igualdade de oportunidades entre os sexos quedou legalmente establecida, pero persiste a desigualdade de condicións, marcada polos costumes sociais e culturais, desigualdades que afectan principalmente aos roles que mulleres e homes elixen na profesión e na familia, e á posición que unhas e outros ocupan dentro dunha mesma organización, en relación co poder (Osca e López-Sáez, 2003). Estes aspectos centran a investigación, que abordou, sobre todo, a masculinización dos postos de dirección como un síntoma máis da discriminación que sofren as mulleres na súa traxectoria profesional. O estudo descritivo realizado permite coñecer a situación real das mulleres dentro do sector financeiro da Comunidade Autónoma de Galicia. A mostra obxecto de estudo estivo formada por 979 empregadas/os de banca (39% mulleres e 61% homes), dun total de 226 oficinas bancarias situadas en Galicia. Ademais da posición das mulleres dentro da organización realizouse unha definición do seu perfil a través dunha análise de variables persoais (idade, nivel de estudos, ...) e profesionais (cargo, categoría, antigüidade, número de persoas que dirixe, ...). Tras a análise da información recollida pódese concluír que as mulleres e os homes comparten un mesmo espazo laboral, pero non o fan de forma equitativa: das 226 oficinas analizadas só o 15% están xestionadas por mulleres fronte ao 85% dirixidas por homes, ademais as mulleres necesitan maior formación e máis tempo que os homes para alcanzar un posto de responsabilidade

    Gender and leadership in management positions

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    La presencia de las mujeres en el mercado laboral es una realidad hoy en día, no obstante, el acceso a los puestos de responsabilidad y poder, espacios donde podrían ejercer su liderazgo, son todavía una barrera insalvable para ellas. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo conocer si, en un sector como el bancario, existen diferencias en función del sexo y el cargo de gestión y dirección en lo que respecta a variables de carácter personal y organizacional. Para recopilar dicha información se elaboró una hoja de registro, que fue remitida a todas las entidades bancarias de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, a la que contestaron 448 empleados/as: 315 hombres (70.3%) y 133 mujeres (29.7%). Los resultados obtenidos revelaron que tanto directoras como subdirectoras son más jóvenes que sus compañeros directores y subdirectores y tienen un nivel de formación más alto; por el contrario, su trayectoria laboral en el sector de la banca es más corta, su antigüedad en la dirección o subdirección menor y su categoría profesional inferior a la de directores y subdirectores y, en consecuencia, los salarios que perciben menores. Finalmente, en las oficinas, las directoras tienen un número de trabajadores/as a su cargo igual que los directores, pero este número se reduce en el caso de las subdirectoras frente a los subdirectoresThe presence of women in the working market is a reality today, however, the access to positions of responsibility and power, spaces where they could exercise their leadership, are still an insurmountable barrier for them. In this work, the objective was to know if there are differences according to gender and the position of management and direction with regard to variables of a personal and organizational nature in a sector such as banking. To collect this information, a registration form was drawn up, which was sent to all banking entities in the Autonomous Community of Galicia, to which 448 employees replied: 315 men (70.3%) and 133 women (29.7%). The results obtained revealed that both female directors and sub-directors are younger than their fellow directors and assistant directors and have a higher level of education; On the other hand, their work experience in the banking sector is shorter, their seniority in the junior management or subdirector and their professional status lower than that of directors and assistant directors and, consequently, the salaries received are minors. Finally, in the offices, the number of workers in charge of a female director is the same as that of a male director, but that number is reduced when it is they who occupy the sub-directorate in front of their male colleaguesS

    Variable Expressivity and Allelic Heterogeneity in Type 2 Familial Partial Lipodystrophy: The p.(Thr528Met) LMNA Variant

