3,699 research outputs found

    La práctica del docente universitario con herramientas TIC: un nuevo desafío

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    Technologies of Information and Communication ICT have come to make substantial changes within a new society that increasingly demands highly competent professionals, so that educational institutions are obliged to introduce new ways to educate, therefore, increasing knowledge and demands a high level of current education become a permanent requirement, enabling innovation in classrooms. The aim of this paper is to present some of the results of the research project, "The use of Information Technology and Communication in teaching: Study at the Faculty of Engineering Mochis in the Autonomous University ofSinaloa ". The methodology that was raised for this study, the research method was quantitative, it is important to note that this document only the result of just one of the research questions is shown

    Morality of a pill: tracing boundary-making in the discussion on cognitive enhancement in academia

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    "From medical treatments to recreational purposes, cognitive enhancement increasingly plays a role for healthy individuals aiming to improve their intellectual or cognitive performance. Much attention has been paid on educational settings such as elementary, high-schools, and even undergraduate students, especially in the United States. Yet this paper focuses on the contemporary role, meaning and moral boundaries of cognitive enhancement placed in academia. Clear-cut and simple dichotomies of "normal and pathological" cognitive functioning, of "healthy and unhealthy" persons, and the value of "authentic and altered/fraud" working results ask for closer reflections. Hence, this paper explores the following questions: how do academics draw moral boundaries between accepted cognitive enhancers and non-accepted cognitive enhancers? How can the given arguments be characterized? This paper aims at advancing our understanding of moral boundary work in the discussion on cognitive enhancement in academia by studying the case of several master, PhD students and research members of the Maastricht University community in the Netherlands, as a study for qualitative research." (author's abstract

    Los Herrera y su capilla funeraria de San Ildefonso en la Cartuja de El Paular

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    The article involves a double scope. It let us know the different families that in one way or the other were involved in the formation and mantainance of the cultural heritage of the Cartuja of Santa Maria de El Paular, on the other hand, and directly related with this argument, it is analysed the concrete example of the Herrera who mantained a special relationship with the monastery, such as to build their funeral chapel. It gives us related and inedit documental data at the same time that makes a round of the different noble mausoleum of the families mentioned in the study.El artículo presenta una doble finalidad. Por un lado, se dan a conocer las distintas familias que, de una manera u otra, contribuyeron a la formación y mantenimiento del patrimonio de la Cartuja de Santa María de El Paular, y por otro, e íntimamente relacionado con el aspecto anterior, se analiza el ejemplo concreto de los Herrera que mantuvieron una relación especial con el monasterio, hasta el punto de erigir en él su capilla funeraria. Se dan a conocer datos documentales inéditos al respecto, al tiempo que se hace un recorrido por los diversos panteones nobles de las familias mencionadas en el estudio

    Assessment of Adaptive Behavior in People with Autism Spectrum Disorders through the ICAP

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    [Abstract] Evaluating adaptive behavior in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) requires attending to a set of cognitive processes associated with social interaction skills and functional communication that are altered. This paper presents the analysis of an instrument to assess and diagnose adaptive behavior in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), given the need for rigorous, standardized, and statistically reliable tools to address this dimension, incorporated into the diagnosis since 1992. The Inventory for Service Planning and Individual Programming (ICAP) was applied to n = 209 children with ASD. Its psychometric properties were studied to provide statistical criteria for its usefulness in assessing adaptive behavior. Results highlighted variations in its original structure, reducing the number of items from 77 to 60 by eliminating those with little discriminative power, and of dimensions from four to three given their greater congruence with the results of the exploratory analysis: daily life skills (α = 0.892–0.935), communication and linguistic skills (α = 0.860–0.931), and motor skills (α = 0.828–0.857). This again raises questions about the use of instruments similar in their dimensions, and about the interaction between variables and items, a frequent issue in the field of mind, social, and health sciences

    Attitudes towards genetics: a case study among Brazilian high school students

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    The objective of our study was to investigate young people’s attitudes towards modern genetics and biotechnology. Quantitative and qualitative studies were conducted among high school students in Rio de Janeiro. These included a survey of students in nine public and private schools as well as focus groups for a complementary analysis of their attitudes and perceptions with respect to these subjects. We observed that, in general, students are relatively well informed about some of the main issues related to the applications of genetics. In their assessment of the utility, the potential risks, and the need for encouragement of the different techniques used in genetic manipulation, they were able to make clear distinctions between the different purposes of each technique. Most students believed that transgenic food could be useful and that it should be encouraged, but they were also aware that there were risks involved. Furthermore, the students were strongly supportive of the labeling of transgenic food

