2,778 research outputs found

    Responsabilidad social corporativa desde la perspectiva de la fuerza de ventas: antecedentes y consecuencias

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    El objetivo general de esta Tesis Doctoral es aportar conocimiento sobre los antecedentes y las consecuencias de la percepción de RSC en el contexto de ventas. Esto es, estudiar los determinantes y los mecanismos subyacentes que influyen sobre la percepción de la RSC de los vendedores, y analizar las principales consecuencias que se derivan de una percepción positiva de estas prácticas por parte de la fuerza de ventas. Para lograr este objetivo, se realiza una revisión profunda de la literatura sobre la RSC, analizando la relación entre la RSC y el marketing, para, finalmente, profundizar en la relación entre la RSC y la fuerza de ventas. Sobre la base de esta revisión teórica se proponen seis modelos conceptuales contrastados mediante la metodología de ecuaciones estructurales y la estimación por mínimos cuadrados ordinarios a través de la herramienta PROCESS para SPSS. Para ello se emplean dos muestras, una de 252 consumidores y otra de 176 pares de supervisor-vendedor

    Modelo de ecuaciones estructurales con AMOS para contrastar hipótesis de mediación

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    INTRODUCCIÓ. Actualment, l’anàlisi de relacions de mediació és un procediment habitual en les investigacions acadèmiques del camp de les ciències socials. Per fer l’anàlisi, els investigadors disposen de múltiples eines, però molts desconeixen com dur-la a terme amb el programa d’equacions estructurals AMOS. MÈTODE. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és mostrar, en primer lloc, que AMOS, efectivament, a més de calcular l’efecte indirecte total per defecte, permet calcular els efectes indirectes parcials. En segon lloc, pretén ser una guia per als investigadors que vulguin utilitzar aquesta metodologia en les seves investigacions. RESULTATS I DISCUSSIÓ. L’ús d’aquest mètode, tot i que no és dels que més simplifiquen el procés de comprovació dels efectes indirectes, és relativament senzill i facilita la prova d’hipòtesis de mediació.INTRODUCTION: Nowadays, the analysis of mediating variables has become a common procedure in academic research in the field of social sciences. A number of SEM programs have been developed for this purpose, but many researchers may not be familiar with mediation analysis using AMOS. METHOD: The first aim of this paper is to show that, in addition to calculating the default total indirect effect, the AMOS program allows researchers to calculate partial indirect effects. Secondly, the paper is intended as a guide for researchers who wish to use this program in their research. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Although it is not one of the simplest methods for verifying indirect effects, AMOS is relatively easy to use and facilitates the testing of mediation hypotheses.INTRODUCCIÓN: Actualmente, el análisis de relaciones de mediación es un procedimiento habitual en las investigaciones académicas del campo de las ciencias sociales. Para ello los investigadores cuentan con múltiples herramientas, pero muchos de ellos desconocen cómo hacerlo con el programa de ecuaciones estructurales AMOS. MÉTODO: El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar en primer lugar, que AMOS, efectivamente, además de calcular el efecto indirecto total por defecto, permite calcular los efectos indirectos parciales. En segundo lugar, pretende ser una guía para los investigadores que deseen usar esta metodología en sus investigaciones. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: El uso de este método, sin ser de los que más simplifican el proceso de comprobación de los efectos indirectos, es relativamente sencillo y facilita la prueba de hipótesis de mediación

    Comportamiento del consumidor en relación a la sostenibilidad

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    [EN] This special issue of the Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión is dedicated to presenting those articles that are included as part of the special issue on consumer behavior and sustainable issues and that highlight marketing’s important role in encouraging sustainable consumption. The first part of this editorial presents six articles that structure this special issue. The second part examines the concept of sustainable marketing and the most effective ways to change consumer behaviour to become more sustainable.[ES] Este número especial de Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión está dedicado a presentar aquellos artículos que se incluyen como parte del número especial sobre el comportamiento del consumidor y su vínculo con aspectos sostenibles y destaca el importante papel del marketing en el fomento del consumo sostenible. La primera parte de esta editorial presenta los seis artículos que estructuran este número especial. La segunda parte de este editorial examina el concepto de marketing sostenible y las formas más efectivas para modificar los comportamientos de los consumidores de modo que sean más sostenibles

    Influence of companies´ credibility and trust in corporate social responsibility aspects of consumer food products: The moderating intervention of consumer integrity

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    This study aims to explore and understand whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) could be considered as an indirect cue of certain product characteristics, turning it into an effective instrument to encourage credibility and trust in a food brand and thereby influence consumers’ purchase intention; the study also considers how consumers’ integrity influences these effects of trust and credibility. The proposed model and the mediation and moderation hypotheses were tested with conditional process analysis and were generally supported by data collected from 252 consumers. The results have important implications for companies, revealing that CSR dimensions impact consumer purchase intention by generating greater credibility and trust. Moreover, among consumers with higher integrity, the effects are more significant. Finally, it is the economic dimension of CSR that has the clearest impact on consumer intentionsS