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    Type 2 familial partial lipodystrophy, or Dunnigan disease, is a metabolic disorder characterized by abnormal subcutaneous adipose tissue distribution. This rare condition results from variants principally affecting exons 8 and 11 of the LMNA gene. In this study, five FPLD2-diagnosed patients carrying the c.1583C>T, p.(Thr528Met) variant in exon 9 of the LMNA gene and with obvious clinical heterogeneity were evaluated. Specific polymorphisms in LMNA and in PPARG were also detected. Exhaustive clinical course, physical examination, biochemical features and family history were recorded, along with the assessment of anthropometric features and body composition by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Preadipocytes obtained from a T528M patient were treated with the classic adipose differentiation medium with pioglitazone. Various adipogenes were evaluated by real-time PCR, and immunofluorescence was used to study intracellular localization of emerin, lamin A and its precursors. As demonstrated with Oil red O staining, the preadipocytes of the T528M patient failed to differentiate, the expression of various adipogenic genes was reduced in the lipodystrophic patient and immunofluorescence studies showed an accumulation of farnesylated prelamin A in T528M cells. We conclude that the T528M variant in LMNA could lead to FPLD2, as the adipogenic machinery is compromisedThis research was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Regional Development Fund, FEDER (grant number PI081449), and an intramural grant from the Xunta de Galicia (grant number ED431B 2020/37). S.S.I. was awarded a Research Fellowship by the Asociación Española de Familiares y Afectados de Lipodistrofias (AELIP)S

    Waste-derived volatile fatty acids as carbon source for added-value fermentation approaches

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    The establishment of a sustainable circular bioeconomy requires the effective material recycling from biomass and biowaste beyond composting/fertilizer or anaerobic digestion/bioenergy. Recently, volatile fatty acids attracted much attention due to their potential application as carbon source for the microbial production of high added-value products. Their low-cost production from different types of wastes through dark fermentation is a key aspect, which will potentially lead to the sustainable production of fuels, materials or chemicals, while diminishing the waste volume. This article reviews the utilization of a volatile fatty acid platform for the microbial production of polyhydroxyalkanoates, single cell oil and omega-3 fatty acids, giving emphasis on the fermentation challenges for the efficient implementation of the bioprocess and how they were addressed. These challenges were addressed through a research project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme entitled 'VOLATILE-Biowaste derived volatile fatty acid platform for biopolymers, bioactive compounds and chemical building blocks'.This work was supported by the European project 'Volatile-Biowaste-derived volatile fatty acid platform for biopolymers, bioactive compounds and chemical building blocks' and has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 720777

    Waste-derived volatile fatty acids as carbon source for added-value fermentation approaches

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    The establishment of a sustainable circular bioeconomy requires the effective material recycling from biomass and biowaste beyond composting/fertilizer or anaerobic digestion/bioenergy. Recently, volatile fatty acids attracted much attention due to their potential application as carbon source for the microbial production of high added-value products. Their low-cost production from different types of wastes through dark fermentation is a key aspect, which will potentially lead to the sustainable production of fuels, materials or chemicals, while diminishing the waste volume. This article reviews the utilization of a volatile fatty acid platform for the microbial production of polyhydroxyalkanoates, single cell oil and omega-3 fatty acids, giving emphasis on the fermentation challenges for the efficient implementation of the bioprocess and how they were addressed. These challenges were addressed through a research project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme entitled ‘VOLATILE—Biowaste derived volatile fatty acid platform for biopolymers, bioactive compounds and chemical building blocks’.This work was supported by the European project ‘VolatileBiowaste-derived volatile fatty acid platform for biopolymers, bioactive compounds and chemical building blocks’ and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 720777