    Abundance of infinite switching

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    A heteroclinic network exhibits infinite switching if each infinite sequence of admissible heteroclinic trajectories may be shadowed. Under a set of checkable hypotheses, we describe a class of vector fields exhibiting abundant switching near a network: there exists a set of initial conditions with positive Lebesgue measure realising infinite switching. The proof relies on the existence of "large" strange attractors in the terminology of Broer, Sim\'o and Tatjer (Nonlinearity, 667--770, 1998) near a heteroclinic tangle unfolding an attracting network containing a two-dimensional heteroclinic connection. For our class of vector fields, any small non-empty open ball of initial conditions realizes infinite switching. We illustrate the theory with a specific one-parameter family of differential equations, for which we are able to characterise its global dynamics for almost all parameters.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2111.0255

    Bases anatómicas de la lectura y alternativas metodológicas

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    [Resumen] A través de las técnicas de localización de funciones se ha podido observar en el cerebro del disléxico particularidades que lo distinguen del cerebro de los lectores nonnales. Las exploraciones postmortem, la electroencefalografía, la resonancia magnética, etc. coinciden en señalar la existencia de anomalías anatómicas y funcionales en áreas relacionadas con el lenguaje. El proceso lectoescritor tiene lugar en estas mismas áreas cuando se lleva a cabo a través de la ruta fonológico. Todo parece indicar que este hecho guarda especial relación con el fracaso del disléxico, InáxiIne si se tiene en cuenta que en las lenguas logográficas, en las que se utiliza la ruta visual (que al parecer tiene lugar en el lado derecho del cerebro) para acceder a la lectura, la disléxia como tal síndrome no existe. Nuestra intención con este trabajo es aportar evidencias que hagan reflexionar sobre la necesidad de buscar alternativas a la metodología tradicional (en el mercado la práctica totalidad de los lnétodos de lectura son silábicos o alfabéticos. Los globales son difíciles de encontrar) sobre todo en el caso de alumnos con dificultades lectoescritora

    Estudio de caso do entrenamento lingüístico nunha reabilitación logopédica

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    [Resumo] caso que estamos a presentar nesta comunicación é o estudio de caso dun neno de 7 anos cun linguaxe moi pouco estructrurado a nivel expresivo (vocabulario pobre, ausencia de nexos -palabra frase-, sen ritmo na fala, confusións en fonemas, non pronuncia as consonantes nasais nin os sinfóns, etc.) e con dificultades na lingua escrita tanto a nivel comprensivo coma expresivo. Pódese dicir que posúe carencias nos catro sistemas que compoñen a linguaxe: fonolóxico, lexical, sintáctico-gramatical e simbólico-semántico. Para o análise das suas dificultades non só tivemos en conta ó suxeito se non os seus contextos externos, principalmente o circulo familiar e o colexio dada a importancia que reportan no proceso de comunicación. Nas relacións interpersonais o neno recibe constantemente un feed-back correctivo. Todo-los nenos/as vense sometidos/as a unha intervención intensiva, aínda que inconsciente do entorno sobre a súa comunicación co obxectivo primario de facilita-la interacción e en consecuencia permitirlle adquirir, con maor facilidade, o código característico do grupo social ó que pertence. Este proceso é común a todalas culturas porque pertence ó grupo de conductas máis xerais de transmisión de información entre as xeneracións. Incidimos sobre o clima da clase e elaborarnos pautas a nivel familiar a fin de favorecer o proceso de entrenamento lingüístico e prevenir conductas que poidan xurdir pola falta de coherencia no nivel de esixencia. A nivel suxeito traballáronse os aspectos de mayor incidencia no desenrolo lingüístico, coma a memoria inmediata, a organización temporoauditiva, e os aspectos psicolingüísticos coma entrenamento da conciencia fonolóxica (descompoñer unha palabra nos seus elementos -sílabas ou letrase volvela a componer, etc.). o xogo e a música conformaron o eixe das sesións de reeducación a fin de axeita-Io proceso a idade e madurez do alumno. Os resultados obtidos si ben foron positivos tendo enconta o punto de partida e o de chegada, como se di nas conclusións, pódese falar máis que de logros concretos dunha progresión lenta pero continuada en todolos capítulos a reeducar, porque debemos de considerar permanentemente que tanto o ensino como a aprendizaxe da linguaxe nesta tipoloxía de casos é un continu