    How Can Companies Decrease Salesperson Turnover Intention? The Corporate Social Responsibility Intervention

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    Salespeople turnover is a key issue that can threaten a company’s survival, either by reducing its income or increasing its expenses. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices on the salespeople turnover. Drawing from social network theory, this research suggests that the perception of CSR practices influences salespeople turnover through their impact on the perception of the company’s reputation and the organizational pride that sellers experience. Additionally, the moderating role of interpersonal justice in the CSR-organizational pride relationship is analyzed. The data was collected from a sample of 176 salespeople and their supervisors from 96 companies. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the psychometric properties of the measurement scales and to test the proposed direct hypotheses, and conditional process analysis was used to test the proposed mediation hypothesis. The results indicate that CSR is negatively related to salesperson turnover via the perceived salespeople’s organizational pride and organizational reputation. Furthermore, this study’s findings confirm the importance of a salesperson’s interpersonal justice for these relationships. This study contributes to the existing sales and management literature by enhancing our understanding of how to reduce salespeople turnover intention. Specifically, it underlines the role of CSR practices in reducing those intentionsThis research was funded by Galician Plan for Research, Innovation and Growth (Plan I2C) of the Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ordenación Universitaria)S

    The influence of sociability over non-mortgage debt

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    In recent years, especially after the recent economic downturn, household debt has increased in importance, due to its influence on the economy in general and on households’ wellbeing in particular. Therefore, the study of household debt turns out to be necessary in order to know what leads to its demand, and thus to avoid situations of over-indebtedness. In this regard, previous research has analysed debt decisions from different approaches, however, the effect of individuals’ sociability has been neglected in literature. To this end, the aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of sociability on the Europeans’ decision to incur non-mortgage debt. The study sample, taken from the sixth wave (year 2015) of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, consists of 68,231 people from 18 European countries and also Israel. After applying probit binomial models, empirical evidence confirms the non-negligible effect of sociability on households’ non-mortgage debts. However, this effect depends on the underlying mechanisms through which sociability operates. Thus, when the sociability variable reflects learning based on the transmission of information (or 'word of mouth'), its influence over non-mortgage debt is positive, whereas when sociability reflects learning based on observation, the effect is negativeS

    Does self-control constitute a driver of millennials’ financial behaviors and attitudes?

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    [Abstract] Millennials are currently facing particular financial challenges that will condition the future financial well-being of the society as a whole, and the decision-making process happening in worse circumstances than those of preceding generations. However, few studies to date have deeply analyzed millennials’ financial behaviors, and particularly, how self-control operationalizes their financial choices. Using data from the 2017 Survey of Financial Competences of Spanish individuals, this paper analyzes how self-control influences different financial behaviors and attitudes and whether this effect differs between millennials and older generations. The results indicate that self-control does influence the individuals’ financial attitudes regardless of generation, whereas in the case of financial behaviors, only those millennials exhibiting the highest levels of self-control are affected by it when deciding on a saving account or a personal loan. These outcomes have numerous significant implications, in addition to providing recommendations to policy makers aimed at engaging millennials in healthier financial behaviors

    Data to model the influence of CSR on consumer behaviors : a process approach

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    The aim of this research is to present inferential statistical data on the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perceptions on consumer advocacy behaviors, and to consider when and how that relationship occurs. Data was provided by 252 customers of a food company located in Spain. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the psychometric proprieties of the measurement scales and to test the proposed direct hypotheses; conditional process analysis was used to test the proposed mediation hypothesis. The data indicate that CSR practices positively influence consumer advocacy behaviors through consumer admiration e the higher the integrity, the stronger the effect. This article provides data related to “Corporate social responsibility and consumer advocacy behaviors: The importance of emotions and moral virtues”This publication has been funded with support from the Galician Plan for Research, Innovation and Growth (Plan I2C) of the Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ordenación Universitaria)S

    Self-control and debt decisions relationship: evidence for different credit options

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    In recent years, households have become increasingly indebted, which constitutes a matter of concern. Based on a sample from the Spanish Survey of Financial Competences, this paper examines the relationship between self-control and consumer borrowing behaviour and, in so doing, it proposes a new multi-item scale of individual’s self-control in financial matters and considers several types of consumer debt, thus overcoming the main gaps identified in previous research. Empirical evidence reveals that, overall, self-control problems lead to more indebtedness. However, comprehensive analyses have demonstrated that the influence of self-control differs across an exhaustive range of credit options. In this regard, the lack of self-control increases the probability of taking out unsecured personal loans, loans from family or friends, and credit card use. Evidence suggests that individuals’ first impulse leads them to ask their social circle for a loan. Overall, individuals might be tempted to get indebted when they cannot make ends meet. However, this first impulse usually faces barriers from the supply perspective, so the evidence suggests that the effect of self-control on borrowing decisions might be shaped not only by the demand side of credit but also by the supply oneOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer NatureS