1,966 research outputs found

    Do more trucks lead to more motor vehicle fatalities in European roads? Evaluating the impact of specific safety strategies.

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    Truck operations have recently become an important focus of academic research not only because road freight transport is a key part of logistics, but because trucks are usually associated with negative externalities including pollution, congestion and traffic accidents. While the negative environmental impacts of truck activities have been extensively analyzed, comparatively little attention has been paid to the role of trucks in road accidents. A review of the literature identifies various truck-traffic safety related issues: frequency of accidents and their determinants; risk factors associated with truck driver behavior (including cell phone use, fatigue, alcohol and drugs consumption); truck characteristics and facilities (roadway types, specific lanes and electronic stability programs) to improve performance of vehiclemaneuvering; and the safety characteristics of heavy and large trucks. However, to date, there seems to have been developed few studies evaluating the complex coexistence of trucks and cars on roads and that may support the implementation of differential road safety strategies applied to them. This paper focuses on the impact on the traffic fatalities rate of the interaction between trucks and cars on roads. We also assess the efficiency of two stricter road safety regulations for trucks, as yet not harmonized in the European Union; namely, speed limits and maximum blood alcohol concentration rates. For this, econometric models have been developed from a panel data set for European Union during the years 1999–2010. Our findings show that rising motorization rates for trucks lead to higher traffic fatalities, while rising motorization rates for cars do not. These effects remain constant across Europe, even in the most highly developed countries boasting the best highway networks. Furthermore, we also find that lower maximum speed limits for trucks are effective and maximum blood alcohol concentration rates for professional drivers are only effective when they are strictly set to zero. Therefore, our results point to that the differential treatment of trucks is not only adequate for mitigating an important source of congestion and pollution, but that the implementation of stricter road safety measures in European countries for the case of trucks also contributes significantly to reducing fatalities. In summary, and as a counterpoint to the negative impact of trucks on road traffic accidents, we conclude the effectiveness of efforts made in road safety policy (based on specific traffic regulations by vehicle type imposed by member States) to counteract the safety externalities of freight transportation in the European Union. In certain sense, our study might provide indirect support to public policies implemented at the macro European level to promote multimodal transport corridors. In this respect, there is an increasing focus at the European level on how freight transport can be moved from trucks on roads to more environmentally-sustainable modes, such as rail and ship.Dirección General de Tráfico SPIP2014127

    The europeanization of the common road safety policy: an econometric analysis

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    The 2001 White Paper and its development in the 3rd European Road Safety Action Program, represent a turning point in the history of the European Road Safety Policy. The possible determinants of the road mortality in the EU over (2000-2009) are examined using a panel data. Our main finding is the negative effect and statistical significance of the Europeanization variable (the number of years that a country has been in the EU). By this variable, we test the effectiveness of EU programs to save lives in road accidents according to the years that each country has been in the EU

    Implicaciones económicas de la huella ecológica

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    ¿Alguna vez ha reflexionado acerca de cuánta extensión de tierra se necesita para producir lo que consumimos diariamente y para absorber los desechos derivados de nuestro modo de vida? Lo cierto es que el paradigma de desarrollo predominante en el mundo actual, ha considerado como objetivo casi exclusivo el crecimiento económico constante. Sin embargo, en las dos últimas décadas se ha tomado conciencia del elevado coste que este modo de vida representa para la humanidad, por estar basado en la dilapidación incesante del capital natural con el que cuenta el planeta, comprometiendo seriamente la calidad de vida de generaciones futuras. La introducción del concepto de sustentabilidad en la toma de decisiones públicas, requiere del diseño y aplicación de herramientas, que proporcionen un marco de referencia capaz de cumplir un reto: establecer nuevas prácticas económicas más acordes con el medio ambiente, que incorporen estrategias de prevención en origen. Asimismo, estas metodologías permiten evaluar el resultado de las políticas que ya se están aplicando en este sentido. Entre todos los indicadores sintéticos de impacto medioambiental formulados hasta el momento, nuestro trabajo analiza la huella ecológica (ecological footprint), puesto que permite determinar el grado de sostenibilidad y deterioro ambiental, asociados a un sistema socioeconómico ubicado en un territorio, mediante una metodología sencilla y fácil de interpretar. Entre otras ventajas, destacan su flexibilidad y elevada capacidad de síntesis, lo que permite estimar y comparar en distintos ámbitos territoriales, la presión que, sobre los ecosistemas mundiales, ejercen los procesos de producción, distribución y consumo. Con este objetivo, estructuramos nuestra exposición en tres partes: en primer lugar, introducimos el concepto de desarrollo sostenible, uno de los pilares básicos sobre los que se asienta la huella ecológica, uno de los principales indicadores sintéticos de impacto ambiental. La segunda parte analiza el concepto de huella ecológica, y explica su origen, haciendo especial hincapié en la metodología de cálculo. Y en la tercera parte, ofrecemos un conjunto de soluciones viables para minimizarla. La exposición finaliza con un apartado de conclusiones y un anexo de datos ilustrativos