    Inflammatory myopathy in the context of an unusual overlapping laminopathy

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    Laminopathies are genetic disorders associated with alterations in nuclear envelope proteins, known as lamins. The LMNA gene encodes lamins A and C, and LMNA mutations have been linked to diseases involving fat (type 2 familial partial lipodystrophy [FPLD2]), muscle (type 2 Emery–Dreifuss muscular dystrophy [EDMD2], type 1B limb-girdle muscular dystrophy [LGMD1B], and dilated cardiomyopathy), nerves (type 2B1 Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease), and premature aging syndromes. Moreover, overlapping syndromes have been reported. This study aimed to determine the genetic basis of an overlapping syndrome in a patient with heart disease, myopathy, and features of lipodystrophy, combined with severe metabolic syndrome. We evaluated a 54-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic hypercortisolism (endogenous and exogenous), and a history of cured adrenal Cushing syndrome. The patient presented with a complex disorder, including metabolic syndrome associated with mild partial lipodystrophy (Köbberling-like); mild hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, with Wolff–Parkinson– White syndrome and atrial fibrillation; and limb-girdle inflammatory myopathy. Mutational analysis of the LMNA gene showed a heterozygous c.1634G>A (p.R545H) variant in exon 10 of LMNA. This variant has previously been independently associated with FPLD2, EDMD2, LGMD1B, and heart disease. We describe a new, LMNA-associated, complex overlapping syndrome in which fat, muscle, and cardiac disturbances are related to a p.R545H variant.This work was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant number: PI081449) and the European Regional Development Fund, FEDER. In addition, SRG was awarded a Research Fellowship granted by the Asociación Española de Familiares y Afectados de Lipodistrofias (AELIP)S

    CILAIR-Based Secretome Analysis of Obese Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissues Reveals Distinctive ECM Remodeling and Inflammation Mediators

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    In the context of obesity, strong evidences support a distinctive pathological contribution of adipose tissue depending on its anatomical site of accumulation. Therefore, subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) has been lately considered metabolically benign compared to visceral fat (VAT), whose location is associated to the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and other associated comorbidities. Under the above situation, the chronic local inflammation that characterizes obese adipose tissue, has acquired a major role on the pathogenesis of obesity. In this work, we have analyzed for the first time human obese VAT and SAT secretomes using an improved quantitative proteomic approach for the study of tissue secretomes, Comparison of Isotope-Labeled Amino acid Incorporation Rates (CILAIR). The use of double isotope-labeling-CILAIR approach to analyze VAT and SAT secretomes allowed the identification of location-specific secreted proteins and its differential secretion. Additionally to the very high percentage of identified proteins previously implicated in obesity or in its comorbidities, this approach was revealed as a useful tool for the study of the obese adipose tissue microenvironment including extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling and inflammatory status. The results herein presented reinforce the fact that VAT and SAT depots have distinct features and contribute differentially to metabolic disease

    Recombinant human leptin treatment in genetic lipodystrophic syndromes: the long-term Spanish experience

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    Lipodystrophies are a group of diseases mainly characterized by a loss of adipose tissue and frequently associated with insulin resistance, hypertriglyceridemia, and hepatic steatosis. In uncommon lipodystrophies, these complications frequently are difficult to control with conventional therapeutic approaches. This retrospective study addressed the effectiveness of recombinant methionyl leptin (metreleptin) for improving glucose metabolism, lipid profile, and hepatic steatosis in patients with genetic lipodystrophic syndromes. We studied nine patients (five females and four males) with genetic lipodystrophies [seven with Berardinelli-Seip syndrome, one with atypical progeroid syndrome, and one with type 2 familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD)]. Six patients were children under age 9 years, and all patients had baseline triglycerides levels >2.26 mmol/L and hepatic steatosis; six had poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. Metreleptin was self-administered subcutaneously daily at a final dose that ranged between 0.05 and 0.24 mg/(kg day) [median: 0.08 mg/(kg day)] according to the body weight. The duration of treatment ranged from 9 months to 5 years, 9 months (median: 3 years). Plasma glucose, hemoglobin A1c (Hb A1c), lipid profile, plasma insulin and leptin, and hepatic enzymes were evaluated at baseline and at least every 6 months. Except for the patient with FPLD, metreleptin replacement significantly improved metabolic control (Hb A1c: from 10.4 to 7.1 %, p < 0.05). Plasma triglycerides were reduced 76 % on average, and hepatic enzymes decreased more than 65 %. This study extends knowledge about metreleptin replacement in genetic lipodystrophies, bearing out its effectiveness for long periods of time