    The relationship between public and private bicycle use: the case of Seville

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    Despite the success achieved by Public Bicycle Sharing Systems (PBSS) across the world, several researchers provide evidence on their limitations and constraints in a medium-long term, and bicycle ownership may be considered as a complementary tool to promote a 'bicycle-culture'. This paper aims to cover the gap about the interaction between both systems (public bicycle / private bicycle) and which are the key aspects to explain the bicycle-buying decision. After a fieldwork based on surveys conducted in Seville (Spain), one of the cities currently acknowledged worldwide for its successful policy of promoting cycling, we apply a Discrete Choice Model. Our findings show that among the socio-demographic factors that favor the move from the PBSS to the private bicycle are: having a higher level of education, being more progressive ideologically-speaking, and being a resident of the city itself; while age and gender do not appear to be conclusive. Experienced users, for whom the bicycle is a part of his /her healthy lifestyle, state a greater willingness to buy a bicycle. And the main obstacles to make the jump from the PBSS to the private bicycle, and that any action plan to support private bicycle usage should take into account, are: the lack of proper parking at the origin/destination, and fear of theft

    Scylla: Hideous monster or femme fatale? A case of contradiction between literary and artistic evidence

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    When we look at iconographical representations of various episodes of the Odyssey, we find out that the case of Scylla is quite particular. She is described by Homer (Od.12, 85-100) as an evil monster with twelve feeth and six necks, each one finished in a dog head with a triple row of teeth. But that is not her appearance in iconography. The earliest Greek representations show Scylla as a hybrid creature, half woman and half fish, usually with one or more dog heads around her waist. This paper aims to show that in any case, and with any appearance, it is by her character that we can include Scylla among the series of «dangerous women»; women who, like Circe, Calypso and the Sirens represent that evil charm, that ambiguous danger, both charming and terrible at the same time and which could be fatal to the hero Odysseus.Este artículo intenta revisar las diferencias entre la descripción homérica del monstruo Escila y sus representaciones artísticas. Según éstas, Escila es una criatura híbrida, mitad mujer mitad pez, normalmente con una o más cabezas de perro en torno a su cintura. En cualquier caso, por su carácter podemos incluir a Escila en esa serie de «mujeres peligrosas» que Odiseo encuentra en su viaje de regreso a Ítaca y que representan ese peligro a la vez terrible y encantador que puede resultar fatal para el héroe

    Expressions of love and sexual union in Hesiod’s Catalogue of Women

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    In the Catalogue of Womenthe sexual union of the heroines with the gods and heroes is conveyed by various formulaic expressions which allude to a human wedding or to nuptial bed, or by some other expressions which refer to love in different ways. The aim of this article is to examine the use that the poet makes of those formulaic expressions, the alternation between them, and his preferences. Furthermore, this study aims to compare the expressions describing love and sexual union in the fragments referring to the offspring of several mortal women with the last passage of the Theogony –or even with all of the Theogony–, trying to find similarities or differences which might allow us to relate both poems.En el Catálogo de las mujeresla unión sexual de las heroínas con los dioses o los héroes está mencionada por medio de diferentes fórmulas que aluden a la boda humana, al lecho nupcial, u otras expresiones que se refieren al amor de diferentes formas. El propósito de este artículo es examinar el uso que el poeta hace de esas expresiones formulares, la alternancia entre ellas, y sus preferencias. Por otro lado pretende comparar esas expresiones que describen el amor y la unión sexual en los fragmentos que hacen referencia a la descendencia de algunas mujeres mortales con el pasaje final de la Teogonía–o incluso con toda la Teogonía–, en donde también aparece este tipo de fórmulas, intentando encontrar similitudes y diferencias que permitan relacionar ambos poemas

    Development of a bio-based binder for its application in the mineral wool insulation material

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorA bio‐based and non‐toxic alternative to the phenolic resins traditionally used for the manufacturing of mineral wool insulation material has been developed. A systematic methodology has been applied all the along the thesis work to evaluate different compositions comprising maltodextrin and polycarboxylic acids. The analytical techniques used for that purpose were IR spectrometry, TGA, rheology and mechanical properties testing. Two different polycarboxylic acids were evaluated, achieving good understanding of their suitability in terms of reactivity with maltodextrin. From this evaluation, one of the polycarboxylic acids, citric acid, was selected as the most appropriate for the final application. The composition comprising maltodextrin and citric acid was further improved in terms of reactivity and mechanical performance of cured system by the addition of metal oxides, and also by the addition of sodium hypophosphite. Among the metal oxides studied, calcium oxide delivered the best results. Both compounds, calcium oxide and sodium hypophosphite lead to significant improvements, nevertheless their mechanism of action is different. This was concluded by the analysis done by IR and NMR spectroscopy. Among all the compositions studied, the one containing maltodextrin, citric acid and sodium hypophosphite was proposed to test in the industrial process of mineral wool manufacturing process. By applying this composition it was obtained successful glass wool product which complies with the specifications stated by the European norm for the mineral wool insulation material for building equipment and industrial applications.Se ha desarrollado una alternativa a las resinas fenólicas tradicionales, basada en fuentes renovables, para su aplicación en la fabricación de material de aislamiento de lana mineral. Para ello se ha utilizado una metodología sistemática a lo largo de todo el trabajo de tesis, para evaluar diferentes composiciones formadas por maltodextrina y ácidos policarboxílicos. Las técnicas analíticas empleadas para este propósito fueron espectroscopia de infrarrojo, TGA, reología y ensayos de propiedades mecánicas. Se evaluaron dos ácidos policarboxílicos diferentes, de manera que se consiguió un conocimiento sólido para distinguir cuál de ellos se comportaría mejor en cuanto a su reactividad con la maltodextrina. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se seleccionó el ácido cítrico como el más apropiado para la aplicación final. La composición consistente en maltodextrina y ácido cítrico se mejoró, en lo que se refiere a reactividad y propiedades mecánicas del sistema curado, mediante la adición de óxidos de metales y de hipofosfito de sodio. Entre los óxidos de metales estudiados, el óxido de calcio ha proporcionado los mejores resultados. Ambos compuestos, el óxido calcio y el hipofosfito de sodio, han proporcionado mejoras significativas, aunque el mecanismo de acción de cada uno de ellos es diferente. Esto último se ha podido concluir gracias al análisis hecho por espectroscopía de infrarrojo y resonancia magnética nuclear. Entre todas las composiciones estudiadas, la contiene maltodextrina, ácido cítrico e hipofosfito de sodio se propuso para evaluarla en el proceso industrial de fabricación de lana mineral. Mediante la aplicación de esta composición, se ha obtenido un producto de lana mineral bueno, que cumple con las especificaciones requeridas por la norma europea para producto de aislamiento de lana mineral, para equipamiento industrial y aplicaciones industriales.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de MaterialesPresidente: Mª Dolores Gurruchaga Torrecilla.- Secretario: Alejandro Várez Álvarez.- Vocal: Ana Leite Oliveir

    Fantasmas trágicos: algunas observaciones sobre su papel, aparición en escena e iconografía

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    This article reconsiders the most significant ghostly appearances in Greek tragedy, emphasizing certain aspects concerning their character and their role in each play. At the same time it aims to point out the relationship between these tragic ghosts and a number of iconographical representations in Attic and South Italian pottery, with the aim of putting forward ideas about how tragic ghosts were conceived and represented on stage. Especially interesting –and the subject of a more detailed study and interpretation– is the image on a Lucanian nestoris connected with the appearance of Clytemestra´s ghost in Eumenides.Este artículo revisa las más importantes apariciones fantasmales en la tragedia griega, insistiendo en algunos aspectos en cuanto a su carácter y su papel en la obra. Asimismo trata de ver la relación entre estos fantasmas de la tragedia y algunas representaciones iconográficas sobre cerámica ática y suritálica que pueden aportar ciertas ideas, sobre todo en cuanto a la manera como eran concebidos y su puesta en escena. De éstas es particularmente interesante –y será objeto de un estudio e interpretación más detallados– la imagen sobre una nestóride lucania relacionada con la aparición del fantasma de Clitemestra en Euménides

    Tautomeric Equilibria Studies by Mass Spectrometry

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    Tautomerism in organic chemistry has been extensively studied in condensed phase by spectrometric methods, mainly by IR and NMR techniques. Mass spectrometry studies start 40 years ago but just recently it has been recognized the importance of the mass spectral data for the study of tautomerism in the gas phase.
Mass spectrometry can provide valuable information in regard to tautomeric equilibria when studying mass spectra among the members of different families of organic compounds.
The relevance of the mass spectral data resides on several facts but there are two that are of key importance:
1-	Mass spectral fragmentation assignments should be tautomer specific since the corresponding abundances ratios are supposed to be correlated to the keto/enol contents.
2-	Ionization in the ion source is supposed to have no effect on the position of the equilibrium so that the results reflect the tautomers content in the gas phase previous to ionization.
Some of the carbonylic compounds do not exhibit noticeable tautomerism so the fragment abundances assigned to the enol form is very low or not measurable. Since enolization is more noticeable in the case of thio-derivatives (which correlates adequately with the oxygenated analogues), the study of their mass spectra is an interesting choice to reach some degree of generalization. 
In addition, experimental findings are supported by semiempirical theoretical calculations, which probed to be adequate not only for supporting tendency correlations among the members of a compound family but also to calculate heats of tautomerization in gas phase.
Reports using mass spectrometry for tautomerism are becoming less common. One of the reasons is that now it would appear that the interpretation of MS results is not as straightforward as it was once believed, even though in a recent review it was written that: “Mass spectrometry is the most informative and practical method for studying and identifying tautomers in the gas phase” [1]. 
In fact, mass spectrometry seems to be very informative for studying and identifying tautomers, because in this case external factors like solvents, intermolecular interactions, etc., can be excluded by transferring the tautomeric system into gas phase, where the process becomes truly unimolecular [1].
This review covers the study of Tautomerism by Mass Spectrometry in the last four decades. 